magic eye doctor

Chapter 1756 Exchange Conditions

Chapter 1756 Exchange Conditions
Li Cai was so angry that she naturally ignored Li Yuhao's wife and sat still like a Buddha, only paying attention to the little girl's reaction.

After the awkward chat with Li's parents and grandson's daughter-in-law was over, Le Yun didn't care about the young woman at all, and bored the time with her chin in her hands.

Qing Lao brought his family to toast, and the guests waited with anticipation, and some of them also paid attention to the three people left at the main table from time to time.

Most of the people were far away. They only knew that the grandson and daughter-in-law of Li's parents went to chat with the little girl for a while, but they couldn't hear what was being said there.

At the tables closest to the main table, I could hear a few words clearly with better hearing, and I didn't feel that there was anything out of the ordinary.

Yan Xing has good ears, and he heard the question-and-answer conversation at the main table clearly from a long distance away. , no matter who the other party is.

Whoever thinks that life is too boring or too comfortable, go to Little Lolita to have a meal, and it is guaranteed to make him doubt life.

Granddaughter-in-law of Li's parents... He silently wiped tears of sympathy for the young Li Yuhao who used to play with him. That guy seemed to have bad eyesight and found a not-so-intelligent wife.

Finding a daughter-in-law must not be willful, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Being taught a lesson by reality again, Yan Xing sighed with emotion. In order not to harm his descendants, he decided that if he couldn't catch up with the person he liked, he would rather be single for the rest of his life.

He only sighed for a while, then silently waited for Qing Lao and others to come. When Qing Lao led the Li family, a table of young people got up, received a toast from the Li family, and then sat down.

Qing Lao led his family to toast table by table. After toasting the distinguished guests in the VIP table, he went to the seats on the right hand side of the door to toast one by one.

Yan Xing had nothing to do, paying attention to Little Lolita's side, and occasionally paying attention to the progress of Qing Lao's side. Seeing that Qing Lao had toasted more than a dozen tables of wine, his mobile phone vibrated.

Because they are attending other people's banquets, in order not to disturb others, everyone either handed over their mobile phones to the driver's secretary, or set the mobile phone to vibrate, and naturally turned the volume to the minimum, or turned it to silent.

Yan Xing's cell phone vibrates at a very, very low volume, even the people sitting next to him can't hear the vibration. He is an ancient cultivator with a keen sense of perception, and he sensed the first vibration.

Calling at this time can only be a business matter.

Yan Xing took out Fang Liu's mobile phone from his shoulder bag, looked at the number, quickly connected the headset, and answered the call.

Xiao Xingxing had a phone, and Young Master Liu, who was sitting next to him, stretched his head. Seeing that the caller ID was from the Military General Academy, he immediately turned his head to Xiao Xingxing's shoulder and listened intently.

He heard a little bit of content, without saying a word, he picked up the backpack that Xiao Xingxing had taken and carried it in front of him, ready to go.

After answering the phone, Yan Xing said "Got it", stood up and left.

Young Master Liu said to the people present, "We have business to go", then stood up awkwardly, and ran after Xiao Xingxing.

Old Yang and the others saw the boy from the Yan family standing up again, and they all looked over.

When someone Yan's phone vibrated, Le Yun heard it too. Even if he used earphones, she still listened to the conversation, her head was full of black lines, and she wanted to bleed again!
She knew what was going on, but she still had to pretend she didn't know anything. She saw two handsome guys walking towards the main table, glanced at them and turned to look at the other side.

The other guests saw Yan Shao and Liu Shao walking towards the main table, apparently towards Miss Le, and couldn't figure out what he was doing.

Liu Xinyi also pretended to be exhausted, her eyes turned around the two handsome young men.

Under the eyes of everyone, Yan walked to the little loli's seat, squatted down condescendingly, slightly raised her head to look at the little angel with her chin resting on her hands, and said softly, "little loli, please help..."

"Once you show up, nothing good will happen. If I don't listen, I won't listen. If you don't listen to the scriptures..." Le Yun sat up straight for a second, covering her ears with her hands.

Li Caishi: "..."

Young Master Liu: "!" Oh, Xiao Xing Xing has become a bastard?
Little Loli covered her ears, and Yan Xing knew she could hear, and continued: "Little Loli, the General Hospital called to say that a scientific researcher fainted in the research room in the afternoon and smashed his head. He also broke a bone in the fall, and the hospital just finished the rescue operation.

It was said that the brain of the scientific researcher was injured by the broken skull bone, and his internal organs were also rapidly failing, and he feared that time was running out.

