magic eye doctor

Chapter 1630 Candidates

Chapter 1630 Candidates

Being disgusted by grandma and father as trash, Zhou Chunmei felt aggrieved and uncomfortable. Li Yao neither coaxed her nor comforted her, and felt even more sad, tears falling down again.

After being shut down at Zhou's house, Li Yao felt irritable, and when she asked Zhou Chunmei about the contract, she didn't ask any questions, and she was so angry that Zhou Chunmei cried again for no reason, which was even worse.

Zhou Chunmei chose to get married in the Liu family by herself. She didn't even know how her father and mother discussed it, or how her father reacted. What was going on in her mind?
He thinks that Zhou Chunmei is an idiot, her brain is just a vase, it has no practical effect at all, oh, it still has some effect, when buying clothes and cosmetics, she will think about which one is better.

Feeling irritable, Li Yao didn't have the heart to coax others, so she drove with a sullen face, and didn't stop in the town where Liu's family was located.

Returning the things to Li Yao, Brother Zhou didn't leave immediately, he quietly went to the intersection of entering the village to look around, watched Li's car go away without stopping before returning to the village, and went home from the village office building On the way, I met an uncle of the Zhou family who had finished work early, and said a few more words.

Brother Zhou returned to the house, parked the car at the door, entered the house, saw the old mother waiting for him in the main room, and also sat on the Arhat couch, spread out like a boneless one.

"Are you tired?" The son is the flesh that fell from her body. Grandma Zhou felt distressed when she saw her son's lifeless appearance. She is still alive and can help take care of the family. If she is not here Well, my son doesn't have a wife, how can he live.

"I'm tired." Brother Zhou was depressed and lacked energy: "Mom, the Li family will definitely come again for the sake of getting married. It's not the way to drive people away like this. I really want to publish a newspaper statement to sever Zhou Chunmei." father-daughter relationship,"

"I have no problem with what you do. You can ask Tianming." Grandma Zhou pondered for a while, then said to herself: "Xia Long, Tianming came back to talk to me that day, and he said he didn't want me to do housework at my age." , I hope you can find a partner to live with as soon as possible, and if you have a partner, he will be at ease outside."

"..." Brother Zhou first sat up in shock, then fell silent, and when he opened his mouth again, his voice was a little low: "Mom, it's not that I poured cold water on you and Tianming. It's very risky to have a half-way relationship. If you are honest and straightforward, you will treat your half-way wife well, and Tianming accepts your stepmother, but it does not mean that your stepmother is kind and selfless like my sister, and can treat you and Tianming well."

"Who would have thought of this? A second-married woman might not be as nice to Tianming as Tianming's own mother. As long as she doesn't have so much extravagance, doesn't have the heart to hurt others, and can live with you at ease, Tianming and I have nothing to say. If the woman still has children, everyone should make a contract first, and all the houses and fields of the Zhou family will be owned by Tianming. You can help the second married woman raise the children, regardless of the child’s property. If you have another child, you can earn it yourself. It’s okay to give money to the children to buy other property.”

"Mom, your imagination is pretty good."

"People have to look forward and always think in a positive direction. Xia Long, your Aunt Man and Eighth Aunt have found out about two candidates. You should think about it yourself. One is..."

It was rare that his son was willing to sit down and discuss with him. Grandma Zhou took the opportunity to act as a lobbyist. The two sisters-in-law were really kind to her nephew, and they were very interested in finding a wife for Xia Long, asking around. I inquired about two candidates for the second marriage that I liked.

One is a widow with children. The young widow is from a rural area in Guizhou Province. She is an elder sister and has two younger brothers. The family favors sons over daughters. Even before graduating from junior high school, she went out to work to earn money for her younger brother to study and marry a wife.

When her two younger brothers married wives, she herself was already a 28-year-old girl. Later, she met a young man from Shangzhuang Township at a working place and married at the age of 29.

The relationship between a woman and her man is quite good, but they never had children. The man's family has three brothers, and her man is the one in the middle, who is the most disliked by his parents, because the woman has no children and is not angry with the young mother-in-law. One can take it easy, when the woman was 33 years old, she adopted a baby girl,

Originally having a child should be regarded as hopeful, but the good times didn’t last long. Only three years later, the woman’s man disappeared in the coal mine disaster. The coal mine was a black mine, and the boss only paid 8 to [-] yuan for the funeral .

A woman is affectionate, and she thought about remarrying even after her man died, but she picked it up. The uncle and mother-in-law of the in-law's family were afraid that she would take over the family property, and they would be crowded out. They always wanted to drive the woman and the child out.

