Chapter 169
The good people shouted to see the results, Yan Xing quietly looked sideways, the little Loli was wearing a bag on one shoulder, her eyes were curved, and the corners of her mouth were upturned. Proudly.

It's just... makes you want to beat her up.

His hand was a little itchy, and Little Loli's expression was pure hatred, which really made people want to flatten her, Yan Shao moved his fingers secretly, but finally did not dare to reach out to provoke Little Loli.

The boss quickly pulled the wet rag, wiped the cut surface swiftly, and wiped off the dust with the damp cloth. The cut surface flashed a glass-like and metallic luster, and the palm-sized piece revealed a bright purple.


"It's really purple."

Several people waiting to see shouted again.

"Violet?" The boss squatted down and stared at the boss, God, what a beautiful purple color, no need for light, only the naked eye, the transparency is also very high, at least it is waxy.

"Did you get a good deal?"

"Is it coming out of violets?"

The stone gamblers who were close to the calcining machine heard the screams coming from there, and they stopped appreciating the stones. They ran to the crowd to watch. A few people who ran fast approached, and they really saw a section of a stone with a corner cut off. a very bright purple.

"Boss, hurry up and hurry up!"

"Keep cutting!"

The onlookers felt like a cat scratching their hearts, and their hearts were itching and uncomfortable, and they urged to continue cutting.

Just as everyone was waiting to watch the excitement next to the calcifier, a small group of seven or eight people walked into the gambling stone shop, scattered in twos and threes, to appreciate the stones.

The boss looked at the little girl and saw her excited mouth grinning and her eyes glowing. He couldn't help laughing. Seeing her nod, he repositioned the stone and cut it.

When the knife went down, only a thin slice was cut, and a little bit of glass luster was looming. I wiped the face with a damp cloth, and the green color suddenly appeared in the bottom of my eyes.

Onlookers: "..."

"Spring color?"

"What do people say about the color of spring?"

There were two middle-aged people whose eyes were red with jealousy.

Among jadeites, spring refers to violet, color refers to green, and spring belt color refers to a piece of jadeite or a piece of jadeite jewelry with purple and green.

Among all the colors of jadeite, the most valuable ones are green and purple, and the simultaneous appearance of purple and green will undoubtedly greatly increase the value of jadeite.

The amount of rough spring belt color jadeite is rare. The mines that produce high-grade spring belt color raw materials have just discovered that kind of material, and they have been mined in less than a year. Spring belt color is rarely found in the market.

The rare spring belt color appeared right in front of my eyes, you say, who is not jealous of the owner?
The appearance of purple and green is enough to make people jealous. The purple in the emerald material in front of me is not a very light violet, but a very rich purple, which is even more precious.

"This, is it really spring?" Le Yun was very excited. In order to find something with spiritual energy, she crammed her feet, and asked Du Niang to make up a lot of knowledge about jade and jade, memorized various theoretical analysis, and based on theory Judging, the piece she picked should be the color of spring.

Even if it is theoretically determined that it is a spring, it is still to be pretended on the surface. After all, who told her to bet on stones for the first time, if she is too calm, maybe handsome Yan will treat her as a monster.

Life is like a play, it depends on acting.

Classmate Le Xiao is not very good at pretending, but when she is about to make an unexpected fortune, which is still a huge windfall, she is already excited, and you don't need to bother to pretend to make people feel that she is too excited.

"That's right, it's the color of spring!" The boss said in a sonorous tone, excitedly touching the jadeite softly and breathing quickly: "Little girl, can you cut it all out and see? Wait for it, if you are willing to sell it, I will Willing to buy it back at market price.”

The few people who joined in the fun saw people cutting stones. They thought he was the owner of the stone, but they found out that he was not. They all looked in the direction the boss was staring at, and saw a tall man wearing sunglasses and a boy with inch-inch hair and a small hair. A tall, thin-waisted, big-breasted girl.

When they saw the young man with sunglasses, everyone's heart sank suddenly. The little girl might look deceitful, and the man with sunglasses seemed extremely dangerous.

"Spring color?"

A group of new customers who poured into the store heard the cheering voices and ran to the solution stone excitedly. The movement was so loud that other customers couldn't control it and ran to gain insight.

"Well, cut it." Le Yun nodded with a smile on her face. She also wanted to know how much the prepared ingredients were worth. If she could double it tenfold, she would be able to return the money to Handsome Yan.

