magic eye doctor

Chapter 1649 Did you cheat

Chapter 1649 Did you cheat
Chi Shisi controlled the plane to land. In order not to wake up his teammates, the helicopter stopped in front of the cafeteria building. After landing, he ran out of the cab and waited for little Loli outside the cabin.

The kitchen in the cafeteria building was already lit, and the chefs got up in the middle of the night to make breakfast.

Lan San helped pass the little loli's suitcase out of the cabin, and got off the plane first.

Yan Xing was next, and when little Lolita came out, the four of them went to the dormitory.

It was nearly five o'clock, and Le Xiao didn't plan to catch up on sleep. He took a shower in the dormitory and changed into Hanfu. After drying his hair, the soldiers had already got up one after another to go out for exercises.

Lan Sanchi and Fourteen Yan Xing didn't catch up on sleep, they just washed up and changed their clothes, and when the others went out to practice, they sneaked to the conference hall of the dormitory to wait.

Le Yun didn't leave the dormitory until 06:30, still carrying her backpack for carrying her belongings, and went to the cafeteria with three handsome guys to have breakfast.

They didn't wait for the people who were working out to come back to have a meal. They ate breakfast in advance. Yan Xing drove the little loli out of the base, wandered slowly into the street, turned east and west for a while, and waited for the shops on the street to officially open. The shopping mall purchased a lot of fresh-keeping boxes and packed them in the car.

Afterwards, Yan Dashao followed the navigation to send little Lori to a musical instrument store, found a parking space, and the two entered the musical instrument store.

The piano shop is recommended by Mrs. Wang, and the quality and reputation of the musical instruments are excellent. Le Xiao placed an order for two imported Steinway pianos in the musical instrument shop.

Steinway is the top brand in the piano industry, and the quality and sound quality of Steinway pianos are world-renowned.

The order was placed last year. At that time, Xiaole Le planned to buy two pianos, one for each of the north and south buildings, so that she could teach her younger brother to learn at any time. Moreover, it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t return after many years of retreat. Brother Chao can also help pick it up, and then ask someone to teach. younger brother.

Little Lolita and Yan Shao walked into the musical instrument shop. The manager who had been waiting for a long time took the waiter to meet the customer, checked the information, and led them to see the piano.

Little Lolita ordered an upright piano and a grand piano, which were made by Steinway headquarter. It was only completed two months ago and sent to the capital of China half a month ago. The head office also sent a professional tuner to accompany the piano. Finally, after the on-site test and tuning, I went back to the head office.

The upright piano has been packed and the grand piano is still on display in the hall.

The account manager himself is a pianist, so he played a simple piece of music to test the sound.

Le Xiao is proficient in classical music, but not good at modern musical instruments, but has a super high ability to appreciate and analyze timbre.

The sound quality of the piano is excellent, and it is indeed worthy of being a world-renowned top brand-name product.

The customer himself has no objection, the manager informs the workers to pack and invites the customer to the reception room for tea.

After drinking a cup of the world-renowned Mingqian Longjing tea, Le Yun smiled and looked at the elegant middle-aged man in a Tang suit with peony flowers: "Manager Tang, I have another one here that I want to cooperate with, what do you want?"

The elegant and gentle Manager Tang smiled calmly: "It is said that the little girl sponsored a teaching building for the school in her hometown. Could it be that there is music teaching, and would like to purchase some musical instruments as teaching materials?"

"Manager Tang's news is so good that he knows even such trivial things."

"This is what the little girl's teacher told me. Ms. Wang discussed with me the books, textbooks and musical instruments needed by beginners."

"My teacher's wife actually discussed it with Manager Tang. So, what does Manager Tang think about my purchase order?"

"I'll give you a [-]% discount."

"[-]% off."

"Little girl, [-]% off is the maximum I can give."

"[-]% off, eight domestic pianos, [-] copies each of violin, cello, guitar, electric guitar, harp, cucurbit, erhu, flute, Xiao, Sheng, and saxophone, and [-] copies each of traditional Chinese guqin, guzheng, and pipa. "

"..." Manager Tang looked at the little girl playing a musical instrument and counted her spring onions like jade fingers with one finger, and asked faintly, "Little girl, are you serious?"

"It's more real than pearls. Besides, if you want to take away a few ready-made musical instruments later, this deal is just waiting for your nod."

"I can't refuse such a big temptation, [-]% off?"

"[-]% off, I haven't negotiated the price yet, I bet, let me bargain the same price, you will regret not negotiating with me in advance."

"Ms. Wang is such a gentle and dignified person. How can you have such a little padded jacket? You look like this. I feel that I will lose hundreds of thousands of dollars."

"If you don't make any profit, we can only trade without friendship."

"I still like the word happy cooperation."