A woman has kept three years for a man, and those three years are counted as festivals. Her husband’s family bullied her blatantly because of the poor eyesight of others. , the woman really can't bear it, and has the heart to marry another.

The other candidate was from Liuzhen, a neighboring town in Jiudao, who was divorced from the man. Because he had two children, they each got one child during the divorce, and the child the woman took away was also a girl.

The woman who is the second candidate has a slightly higher culture, having studied at a vocational high school,

The reason for the woman's divorce is said to be that the man has a bad habit of drinking and beating others, and it is said that the man seems to be ambiguous with other women.

Grandma Zhou Man and Aunt Ba are also very concerned about the future happiness of their nephew. They are still "investigating" the details of the reason for the divorce of the second candidate and the current and past emotional entanglements with the man.

Of course, the two candidates were selected by the sister-in-law from among the existing candidates, and there were three or two other candidates. Either the woman was too hot and lazy, or the reputation was not good, so they were selected from the list. Lost.

Grandma Zhou talked about the two suitable candidates to her son, and finally expressed her opinion: "I think both are good, and each has its own strengths."

"Mom, tell me, what advantages do they have?" Brother Zhou was amused by his old mother. The old mother and aunts were also worried about his second marriage. The suitable candidate was selected so quickly. Whether it will be successful or not, he has to cooperate based on their love and love for him.

"The first one, from the fact that she can keep the festival for men, I know that she is a kind and righteous woman, and she is also a relatively honest and reliable woman, suitable for life, but, just... I don't know how she treats her natal brothers now. Taking care of my younger brother wholeheartedly without getting married, coming to our house means that we have to support her natal family, and maybe those people will rely on your brother-in-law, which means causing a lot of trouble."

"Mom is right, what about the other one?"

"The second person, the culture is relatively high. If you are educated, you should be a reasonable person. If you have something to talk about, it is not easy to get into the horns. A cultured person can also distinguish between good and bad, and there are many things that are wrong, but Well, because of the high level of culture, if you have a bad idea, you will be hard to guard against if you want to cheat others, which is terrible;
Another point is that her child is her own. When a mother is between her own and non-natural children, Tianming will mostly favor her own. If she brings a child to our house, between her child and Tianming, she It must be biased towards her own child, which will make Tianming feel wronged. "

Grandma Zhou spoke clearly and logically, and Brother Zhou nodded frequently: "Mom is right, how old are the children of the two candidates?"

"The first woman seems to be 38 years old. I don't know whether she is real or not. Her child is seven years old. The second woman's child is slightly older, 11 years old. This person is also slightly older, 40 years old this year. .”

"Mom, if you think it's good, you might as well find out more carefully, and discuss it after you find out. If you don't find out the details, don't say that you are looking for a wife for me."

"Okay, your aunt and I both understand this." The son intends to find a wife, and Grandma Zhou is overjoyed. As long as the son intends to find a partner, everything else is easy to talk about.

Brother Zhou talked to his old mother for a while, and he forgot a lot of the troubles that Zhou Chunmei had brought, and rode his motorcycle to Cheng's rice fields. I can share some work.

Grandma Zhou went to add water and feed the chickens in a calm manner, and then locked the door to her son-in-law's house to chat with the old ladies.

Mrs. Chao and others didn't inquire about whether Zhou's granddaughter would stay with her when she came back, and no one mentioned that topic.

Le Yun supervised her younger brother's gymnastics, and taught her brother over and over until the end of get out of class at twelve o'clock. She let her brother be free, and her clingy brother asked her sister to hug her. She carried him downstairs, let him rest, and then went to the kitchen to make mozzarella. Po tofu, preserved egg tofu.

Less than 10 minutes after class was over for the Le family siblings, a group of schoolmasters and handsome blue guys who helped Cheng's family fight a double grab delivered the rice to Cheng's house and then sneaked back to Le's house in a hurry.

The young people help others to work, but don’t go to the master’s house for dinner, in order to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to invite them to help with dinner and bribe them. People who are close to the Le family understand the reason, and no one feels unhappy about it.

Chen Jie brought his son, Chen Fengnian, along with his cousins, to eat at the house where they worked. Chen Kang went out from Meicun, and Meicun was Chen Jie and Chen Fengnian's hometown, so they did as the Romans did.

The bullies crawled back to Le's house, washed their faces and hands, and spread out like dogs in the main room. When Loli Le gave them watermelons, the bullies revived with full blood in seconds, laughing and eating.

