magic eye doctor

Chapter 1636

Chapter 1636

As a personal bodyguard, it is only natural for Lan San to stay with Little Lolita all the time. When Coach Ou was mobilizing before the game, he could clearly feel that Little Lolita was in a happy mood, listening to Coach Ou's chattering big words with the mood of a melon-eating crowd. Talk special.

Then, when Coach Ou said that his superior had given the project to little Lori, a chill suddenly appeared around him, so cold that it made one's scalp shudder.

The cold feeling comparable to the snow in June was like a flash in the pan, and disappeared without a trace after the flash.

Lan San, whose back was tense from the cold, quietly observed the little girl. The little girl's expression didn't change, but her smile obviously didn't reach her eyes.

His intuition told him that a certain leader of a certain department accidentally plucked his beard!

He dared to gamble with the head on the item, the guy who dared to stroke the little loli's beard would definitely be blocked.

Well aware of the little lolita's vengeful personality, Lan San didn't say a word, and he became a crowd eating melons, watching how the well-fed guy killed himself.

As he saw, Little Loli announced on the spot that she would retire after the World Olympics.

Little Lolita is not a professional athlete herself, she doesn't get paid as an athlete, and she doesn't develop in the sports industry. She doesn't want to participate in track and field competitions, and no one can help her.

Lan San silently shed tears of sympathy for the guy who spread rumors that little Lolita will retire, hoping that he can bear the consequences.

Coach Ou gave the mobilization speech, and also said that the superior had added a project to Xiao Le, and without talking nonsense, he brought the little classmate to join the big team.

Classmate Le Xiao is a sensible and good boy. He didn’t blame Comrade Xiaoou. Some people forced her to add extra events just because they wanted her to cut her hair. The project was given to her, and he deliberately delayed telling her until the time of departure, without giving her any room to refuse.

Isn't it just a 400-meter middle-distance race and a 200-meter short-circuit, afraid of a bird?

The project is not terrible, but what is disturbing is that some people ignore her personal willingness to force her to make a decision, especially the trick of forcibly stuffing the project and not telling the party before the game is very contemptible.

Le Yun is not opposed to multiple projects. What I hate is some people's self-assessment. They are not in a good mood, and they are too lazy to deal with some leaders of the regiment. Send a text message, connect the headset, and learn a foreign language on your own.

Lan San took care of the luggage and kept an eye on the athletes' team.

The athlete team was curious about the girl wearing a scarf, and always felt a little familiar, but they couldn't remember when they saw her, and they didn't know which event she was.

The team waited for less than 10 minutes and began to enter the airport.

The track and field team took a special plane, so they were not afraid of going wrong. People lined up to enter the ramp. The team was like a long queue. Some people entered the airport area, and the people in front had already arrived at the waiting flight ladder.

Classmate Le and Lan San were almost at the end of the team, each dragging a suitcase and a backpack on their shoulders, and followed the team at a leisurely pace.

The waiting hall is air-conditioned, and you can feel the heat of summer when you step out of the ramp of the terminal building.

Little student Le was too lazy to look for a sun umbrella, so he took out his fan and opened it to block the sun, and fan the wind by the way, killing two birds with one stone.

Lan San could not help but twitch the corners of her mouth. The little loli carried a fan with her wherever she went, and she became more and more like a romantic man, which also made the bodyguards look more and more useless.

In front of the stairs of the plane, the blue three heroes came into play. He helped the little loli carry the suitcase, and before he could find a seat in the cabin, he was led by Coach Ou to his reserved seat area.

Coach Ou and Handsome Lan sat in a row with Xiao Le, so that they could take care of the little girl.

In fact, Comrade Xiao Ou was completely redundant. The Blue Three gang had nothing to do after stuffing their suitcases into the cargo rack, let alone Coach Ou.

Little Lolita took out her handheld computer as soon as she sat down, and learned her foreign language while wearing earphones.

Coach Ou: "..." Comrade Xiaochao's younger sister was reincarnated. Besides studying, does she have no other hobbies?
Little Lolita, who is completely incomprehensible, regards the coach beside her as air, and studies hard every day earnestly.

The athletes boarded the plane one after another, settled their luggage, and chose their seats. After a while, they calmed down. The flight attendants checked the safety of the luggage rack and the cabin, and the plane took off on time at 09:30.

Country R is an archipelagic country, and it is a country with a constitutional monarchy. The highest symbol of the country is the emperor, and the prime minister is actually in power.

Country R does not have a statutory capital, because the place where the emperor decides to work is regarded as the capital. The imaginary capital is Tokyo. The previous emperor of country R officially retired last year, and the new emperor ascended the throne.

Because the World Olympic Games is a world-wide just sports event and the best channel to demonstrate the national strength of the host country, country R will go all out with all its strength to make the event a success.

Country R and China have different time zones, and there is a time difference. Country R is one hour faster.

From the capital of the Great China Country to the false capital of Country R, ​​the flight took about three and a half hours. In addition to the time difference, the special plane of the China Track and Field Team arrived at the airport at 01:30 pm local time in Country R.

