magic eye doctor

Chapter 1707 Break up

Chapter 1707 Break up
Li Wanyao was quite embarrassed at first when the post was rejected, but Young Master Yan made a long phone call to explain the reason for not accepting the Wang family's greeting post, knowing that it was not because of not showing face to Xueshan, but because of the Wang family itself, so she didn't feel embarrassed.

Feeling relieved, I took back the post returned by Young Master Yan, and still explained: "I don't know the reason, it's just that the daughter-in-law of the Wang family is my cousin, and when she asked me for help, she only said that the old man of the Wang family was seriously ill and wanted to find someone to help her." I didn't ask too many questions about Miss Le's consultation, I didn't want to cause trouble for Miss Le."

"It's no fault of those who don't know. Ms. Li is also out of love for her niece of the same family. This has nothing to do with Ms. Li. Ms. Li doesn't have to worry about it."

When the post was withdrawn, Yan Xing withdrew his sharp hands and straightened the cuffs of his clothes before refilling a cup of tea for Miss Li. A faint smile appeared on his handsome face: "One rice raises a hundred kinds of rice." Man, this is true. Miss Li and the daughter-in-law of the Wang family, the Li family, belong to the same family, but their temperament and style are quite different. Compared with the girl, Li's style of dealing with people is really different, it is really hard to imagine that you are the daughters taught by the same family."

Young Master Yan praised people in an aboveboard way, and made people feel his sincerity. When Li Wanyao heard the first half of the sentence, she felt more comfortable than eating ice in June Tian. After hearing the last few words, her heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Li Qingying's behavior was out of line?

In order to find out the truth, I sincerely asked for advice: "Young Master Yan, but my cousin's words are inappropriate, or her words are too aggressive, making the little girl unhappy?"

"Ling niece probably married into a powerful family and went smoothly in the aristocratic circle. It is inevitable that she is a little arrogant. I grew up in Beijing since I was a child, but I am used to the style of the rich and powerful wives in the aristocratic circle. Miss Le But I really don't like dealing with such people.

Ms. Li doesn't have to care about little things. Ms. Le is not a small-hearted person. Out of a clan, a bamboo pole overturns a boat of people. "

Young Master Yan's words were ambiguous, so how others understand it, the wise see the wisdom, and the benevolent see benevolence.

However, Li Wanyao sensed something unusual, and she was sure that Li Qingying's words and deeds must have been inappropriate during her visit, which left a bad impression on Young Master Yan and Miss Le.

"I spent most of my time in the sect since I was a child, and I don't know the temperament of my niece. Because there are few girls in my family, the elders in the family love me more, so it is inevitable that I will be spoiled. I ask Miss Le and Young Master Yan to forgive me if my niece is rude. When I go back, I will definitely remind her and let her reflect on herself."

No matter what, the attitude must be clear. Li Wanyao expressed her position sincerely. She is about the same age as her cousin, but she left home since childhood, so the aunt and nephew are not too close.

"It's okay, Ms. Li, don't criticize Mrs. Li for such a trivial matter, and let Mrs. Li lose her true temperament from now on." Yan Xingyun smiled lightly: "Ms. Le doesn't like excitement, and she doesn't like it. Go to various banquets to show up, most of them get together with like-minded people in private; Mrs. Li is the daughter-in-law of a powerful family and often socializes;

Miss Le and Mrs. Li are not in the same circle. They each have their own fields and live their own lives. They have nothing to do with each other, and no one needs to accommodate the other. "

"Thank you Yan Shao and the little girl for your generosity. The little girl is busy, so I won't bother you anymore. When the little girl is free, I will invite the little girl to drink tea."

Yan Shao said "Li's", which shows that she has a very bad impression of Li Qingying. Li Wanyao knew that it was not appropriate to continue the topic of her cousin's niece, so she took the initiative to say goodbye.

"Miss Li, please drink tea." Yan Xing's smile did not change, he picked up a white porcelain teacup, and drank tea with the guests.

It also means bringing tea to see off guests.

Li Wanyao picked up the teacup and drank half a cup of tea, then got up to leave.

Yan Xing got up and saw them off.

The accompanying guests Wang Ershao and Brother Fu also sent Miss Li off.

The three of them escorted Ms. Li to the door, and Brother Fu opened the door for her. After Ms. Li went out, they stepped out of the iron gate and sent someone out of the eaves of the gate until Ms. Li said "Please stay behind" for the third time. They stayed and watched off. .

Li Wanyao was carrying a small backpack, said "please stay" outside the door and then did not look back. She walked along the road in front of the courtyard to the intersection, turned and walked towards the vehicle a few meters away.

Li Qingying parked the car on the side of the road and observed silently. Seeing her cousin being invited into the compound, she was in a bad mood. The gatekeepers looked down upon her!

She came alone with her father-in-law and was turned away. When the cousin came, that Yan personally received her. This is a slap in the face.

I was extremely unbalanced in my heart, and waited patiently until my cousin came out, and I was even angrier when I saw Yan personally sent Tanggu out of the house again!

The feeling of being underestimated was very painful, and I had to endure it. When I saw my cousin approaching from the rearview mirror, I pushed open the door of the passenger cab, waited until my cousin walked into the car, closed the door, and drove on.

