magic eye doctor

Chapter 1679

Chapter 1679

Grandma Zhou Man and Grandma Zhou both thought it was good. Le Yun didn't encourage them to get in touch right away, and she didn't object to saying that they should think about it and let the old ladies decide for themselves.

Marrying a daughter-in-law is a big deal. She knows Aunt Feng well, so she dares to act as a matchmaker for her father to ask her to marry her. She doesn't know a certain woman, so she doesn't dare to say anything. In order to protect his eyesight or something, whoever is not the same as Uncle Zhou in the future will harm Uncle Zhou.

Rural people's views on marriage and marriage are still very traditional. Le Yun knows the way and doesn't do anything that is taboo. The old ladies catch her and listen to what they have learned. After listening, they go to the kitchen to cook lunch.

Aunt Zhou Man was very concerned about her nephew's marriage and marriage. She had lunch at Le's house at noon and went to Grandma Zhou's house in the afternoon to ask someone to help find out the relationship between No. [-] candidate and her natal family.

The three of them didn't make a final decision, and still compared several other candidates. They had someone secretly inquire about suitable candidates from all over the world. From the current point of view, apart from the No. [-] candidate, there is another candidate who is also more suitable.

The most satisfactory one I found out later was a young woman from a village committee next to Jiudao and Zhu counties. The young woman was only 32 years old, divorced for three years, and brought a three-year-old boy with her.

That young woman had a very good reputation. She used to work part-time before finishing high school because of her family's difficulties. Later, she married Liangshan, the poorest place in C province.

That girl married into a family from the poorest county. In such a poor place, people should work harder, but hers is no, that person is poor, she is still a fan.

The girl didn't know that the man was a fan at first, but she didn't find out the truth until she went there and gave birth to a child. Her husband had no money to attract fans, and spent all the milk powder money his wife had saved for the child. He had no money to drink and beat his wife. Forced to helplessness, because there was no marriage certificate in the first place, when the child was half a year old, he took the cub back to his mother's house.

The girl's father is not in good health, and there is a younger brother who is married and has a child. Her younger brother remembers the sister-sibling relationship that her older sister used to work and sent him to study, and accepts her older sister and nephew. Her younger brother and daughter-in-law are working outside the home. The children with younger brothers and their own children take care of their parents at home.

The sister-in-law of the Zhou family was also very fond of the second candidate, and felt that both siblings were affectionate and righteous, but the woman was a little too young, about ten years younger than Xia Long, and her age did not match.

The three sisters-in-law discussed for a long time, hesitating, it was difficult to make a conclusion, so they decided to find a time to see each other without entanglement.

Student Le Xiao didn't plan to get too involved in Grandma Zhou's choice of a daughter-in-law, but she couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of others. In the afternoon, in the kitchen of the South Building, she made fried marinated fish for the school bullies, and three handsome soldiers followed her. The handyman, taking advantage of no one, made a small report.

"Little beauty, we don't want to be the villains who destroy people's marriages, but we still want to provide some information about the one in Shangzhuang."

First Young Master Liu was promoted by his buddies to be the spokesperson, and he bit the bullet and pretended to be a bad guy: "That one seems to be pretty good in all aspects, but, that one is a standard Fudimo."

"Huh?" Le Yun raised her eyes in surprise and listened attentively.

"It's really not our nonsense. That is a veritable helper. It is true that her current husband's family is partial to the other two sons, but the heart is not biased to the sky. It is because the eldest and the youngest are married. I worked a little harder, gave a little bride price, and later helped to take care of my grandchildren.

It is true to say that she wants to drive her away now, but these are because of antecedent reasons, mainly because she is a helper demon, and she does not want the fields left by her ancestors to be defeated by unrelated women.

When Fudimo was still with her husband, she responded to every request of her natal brothers, and gave them as much as they had. His man was honest and responsible, and he couldn't control his wife, so he could only let her go.

Her man went to work in a black mine because of lack of money. In fact, the coal boss lost [-] to [-] yuan after his man's accident. She quietly gave a hundred thousand to her natal brothers, and her mother-in-law and the elders only took [-]. As alimony, the male brother did not share half a penny.

That woman's natal family refused to accept her, so she had no place to go so she stayed at her in-law's house all the time. It is possible that the tens of thousands of money she originally had in her hand was also divided up by her natal brothers, who even instigated her to sell her in-law's property and marry another. The woman wanted to sell the forest land, but the family didn't allow it, so there was a conflict between the two parties. "

Scared, Le Yun, who was originally a melon-eating crowd, was so shocked that the melons fell, and his face was shocked: "Oh my god, why is what others said is completely different from what you said, no, it is completely opposite, 'it is said' Why is there such a big difference in the rumors? Could it be that the eyes of the masses are all blurred by cow dung?"

"Well," Liu Xiangyang touched the back of his head and looked at Comrade Lan San. The handsome guy Lan San smiled naively: "Well, some news was actually deliberately embellished by the relatives of that family. The Fudimo hurriedly married another one, making others think that that one was good, and then introduced him to a farther place, and they were relieved."