For the World Olympic Games, country R has devoted all of its power, and every detail has been carefully arranged. From the airport to the Olympic Village where the Olympic Games will be held, there are special buses to pick up and drop off the athletes.

Because the Olympic Committee stipulates that the athletes of each event need to report at least one day in advance, July 7th and 29th are the reporting days for track and field athletes from various countries. Athletes from many countries have arrived in country R one after another, and the airport bus is very busy.

When athletes from China arrived at the airport, teams of athletes from several countries also arrived one after another. Teams of athletes in various sportswear can be seen everywhere in the airport and in the terminal building.

Huaxia country's track and field team is so big that it is divided into several teams, led by coaches, and they take buses in batches to the Olympic Village where the athletes live.

Le Xiaoluoli followed Coach Ou, neither the first one to be pulled out, nor the last one.

It is quite far from the airport to the Olympic Village, and the bus takes the green route, which still took more than an hour. The Olympic Village officially provided for the athletes to live in is very luxuriously built, with complete facilities.

The athletes' dormitory is hotel-style, divided into four or eight rooms, and double or single rooms are specially provided for world-class athletes who have won world championships.

Le classmate did not engage in specialization, and lived in an ordinary four-person dormitory. The athletes in the same dormitory were all teammates who had participated in the Asian Games before. One was Wei Feiren, a middle-distance runner and sprinter, and the other two were shot put and javelin athletes. , one surnamed Gong and one surnamed Lu.

Little Lolita is the youngest of the track and field athletes, and they are all called Sister Wei, Sister Gong, and Sister Lu.

Sister Wei, Gong, Sister and Lu arrived at the dormitory first. When the last roommate was sent by the coach, they realized that the girl in the scarf was the little guy called Huaxia Flying Man. They were surprised. Cuddle up, catch the little guy poking her face and touching her head, admiring her unscientifically long hair.

Le Xiao, who was groped by three big sisters, was almost kneaded into dough, and had to pretend to be dead to escape.

Lunch was prepared for the athletes on the special plane. The track and field athletes had already eaten their lunch, and they basically didn’t look for something to eat when they arrived at the sports village.

In the middle of the afternoon, the coaches took the athletes to familiarize themselves with the environment with the volunteers of the Olympic Village, looking for where is the cafeteria, where is the training place for a certain event, and where is the leisure field, and then took a bus to the competition venue to check out the spots.

After wandering around and back, it was already very late. The track and field team members ate a nutritious meal carefully prepared by the restaurant at the athlete's restaurant, and then they were free to move around.

Student Le Xiao is not interested in other places, so he goes back to the dormitory to continue his studies.

When Le's classmate went to the capital, the schoolmasters in Le's house helped the neighbors with enthusiasm for half the day, and rushed back to Le's house in the evening to prepare dinner together. When they rushed back to Le's house, they found the old lady We have already prepared meals.

Back at Lejia, there is still delicious food to eat, and the happy hearts of the young people are bubbling.

My sister went to win glory for the country, and Xiao Leshan learned chess from her master, and she didn't forget to practice gymnastics when she played. She took a bath and washed her own clothes at night, like a little man, and was self-reliant.

When going to sleep, Xiao Leshan also resolutely refused to sleep with her parents, and she also declined the loving move of the beautiful brother to take her to sleep. She followed her master to the third floor in the south, returned to her bedroom, and meditated first before going to sleep.

His sister wasn't around, and he didn't suffer from insomnia. He slept soundly. When he woke up on time with his biological clock, he meditated for an hour in a five-hearted posture, completed the first step of getting up in the morning, and then climbed out of bed to brush his teeth and wash his face. Then practice zama step and recite poems and texts.

The little baby slept well, and Mr. Yi Laoyan was worried that Xiao Leshan would suffer from insomnia when he slept alone for the first time, so he didn't blink all night, and listened intently to the little baby's movements.

The two elders, who hadn't slept all night, saw the white-skinned and tender little Leshan in the morning, and they were sad in their hearts. They are old, and their determination is not as good as a little doll. If the little girl knows this, it is estimated that Will laugh at them all year.

The back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and they were pushed by the back waves, so they fell on the beach.

Feeling that they are not as good as children, the two elders secretly drank another pot of tea, and supervised the little guy's morning exercise with vigor.

Because his cute little sister went to the World Olympics, the beautiful boy took over the important task of teaching Leshan. After breakfast, he didn’t go to help others with his friends. On the third floor, as the engineer of the human soul, he took up his post seriously and gave lectures to Leshan.

The pretty boy also puts his mobile phone to silent mode when he is giving lectures. He is dedicated to being a teacher and doesn't care about his personal affairs.

Seeing the message sent by Xiao Lele, the beautiful eyebrows gathered towards the center, and the phoenix eyes that were as clear as pearls were full of coldness. Xiao Lele did not appear in the capital after retreating for a while, and the Chao family and friends did not meet for a long time , Some people can't hold back anymore, right?

The young man was in a bad mood, so he went to the second floor to call home, and then went upstairs to supervise Xiao Leshan's study.

(End of this chapter)

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