magic eye doctor

Chapter 1664 Getting Smarter

Chapter 1664 Getting Smarter
The smell is very strong, not only in the front and back of the house where the incident happened, but also in the faculty and staff dormitory area. The smell also wafts far.

Originally, Mrs. Yin, the old school of Yin, planned to accompany the three handsome guys to wander around the neighborhood and see the construction site from a distance. However, she could still smell the stench when she walked far away. She had no choice but to go as far as possible to the construction site. one go.

Entering the construction site area, the safety supervisors heard that it was the bodyguards of classmate Le Xiao who had come, and hurriedly took hard hats to the five people, and then led the old principal to take people to visit the site.

Those who work on the construction site, from small foremen to small workers, know that the building being built is sponsored by the little girl Jiudaole. After the completion of the work, the little girl Le has to personally inspect and accept it. If the quality is not up to standard, they will be held accountable. Everyone works hard. Supervisors also attach great importance to production.

Half of the construction workers are from Jiudao Township, and they work more attentively. After all, this is the school in their own hometown. In the future, their children or grandchildren are very likely to come to the school to study. The quality of the school buildings is not good enough. It may have harmed one's own child, you say, who would dare to cut corners?

Not only did they not dare to be sloppy, but they also turned into detectives to monitor others secretly, in case someone was lazy and perfunctory, and created a tofu project.

Yanxing Liu Xiangyang and Lansan visited the construction site and took pictures with their mobile phones.

The teaching school and the library building adopt the frame-shear structure. In order to complete the teaching building as soon as possible, the construction company started working day and night, and the efficiency is quite high. rebar.

Yan Xing asked the old principal and the old lady to wait downstairs, and he and his brother went to the top of the building to check in person.

Regarding the sudden investigation of the three handsome guys, the supervisors of the contractor were also taken aback, and quickly calmed down. In terms of materials, they did not follow suit. The materials used are all products that meet the national standards. All of them have undergone safety training before taking up their posts with certificates, and all of them can stand the assessment.

Of course, the foremen did not dare to take it lightly, and received three representatives who came to inspect the site on behalf of Miss Le, and introduced the progress of the project.

Yan Xing hadn't been involved in the field of architecture originally, but when he built the courtyard house where he sent little loli, he had knowledge of architecture, so he knew a thing or two.

Although Liu Xiangyang and Lan San didn't understand, it didn't prevent them from listening to the lecture with an open mind and recording the scene. If they didn't understand, they could write it down and find a professional to analyze it.

The three brothers listened to the on-site report carefully, asked some production safety issues, visited every district, and stayed for about half an hour before going downstairs.

Go downstairs and go to the library construction site.

The construction site of the library started a little later, but the progress is not slow. The foundation has been laid, and the load-bearing columns and shear walls are being poured. The wall bricks have basically entered the site, and the scaffolding has also been erected. build walls.

Mrs. Yin felt that the sound of the machine was too loud, so she did not enter the construction site. The old principal Yin took three handsome young men to visit the construction site.

It took almost half an hour for the four of them to go around the scene.

After visiting two construction sites, Mrs. Yin, the old principal, accompanied the three young people back to the dormitory area.

Back in the faculty dormitory area, the smell continued unabated. The two old people were so embarrassed that they didn't know what to do, so they had to let the three young people look at the scenery in the green area, and the old couple went home first to "reconnaissance".

The old Yin and his wife returned to their residence, pushed open the half-covered door gently, and found that the door of the room where the little granddaughter lived was still closed, and they sat quietly waiting.

The old principal took the three handsome men for a walk, and Xiao Le stayed in the room to give Miss Yin acupuncture. Every once in a while, he dripped the medicinal juice into the special needle holes. When the old principal returned, he also finished the last round of dripping medicine.

After dripping the medicinal juice, wait for about ten minutes and poke Miss Yin's Qihai acupoint.

After being poked with a finger, the needle array pierced on Miss Yin's chest started from the heart and went all the way to the top of the head, and first sprayed flames collectively. At the same time, the stinky liquid on Miss Yin's body was like a fountain. Chung.

Furthermore, the needles on her face and the top of her head were breathing fire one by one.

When Miss Yin finished spraying flames at the Baihui point on the top of her head, the needle stuck in her temple shot out with a "swoosh".

Classmate Le, who had been waiting for a long time, stretched out her fingers and quickly pinched the needles. As the two needles left the body, the needles on Miss Yin's head also bounced off one by one, from head to toe.

Little student Le seemed to have three heads and six arms. He quickly grabbed the needles and retracted the flying needles one by one and clamped them between his fingers. When all the medical needles were retrieved, he threw them into a bottle containing disinfectant to soak, tightened the cap, and put the bottle Put the bottles and jars into the medicine chest and backpack one by one.

After packing up her medical tools, she took a tissue from the desk to help Miss Yin wipe the stains on her face, and only helped her do the simplest cleaning, wipe off some of the stinky stains around the eyes and mouth, and then relieve the acupuncture points.

After unlocking Miss Yin's acupoints, Le Yun hung the backpack on her shoulders, opened the door with the medicine box, saw the owner of the living room, and smiled: "The old principal should avoid it, and the teacher can go in."

The old couple stood up so excited that they were stunned, and the old principal immediately trotted forward, helped the little classmate carry the medicine box, and sent her out: "Xiao Le, I won't keep you in this situation, I will let you in another day." Master stir-fry some dishes and have a potluck together."

"You're welcome, I come to acupuncture every morning, and I have to teach my younger brother when I go back, so you and your wife don't have to worry about it."