Yan Xing's heart was stuffed, he thought that he could rely on the little loli and eat delicious food every day, but now it seems that his hope is going to be dashed, and then he thinks about it again, and he regains his sense of loss, although it is possible that he can't let the little girl Lolita pays off her debts with rice, and it's not bad for little Loli to make a good start for the first time. She is happy and will invite him to dinner. In the future, Taobao may be willing to take him as a bodyguard everywhere.

The boss was overjoyed and didn't think it was dirty. He put the dusty rag on his shoulders, moved the stone again, and cut the edges with the knife. He didn't dare to cut the knife too deep, and only cut a thin layer and cut it off. A piece of jade will be exposed.

He only cut once, and the young and old who rushed to watch also arrived, and 30 to [-] people rushed forward and formed a circle.

"Hey, purple, green?"

"There's plenty of water."

"Transparency is also pretty good."

The few old and young people who were watching were probably experts, and they commented on the stones that were still being cut.

Yan Xing was very unhappy when he saw the crowd of people pouring in. This is a little loli's thing, can't they all come here and want to share a spoonful?

He was about to tell Little Loli not to take out, when he realized that the sleeves had been pulled, he tilted his head slightly, Little Loli pulled his sleeves, raised his sunflower face and looked up at himself, with a sweet smile and a crisp voice. Sticky Man: "Handsome guy, look at it for me, I'll go around."

"?" A series of question marks appeared in Yan Xing's mind. Little Loli had just wandered around for so long and picked up a piece of wool the size of her fist. Why did she want to go around again now?

It was only when his question came out that he was not allowed to say good or bad. Little Lolita smiled brightly and flew away from him like a small butterfly, flying towards the jade wool area.

this kid...

Little Lolita said she would leave. For a moment, Yan Shao felt a sense of powerlessness that "My Lolita is too naughty". In order to prevent others from greed for her jadeite, he could only stand obediently as a guard. Bao Ambassador.

Precious materials are sold in each venue, which often attracts a large number of customers to flock to the casino, and the rough stones of the gambling stone shop are also stained. Emerald, the boss is also proud of You Rongyi, and moved the wool with special care, changed the position, and cut it again.

The onlookers stared at the stone, not even blinking their eyes, lest they miss the main event.

Le Xiaoxiao flew to the stone area, looked around, ran into a pile of large and medium-sized pieces of wool, and pulled out a piece of raw jade wool with a blue shell from the pile of stones.

The stone is marked with a font size, weighs more than 37 catties, and is priced at 2000 yuan per catty.

Pulling the stone out, Le Yun picked it up and hugged it like a god of wealth. Ding Ding Dong Dong ran to the cashier and called the handsome clerk to check out.

When the clerk saw such a small girl holding such a large stone, his eyes almost fell to the ground. He entered the word sequence, found out the price, opened the bill, and calculated the price at 74600 yuan.

Le Yun didn't have enough money on hand, so she asked the clerk to take the big seal and the bill to the Xie Shi Office to collect the money. The clerk took the seal and really ran with the little girl to collect the money.

Le Yun, who was holding the precious stone, took the lead with smiling Mimi, got into the crowd, and stood next to handsome guy Yan. When he saw the handsome guy turning his head to look at him, she grinned, and red stars flashed in her eyes: "Handsome guy , good things come to the end, and then borrow some silver flowers."

Lowering his eyes, Yan Xing's eyes fell on the "giant" stone material held in the arms of Little Loli through the dark glasses. The whole person... um, his heart is quite complicated, he has absolutely no idea what to say, okay?
Look at that bear boy, the first time I picked a piece that weighed more than three kilograms, the second time I held a piece that weighed more than ten kilograms, now it's better to have a Big Mac with a weight of several kilograms.

The first two materials she picked ranged from light to heavy, and the price rose from low to high. However, she did not know whether the unit price continued to climb this time, and it was a higher level than the previous two stones, and it was still more down-to-earth.

Little Loli excitedly took the stone back and asked him to pay, her expression was not shy at all, as if it was supposed to be like this, there was no reason for him to say no, she calmly touched the phone, and responded cheerfully: "Well, Do you want to choose again?"

Pick it, pick a few pieces, just pick a few pieces if you want, he will pay together, even if... he wants to Lai Xiaoluoli's plan to fail, he is happy, he pays first, Xiaoluoli wants to invite him to dinner anyway, he Not a loss.

