magic eye doctor

Chapter 1758 Rejection

Chapter 1758 Rejection
Old Qing got angry, and none of the few people present dared to bump into him to find out.

No one persuaded himself. Looking at the dull grandson, Mr. Qing felt more and more frustrated. There are many grandchildren in the Li family. He intended to train the grandson, but the grandson's political sense was too bad, so he finally gave up. The grandson went to study business.

Today, among the grandchildren in their thirties, only one of his cousin's grandsons is well-educated in politics, and most of the younger grandchildren have not yet formally worked. The Li family has no successors in the political circle.

Feeling weak, she had to cheer up to deal with housework: "Fortunately, Liu Xinyi provoked Xiao Lele today. If it were someone else, the Li family would become a joke in the circle tomorrow. Xiao Lele is a talented and smart child. From the face of her brother and our family, it can be seen that Liu Xinyi's small thoughts will not be publicized.

However, we can't pretend that nothing happened. Xiao Lele came to Li's house to give our Li parents face, not to be wronged. Li Zheng, Li Huan, bring gifts and go to Chao Er's house tomorrow. Sorry to the little guy. "

"Okay." Li Zheng accepted the errand given by his old father without any dissatisfaction.

Li Huan's face was dull, and he responded in a low voice.

Mr. Qing is very grateful to his sister-in-law. If there is no sister-in-law present, I don’t know what kind of moths Liu Xinyi will make. I have to ask my sister-in-law and other cousins ​​and sisters-in-law to help keep an eye on Liu Xinyi. Don’t let that stupid The daughter-in-law got into trouble.

Li Cai didn't push back. If she was with Yu Hao's wife in a certain place, she would definitely be followed. After all, they are both Li family members, and they both prosper and lose. If Liu Xinyi did something embarrassing, the Li family would be ashamed.

Because his daughter-in-law was short-sighted, Li Yuhao had no room to speak, and he had to listen to the elders' education throughout the whole process, and he was dizzy from hearing it.

Old Qing was upset, and he didn't go to see his great-great-grandson when they left, and went to sleep directly.

Brothers Li Zheng and Li Huan discussed what gifts to bring to Chao's house, and they left after discussing the results.

The Chao family didn't know what happened to the Li family after they left. The three brothers each had a car, and went to the villa where Chao Er lived in a string.

Before they got home, Yan Shao and Liu Shao first arrived at Chao Erye's house.

Yan Shaoliu abducted the little girl from Li's house at less than eight o'clock, and it took more than an hour to rush to the hospital. The time spent on acupuncture and moxibustion was less than four to 10 minutes, including the time spent going up and down the stairs. The time I stayed in the hospital was at most an hour.

They left the hospital at less than 10:30, more than half an hour earlier than the Li family's banquet time. Even though they were farther away from the villa where Master Chao lived, they were still one step ahead.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang sent little Lolita outside the courtyard of Chao Erye's villa, watched little Lolita enter the villa and go up to the second floor, and they drove away.

The two of them didn't go back to the Liu's house or the He's house, they went directly to the residence, arrested the helpers unkindly, and worked overtime to find the information of Li's parents and grandson's daughter-in-law.

Mrs. and Mrs. took the little princess to the Li family banquet and haven't come back yet. Fang's mother guarded the house. When the little princess came back, she greeted her with a warm meal. When she heard that the little princess went to the hospital halfway to help someone see a doctor, she felt very distressed. , Move out a bunch of fruits to coax the little princess to eat.

Pupil Le is eating fruit happily.

She stayed for less than 8 minutes before Mr. Chao and his party returned to the villa.

The eight heads of the Chao family parked the car, climbed upstairs with Uncle Hu, and saw Xiao Tuanzi nestled on the sofa holding a small watermelon and digging it with a spoon. They were both surprised and happy, and rushed over. Grab the position next to Xiaotuanzi.

The old lady grabbed a seat, and Mrs. Chao also grabbed the best seat. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law surrounded Xiaotuanzi, smiling and watching her dig watermelons to eat.

Little Lolita scooped up a spoonful of melon meat and ate it, then scooped up another spoonful of meat and passed it to Grandma Chao with a fork: "Grandma, eat watermelon!"

"Hey!" Mrs. Chao babbled away the melon meat, the watermelon was sweet, and her heart was even sweeter, smiling happily.

"Xiaotuanzi, uncle is also thirsty."

"Xiao Lele, my aunt wants to eat too."

When the others saw it, they were extremely envious and shouted one after another.

Le Yun looked at her little watermelon, then at the table, put down the little watermelon she was holding and dug out most of the meat, picked up the other one and cut off a piece, took another spoon to dig out the flesh, and dug out a few pieces of melon, Take another piece of fork and pass it to the mouth of the nearest aunt.

Mrs. Chao ate the melon meat on the fork, stretched out her hand to rub Xiaotuanzi's head, and smiled contentedly.

