magic eye doctor

Chapter 1645

Chapter 1645
For the competition, Le students are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, nor are they afraid of their speed like wind, but they are afraid of their height like mountains.

Mixed in a group of athletes who are the shortest and taller than her by a head, compared with the female generals with long legs and short arms, she is like Tarzan standing with Mount Everest. It feels like being crushed by her height Makes people quite...unhappy.

Classmate Le, who was despised by others' height, was very unhappy. Because of Yixue's height, she kept running with her short legs, leaving a group of tall-legged female contestants far behind.

Then, she caught up with the group of runners who had been left behind, and passed, leading again by a lap faster than some athletes, and, as the number of laps increased, she made the gap even wider.

In order not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, for example, being misunderstood by someone for using her body to disturb others, or using her feet to catch other potential possibilities, every time she overtakes other people, she takes the initiative to change to the outer edge of the runway and wait until she overtakes others. Then cut to the first runway after the others.

Dozens of female athletes galloped on the track, chasing each other, very intense, but in the eyes of the melon-eating audience, the 5000-meter race was almost a personal show of a certain flying man.

The number of laps of twelve and a half laps decreased as the contestants sweated profusely. When entering the final stage, no matter how others accelerated, Huaxia Xiaofei always kept the second, third and fourth contestants at a speed of over two laps. distance.

In the end, Huaxia Xiaofeiren's speed soared again during the last sprint, and he crossed the finish line three laps faster and about 100 meters away than the second runner at that time.

There was a moment of silence in the huge stadium.

After a brief silence, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

Amidst the applause like a tsunami, Huaxia Xiaofei ran to the edge of the track at high speed, and waited for the referee to guide him before going out of the track and going back to the score board to take pictures with electronic eyes to check his identity.

No.1 has crossed the finish line, but the players behind are still chasing each other.

Huaxia Xiaofeiren has completed the competition, and he is insulated from being the champion and breaking the record. However, the runner-up and third place can be contested. He cannot surpass Xiaofeiren, and there is always hope for surpassing himself.

The game was not over yet. Le sat on the floor in front of the result announcement board, rubbed her hot feet from running, and then washed her hands with the water that the well-meaning audience handed to the referee, and drank water to replenish water.

In the watch of the audience, the women's 5000-meter contestants ran across the finish line one after another, and the last finisher was a lap slower than the second finisher.

The last runner crossed the finish line. The contestants lined up on the track according to the starting order, checked their identities, and their results were announced. Huaxia Xiaofeiren ranked first with a time of 12:30.


The audience seethed.

In the base, Young Master Yan and all the brothers who watched the little loli glowing and glowing were also excited, and they all laughed like fools.

The top students who were guarding the results at Lejia jumped up and clapped their hands, yelling 'Little Lolita is great'.

Grandma Zhou Man, Zhou Bapi's wife, Cheng Wu, Zhang Laosan, Liu Luniang and Lao Tzu, the head of Zhou Village, were all at Le's house. They laughed from ear to ear when they heard the news that Xiao Lele had won glory for the country.

Village head Zhou has already yelled, and asked the young people to go to the village office building to help hang banners tomorrow afternoon. Xiao Lele won the long jump and hung up a banner. He won the running and added another banner. Let the village office building be covered with banners.

The people who eat melons are amazed and amazed. The athletes in the track and field world feel unbelievable. Women are naturally inferior to men in physical fitness.

Everyone in the International Olympic Committee was also shocked and very pleased. With such a superstar, it will definitely promote the vigorous development of track and field sports and inject young blood into the increasingly aging track and field sports.

After checking the athlete's information, No.1 circled the track and took a curtain call.

Comrade Xiao Ou, who had already made preparations, took out the national flag that he had prepared secretly and wanted to hand it to the little athlete. As a result, someone was faster than him, and a national flag was handed to Xiao Le from the outside of the field.

The little trapeze flew around the field holding the national flag.

After the 1995 World Olympic Games, the national flag of China never appeared on the Olympic 5000-meter track again. Now, after more than 5000 years, the bright red star flag from a major Asian country has returned to the Olympic [-]-meter runway.

The quality of the audience in the gymnasium is quite high. Originally, after the 5000-meter results were announced, the evening session ended, and the audience could leave. They still didn’t move until the Huaxia Elementary School Flyer ran around the field and walked out of the track. The audience got up and left their seats.

Wearing the national flag and walking down the arena, Le Xiao was surrounded by waiting reporters. Because the triple jump is a field race, and the long-distance running is a track race, the significance of breaking records in two different events is different. She was interviewed again.

The second time the world record was broken, the interview took longer and took almost [-] minutes.

Comrade Xiao Ou helped the little classmate carry her backpack. After the interview, he and several colleagues escorted the young athletes back to the athletes’ lounge, took the items or waited for the athletes to change their clothes, and then formed a team and took a special bus back to the Olympic Village where they stayed. .

