magic eye doctor

Chapter 1715

Chapter 1715

The host and guest entered the middle hall, and the head of Li and the elders of the same clan obeyed the principle of honoring the east and respecting the west. They sat on the host seat on the west side, and invited the guests to sit on the east side.

Because Miss Le didn't bring any entourage, it seemed lonely to let her sit alone or with her siblings on the east side. Ant Lao and Li Zhao accompanied the little girl to sit in the guest seat on the east side.

The young people who were in charge of carrying the luggage split into two groups during the journey, one group sent things to the little girl's guest room, and the other group followed the elder and little girl Le with their luggage.

When the little girl entered the main hall and sat down, the disciples carrying luggage entered the main hall, placed the boxes, cages, jars and other things in the hall, and then retreated to stand on both sides.

Thirty pieces of luggage lined up, the scene was still very spectacular, and it also made the men and women in the hall secretly startled.

The guest of honor sat down and asked each other about the health of the elders of each other's family/zongmen. Afterwards, head Li formally introduced several elders of his own sect, who were brothers and sisters of the same generation as Elder Yi.

There are more than [-] brothers and sisters in Mr. Ant's generation. He started a little late and was ranked in the twentieth generation. Now, among the only veterans in his generation, there is only one elder brother. The rest are his younger brothers and younger sisters.

Guanyin Temple is a sect with a large number of female disciples, about one-third of the total number of female disciples. There are more than forty peers of Li's head sect, including more than a dozen female disciples.

The highest surviving figures in the Hall of Guanyin come from a variety of sources, and their surnames are also diverse. Generally speaking, there are still more local people, and the surnames Xing, Zheng, Lu, Wu, Ji, Tian, ​​Zhuo, Wei, Li, and Li are the most .

There are eleven senior elders including Yi Lao, three of them are not in Qiongdao, and seven of them are in the clan. Wu and Zheng, the two female elders are surnamed Tian and Ji.

Head Li introduced the elders of his sect, Le Yun stood up, he introduced one, she cupped her fists and said, "The elders of XX have long respected you".

The elders of Guanyin Hall also stood up when the master nephew introduced them, and got to know the little girl one by one.

The two sides greeted each other and sat down again.

Headmaster Li then introduced his peers in the sect, because there were still people who hadn't rushed back to the sect, he just pointed to the people in the east row and said they were brothers of the same generation, and then introduced the row of people in the west in general, that is The core disciples among his masters, nephews and grandnephews.

Le Yun also cupped her fists and greeted everyone.

Head Li introduced the people in the sect, and the disciples in charge of tea came in one after another, bringing tea, juice and fruits.

Qiongdao is the hometown of tropical fruits. There are all kinds of fruits in tropical regions. A total of ten kinds of fruits were presented to form a large platter, while the fruit for their disciples was a small platter.

The juice is a fresh coconut that has just been picked. The top of the fruit is opened and a reed tube is placed. When drinking, if you want to be more elegant, you can choose a straw. If you want to be bold, take off the fruit cover and hold the fruit to dry .

Student Le was interested in fruit, so he drank the juice of a coconut, picked up the fruit knife on the fruit plate, and dug out the pulp.

Le Shan ate a few grapes, and her sister ate coconut pulp for herself. Holding the pulp happily, her face turned into a sunflower with a smile.

Li Zhao saw the little girl feeding her younger brother coconut pulp, silently drank the juice from the coconuts on his table, and dug the pulp for the younger brother.

Le Shan ate a few pieces of fruit from his senior brother, took out a white handkerchief from his sleeve, and wiped his tender little hands. With little hands and feet, he crawled down from the master's arms, and ran to the little senior brother to act coquettishly and wanted to hug him. hug.

Wow!The little junior brother came running in front of him, Li Zhao almost jumped up excitedly, quickly picked up the milky and milky little junior brother and sat on his lap, then dig the fruit pulp to feed.

Headmaster Li, the elders and others saw the little milk baby who looked like a jade carving looking for his little brother to feed them. They were so envious and jealous. They would also dig the flesh and bring the baby, why didn't they go to their arms?
Le Yun also found out that her younger brother had gone to his senior brother to show off his cuteness, so she quietly glanced at other people. Some people stared at Mr. Li with a jealous expression of having been robbed of their beloved, and silently twitched the corners of their mouths. Brother Xiao Baozi wants to become a Guanyin The rhythm of the group favorite!
The junior brother was snatched away, and headmaster Li warmly greeted Miss Le to taste the fruit.

Le Shan ate about a quarter of a coconut, and had enough. He took out a handkerchief and wiped his paws.

"..." Li Zhao was so happy that he was going to faint, oh my, the junior brother is a gentle and warm boy, he doesn't want to go to school to deal with the brats, he wants to quit his job and go to Lejia to be the tutor of the junior brother!