Scientific researchers are the most important treasures of the country. From the time you retreated last year to the time before you came back, we have lost several old scientists. Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer old scientists of the older generation. Every one who leaves belongs to the country and the people. loss. "

"Hmph!" Yan was speaking softly, Le Yun let go of her paws covering her ears, and grunted sullenly.

"Little Lolita, help me to see if it's okay. I'll beat you up later, or I'll get you a scripture book to read to you." Continue to negotiate.

"You unlucky bastard, when you're by my side, something goes wrong every now and then. I only made a fortune last month, and I'm going to bleed in a blink of an eye. You say you're cheating me every time you come out to find me, Why don't you go to heaven?"

Le Yun stood up, threw herself into her waist angrily, and looked down at Yan: "I want to appeal to your superiors and ask for a handsome guy with a higher luck value to be the bodyguard. Now I don't want to see you, so move away from me." , don’t run in front of my eyes.”

"I'll step aside immediately. Little Lolita, your medical skills are world-class, you can bring the dead back to life, and you have a bodhisattva heart. We will be the first to think of you when we have something to do." , Yan Xing stood up cleverly and stood behind little Lolita, preventing her from seeing him.

"Every time it makes me bleed, I will say good things to coax people, which one is not nonsense, try chirping again?" Le Yun walked towards the VIP seat.

"Okay, I'll shut up, I'll be dumb." Yan Xing counseled in seconds.

"Little beauty, what are you doing over there? Do you want to borrow the phone to ask the housekeeper of the Chao family to deliver the medicine box for you?" Xiao Xingxing was ordered to shut up, and Young Master Liu acted like a handyman.

"I have life-saving pills in my hand. It is still possible to save one or two people. I have to tell the elders of Chao's family."

"Oh, the little beauty is thoughtful, tell the old men so that no one will worry." Young Master Liu praised people hastily.

The boy from the Yan family went to the main table, and Xiao Tuanzi got up and walked towards the guest seats. Mrs. Li and the others guessed that the boy from the Yan family was looking for Xiao Tuanzi on business, and that Xiao Tuanzi might have to visit the doctor again.

Grandpa Chao and the old lady saw Fen Tuanzi approaching in a hurry, stood up, and before she left, touched her forehead: "Xiao Lele, if you have something to do, go and do it, we will talk to Dabo and his grandpa later." Explain the situation, we will all go to your second uncle's house after the banquet, and go there when you are done with your work."

"Hmm, I don't know when I'll go back. You don't have to wait for me, just leave the door open."

"Okay, let's go," Mr. Chao helped his good granddaughter to straighten the hair in his ears, and then gave the two young men who followed him a look: "You two brats, protect me, if Xiao Lele If you are wronged, I will break the dog legs of both of you!"

"Don't worry, we promise to let the little beauty go away intact, and return with a full body." Young Master Liu nodded and bowed, but he was obedient.

"What all beards and tails? I'm not an animal. Where did you get the beards and tails? You have hair and tails." Le Yun was so angry that she wanted to kick the handsome Liu, saying something like a tiger or a wolf.

"I used the wrong word. I have hair, beard and tail. But, if I have hair and tail, you can't run away, little beauty. We are all human."

"You are a man, I am a girl, men and women are different."

"You're right, but I'm speechless." First Young Master Liu couldn't laugh or cry, what Little Loli said made sense!
Mr. Yang and the others who were seated with Mr. and Mrs. Chao looked happily at the boys. Yan boy and Liu boy together are not Xiaotuanzi's opponents. The scene of Xiaotuanzi bullying the boys is very happy.

Yan Xing acted as a mute, and when the little loli turned around, he nodded to everyone and followed step by step.

"Why is Yan boy dumb?" Mrs. Chao looked puzzled.

"Old lady, Xiaotuanzi from your hometown disliked Yan's talkativeness and ordered him not to speak, so he is now mute."

Young Master Liu happily followed Little Lolita, and did not forget to respond to the old lady's words.

"It deserves it." Mrs. Chao laughed and cursed, and sat down with her wife again, watching the two boys rush out with their little dumpling.

Le Yun left the VIP seat, and said hello to the old lady of the Li family at the main table, saying that she had something to do with her, and then hurried away.

Miss Le had business to do, but she did not forget to explain to the master's family that she respected the Li family and made Li Cai's heart very comfortable.

Elder Qing led the family members to toast the guests. He didn't notice the situation at the main table at first, but was reminded that the little girl seemed to be leaving the table early, and asked a junior in the family to go back to the main table to inquire about the situation.

