magic eye doctor

Chapter 1634 The blood tank is empty

Chapter 1634 The blood tank is empty

Yan Xing thought that little Lolita would go to Country R tomorrow, and after traveling for most of the night, he couldn't sleep, so he just got up to practice, got up at five o'clock, and waited in the conference hall of the building.

The soldiers also got up earlier than chickens. When they ran into the conference hall, they found that the leader of the captain was sitting like a statue. He was very touched. The captain must have been nervous because little Lolita was going to compete in the World Olympics. The captain is a caring young man.

The brothers at the base wear training uniforms every day. Lan San didn’t wear the summer training uniforms as usual in the morning, but changed into a set of regular clothes, white shirt and black trousers, very handsome and spirited.

Moreover, he took his suitcase with him when he left the dormitory. When he ran to the meeting place, he found that all the brothers were staring at him. Once again, make sure that the appearance is neat before walking to the group of brothers.

Lan San changed into his normal clothes, handsome and handsome, Yan Xing secretly lost his eyes, hehe, no matter how handsome he is, he is still a support staff, and he can't follow the little loli on the field, what a shame!
The handsome soldiers waited for about ten minutes, and finally exhaled the little Lolita like a long-awaited call, and the waiting men saw the little Lolita clearly, and wanted to cover their eyes.

Little Lolita did not wear the traditional Hanfu, but changed into the uniform of the national track and field team. The color of the uniform is as if it is lit in summer, it is the kind of red that makes the blood boil.

Little Lolita has been showing people Hanfu since she came back from her research and retreat. Whether it is wide-sleeved, narrow-sleeved or sleeveless, she always wears a gauze gown or half-arm gauze, which plays a certain role in covering the upper circumference. People are not sure whether her measurements have changed.

When she put on sportswear, there was nothing to hide her proud figure, and her bulging figure could be seen at a glance.

You don't need to study carefully, you can see at a glance that the bust of the little loli is more plump.

In the past, seeing little loli wearing slim-fitting clothes, the blood in people's blood vessels was reduced by half in an instant, but now, people's blood vessels are emptied in seconds.

The handsome guys who were waiting for Little Lolita suddenly felt that the blood in the blood was gone.

Fortunately, they have always treated the little Lolita as a doll, and they don't have any messy thoughts, so apart from shock, there is no adverse reaction.

"Little..." Yan Xing's blood boiled when he saw Little Lolita for the first time, but at the second sight... nosebleeds gushed out, and the last two words of "Little Lolita" got stuck in his throat .

He reacted quickly, and knew something was wrong when he felt his nose was hot, so he covered his nose to cover up the gushing nosebleed.

Finish the calf!
An idea flashed in Yan Xing's mind, he jumped up as if someone had stepped on his tail, and flew past his teammates, rushing towards the nearest dormitory.

He unscrewed the door of the dormitory, plunged into the dormitory of a certain battalion commander, rushed into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and put his face under the water column to rinse.

The captain got up like his butt was on fire and ran away. Lan San and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. What's wrong with the captain?

Carrying a backpack, Le Yun, who was refreshed and ready to go to dinner with handsome guys, clearly saw the embarrassing appearance of Yan Chihuo suddenly spraying nosebleeds and holding his nose to escape, with a confused look on his face: "Handsome guys, your captain came back last night." What kind of supper did you secretly eat?"

The young wolf kings who were looking at each other were brought back to their senses by the jade-like voice of a girl, shook their heads unanimously, and answered in unison: "No."

Last night, after the little Lolita finished acupuncture and rested, they packed up the three patients and went to bed separately, and they didn't steal supper anymore.

"Little beauty, probably, the blood tank will be empty when the captain sees you." Lan San looked at the direction the captain was going, and then at the hot little loli, and quickly looked away.

Le Yun didn't react at first, but after two seconds she understood why, her face darkened instantly, she put the backpack on the ground, quickly took out a piece of tulle shawl, coiled it around, and wrapped herself like a Middle Eastern woman Inside the tulle.

Although she covered it up, she was still aggrieved. Can she be blamed for her good figure?
When taking the decoction to help bone growth, she has already used acupuncture and moxibustion to prick the acupoints, trying to stop the skyrocketing bust size, but she can't completely stop it. After decades of accumulation, the bust has surpassed E and is running towards the goal of F grade. .

Because of the shape of the chest, as long as you don't wear slim-fitting clothes, it can still cover up one or two.

Because all the fat grew where it should grow, she had to give up the shaped corset and could only wear underwear like a bellyband. Even so, she still couldn't cover up her plumpness, what else could she do?
Le Yun, who was unhappy in her heart, wore a shawl like a Middle Eastern woman's veil, with a dark face, carrying a backpack, and went straight to the gate angrily.

Lan San and his teammates also noticed that the little Lolita seemed to be angry. You looked at me and I looked at you. No one knew what to do. After a few seconds of hesitation, they hurriedly chased after her, and surrounded the little Lolita to go to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Because Little Lolita is going to the airport, the cafeteria also advances the breakfast time.

Little Lolita had a grimace, and the young man didn't know how to coax her, so she took her breakfast silently. The chefs still made a small stove for Little Lolita, cooking chicken soup, and glutinous rice balls representing roundness.

Yan Xing hid in the dormitory of a certain battalion commander, washed his face and hands, pressed the back of his neck again to calm down, and then moved out of the dormitory, from the empty dormitory area to the cafeteria.

The young wolf kings were afraid that the captain would do something when he saw little Lolita. As soon as the captain entered the cafeteria, the handsome man who sat a long way from the gate pulled the captain away and kept him away from little Lolita.

Being pulled to sit in a corner, Yan Xing was very unhappy, worried that he would sneeze nosebleed again when he was in front of little Lolita, so he had to act as air.

The cafeteria is very quiet.

After eating breakfast, Lan San rushed to wash his hands, rinsed his mouth again, ran out of the cafeteria, first stuffed his suitcase into a car, and drove to the helicopter to help little Lori take her The suitcases were transferred from the helicopter into the car, and then drove back to the cafeteria and waited.

After eating breakfast, Le Xiao also went to wash up. Carrying a backpack with accompanying belongings, he walked through the cafeteria on short legs, climbed into the waiting car at the door and sat down.

Lan San accompanied Little Lolita to sit in the back row, and the handsome guy in charge of the driver boarded the car, while his teammates chanted "I wish the little beauty a victory", "I wish the little beauty win the gold championship", "I wish the little beauty a triumphant return", and went away. Leave everyone with a car butt.

The handsome young people watched the car that little Lolita was riding in go away, turned around and pulled out the captain and criticized: "Captain, it's not good for you to steal something, why did you make it so hot that you got a nosebleed."

"Captain, do you have any evil thoughts?"

"Captain, because of your sudden nosebleed, little Lori seems to be angry..."

Becoming the enemy of public criticism, Yan Xing is really "a dumb man who eats Coptis chinensis - he can't tell if he suffers". What do you ask him to say?Nosebleeds are a fact, and evil thoughts are also a fact.

This day is over!

(End of this chapter)

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