June [-]th is the day when little Leshan has a long tail. Le's father Feng Zhou Qiufeng helps others with work, so he doesn't go home for lunch, and only adds two medicated meals for lunch.

Chen Fengnian, who had finished eating at Cheng's house, ran back to his cousin's house early. When he and the top students were about to start work, his cousin took out the double-skin milk that he made last night, and shared a share with each of them.

Homemade double skin milk, white as curdled fat, sweet and delicious.

The youths killed their own members in a storm, and stared at the little baby Lejia. The little baby Lejia has a cake-shaped double-skin milk dessert by himself, and I really want to share it!
The young people were drooling with greed, but Le Shan didn't see it at all. He didn't hear anything outside his body, and he ate his own dessert spoon by bite. He smiled until his eyes curved into crescent moons, and his rosy face was full of happiness. smile.

The top students were embarrassed to beg the little loli, Chen Fengnian leaned over to the little cousin, and licked his lips pitifully: "Sister, do you have Shuangpi Nai tomorrow?"

A group of foodies!Le Yun stretched out her paws and crawled on the top of the young boy's head, rubbing and rubbing: "Learn to do farm work obediently, and you will still have to eat when you come back in the evening, whoever is lazy will be deducted."

"I have a very serious job." Chen Fengnian grinned happily.

"Well, those who are willing to work hard are good children. Farm work is farm work, so don't waste your homework. You will have to check it when you come back. If you pass the test, I will make desserts and snacks for you. If you pass the test, you are ready to accept it. Hell-style make-up lessons."

"Sister, please be merciful!"

"Hehe, don't worry, how can you say that you are my cousin, I will save face for you, and I won't beat you to death. At most, I will beat you so that even your own father can't recognize you."

"Sister, are you still my sister?" Chen Fengnian's back was tense, and he felt terrible. If he couldn't satisfy his cousin, would he be a handsome young man when he came, and become a third-class disabled person when he returned?

Chen Kangzhou is smiling. Xiao Lele always hides his clumsiness in junior high school and never shows his sharpness. He is the national champion in science in the college entrance examination. It is a blessing for Fengnian to have her guide her homework.

"You are good, your sister is your sister. When you are not good, your sister may not be your sister." Le Yun rubbed her head and smiled lightly. She likes to take care of bear children the most, and children from other families are too lazy. No matter, her cousin, even if he is crooked to the sky, she is confident that she can bring him back, not to mention that this baby is not crooked yet.

Chen Fengnian twitched the corners of his mouth and silently acted as a little darling who was only rubbed. He started school in the third year of junior high school. Originally, he had to work overtime to make up lessons during the summer vacation. In order to bring him to his cousin's house, the reason his father gave the teacher was that his cousin was once a The national champion in science and the top student in Qing University, his family took him back to his hometown to ask his cousin to teach him.

There is a cousin who is a top student, and she is under a lot of pressure.

In particular, this cousin is also a top student who has developed both physically and intellectually. She has already shown her talents in the international medical community, and she is a monument that people look up to.

Chen Fengnian felt that from today onwards, he could no longer play happily, and he had to read at night with the perseverance of hanging on the beam.

Classmate Le Xiao threatened her cousin with a fair and honest meal, and accompanied her brother to eat dessert with a smile. When the younger brother finished eating dessert, handsome Yan Yan helped wash the dishes, and she tossed him to move his hands and feet as if he was practicing Jiu-Jitsu.

The school masters had enough rest and set off to work in groups. The old men and the old men were fine and helped turn the rice and straw.

Classmate Le is free and has nothing to do. He takes his younger brother to the study to teach his younger brother to learn chess in the four arts of piano and chess. First, teach Go, recognize the board, chess pieces and the rules of Go.

Le Shan likes chess very much. When his master played against Yan Lao, he could watch it for a long time. His master played chess with Yan Lao most of the time, and his sister taught him how to play chess. He was very happy.

After teaching for a while, Le Yun also discovered the strangeness of his younger brother. His talent in chess is higher than his talent in learning. He is very transparent about chess, and he can learn it as soon as he teaches it, and he can remember it very firmly.

My younger brother is talented in chess, that's a good thing, 360 lines, every line can be the champion, chess is the traditional quintessence of the country, and it also needs to be inherited from generation to generation.

She taught her younger brother to learn chess for two minutes, let him play, and went to the south building to make steamed cakes, dumplings, and herbal meals for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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