The Li family members rushed back to the main table. The little girl and Yan Shao and Liu Shao were almost at the gate. He consulted the elders, and then ran back to Mr. Qing to report the situation. Put it in the stomach.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao brothers have been partners for many years, and they have a perfect understanding. Yan Shao was ordered not to show up in front of the little girl, and Liu Da Shao acted as a pawn. He was in charge of asking the little brother where the car was and leading the way.

The two young masters led little Lori to the convoy parked by He's family, and drove away the car that He Xiaoba and the others drove, with young master Liu as the driver.

Yan Xing and the little Lolita sat in the back row, the little Lolita didn't speak, and she resolutely kept silent, quietly acting as a well-behaved and docile handsome man.

One of the three was driving, and the other two were silent, very quiet.

The car left the villa area and walked a long, long way. Classmate Le poked the arm of Yan Fantong who was sitting like a statue. He didn't want his muscles to tense even more and turned into a stone sculpture.

Not only were his muscles stretched like iron, but he also showed an expression like a bullied little daughter-in-law. He was so pitiful that he almost hugged and shivered.

Yan Fanguan's reaction was very funny, Le Yun couldn't help poking him a few more times, and made a condition with a smile: "Food, I will help you see a doctor for free, in exchange, you can help me find out about Li's parents and grandson's wife, I want to know about her all information."

Little Lolita poked her slender hand over, Yan Xing thought she wanted to poke her acupoints and tuck herself into a corner, so naturally she didn't dare to make a sound, let alone hide, she just tensed her muscles.

Little Lolita's hand didn't poke the acupuncture point on his chest, but hit his arm, so it wasn't acupuncture.

It wasn't acupuncture. Yan Xing didn't understand what little Lolita wanted to do, and his skin became even tighter. Hearing that she wanted the information of Li's parents' granddaughter-in-law, he blurted out: "You want the information of Yuhao's wife? Is there something wrong with that woman?"

After making a sound, he belatedly remembered the stubble that he was ordered to silence, and immediately shut up.

Hearing that Little Lolita wanted information about Li Yuhao's wife, Liu Xiangyang's first thought was that there was something wrong with that woman. Before he had time to ask, someone from Yan asked.

The two handsome men were waiting for the answer.

"Whether there is a problem with her needs to be investigated before the case can be finalized, but it is obvious that she has a lot of hostility towards me. I have no conflict of interest with her, and she is inexplicably hostile to me, which has to be doubted."

Le Yun didn't hide why she wanted to investigate Li's parents and grandson's daughter-in-law. She felt the woman's strong hostility and defense towards her. As for why she was hostile to her, she already knew one of the reasons, and she needed to see the results of the investigation for any other reasons.

"She is hostile to you?" Yan Xing couldn't control his mouth again, and he couldn't help making a sound again.

"Yes, I can feel that her hostility towards me is very obvious. She disguised herself well in front of the Li family's seniors, so that the Li family's seniors could not see it."

"That woman is from S province in the south of the Yangtze River. You haven't seen the little beauty before, right? Why are you unfriendly to the little beauty? After Qing Lao went to toast, what did the woman say when she came to you?"

Liu Xiangyang also felt very strange, Li Yuhao's wife was originally from S Province, and she had never met the little Lolita, so why was she not so friendly to the little Lolita?
Yan Xing heard what Li Yuhao's wife said to Little Lolita, and he had to pretend that he didn't know.

"She wants to imitate the empty-handed white wolf of a certain president's wife who went to Baodaowan Island during the Republic of China." Le Yun thought it was funny.

"The president of the Republic of China... you mean a certain Mrs. Jiang?" Liu Xiangyang's brain reacted quite quickly, thinking of a certain president's wife, and then turned his expression strangely: "Then what, little beauty, don't tell me about that woman I missed your jade bracelet."

To talk about a certain president’s wife during the Republic of China, there are too many topics in itself. For example, a certain president stopped his wife and remarried for her. .

No matter how many topics there are, one of them is the story she has to tell with Jadeite, and among the stories she has to tell is the story about her and the twisted jadeite bracelet.

In the old days in Songhai City, there was Mr. Du who was in charge of the underworld. Mr. Du once bought a pair of high-quality twist-shaped jade bracelets at a high price. Mrs. Du wore the bracelets to attend a banquet and was seen by a certain president's wife. She loved that pair of bracelets so much that she couldn't put it down. Forced by the situation, Mrs. Du had no choice but to give up the bracelet and gave it to the President's wife.

The twist bracelet that a certain president's wife got with empty gloves and a white wolf still exists in the world, and the story between her and Jade is also passed down to the world.

(End of this chapter)

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