"I won't pick it anymore." Le Yun's eyes were full of stars. She took care of all the materials with the most aura in the store. Although there are some good materials for other materials, the brightness of the halo is a little weak, so let's leave it to others to make a fortune.

The corner of Xie Shi was surrounded by people. The clerk was big. It was difficult for him to get through the circle. The most important thing was that he was a man, and he was not as cute as a little girl. When the little girl pushed forward, others looked at the picture Sunshine has a sweet face, and took the initiative to let her go there. Of course, when the clerk squeezed in, she would not be treated so well.

The clerk had a job badge on it, so he barely got the eyeballs. He followed the little girl into the circle and saw the boss working in full swing, so he had to inform him: "Sir, please stop for a few minutes and collect the online banking payment."

The boss was holding the knife and was about to use the knife when he heard the clerk tell him to stop. He almost jumped to say, "If you have something to decide for yourself," he heard that he was collecting money. He smiled happily for a second and let go of the machine.

Turning around, he saw the cute little girl with two slender legs holding the eldest stone, and he called out to the sky and called the mother: "My God, you are holding such a heavy stone, in case it falls and hits him. What about the feet?"

Everyone looked around in unison. Some people couldn't see who the shopkeeper was talking to. Some people saw the little girl holding the stone.

"It's alright, I won't throw it away." Le Yun showed a cute smile at the shop owner, took a few steps forward non-stop, and sent the stone to the wooden countertop where the stone was placed under the machine, so that the boss could see it.

Yanxing boarded the mobile banking, read the receipt issued by the clerk, and transferred the money to the boss.

The boss checked the payment slip issued by the clerk, took out his mobile phone and waited for payment, waited for the notification of the arrival of the money, confirmed that it was correct, and asked the employee to stamp it with a big seal.

The clerk handed a couple of receipts to the customer and took the big seal back to guard the cashier counter.

When the boss received the money, everyone urged him to quickly dissolve the stone.

The shopkeeper made the knife again, cutting left and right, constantly cutting. The staff helped to wash the ash powder with splashing water, and cut over and over a dozen knives, cutting off all the shells that could be cut. Go grind on a small machine.

It takes time to polish the stone, and the clerk in charge of the calcification first helped cut the Big Mac that was brought in from behind. The onlookers watched while waiting for the shop owner.

Le Xiaoxiao designated the cutting point, and the clerk fixed the stone. When the experts who were close by looked at it, they couldn't help shaking their heads. There was a strand on the shell of the raw material.

A lock is a crack on the jade. The thick and obvious large seam is called a crack, and the small seam is called a lock. It is also collectively called a big lock and a small lock.

The tresses are extremely harmful to jade, which is directly related to the material retrieval and appearance. There are many kinds of tresses, and the most harmful ones are horsetail tresses, chicken feet tresses, thunderbolt tresses, and glutinous rice cakes.

There is a saying among stone gambling merchants, "Don't be afraid of big cracks and small locks." For jade with locks, you must be extra careful, otherwise you may lose all your money.

The Big Mac raw stone purchased by the little girl has a tangle of lightning on one surface, and the tangle is like lightning printed on the stone surface, extending almost half of the surface. The material, because of the locks, the value will be greatly reduced.

The connoisseurs saw that something was wrong, and no one said anything. They paid all the money, and it was useless to say it. Besides, even if they didn't pay, they couldn't say anything. They were free to buy and sell, and they couldn't cut off the shopkeeper in front of the shopkeeper. the way of money.

When the little girl drew a line, everyone was stunned again. The little girl's stroke was equivalent to drawing a quarter of a corner.

Getting ready, the clerk was eager to cut. He did not dare to cut according to the exact position of the line drawn by the little girl.

The crowd groaned.

The second cut, the clerk cut it according to the position of the little girl's line, the dust and the gnashing sound flew together, the thin stone was cut off, bangdang slammed on the board, and fell from the space of the board, rolling on the thick under the board.

Connoisseurs and laymen alike looked at the big stone, the section of which was shining brightly, clearly green.

"It's green?!"

Those who knew it were suddenly shocked, this... This is unbelievable, you said that such a small girl can be green even with a rock, teach them how these experts dare to be called experts?

"Wow, it's green again!"

The fans were wow.

"Really green again?" The shop owner excitedly held a stone in his hand and ran to see the big man who had just cut two knives.