Le Shan naturally helped the little brother wipe his hands, tucked the handkerchief into his sleeve, and snuggled into the little brother's arms obediently. My sister was tired from flying, so I couldn't let my sister hug her often, so I played with my brother first.

The little milk baby is cute and cute, smart and considerate, and instantly gained a heart from the brothers and sisters.

Le Yun tasted a few kinds of fruit, took out a handkerchief to wipe her hands, drank tea, drank half a cup of fragrant tea, and invited the head of Li and the elders of the Guanyin Hall to look at the teacher ceremony: "The box with the purple note is a elixir. The one with the red note is medicinal food, and the box with the purple note is filled with tea leaves. This is a small gift I prepared for my younger brother to learn from his teacher.

The boxes pasted with golden notes are moon cakes and pastries. The mere vulgar etiquette is not elegant, so elders and gentlemen of your sect please don’t take it too seriously. "

"Miss Le, you have already sent the apprentice ceremony for the younger brother in advance. Tomorrow, the younger brother will kowtow to the ancestors and visit the ancestral hall. There is no reason for us to accept two apprentice gifts. Please accept this generous gift. Take it back, we accept the mooncakes and pastries."

Li Zhangming looked at the stacked boxes, he didn't know how to describe his mood, the gift of apprenticeship given by the little girl in advance was already very heavy, if he received another gift of apprenticeship, wouldn't it be the family members of the disciples of the Keng Zongmen.

Elder Ant, Elder Xing and others also agreed with the decision of the head of the sect, they have already received a ceremony of apprenticeship from Lejia, how can they accept it again, if it spreads out, the other sects will think that the Guanyin Temple is so poor that it needs to accept the ceremony of apprenticeship to maintain it, or I thought that the eyelids of Guanyin Hall were shallow, and the eyes were open when I saw the ceremony.

"Master Li and all the elders said so, I'd rather obey than respect," the elders of the Guanyin Hall sincerely refused to accept the gift, Le Yun did not insist, first agreed to take it back, and then made a decision with a smile: "The things brought Well, it would be troublesome to transport it back and forth, so let’s talk about it, let’s talk about the birthday gifts that Quan Nianli and Leshan gave to the elders of Shimen and the gifts for the wedding banquet held by Shimen.

I have decided to study abroad next year, and because of medicinal materials and other reasons, it is expected that I will stop making alchemy in the next few years. I am away all the year round, and I rarely have time to bring my younger brother to Qiongdao to send New Year gifts, or to celebrate the elders and gentlemen's birthday, and to participate in weddings For wedding banquets such as adding a son, this gift will be used as an annual gift, birthday gift, wedding gift, etc., what do you think of the head of the house, the elders, and gentlemen? "

When Miss Le talked about this matter, Head Li and all the elders couldn't refuse anymore: "So, let the little girl spend money!"

"You're welcome." After talking, Le Yun took out the gift list from her sleeve and showed it to Head Li.

Head Li took the four-fold gift list, unfolded it, looked at it, only read a few lines, then stood up awkwardly: "Miss Le, this... this gift is too heavy, how dare our sect He De accept it calmly? "

All the disciples were startled, what kind of gift did the little girl give to make the head lose his composure?
"Let me see what the little girl gave you." Seeing the frightened appearance of the master nephew, Yi Lao jumped up and ran to the table of the Eight Immortals to receive the gift list, browsing through it at a glance.

Just seeing the first line, the corners of my eyes twitched. After reading a few more lines, I turned my head to look at the fairy and tender little girl: "Little girl, you... this hand, not to mention the Guanyin Temple, is Kunlun, Lotus, Penglai will also be shocked when he sees it."

"Elder Ant wasn't scared, was he?" Le Yun still smiled calmly.

"Mr. Ben was also scared, but because I saw so much of your generosity, I barely screamed this time." Mr. An looked at the disciples present, pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "This sect has never been rebellious. There are no treacherous and sycophantic disciples, the disciples of the inner courtyard are the pillars of our sect in the future, so we can't hide this important matter from you, so I will read you the roster of pills given by the little girl."

He took a breath, looked at the gift list again, and read slowly: "36 pills of Biyun Dan, [-] pills of Jiji Pill, [-] pills of Sutra-washing Pill; [-] pills of Small-washing Pill;

Twelve capsules of Huanyang Dan; [-] capsules of Top Grade Jiedu Pill, [-] capsules of Ordinary Jiedu Pill; [-] capsules of Chuchen Pill; [-] capsules of Qushi Qingfei Pill, and [-] capsules of Qingxin Pill. "

Elder An said to read the roster of pills, and all the disciples of Guanyin Hall straightened their waists and pricked up their ears. When they heard "Biyun Pill", all the sitting ones stood up in unison, staring at Elder Ant and Le Xiao in shock. little girl.

Everyone listened to Elder Yi chanting the name of the elixir in the same way, except they were dumbfounded.