The little girl is a cheerful person. Manager Tang smiled like a spring breeze, and found out the order form for the little girl to fill out.

Yan Xing thought that little Lolita would definitely kill everyone, but in the end, for the first time, she did not negotiate the price, and the business was negotiated so smoothly.

Classmate Le Xiao filled out the form, and filled out a form for the same instrument, and Manager Tang reported the price of each instrument, and discussed any objections.

The two parties had a pleasant talk, without any red-faced arguments, and negotiated the price of each instrument in a very friendly manner, and then counted the total price, and then calculated it at a [-]% discount.

Classmate Le Xiao paid a deposit of 100 million in advance, and went to see the musical instruments. He picked out a violin, a clarinet, and an oboe, a guitar and a saxophone, and a domestic piano. He also bought it and took it away. .

Manager Tang asked someone to pack the musical instrument chosen by the little girl, and then asked the installer to pack the domestic piano. He asked Yan Shao to supervise, and he and the little girl went to check out first.

Steinway piano is the best piano in the world, and also the most expensive piano. Little Loli ordered a smaller model because it is a high-quality special order product. The upright piano is more than 190 million, and the grand piano is as high as 380. Ten thousand.

The reason why it is so expensive is that Steinway promises to bear maintenance oil and warranty for life.

Domestic pianos are not cheap either, the triangle type costs 19.

Little Loli paid the balance of the two pianos she reserved and the total price of the musical instrument she just picked up to take away, carrying a small backpack, happily waved her paws with the manager and Yan Chihuo, and took a taxi to find Shao Xuan.

Yan Xing sent little Loli away, and waited for the workers to pack all the musical instruments and move them to the truck for loading. He took the people back to the base, and the truck with the musical instruments was behind his car.

The musical instrument shop originally packaged home delivery, because Xiao Luoli has a private jet, the musical instrument shop only needs to pack the piano steel, send it to the designated place, and she will carry it by herself. As for the installation, if Xiao Luoli can't handle it by herself, then contact the musical instrument It is not too late to send installers to help with the installation.

Classmate Le went to the tea street by car, and walked into the Xuanjia teahouse in a big way.

The youths of the Xuan family were very surprised to see the little girl. The Olympic Games closed last night. Theoretically, the little girl would not return to China until noon at least. However, she showed up in the Xuan family courtyard in the middle of the morning. Could it be that she did not attend the closing ceremony? ?

The astonished young people invited the little girl into the inner courtyard and let her play, they called the young master, and then went about their duties.

In Xuanjia Bieyuan, Leyun is as free as at home. First, she transfers some things she wants to bring home from the space and throws them in the upper room of Xuanjia, and then shakes them into the kitchen.

The youths of the Xuan family hadn't cooked yet, and there was no one in the kitchen. She looked at the freezer space, found some tools, and took out a camel beast, and happily divided them.

Xuan Shao received a call saying that Miss Le had come to the other courtyard, dropped his work, and ran back to the teahouse in the tea street. He ran to the inner courtyard and found the kitchen, and saw that petite little guy with sleeves on, standing on the marble floor. In front of the stove platform paved by the shop, a beast leg is being cut.

There is a large basin on the floor of the kitchen, and there are large pieces of animal meat in the basin, and several fresh-keeping boxes also contain cut pieces of meat.

The meat is grilled and exudes a fragrance.

"Little beauty, the Olympic Games just ended last night. Why did you go back to China so soon?" Xuan Shao rushed into the kitchen, raised his sleeves, washed his hands, operated a knife, picked up a piece of animal leg meat and threw it on the stove, splitting it quickly.

"It may be that the leaders thought I was too public, and they were afraid that people would be sacked if I stayed abroad, so they dragged me home at midnight last night."

"Pfft, that's a strong reason. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Old rules, let you be the one who takes the blame."

"No problem, I can recite ordinary pots," Xuan Shao approached, with a mysterious look on his face: "Little beauty, I heard that there are mysteries hidden on the plaque in your study, it is very amazing, I want to go to your house to learn a thing or two, Can you?"

"The plaque in my study hides secrets that are beneficial to practitioners. It is really miraculous. Practitioners below Yuanying should not comprehend for a long time. It is okay to comprehend once or twice a year, one or two days at a time. If you face it every day It is easy to go crazy if you study the plaque on the plaque, "

Young Master Xuan will know the secret of her family's plaque, Le Yun is not surprised at all: "Now there are many people in my house, it's too noisy, it's not suitable for enlightenment, if you want to go, wait until after this summer vacation to arrange the time."

"That's it, I'll find time to go to your house in the second half of the year." Xuan Shao's eyes suddenly brightened: "Little beauty, do you mind if I wear a tail?"

"Does it mean your handsome young men or your town house god?"