A few people gathered around to see the cross section and wiped it with a rag. Yes, it was green!

When the knife went down, the cross-section was more than thirty centimeters wide, of which about twenty centimeters wide showed green, bright and bright.

Exclamation marks flashed in the minds of the people who squatted close. The green is relatively pure, slightly lighter than Zhengyang green, slightly darker than light green, and there is a bright sense of life in the color.

The shop owner looked at it a few times, put the jade in his hand next to the section, and compared the two, the green of the small stone was purer, and the green of the big stone was slightly lighter. The shell of a place.

The big stone is also green, and the onlookers are full of confidence in the stone in the store all of a sudden, and they think that there may be good news.

The clerk was very excited when he solved such a beautiful green color. Today, he helped people solve stones worth 50 yuan. If you pay more, you will pay less. Good luck too.

There is joy in his heart and everything is pleasing to the eye. He, seeing that everyone is like the God of Wealth, happily continues to cut, cut along another line drawn by the owner of the stone, and cut off the shell material about ten centimeters thick.

That knife went down, and the mysterious and elegant purple luster sparkled and glittered people's dog's eyes.


"It's the Spring Festival again?"

This time, the experts are not calm.

Spring belt color is not Chinese cabbage, it does not mean that you want to have it. Looking at the gambling stone shops and various wool wholesale markets in Beijing, it is rare to find high-end spring belt colors, and even low-grade materials are rare. , and then another piece of spring belt color, looking at the water head, looking at the ground, looking at the color, it is all very good, can it make people calm?
The rhythm to send!
Seeing the expressions of several connoisseurs, Le Yun felt that she was about to develop. She was not afraid of comparing goods, but she was afraid of not knowing the goods. Only those who knew the goods could get rid of the stone as soon as possible.

Shopkeeper: "..." I feel like my shop is going to be a hit!

Yan Xing: "..." His desire to eat and drink with Little Lolita is like a dream of Huangliang, and when he wakes up, there is no trace.

The audience: "..." I feel that this store is really good news!
Everyone thought so, for fear that they would miss the opportunity to watch on the sidelines, and others would snatch all the good materials, and they retreated silently one by one, rushing to pick the rough jadeite.

In less than a minute, half of the crowd dispersed.

The clerk splashed the water, then wiped it dry. Yes, it was purple. The purple was not as bright as the stone in the owner's hand, but it was thicker than lavender, a very pure purple.

The connoisseur's eyes are particularly hot, this is a spring ribbon worth collecting, and now we only need to see if the lightning lock has invaded the interior of the jade.

The clerk started working again with hot water, cutting knife after knife, and quickly finished cutting one side, the green and purple of the bright sun, and met people one by one.

As the shell material was removed, several experts became more and more excited. The shell of the raw jadeite stone is very thick, and if the lightning lock does not extend deeply, the impact on the raw material will be infinitely reduced.

Quickly cut to the face with a scorpion, cut it with a few knives, peeled off a thick layer of green skin, and wiped off the stone powder.

Removing the two excess surfaces is also equivalent to removing the small half of the outer shell. It is no longer necessary to look at the whole. The clerk carefully peels off the remaining shell material on the large surface.

The owner held the stone, kept grinding it, and used sandpaper for a while, and finally peeled off the residual shell. The bright purple on the stone revealed a cool feeling, the green was bright, the emerald color was dripping, youthful and lovely, the luster was full of water, and the transparency Less than ice, but infinitely close.

"The spring color of the ice glutinous species, the purple is strong, the green is bright and bright, close to emerald green, the planting is good, the water head is good, the color is good, and the top grade." The owner held the stone, tsk tsk.

A few connoisseurs rushed over and took a flashlight, the light transmittance, I have nothing to say, good!
Afraid of being robbed, the shopkeeper clutched the stone and walked in front of the tall young man and the little girl in three steps, discussing with the owner: "Little girl, can you give me this piece of jade?"

"Oh, I'm willing to buy it too, the price is negotiable!"

Several people chased the owner and expressed their intention to buy.

"I'm not going to sell this stone. I'll keep it for something useful. I won't be able to sell it unless I find a better one." Le Yun smiled and shook her head. Although the stone is not as powerful as the 10,000+ one , anyway, it is also very good, I want to move it back to put the space, so that the space can absorb aura.

"You really don't change hands?"

