magic eye doctor

Chapter 1651

Chapter 1651

The main part of the piano is packaged as a whole. It is large in size, and it is easy to bump into it in a tricycle. Mr. Ant Laoyan carried a copy each, and moved it back to Lejia easily. building.

Classmate Le Xiao carried the domestic piano to the second floor of the village office, put it in the smallest room, and assembled it smoothly.

Lejia was unloading, and the villagers near the village office building were busy watching. Hearing that the girl from Lejia presented a piano to the village and put it in the village office building for the children who like music to learn, I was very excited.

In order to send their children to study in cities with better educational resources, most of the young people in the village take their children to work and study all year round. Because of the celebrity effect of Lejia girls who love to study and become famous, most of them are going to send their children to I went back to my hometown to study.

Many villagers are left-behind people. They know that their children are willing to send their children back. They have grandchildren who are happy to enjoy the family happiness. How could they be unhappy.

There is a library in my own village, and now there is a piano. The children can receive a good education. How can the young people go to the city to buy a house?

Because they have also benefited, the villagers in Mei Village, except Grandma Zhang and Chen Wu and the eldest son's family, have criticized the Le family girl behind their backs, and no one in the other villagers has gossiped about Le Yun behind their backs.

After assembling the piano and trying the sound test, there was nothing wrong with it. Le Yun told Grandpa Zhou Man how to put the piano lid up and how to close it, and left in a hurry.

Village head Zhou and the villagers studied for a while, covered the piano cover, and then covered it with a cloth to avoid dust, and then talked for a while before breaking up.

Mr. Chao’s son, Professor Wan Teng, and other elderly people stayed at Lejia, while the young people brought back their items and moved the boxes and baskets of food materials into the refrigerator room. They all participated in the labor and were in a happy mood.

The top students put some other items in the living room on the first floor of Lejia South Building first, then washed their hands, moved the stone pound and jelly fruit to the ground, set up a four-cornered sun umbrella, and everyone took turns pounding jelly fruit.

Little Loli was not at home, they only ground beans to make bean brains, and when little Loli came back, they were responsible for crushing jelly fruit, and little Loli prepared the water for washing the jelly residue.

Shaking back to her own home, Le Yun went back to the second floor of the north building first, assembled the grand piano, and placed it under the window of the wall facing the east in the living room. Under the piano was the black dragon's den.

Heilong unconditionally supports and obeys the young lady's work. For a huge monster above his head, he treats it as an extra layer of roof.

In the past, Leshan and Heilong always followed their elder sister as leg accessories. Xiao Leshan went to class, and Chen Fengnian was replaced by his little follower, following his cousin.

Student Le went to the south building, decisively removed the chairs of the table and chair set against the south wall, and moved the Arhat couch next to the west wall to the north-facing side of the table, facing the Arhat couch against the wall. relatively.

Afterwards, the bright grid kitchen was moved to a position close to the entrance door, and an upright piano was placed in the place where the bright grid kitchen was previously placed.

The top students who were idle for the time being also followed the living room on the second floor, saw the little Lolita setting up the piano, and were excitedly planning when to hold a concert.

Of course, no one is going to play, Xiao Leshan is studying upstairs, playing randomly will affect Xiao Leshan's study, and will be punished by the beautiful boy.

The younger brother's cultural class is not over yet, so Le Yun didn't bother, and moved some rectangular wooden boxes on the first floor to the second floor of the north building, then slipped to the refrigerator room to tidy up the cages, took out the medicinal food for lunch and put it aside alone, Then I took a small packet of medicinal materials and boiled water.

The water boiled, and after about half an hour, Le Shan's cultural class ended.

Le Yun picked two boxes from the living room on the first floor of the south building and carried them up to the third floor, and gave each of Yi Laoyan a box: "This box is for clothes, if there is something that doesn't fit, please tell me, it's convenient." Improve in the future."

Ant Laoyan said in his mouth, "We have clothes to wear, don't spend that money", but he was very happy in his heart. He happily carried the box back to the bedroom, and checked first. The little girl prepared four seasons clothes for them. It is a Tang suit, as well as a traditional Daoist robe.

In spring, autumn and winter, there are close-fitting inner and middle clothes. In winter, there are several sets of leather jackets and hats. In spring and autumn, there are handmade cloth shoes, fans and handkerchiefs.

The clothes are either made of silk or linen and cotton. They are soft and can be worn according to the seasons. They are warm in winter and cool in summer.

Ant Laoyan was full of joy, since he had nothing to do with himself anyway, he smiled and hid in the bedroom to tidy up his clothes, taking out the seasonal clothes and hanging them in the closet.

The beautiful young man watched the two old men smile and Mimi went back to the bedroom. He also retired and went downstairs with a water glass to play with his friends. Xiao Leshan threw it to Xiao Lele.

After class, she was free, and Le Shan rushed to her sister to use as a leg pendant. She yelled "Sister, Sister" non-stop, and chirped like a sparrow to tell her sister what the beautiful brother had taught her.

Le Yun listened to her younger brother's lectures and rewarded her with a few kisses. When her younger brother said he was tired, she discussed with him: "Le Shan, four or five of the beauty brother and the Xueba brother sleep in a room, it's very crowded. Can I let Brother Beauty stay with you for a few days?"