After the car turned to another avenue at the intersection, after driving a long way, Li Qingying noticed Miss Tang's expression was not happy, and was about to ask about the situation, when she saw that Miss Tang took out a red post from her backpack, she suddenly felt something was wrong. Could it be... that person didn't answer the post?
As expected, her thoughts were confirmed in the next moment. The cousin's voice was very soft - "Miss Le doesn't see any guests, and Young Master Yan takes care of trivial matters on her behalf. Young Master Yan conveyed the little girl's words that your husband's old man's illness is not terminally ill. , refused to be invited to see a doctor, Yan Shao returned your post on behalf of you, you should find another master."

"Aunt Yao, that Young Master Yan has a personal grievance with my cousin from my husband's family. Could it be that he pretended to be a cook for his own benefit and refused my husband's doctor's consultation on behalf of the little girl?"

Li Qingying was dissatisfied, and also felt that someone from Yan hated the Wang family because of Wang Yuxuan's affairs, so he used some convenience to avenge his personal revenge and deliberately made things difficult.

"Who do you think you are, to be guilty of Yan Shao's depreciation?" The niece's words were not pleasant, and Li Wanyao snapped back: "You have never been in contact with the circle of a special family, so don't push the blame if you don't understand. What kind of status is Yan Shaole's little girl, she doesn't even bother to play small tricks to make things difficult for others.

Yan Shao is lonely and arrogant, he disdains to do things that lower the class, and Miss Le will not deliberately make things difficult for her. With an identity that is detached from the world like Miss Le, she is willing if she wants to, and it is not good for anyone who does not want to lose face .

If you are rejected, you will blame others. Why don't you ask yourself whether your husband's family has offended them?
Yan Shao told the truth, one of the reasons Miss Le didn’t see you was that the old man in your husband’s family was not terminally ill, and the other reason was the attitude of the old man and the old lady in your husband’s family. What did they do to make the little girl disagree with them? human.


It is said that the little girl made an exception and sold a pill to the Wang family for the sake of your father-in-law's colleague relationship with a certain master of the Chao family. Now your husband's family is eager to let everyone in the world know that your family is looking for the little girl to see a doctor. , Do you want to use moral kidnapping to force people to submit? "

"..." Li Qingying blushed blushing after being scolded by her cousin, "I... I don't know if the two elders of the Wang family had any festivals with Miss Le before... I was thinking one-sidedly."

"You are not a child anymore, don't think that you are still the Jiaojiaoer of the family, or that you are superior to others just because you marry a powerful family in politics, and others have to let you support you. Others are not the elders and parents of the family. Who is obliged to get used to you and follow you,"

Thinking of the cryptic words Yan Shao said, Li Wanyao warned her niece with a sullen face: "Don't rely on your status to get involved in certain things, especially about Miss Le and people related to Miss Le, put your attitude right, and get along with me. It doesn't matter if Miss Le can't be friends, at least don't make enemies with others.

It's okay to make those kind of people unhappy, others will treat you as a clown at most, if you step on people's bottom line too much, and provoke some people to be ruthless, you won't even know how to die someday. "

"..." Li Qingying felt ashamed after being trained, her face was flushed, and she didn't dare to refute.

To be trained, only to listen.

No matter whether you accept it or not.

If you don't accept it, you have to hold back.

Whoever let the aunt's voice in the family have higher power than her parents, even the grandpa-level elders have a very special attitude towards this aunt, and it can even be said to be somewhat respectful.

Li Qingying didn't understand why, but she still had eyesight, but she couldn't be stronger, so she acted like a junior and listened honestly when her cousin was preaching.

Even if there are 1 unconvinced in my heart.

Look at what the Tang aunt said, it seems that the surnamed Le and the surnamed Yan are some great masters, or the kind of people who are above power and can dominate the life and death of others.

Isn't the surname Le's medical skills better than ordinary doctors, and is there a Chao family to support him? What's so great about it?No cousin said it was so unattainable.

The cousin is trying to boost the spirit of others and destroy her own prestige.

Unconvinced or disagreed with Tanggu's point of view, Li Qingying listened honestly, and put the returned posts in the hidden compartment for drawing paper, and drove away.

Li Wanyao preached for a while and didn't continue to chatter. She observed secretly and found that Li Qingying hadn't said a word. However, based on the practitioner's perception and from Li Qingying's slight expression and eyes, Li Qingying might not have listened to her own words.

Originally, she thought that Li Qingying was a child of the Li family, so she should support her appropriately, and she planned to take Li Qingying to show up more in front of the children of the ancient martial arts family when she had the opportunity, so that Li Qingying could get in touch with some ancient Jianghu sects and those people. The circle of contacts may be helpful in the future.

Considering Li Qingying's micro-expressions, and thinking about Yan Shao's words, I am even more convinced that Li Qingying must be arrogant in front of Yan Shao and Miss Le, and was disgusted.

Li Qingying left a bad impression on the little girl Yan Shaole, and she didn't show remorse and self-examination. Li Wanyao directly canceled the plan to bring Li Qingying in contact with the disciples of ancient martial arts.

She didn't want to have more contact with the Wang family, so naturally she would not go to Li Qingying's in-law's house with the car, get off the car halfway, go to the bookstore to buy a few books, and then drive back to her residence.

(End of this chapter)

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