"Well, I have to keep this piece to build myself, and I can't transfer it. If the price is right, I can consider sharing the big piece."


"The price is fair, and of course I have no regrets."

"Okay, little girl, let's appreciate it first."

The owner of the stone did not intend to sell the raw materials of the beautiful spring ribbon color jade, and the people who were chasing behind the shop owner retreated and hurried to identify another spring ribbon color.

You can’t buy it back, you have to take a photo to advertise it. The owner got the owner’s consent, took pictures with his mobile phone, took pictures, recorded a video, and gently placed the stone on the ground. Such a valuable thing cannot be handed over by hand. , In case of falling, it is unclear.

He put down the emerald stone, Le Yun squatted down and held it up, put the stone on his face and tried it. It was cold and cold. It felt great. He happily enjoyed the veneer, and was busy stuffing it into his backpack.

Yan Xing messed up silently, such a precious thing, little Loli even put it in her backpack, not afraid of being hurt or scratched by anything?He wanted to remind him, but he was afraid of hurting her face. After thinking about it again and again, he still didn't remind him. It's okay to scratch the flowers. The old ones don't go away and the new ones don't come.

The shop owner returned the jade stone to the little girl, and ran to appreciate another piece of spring color. Seven or eight experts surrounded the stone, looking after it with flashlights, watching the transparency, watching the color, studying the water and color grade, and studying the particle size.

Thirty kilograms of stone, cut off all corners, and peeled off some shell materials, and some surfaces were not peeled.

Its water head is no worse than that of the small spring belt color, and it is also watery, and the farming is a little worse. The small spring belt color is the ice glutinous seed that is close to the ice species, and the large spring belt color is like cooked glutinous rice. The glutinous seeds are colorful in spring.

Its purple color is lighter than that of the small spring belt color, but the green is very bright, and when matched with purple, it is mysterious and cool, and it is bright and bright.

A group of people gathered around the emerald stone, looking at the color, transparency, foundation, researching the structure, stroking the feeling, and researching it for about twenty minutes.
"This piece is waxy seeds, 60."

The one just called out the bid, and the others saw that the little girl's face changed, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, and immediately shouted: "You are a bit unkind, 80."

There are very few spring ribbon colors, and those that can reach waxy seeds are all high-end products. The color is good and the water is good. The bid price of 60 is too low. Fortunately, the price can be raised upwards, from low to high. Auctions are similar.

"90 million!"

"95 million!"

Several connoisseurs who are interested in collecting, did not dare to step on the price, and increased their prices one after another.

No matter whether the shopkeeper or the connoisseur buys it or not, no matter how they appreciate it, Yan Xing is very calm, he completely treats himself as air, and quietly as his handsome man.

Someone wants to divide her own jade materials, Le Yun is also very calm, secretly waiting for a big fortune, when she sees people coming, her eyes are full of little stars, and when the first person shouts "60", give her I was taken aback.

My God, 60? !
When she got a bonus of 60, she was so surprised that she almost fainted. [-], a zero was added to [-], which was a full ten times more.

A huge surprise came, and Le Xiao was stunned.

In a blink of an eye, the bidders had started the second round of quotations, increasing the price to 150 million, while those who were with the experts just watched and did not compete. They did not have that much money for such a large-scale transaction.

The person who picked the ingredients in the distance heard that the quotation was rising inch by inch, and his eyes were red with jealousy, a million, a million!
After walking for a while, there was Le Yun, who was out of state for a moment, and finally regained her thoughts. When she heard that the quotation had exceeded one million, her whole person felt unreal.

Don't bother her, let her faint!
It doesn't take long to be dizzy, just dizzy for a while!

The huge windfall came, and the dizzy classmate Le Xiao was drowning in the ocean of happiness. He was so happy that he reached out and grabbed it subconsciously, and tightly grasped the sleeve of handsome Yan. She smiled and smiled with the smiling face of the sunflower, her bright starry eyes curved into a crescent shape, and her sweet and charming smile was very cute.

Being tugged on his sleeve, Yan Xing turned his eyes slightly and saw that Little Loli was laughing like an idiot, her erratic smile was stupid and cute, he moved his hand calmly, and secretly bumped her with his elbow.

That collision also brought the wandering Le Yun back to reality. She blinked her watery almond eyes, smiled and listened to quotes, and her little heart jumped and jumped very fast.

"...two million and one hundred and fifty thousand."