Le Yun hugged the watermelon and fed the elders one by one, not forgetting the busy mother Fang and Uncle Hu, who also fed them a spoonful of watermelon each.

After eating Xiaotuanzi's food, the elders of the Chao family seemed to have picked up [-] million yuan happily. Chao's father was also super clever. He took a photo of himself while Xiaotuanzi was feeding and saved it. He planned to send it to his son tomorrow, so that his son would be envious .

The parents of the Eight Family were also reluctant to let their Xiaotuanzi be too tired, and they were satisfied after eating a mouthful of watermelon. After hearing from Mother Fang that there were only two small watermelons, they put the remaining small watermelons aside and saved them for Xiaotuanzi to eat tomorrow.

Xiaotuanzi likes to hold a small watermelon and eat it with a small spoon. It is as cute as a little rabbit holding a carrot. The eight parents who raised Xiaotuanzi as a bunny love to appreciate cute Xiaotuanzi the most. melon.

The people who came back from the banquet were also a little tired, and they went to wash up and rest after sitting for a long time.

Meimei woke up, and Chao Yichao and his three brothers hurried to work after breakfast. It was the Double Ninth Festival that day, and they were going to attend some activities to condolence to the country's meritorious men.

Chao Er was in business, he was the most free, and he was a rich and idle person at home.

Little Lolita accompanied the elders to have breakfast, saw off Uncle and Father Chao, acted like a spoiled child, and asked Erbo Chao to go downstairs to pack the luggage she had brought back.

Chao Erye carried the cute little dumpling on his back, wishing he could walk up to a clock, but his family was jealous and urged him to walk quickly, so he had no choice but to go downstairs.

Carrying the little guy to the first floor, the ladies of Chao's family hurriedly pulled Xiao Tuanzi off Chao Er's back, jealous of his favor, and squeezed Chao Er to the corner.

Chao Erye carried his little nephew on his back, happy like a flower, he didn't care about that bit of rejection, he was enjoying himself with a smile.

Classmate Le opened the door of the car, unloaded the luggage, and distributed the gifts. The grandparents, uncles, uncles, and Papa Chao each had a copy, each with a health pill and four sets of clothes.

Hu Shufang's mother also has a detox soup for them.

Chao's personal nanny and domestic servants also each have a detox soup.

As for the medicinal soup of Chao’s elders, it was handed over to Uncle Hu and moved back to Chao’s house before the National Day last time. The eight parents of Chao’s family had already eaten it while they were free during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holidays, so they all seemed to be several times younger. Years old, handsome men and beautiful women.

The detoxification soup that Xiao Luoli gave to the personal nanny of the Chao family was of a higher grade, while the soup of the other domestic servants was a little lower.

After distributing the gifts, Le Xiao moved the raw materials for making Double Ninth Cake into the kitchen on the first floor, and then decisively closed the door, refusing to watch onlookers.

The old man and others who got the gift were in a happy mood, put the gift in the living room on the first floor, moved a small bench and ran outside the kitchen to watch Xiaotuanzi cook delicious food, but was ruthlessly rejected, touched their noses embarrassingly, and quickly slipped away.

Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Chao and Mother Chao moved their home and the gift for the nanny back to the upstairs room and put it away. The Chao Er couple moved their own share back to the bedroom, and then summoned the domestic servants to distribute their gifts. .

The domestic servants of Chao Erye's house were all there, and they all got the detoxification soup from the little princess. They couldn't help being overjoyed. They carried the gift back to the room and locked it up, performing their duties with full energy.

Working in the Chao family is not only not tiring, Mr. Chao's wife is very kind and tolerant, the little princess also pays for their health for free, and the domestic servants also cherish their jobs very much, even if the second master Chao has cut their wages in half , Others give ten times more, they will not change jobs, they are all determined not to leave if their lives last.

The old man, the old lady, and their daughters-in-law had nothing to do, sitting in the living room on the first floor, waiting for Xiaotuanzi's cake to come out of the oven.

The father of the family ordered Li Huan and Li Zheng to go to Chao Er's house, because the two families used to celebrate the birthdays of the two brothers, and Luo Zhuxiang also went with her husband.

The three drove two cars and arrived at nearly ten o'clock.

The six elders of the Chao family were not surprised to see Li Zheng and Luo Zhuxiang. After all, they used to gather together to celebrate the birthdays of the two brothers. When they saw Li Huan, they murmured. Chao family.

Although he had doubts in his heart, he calmly invited the guest into the living room on the first floor.

Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao also thought that Li Zheng and the others came to Chao Er's house to celebrate the birthdays of the two brothers, and chatted happily with others.

At the beginning, Li Huan was relatively calm. After about half an hour, he still didn't see the little girl. He couldn't sit still and looked around frequently.

Li Zheng also saw how his brother was restless, sighed secretly, and asked the third sister-in-law of the Chao family with a smile: "Qingwan, when will Xiao Lele finish her work?"