After watching the sports game, Tan Xingxing used the Lejia girl as an example to encourage his son, turned off the TV, and slept with his son.

The next day, he went to have breakfast early, turned on the TV early to watch the Olympics, and acted as a commentator for his son, and he lived up to expectations. Miss Lejia had two events in the morning, and she also won the gold medal at the 5000-meter awards ceremony.

Mr. Tan acted impassionedly as a commentator in the morning, and when the doctors rounded the ward in the afternoon, they quietly told him that the patient's brain waves were much more active than yesterday. He was overjoyed and looked forward to the game in the evening.

Wang Ju and his grandson stayed in the hall of the county hospital for a whole day. Because there was no medicine, in the middle of the night, Wang Jinbao's fingers showed signs of inflammation, redness, swelling and pain. He cried and howled in the middle of the night.

Wang Ju, who loves his grandson, couldn't sit or stand for half a night. On the morning of the 4th, he had the audacity to ask the doctors to give his grandson anti-inflammatory injections, but the hospital firmly refused. He was so angry that he scolded the doctor who refused to save him as a beast, and wanted to beat him .

The hospital decisively dealt with the police, and the police officers criticized and educated the grandparents and grandchildren without saying a word, and warned that if the doctor made trouble in the hospital and hurt others, he should be detained immediately, and told him that instead of doing useless work in the hospital, it is better to go back to the village and town to find a clinic. Anti-inflammatory needle.

After squatting in E North for a month, Wang Ju became terrified and scared when he heard the words of squatting again. He took his grandson home and went to the private clinic on the town street to give him anti-inflammatory medicine.

He didn't have much money in his pocket, and he couldn't afford a car to go home, and his grandson Wang Jinbao didn't want to take the bus, so it took him a lot of effort to coax his child to take the bus from the town to the county to go back home.

The grandfather and grandson went back to the township to find a clinic. The doctors in the clinic in the town were unwilling to accept Wang Jinbao's sick number, so they finally found a clinic with relatives in the same village, and paid the money first and then gave the antiseptic medicine.

In fact, the clinic didn't want to make money from Wang Ju's family, so it only charged money for the medicines that were dispensed that day.

After his grandson finished applying the potion, Wang Ju took his grandson back to the village.

When Wang Ma saw her precious grandson, she knew that she was driven back from the hospital because she had no money to pay the medical bills.

It cost more than 100 yuan in the county hospital, and another 100 yuan for injections on the street. Wang Ju only had less than 200 yuan left on his body, at most enough for another day of anti-inflammatory injections tomorrow.

Without money, it is wishful thinking to buy meat and fish to replenish the body of the grandson.

The grandson is the most important thing. Wang Ju went to the village to find someone to borrow money from house to house. People who were not from the same clan. Excuse that there is something to do, close the door and leave.

Villagers who are not of the same clan cannot borrow money, and people with the same surname cannot borrow money either.

Because, it is not once or twice that Wang's family has borrowed money from people with the same surname. I don't know how much they have borrowed over the years.

When Wang Ju came to borrow money for the Nth time, people with the same surname and family opened their mouths and asked Wang Ju's family to borrow money from them in what year, and how much money they had not repaid them.

One of the members of the same clan had no money, which one was short of money, Wang Ju turned around, but also didn't borrow a dime back, that was annoyed.

He was angry for a long time, and finally he was forced to call his granddaughter again to ask for money. When the granddaughter said there was no money, he became furious and forced her to sell her mobile phone and kidney.

Wang Jinzhi was scolded so badly that he stayed with his boyfriend for a night and got a sum of money for the fare. He left the county early the next morning, took a bus to Chong C City, and then transferred to the southern coastal area.

Wang Ju didn't know that he had forced his granddaughter to leave his hometown with a phone call, and he was still dreaming of waiting for his granddaughter to find a way to get money.

In order to take good care of his son, Tan Xingxing has no time to take care of Wang Ju's old man. He is eagerly looking forward to being the most loyal spectator of the Olympic Games again at night.

That night, Le Xiaoluoli had the 800m and 200m finals.

800米决赛中,与上届奥运800米冠军和19年的世锦赛 800米金牌得主、20年田联室内田径800米冠军同场竞夺第一。

Huaxia National Junior Flying Man once again showed the world the aura of a big boss who is similar to "your father is still your father". He ran at an incredible speed and killed the champion seeds of various countries with a time of 1:35.


The people who eat melons are shocked.

Then, in the 200-meter sprint final, Huaxia Xiaofeiren set a world record for the 17-meter outdoor track and field at a speed of 03 seconds, and sent the champion who had won many championships in the sprint event to the "past tense hero list".

She showed people what it means to be "although my legs are short, but I run fast", and let the people of the world know what flying speed is!

The sprinters in the track and field world were angry, saying are they good at sprinting? !
(End of this chapter)

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