Because the old principal wanted to let her go ahead, Le Yun nodded to Mrs. Yin, walked out of the old principal's house quickly, and saw the three handsome guys running over from the green lawn, couldn't help snickering, telling the three always want to be Little Tail, you've had a hard time now!
Yan Xing, Liu Xiangyang, and Lan San heard the door of the old principal's house open, and guessed that the little Lolita's acupuncture was over, and rushed towards the old principal's house, and arrived at the fastest speed, Lan San took the medicine box from the old principal Yin's hand , Young Master Liu cleverly helped little Loli carry her backpack.

The old principal Yin sent the little classmates and the three young people around the first dormitory building, sent the four of them into the car, and watched the car leave the school gate before turning around and going home.

When he returned to his residence, he heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom. He didn't enter the house, so he stood outside the door and asked, "Old woman, are you alright?"

Mrs. Yin didn't send her little classmate off. When her little classmate and his wife went out, she ran into her little granddaughter's room as she said, and was shocked when she saw the black lump on the ground.

If it wasn't for the black, mud-like object showing its face, the old lady would think it was a lump of stinky mud.

No wonder it stinks so much!

Seeing her granddaughter submerged in stains, Mrs. Yin was terrified, and instead held the mirror on the desk, walked to the place opposite her granddaughter and called: "Qing Mei Qing Mei—"

Miss Yin is already awake, because her brain is still in a chaotic state, and she doesn't remember what happened. She stared at the ceiling with her eyes open, when she heard a familiar voice, her eyeballs rolled, and she wanted to sit up, but was stuck by something. Putting his hands on the ground, he struggled to sit up.

"Grandma?" Seeing grandma in front of her, Miss Yin raised her hands that felt sticky while looking at her, and found that her hands were dirty, she screamed "Ah" in fright: "It stinks! It stinks, it stinks to death!"

"Qingmei, look at the mirror," Mrs. Yin held up the mirror to show her little granddaughter, "Look, how dirty you are, the lady doctor said it was caused by eating snacks, and the snacks are all rubbish. Garbage builds up in your stomach, makes you fat, and you sweat like stinky sweat."

Miss Yin looked into the mirror and saw that the face of the person in the mirror was dirty. She looked down at her belly and found that her legs, hands and hands were all black and smelly.

"I want to take a bath, grandma, I want to take a bath." Realizing that she was dirty and smelly, Miss Yin used her hands and feet to get up from the sticky and smelly stains, and ran to the bathroom barefoot.

The old lady Yin was startled, but she didn't stop her. She watched her little granddaughter run out of the room, and she followed, leaving footprints where her granddaughter walked, and those footprints reached the bathroom door.

"Clean eyebrows, take a bath with washing powder to wash away the smelly sweat." The old lady followed to the kitchen and reminded her. When she heard the little granddaughter replied "Got it", she felt relieved and trot back to the room, put down the mirror, took Roll paper to clean up dirty footprints in the kitchen.

She had just wiped it a few times, when she heard her wife shout, she trotted out of the door, and whispered to her excitedly: "Old man, Qingmei's brain is much more flexible than before, and her reaction is also very fast, just like a normal child!"

"It's good to be better!" Old Principal Yin rubbed his hands excitedly.

"The little classmate gave Qingmei a needle. You haven't seen it like that. Qingmei looks like it was fished out of a stinky ditch. It was so dirty that I was shocked. Oh, don't talk about it. Please help clean it up, it stinks..."

The old lady Yin was chattering, and while chattering, she turned and went back to the house, busy cleaning up the stains and dirty footprints left by her little granddaughter.

The old principal Yin followed up at home and saw the dirty footprints in the living room: "..."

I ran to the room again and saw that there was a space in the middle, surrounded by dirt marks, and I almost felt like vomiting, so I quickly stuffed my nose with a tissue, and cleaned up the dirt with my wife.

Miss Yin hid in the bathroom to take a bath, and washed it over and over again. No matter how she washed it, she couldn't get it clean. She washes it several times, and it will become more beautiful after washing.

Miss Yin was crying and rubbing the bath. After rubbing it more than a dozen times, she finally wiped it clean. She found that she didn't bring any clothes, so she told her grandma. When grandma brought the clothes, she put on the clean clothes and found that the clothes had become wider.

She turned around, ran out of the bathroom excitedly, rushed to the room, and showed her grandparents: "Grandma, grandma, take a look, have I lost weight?"

The old couple who were busy cleaning the floor of the room looked at the little granddaughter, and opened their mouths wide in surprise. The little granddaughter had lost a lot of weight. She used to wear tight clothes, but now she looks empty.

"Qingmei has become thinner and more beautiful!"

"Qingmei, the lady doctor is right, you will become more beautiful when you lose weight, and you will become thinner and more beautiful by not eating junk snacks in the future."

The old couple immediately encouraged her. Xiao Le not only made Qingmei thinner, but also made her brain more flexible. She already has the skill of rejuvenation at a young age, which is amazing!
"Well, I want to lose weight, I don't want to become a fat pig, I don't want to become an ugly fat man, I listen to the young lady and don't eat snacks." Yin Gunu happily circled around, and belatedly found that grandma and grandma Squatting on the ground to wipe the floor, I remembered that the floor was stained by my own sweat, and my face turned red all of a sudden.

She also squatted down, wiped the floor with a rag, and quietly joined the sanitation team.

Mrs. Yin, the old principal, was shocked at first, and then wept with joy. The little granddaughter really became smarter!

The two old people quietly wiped the corners of their eyes, took their granddaughter to clean up, cleaned the floor, sprinkled some toilet water, and finally turned on the fan to ventilate the room.

(End of this chapter)

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