After listening to Elder Yi read the list of pills, Elder Xing took a deep breath: "The gift is too heavy!"

"It's too heavy!" The other elders echoed in unison.

"This is half of my current net worth." Le Yun grinned: "The previous alchemy has exhausted the precious medicinal materials collected, and the next alchemy will not know until the year of the monkey. I will need to collect medicinal materials all over the world in the future. Leshan entrusted Elder Ant and all the elders and gentlemen, please take care of me."

"You are not kind, you came here secretly, and my old man knows that you really respect this sect, so even if I want to beat you up, I won't do it.

Suck, forget it, I don’t want to talk about it anymore, nephew of the sect master, just take it as it is, and urge the boys to practice harder, they are going to be a role model for my little disciples and a backing , to protect my little apprentice from being bullied by outsiders, I have no strength. "

Mr. Ant just read the roster of pills, handed the gift list back to the head nephew, walked to his seat, walked up to the little girl, and stretched out his big hand on her head: "Next time you dare to scare me, old man, I will beat you up!" .”

"Mr. Ant, you always think that I am crying and suing my brother with tears in my eyes. Do you think your little apprentice will ask his uncles and uncles to support him?" Le Yun is not afraid of Mr. Ant's threats.

"You... a stinky little girl, you always threaten me with my little disciple."

"You can also be stubborn and not be threatened."

"Hmph, my old man doesn't know as much as you little girl." Mr. An blew his beard and stared for a while, then calmed down, took another step, stretched out his hand to snatch the little apprentice from the junior nephew, and sat down by himself.

Elder Yi stuffed the gift list into his hand, headmaster Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he calmed down a lot, sat down, continued to read the gift list, and passed it on to the elders around him for review.

Several elders took turns passing the gift list, and after reading it, they passed it on to their nephews for circulation.

The gift list went around in the main hall, and finally passed it back to Li Zhao, who read it once, and then sent it to the head of the house.

After the gift list was circulated again, Le Yun automatically avoided and let the principals of Guanyin Hall handle the gift.

Mr. Ant happily took the little girl and the little apprentice to the place where he stayed, and he asked the sect to arrange the little girl in the courtyard where he lived.

The small courtyard where he lives is in the cross courtyard to the east of the main hall, and the cross courtyard next to the main hall is where several other elders live. There are three rooms, and the house style has a strong northern style.

Elder Ant originally lived in a small courtyard with his two juniors, because those two had become immortals, so now he is the only elder living in the same courtyard.

Headmaster Li complied with his uncle's instructions, and took out the east wing of the small courtyard for Miss Le to live in. Because Le Shan was too little, he was afraid that he would not be able to adapt to a strange environment, so he arranged for his siblings to live in one place temporarily. Shan naturally lives in the upper room with the master.

In the past, the people who lived in the small courtyard decided where to live according to their ranking. The one in the front lived in the upper room, and the one in the back lived in the east and west rooms respectively. The middle room between the upper room and the east and west rooms was the living room. Living in the same hospital can also guarantee everyone's freedom.

A person has three rooms, and he has land to live in if he takes in apprentices. If the brothers and sisters take in more apprentices, there is an inverted seat in the south for the disciples to live in. If there are too many disciples to live in, another courtyard will be arranged to live in.

Ant led the little girl happily back to the small courtyard where he used to live, and sent the little girl to the east wing to see if there was anything missing.

He arranged for the little girl to be a bedroom facing north in the east wing, with a big-leaf red sandalwood two-step bed, equipped with a wardrobe, a screen, a multi-treasure pavilion, and a set of desks. The furniture is all rosewood.

Qiongdao is the origin of rosewood, and the best rosewood is Qiongdao rosewood.

The disciples of the Guanyin Temple put their luggage in the living room of the East Wing. Le Yun visited the room, then carried some luggage into the bedroom, packed a few things into a small backpack, and took advantage of Mr. Yi's well-being to lead him to see the sea. .

That proposal was right in his arms, and Mr. An happily hugged the little apprentice, took the little girl to see the sea, and also admired the diversified buildings of the Guanyin Temple along the way.

The place where the Guanyin Temple is located is called Luhu Bay according to the terrain, and the town is called Luhu Town. The entire town has a population of more than 1, almost all of whom are descendants of the families of the disciples of the Guanyin Temple throughout the ages, and have nothing to do with the disciples of the Guanyin Temple. There are also several families that have settled down due to doing business in the past 20 years.

The Guanyin Hall is on the east side of Luhu Town, and is closer to the low mountains extending from northeast to southeast surrounding the basin. Various tropical fruit trees are planted between the buildings, and the fruits are fragrant all year round.

On the way from the town to the bay, it takes about three miles to get to the notch surrounding the calabash neck in the basin, and after a detour of about two miles, you get out of the notch, and the beach of the bay is outside.

(End of this chapter)

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