"Xiao Lele is making Double Ninth Cakes in the kitchen, and the door is closed so that no one can see. We don't know when she will finish her work. Is Brother Zheng looking for Xiao Lele?" Chao's mother has soft eyebrows, full of family and children. enough happiness.

"We came here because we really wanted to have an interview with Xiao Lele." Li Zheng decided to tell the truth.

"Wait a minute, I'll go outside the kitchen and talk to Xiao Lele." Mother Chao didn't make things difficult for the Li brothers, she stood up and went straight to the kitchen.

She walked through the hall and aisle, ran to the kitchen, saw that the door was still tightly closed, and there was a little fragrance oozing from the kitchen, she knocked on the kitchen door three times: "Xiao Lele, Dabo's parents and uncle are here, say I want to find you something, can you spare some time?"

Le Xiao, who was staying in the kitchen, knew all about the activities outside. He knew when the Li family came and what they were talking about. Mother Chao came to send a message and responded: "Mother Chao, I see, I'll do my best first." I'm busy, go out in a few minutes."

"Okay, Xiaotuanzi is busy first." Chao's mother responded with a smile, walked back to the living room in a leisurely manner, and told the Li family brothers the news.

Li Huan was a little disappointed when he saw that Chao San's daughter-in-law had come back alone. When he heard that the little girl would come later, his impatience eased a little.

Le Yun agreed to go out to meet guests, of course she couldn't break her promise, and waited for a batch of pastries in the oven to be baked, put another batch in, washed her paws, and went to meet guests in a leisurely manner.

From the words of the Li brothers, Mr. Chao understood that the Li brothers did not come to Chao's house to celebrate Brother Liangbo's birthday, but to have other business, so they did not talk about the children.

Everyone waited for about ten minutes, and smelled a burst of fragrance, and then the Chao family's Xiaotuanzi entered the hall with a whole body of fragrance.

The little girl was wearing a Hanfu with narrow sleeves, her hair was tied into a high ponytail, and she wore an apron around her waist. She didn't bring any delicious food, it was purely because she had been in the kitchen for a long time and her body was stained with fragrance.

"Lele Xiaotuanzi, you have become a delicious soft bun." Luo Zhuxiang saw the little girl with a high ponytail, ran to cut off her beard, pinched her pink and tender little face, the little girl's face was still So soft and tender.

"Aunt Xiangxiang, if you keep doing this, I'll call Brother Chao and Brother Li to tell you that you bullied me, and I've been wronged." Every time Brother Li's mother caught her, she would knead her vigorously like a bread. Do not feel love.

"Let's call, let's call. It would be better for you to call back the two brothers." Luo Zhuxiang pinched the soft and cute little dumpling, and happily took the little guy's little paw.

She led him to the place where everyone was sitting, and gave the rice dumpling to the old lady of the Chao family.

Mrs. Chao put the small dumplings with the smell of food and sat beside her, squeezed her little pink hands, and handed over a cup of warm tea that had been cold for a while.

Chao's mother neatly cut up the small watermelon specially reserved for Xiaotuanzi, gave half to Xiaotuanzi first, and left half for her to eat later.

Le Yun was in the kitchen steaming Double Ninth Cakes, making sweet-scented osmanthus cakes. She was so busy that she didn't have time to eat fruits and snacks. She drank a cup of tea, picked up half a small watermelon, and took a spoon to dig out the flesh.

She dug out the first spoonful of melon meat and fed it to Grandma Chao who was beside her. She dug out another spoonful and passed it to Mama Chao who was watching her eagerly. The third spoonful was put into her mouth.

The old lady Chao who was fed was as sweet as soaking in the honey water of happiness.

The little girl was holding half of the little beauty watermelon, probably satisfied with eating, her eyebrows and eyes crescent like crescent moons when she smiled, she was cute and attractive, Luo Zhuxiang's hands were itchy, and she wanted to run to knead the dough balls again.

The little girl hugged the watermelon and ate it sweetly. Li Huan wanted to talk, but he was afraid of arousing the resentment of the Chao family, so he hesitated to speak.

"Uncle of Brother Dabo's family, if you have anything to say to me, you don't need to go around in circles, it's too tiring." Le Yun was not blind, and she could see Brother Li's impatience.

"..." The little girl came straight to the point, and Li Huan felt even more uneasy. He calmed down and said what he wanted to say: "My son Yuhao's daughter-in-law is not sensible, and she was wronged by the little girl last night. Our father let our brothers Come to make an apology, and ask the little girl to make a lot of it."

He paid attention to the expressions of the Chao family members and the little girl, and found that the expressions of the Chao family members had changed significantly when he said that the little girl had been wronged, so he hurriedly handed over a box he brought: "This is something from our family." Sincerely, a little apology."

The Li brothers brought an exquisite wooden box, the size of a lady's shoebox.

Le Yun understood why the two masters of the Li family came here in seconds, glanced at the uncle of the Li family with a half-smile, and refused without hesitation: "Please take back the gift, I will not accept it."

(End of this chapter)

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