"Self-deception is trying to blame others." Le Yun was full of emotions. The brother-helping demon obviously had a good hand, but he played poorly in the end. Even if you can't give birth, you can live your life in peace and stability.

Helping younger siblings and older sisters is not advisable. People, you have to have a degree in everything. Blindly obeying your parents is foolish filial piety. Satisfying your brothers and sisters unconditionally is purely deserving of exhaustion and suspicion. .

Classmate Le rubbed her chin, she is also a sister who dotes on her younger brother, but she is not a devil to help her younger brother, because what she gave to her younger brother was earned by her own hands, and she did not take other people's blood and sweat or share the blood and sweat of herself and others Wealth helps brother.

"If it was you, you would also want to put blame on others." First Young Master Liu chuckled. If it were them, they would also try their best to drive out that kind of brother-helping demon, and never communicate with each other ever since.

"I have to remind myself that I should not be an unprincipled helper demon."

"Little beauty, even if you are a helper demon, you are also a positive energy helper demon with three views and righteousness."


After talking to the handsome guys, classmate Le Xiao asked them to watch over the water. Like a hot wheel, she rushed to Zhou's house to make a small report.

The sisters-in-law of the Zhou family discussed for a while, and were about to break up. They went back to their respective houses, and saw Xiao Lele sneaking into Zhou's house with her head poking around. calf.

"Lele, why do you come here when you have time? Come and sit down."

The three old people felt refreshed when they saw the clever little cub.

"I'm here to be the bad guy, I figured you might want to hit me later,"

The three elders of the Zhou family entertained themselves with smiles on their faces. Le Yun slipped to Grandma Zhou Man, hid behind the old man, poked her head out: "Grandma Man, I am your little granddaughter, right? When you want to beat me later, Can you take it easy?"

"Yo, I'm surprised that you look like this. What bad things have you done?" Aunt Pa laughed so hard that she stretched out her hand to rub Xiao Lele's head, making her beautiful ring hairstyle a little askew.

"I haven't started doing bad things yet, but I'm already on the road to doing bad things. I'm a little scared now." Le Yun shrank her neck and smiled flatteringly at Aunt Ba.

"Don't be afraid, just tell me, we won't beat you."

The pistachio is by my side, the three old people promised with a smile.

"Okay, with your words, I'm relieved." Anyway, sooner or later, Le Yun decided to sacrifice generously: "I got reliable news that the person you saw today is inappropriate, not the Zhou family's good Please think again and again about the choice of daughter-in-law."

"Huh?" The sisters-in-law of the Zhou family looked at the petite and cute baby in surprise, and Grandma Zhou Man brought out the little girl hiding beside her: "Xiao Lele, to be more specific, what's wrong?"

"The person you like is a brother-in-law who puts the younger brother of the natal family first. He never refuses any request from the natal family. If he really marries into Grandma Zhou's house, I am worried that Grandma Zhou's house will be vacated. Besides, you are inquiring. The news is inaccurate. The coal boss lost 10,000+ when the man had an accident. She quietly gave 10,000+ of the man’s life compensation money to the natal brothers. Maybe the natal brother has some ideas. She still wants to sell the man’s side. Mountain forest."


Hearing information that was completely contrary to what they had inquired about, Grandma Zhou Man, Grandma Zhou, and Aunt Ba cried out in shock, oh my god, fortunately they didn't make a decision, if it gets involved, it's okay!
The three old people believed in the authenticity of the information provided by the girl from Lejia. The little boy didn't say anything before, but now he came to tell them in private, indicating that she didn't know the details of that person before, but now she is sure. Just came to tell them.

"It's a good thing that Lele said it. Otherwise, we would have been kept in the dark and thought we were really good candidates for a daughter-in-law."

"Fortunately, you are Lele. If you really marry someone into the family, then you will be in trouble."

Grandma Zhou Man pulled the little boy, full of gratitude: "Little Lele is a good boy, you are so considerate of Uncle Zhou, we are not willing to beat you."

Grandma Zhou is also full of gratitude: "Fortunately, Xiao Lele provided the news, which gave us a solid foundation."

Aunt Ba also nodded again and again, this No. [-] candidate can also cross.

"I'd rather demolish ten temples than one marriage. I'm here to demolish the marriage bridge. I was worried that my little butt would be beaten to death. Now I'm relieved. Today I don't have to eat bamboo shoots and meat." Marriage is like demolishing ten temples, and she is definitely an expert in demolishing temples.

"You are so kind, who would hit you so foolishly, Xiao Lele is the lucky star..."

The sister-in-law of the Zhou family took the pink and tender little cub, touched her head and poked her face so dearly, she screamed in fright, and fled away like a bunny with her skirt in one hand. The three of them laughed .

After laughing for a while, Grandma Zhou and Grandma Zhou Man sighed with emotion again, and decisively crossed the first candidate, and canceled the plan to entrust someone to inquire again, and they decided to make arrangements to investigate another candidate. .

(End of this chapter)

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