"You guys, don't be afraid to return home disappointed. Whoever wants to see the plaque, you can arrange it yourself, but don't send the snot-nosed baby by the way and let me teach it."

"Little beauty, you don't want to act preemptively like this. Little beauty, we have something to discuss. My family doesn't send more than one person, so why don't I send two little dolls to your brother as companions?"

"Slap back."

"Two can't do one?"

"Slap back."

"Half is okay?"

"You are awesome, you can cut a person into two, and you can still guarantee that you are alive?"

"A boy in his teens, a half-grown child."

"Xuan Shao, the temperature of the water in the Pacific Ocean is just right this season."

"Don't, don't stretch your legs, my small body can't withstand your little flying man's feet."

The little beauty is still unwilling to start the Meng class, and Xuan Shao feels deeply sorry. There are two little dolls in his family who are not much different from Xiao Leshan in age. They want to send them to Lejia to receive traditional education. .

Cooperating with Xuan Shao, he quickly cut up a camel beast, and Le Yun brought out a dissected cattle beast for Xuan Shao's family to decide what to eat, washed his hands, and took out the prepared jelly , and the handsome guys set up a table under the eaves to drink summer refreshments.

Xuan Shao gave the beef to the guard who was the chef, and also acted as the shopkeeper.

After drinking jelly, Le Yun mentioned another thing: "Young Master Xuan, please contact the young master of the Tang Sect. I will visit the Tang family within a few days."

"Okay, I'll contact that guy at night. Can you tell me something, what's the matter?"

"This time it's related to the child born to my fetal mother. I'm considering sending that child to study in a place that the Tang family can protect, or asking the Tang family to borrow two of their hands as bodyguards to protect that hapless little bastard for three years."

"It's a trivial matter, little beauty, why don't you look far away, my family has a lot of idlers, so it's no problem to transfer two people to take care of the child."

"Once I have the intention to protect that child, some people in the world may think that I am far away and out of reach, and take the opportunity to lay hands on that unlucky guy. The Tang family is good at poison, so it is most appropriate to ask the Tang family to take care of it.

Speaking of this, regarding the guy who got involved with a certain scumbag woman, I looked at the images taken by the camera collected by Handsome Yan, and I intuitively felt that that guy was one of the people who had attended the Guxiu party. His hair or something that smells like his sweat is fine, let me smell his scent, and I will be sure to be seated wherever I meet in the future. "

"My family actually sent people there secretly, and they didn't come close, so they didn't collect hair and other items." Young Master Xuan also felt deeply regretful. In order not to startle the snake, the people from the Xuan family kept secret and never approached. Near a certain character, so a good opportunity to collect hairs is missed.

However, anyway, sooner or later, the truth will come to light, so there is no need to worry about it.

The handsome and sunny young master looked at the little girl with a sunny face: "Little beauty, let's be honest, did you cheat in the Olympic race?"

"It's a fucking cheat, my classmate is very talented in sports, do I need to cheat?" Le Yun rolled his eyes wildly: "Whether it's running, jumping or javelin, I use my instincts to play, if I cheat, I will be full of luck." Into the feet or hands, it is possible to hand over such an ordinary report card?

If I cheat as a practitioner, I can fly 10000 meters in 5 minutes, and I can easily jump over 30 meters in the long jump. Needless to say, throwing the javelin 500 meters away is just a matter of raising my hand.

For the sake of fairness, I competed with others with the instinctive strength of my flesh and blood. I didn't expect the people of the world to treat me like this. My heart hurts!Is there any chicken soup?Have two bowls of chicken soup. "

Hmph, 5 minutes is too much. If she really wants to fly at the speed of a cultivator, if it is a straight-line distance, the time should be calculated in seconds instead of minutes. Completed within minutes.

Even if you don't use all your strength, you can finish 15 meters in 10000 minutes with a little luck.

Because it is easy for monks to misunderstand that she is cheating, that's why she announced her retirement after participating in only one Olympic Games, not competing with professional athletes for jobs.

She is so kind, others may not understand, just think about it.

The music rhyme in the heart is so angry that it becomes a puffer fish, and it has to control itself, silently saying: Some people misunderstand me, because jealousy makes people ugly, I am neither angry nor angry...

The little girl has blown hair, her cheeks are puffed up, and she looks like "I'm very angry". She looks juicy and pink, and she looks very cute when she is angry.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, just pretend I didn't say it." Xuan Shao smiled like a cat who had stolen dried fish. The little loli who grew longer and tenderer was so cute, I really wanted to help her shaved her hair.

Le Yun pursed her lips and said nothing, Young Master Xuan must have done it on purpose, she wanted to be quiet, and decided to have a cold war with him for 5 minutes first.

(End of this chapter)

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