"290 million." The crowd quoted several rounds of prices, and the price was raised to more than 200 million. The shopkeeper was in a hurry, opened his mouth and shouted the price, and begged again: "Brothers, don't compete with me? How about you?" When you have any material you like, I will give you a discount? Girl, give me the material evenly. You got two pieces of spring ribbons, and you should leave a piece for my store. Next time you come, I will give it to you. Can you get a [-]% discount?"

"!" The connoisseurs who are interested in bidding want to scold.

It is also undeniable that the price of 290 million is more reasonable, the waxy spring ribbon bracelet is between 20 and 50, and the pendant is between 10,000 and [-]+.

About a dozen bracelets can be made out of the material in front of me. It’s hard to say about other pendants. The handwork of finished jadeite products is very expensive. After removing the cost of raw materials, manual fees and various costs, you can finally earn another two to three million yuan. Pure profit, that is long-term profit, cannot be seen for the time being.

They felt that their bid would probably not exceed 300 million, so the thin noodles could be sold, so they stopped bidding.

"This can be negotiated." The fluttering Le Yun, whose little heart almost jumped out of her throat, pretended to be calm and grinned.

That crisp sound made the shop owner feel as if he was listening to Xian Yin, reaching out to wipe away the sweat, what's more, he finally got it back, it's not easy!
He was afraid of long night dreams, so he immediately asked the little girl for a bank account transfer.

Le Yun's heart was floating, and she couldn't help smiling. She smoothly reported the business card account number she had opened for mobile banking. The business card was a private card, and she could withdraw it at will. If she used a student card, in case her father ran to the bank to help deposit Check the balance of the money, you will definitely not be able to sleep.

The shop owner hurriedly transferred the money and transferred a huge amount of money, and his heart almost collapsed. He sold three stones and received two 10,000+, but he spent more than 200 million to buy one of them back.

Le Xiao has two mobile phones. When she opened the online banking, she kept her home phone card number. The phone was kept in the school dormitory. The smartphone was out of power, so she could not access the Internet. She rudely used Yan Shuai’s phone. When I went to the bank, I saw the huge number with a string of zero balls at the beginning of the word, and I couldn't find Bei happily.

At the time of the handover here, many people who picked the raw stones also carried the stones back to the calcification site. The clerk was called by the boss to pack the spring ribbons and transport them to the cashier for storage.

The shop owner was overjoyed, and excitedly encouraged her to take out the other two pieces of material to unravel, which opened everyone's eyes.

"I'll keep that one and polish it myself." Le Yun, who was dazed by the windfall, heard that she was asked to untie the other two stones. She was drenched in cold water, woke up in a second, and spread her feet with her backpack to retreat.

Yan Xing followed coolly, and the two of them left behind a bunch of people who were eyeing them, and left happily and calmly. When they stepped out of the gambling stone shop and walked a few meters, the soles of their feet were fluttering, and they grabbed handsome Yan's. Sleeves, with a erratic smile: "Brother Yan, I've made a fortune! Knock on me, I'll see if I'm dreaming."

"You didn't dream, you got rich and earned more than 200 million yuan." Yan Xing couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. Little Lolita was clearly calm just now, why is she not calm now?

"Really? Didn't you dream?"

"Why are you so insecure?"

"I've never seen so much money when I've grown up, it doesn't feel real." The banknotes she touched at one time were about [-] yuan. Whether it was banknotes or bank card passbooks, they never I have seen such a long string of numbers.

Yan Xing felt a little pain in her heart. Little Lolita was born in a poor family. She has a good nature and is neither coquettish nor coercive. She makes money with her own hands and her own efforts. With such a large sum, it is inevitable that you will not feel at ease.

"I'm probably not used to making a lot of money for the first time. I'll get used to it after making a few more sums. Little Loli, you said that if you make money, you will invite me to dinner. If you are developed, please invite me to eat two more meals."


"You are developed, can you invite me to eat pig's trotters?"


Le Yun, who was holding the handsome guy's mobile phone, was so dizzy with joy that every bite was good, she deserved it was refreshing, and her answer was full of pride, and that appearance also made Yan Dashao feel guilty for taking advantage of others' dangers.

Guilt returns to guilt, reality returns to reality, and he is preparing to make persistent efforts to pursue the victory and ask for more benefits when a surprised and suspicious female voice suddenly interjects: "Little...Xiao Longbao?"

(End of this chapter)

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