Le Shan tilted his neck, thought for a while, and nodded his head: "Yes. The beautiful brother sleeps with me, and I sleep with my sister."

"No, you go to sleep with my sister, the beauty brother will feel that he has robbed your room, and will be unhappy, the beauty brother will go to another country to study next month, and he will not be free to come to our house until next year , my sister often goes home, and I will take Leshan to sleep in the future, okay?"

Le Shan is reasonable, after hearing what her sister said, she nodded her head and said, "Okay."

"We are kind and reasonable, so good." After explaining the truth to his younger brother, Le Yun lifted his younger brother high, played with it a few times, and then put him down on the ground.

Leshan was so happy that she ran around in circles by herself, played for a few minutes, drank water, went to the toilet, waited for her sister to say "class is over", and practiced gymnastics according to the class.

Le Yun, who is the supervisor, is very satisfied with the results of his younger brother. Every movement of the younger brother is basically in place, but it is not perfect because he is too young and his physical fitness is not enough to support him to complete difficult and high-intensity movements.

With my younger brother's proficiency in martial arts movements, he can be allowed to get up early every day and practice at night before going to bed, and switch to other martial arts.

However, considering his younger brother's age, Le Yun did not rush for success, and still followed the plan, expecting to let his younger brother practice for a month before switching to other lessons.

The younger brother is practicing without her guidance, taking the four treasures of the study, studying ink, and writing textbooks silently while sitting.

Accompanied by her sister, Le Shan was extremely serious, practicing gymnastics movements seriously, over and over again, over and over again.

At the end of the martial arts time, Xiao Leshan wiped off her sweat, ran to her sister and rushed to help her wash the brushes, washed the brushes and dried them, and then used them as her sister's leg accessories.

Ant Laoyan, who was nestled in the bedroom, straightened his clothes and meditated until the little girl called "school is over" before leaving the guest room, went downstairs with the little girl, and returned to the north building.

After the busy farming season, the work in the field is not in a hurry. Dad Le has finished moving his things to herd the cattle, and Zhou Qiufeng is at home to take care of the housework and cook.

The old people in the neighborhood also eat at Lejia at noon.

After the meal, Le Yun made jelly and put it to cool before going to the second floor to test the homework of her little cousin.

Little Lolita was about to take the exam for Chen Fengnian, so the bullies rushed to the second floor, moved the chairs by themselves, and sat in a row by the north wall.

The old men and women were also affected, and they all happily went to the second floor to join in the fun, and the young man quickly gave up his seat, and then went downstairs to move a round drum stool to sit on.

Chen Fengnian was under a lot of pressure. He placed the bibliography of the main subjects on the long golden table and sat down facing the south wall.

Le Shan sat on a throne as an observer.

Le Yun first went back to the study room to take out a box, put the four treasures of the ancient study room and modern ballpoint pens and pencils on the table one by one, then went to the bedroom on the first floor to carry a bunch of materials and exercises upstairs, spread out A4 paper, and officially took the school exam Cousin's knowledge.

The language is assessed first, with one question and one answer.

At first, Chen Fengnian was able to answer the simple questions fluently. When the knowledge of the test became more and more extensive, involving history, geography, music, poetry, etc., he answered more and more slowly and with difficulty. Sometimes even dumbfounded.

The high school students watching silently looked at the sky. When the little Lolita assigned homework to Chen Fengnian with a face, they ran away in a hurry, fearing that the little Lolita would catch them and ask them to give Chen Fengnian an answer.

The old men and women also went downstairs quietly. Chen Kang caught the young man and asked, "Xiao Lele has a wrong expression, do you think Chen Feng's life is bad?"

"Based on the normal requirements, Chen Fengnian's background is not bad. In terms of Xiao Lele's requirements for Chen Fengnian to be admitted to a school like Qing University and Peking University in the future, Chen Fengnian has to work harder." Sorry, but I have to tell the truth, it feels so difficult!
Chen Kang and Zhou Wei didn't say anything, Chen Fengnian was at the end of his life, let Lele give him tuition, if he dared to be disobedient, he asked Xiao Lele to catch him and beat him up.

"Chen Fengnian is a bit partial to subjects, and his Chinese and English are relatively poor. Now he has suffered a lot." Chen Jie smiled heartily. The son is not partial to science, and his mouth has been worn out, but it has no effect.

Chen Fengnian bumped into his cousin, hehe, this is his karma!

Thinking of his younger son being like a monkey who was scratching his head and ears when asked by Xiao Lele, Chen Jie felt extremely relieved. At the beginning, he got angry because of his younger son's partial subjects, but that boy just looked like he didn't want to eat oil and salt. Now Well, someone avenged him.

As a father, Chen Jie was gloating downstairs, while as a son, Chen Fengnian, fearfully took over the homework instruction booklet given by his cousin, feeling desperate.

He was so desperate that he wanted to cry, but he didn't dare to utter a word, drooping his head, he opened the book silently, resigned to his fate and worked hard.

With a dark face, Le Yun customized a review direction for her cousin, took out the textbooks, and asked her younger brother to practice writing, then went to the study to take out a basket of money and thread, cut the cloth, sat and sewed clothes, and supervised her cousin and younger brother's study.

Cousin can make clothes?Chen Fengnian was stunned again by his cousin's operation, and it took a lot of effort to convince himself to study hard.

(End of this chapter)

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