magic eye doctor

Chapter 1766 Showdown

Chapter 1766 Showdown
Because he could go to Little Lolita's other courtyard for a meal, Wang Ershao maintained a bloody state all day long, and achieved good results in the competitions he participated in. In the evening, he brought three little tails, and In a hurry, he rushed to the Little Lolita Hospital to report.

Four little handsome men arrived at the paradise under the cover of night. Wang Ershao pushed open the closed door and entered the garden according to the message sent by the little loli. locked.

The four little friends carried their backpacks into the courtyard. In the corridor of the inverted room, they saw the study room in the upper room brightly lit. They could vaguely see Xuan Shao, Hua Shao and other handsome guys busy and shuttling back and forth in the study room.

The little handsome men didn't go to the little Lolita to brush their faces, they put the bag back in the guest room, and rushed to the study to help.

Little Lolita spent hundreds of millions of dollars, and purchased a large number of books, because most of the books are imitations of ancient books, and the books are relatively thin, so that there are more than 1 books in total.

The reason why more than 2 million yuan was spent is because some books are manuscripts of rare ancient books, and each copy costs tens of thousands of yuan, and rare manuscripts of rare ancient books for rare collections even cost 10,000+ or ​​hundreds of thousands.

The most expensive book is a handwritten copy of an ancient rare book with few incomplete ones, and a set of 31 volumes worth more than 6000 million yuan.

When Xuan Shao, Hua Shao and others sorted out the books, they first put the books in each guest room in the east and west compartments into seats, and then sorted out the books in the study room.

As for those hundreds of thousands or tens of millions of books, the boxes have not been unpacked, and the boxes are placed in the small cabinet outside the little Lolita's bedroom.

There are so many books, it is impossible to sort them out in a short time. Xuan Shao and the others and the four school bully boys have been busy for a while. They go to have dinner first, and continue to work overtime after dinner. They are busy until 10:30 [-] to call it a day.

The night passed and ushered in the day, which is also the first day of November in the new calendar.

That day was the closing day of the Autumn Student Sports Meeting in the Capital Universities. Wang Ershao, Ren Shao, Duan Shaofeng and Shaofeng still went to the sports meeting to report. Xuan Shao, Hua Shao and Yan Shao continued the unfinished work yesterday.

Qing Lao had a busy day on the 31st, because he couldn't suppress his miss for his great-grandson, he finished work in the evening and rushed to Li Zheng's villa without stopping.

In addition to the residence arranged by his unit, Li Huan also has his own private house, which is far less spacious than Li Zheng's villa.

The villa where Li Zheng lived was actually Luo Zhuxiang's, because the brothers of the Li family lived in harmony, and Li Zheng's family had a spacious residence, and the Li family mostly met with him when they had anything to do.

Also because Li Zheng’s family is spacious, with many rooms and many domestic helpers, Li Yuhao has been living with his uncle and aunt since he brought Liu Xinyi back to Beijing. Huan's wife followed her husband and took care of his diet and daily life.

Li Zheng was preoccupied, but seeing that the old father was obviously tired after a day of work, he seemed a lot more relaxed when he saw the baby, and he was not in a hurry to reveal the secret, so he let the old father have a happy night first.

Luo Zhuxiang also pretended very well, except that she no longer took care of her nephew and daughter-in-law as enthusiastically as she did during the time after the baby was born, she did nothing unusual.

Li Huan and his wife also went to his brother's villa on weekends.

On Saturday night, other people in the villa slept soundly, but Li Zheng and Luo Zhuxiang had no sleep all night. The next day, even if the couple wore some eyeshadow, they behaved the same as usual.

After breakfast, a group of people bathed the two babies, and the babies were taken to be nursed. Li Zhengcai invited his parents, elder brother, sister-in-law, and nephew Li Yuhao to discuss an important matter.

For the sake of safety, Li Zheng specially arranged to discuss matters in a small leisure-style study room on the third floor for piano practice and reading. Luo Zhuxiang is an insider, so she didn't listen. She was in charge of guarding the passage leading to the study room and not allowing anyone near.

Li Zheng put the file bag locked in the safe in the study on the second floor in his briefcase and took it up to the third floor, along with a bottle of Suxiao Jiuxin Pill.

The few people who were sitting in the study on the third floor had no unnecessary reaction when they saw Li Zheng coming in with a briefcase. When they saw him put a bottle of quick-acting heart-relief pills on the table, they were all puzzled.

"Li Zheng, what are you doing with a bottle of Jiuxin Pill?" Li Huan was even more surprised when he saw his younger brother put the Jiuxin Pill in the most conspicuous place and unscrewed the cap.

"It's for our dad. It will be needed later." Sitting opposite his father, Li Zheng responded calmly to his elder brother's questioning, unscrewed the lid of the Jiuxin Wanzi, and then put the briefcase on his knees to open the zipper.

Li Zheng and Luo Zhuxiang, one guarding the gate and the other carrying a heart-saving pill, behaved strangely, and Qing Lao's doubts expanded.

"What do you mean?" Li Huan felt very uncomfortable, especially since he came back from Chao's house last time, he felt that his younger brother looked at him very strangely, and he didn't like that feeling very much.

Li Zheng took out the file bag from his briefcase. He was not in a hurry to let people see it, but he just asked a question calmly: "Brother and sister-in-law, when Yuhao and Liu Xinyi were in love, I suggested getting to know the woman's background and investigating first. Just rest assured, you said at the time that you were going to investigate, did you really investigate?"

"Uncle, Xinyi is a good girl, and her family has no problems." Li Yuhao was the first to stand up and support his wife when he heard his uncle bring up the past again.

"Li Zheng, I have already said that Liu Xinyi is a girl from an innocent family. You think that their mother and son living here will affect you, so you just say, just let Yuhao pick them up to Yuhao's house, and you don't need to use other people's backgrounds. Talk about something." Li Huan became more and more dissatisfied with his brother's attitude, and became angry.

His wife's surname is Chen, and Mrs. Li Chen's family is also very dissatisfied with his uncle's suspicion of his daughter-in-law's behavior, but he doesn't say it out.

Mrs. Li had a sullen face and didn't stop her eldest son from venting his dissatisfaction.

The bad feeling in Lao Qing's heart was getting stronger and stronger, and he didn't stop it. Let's look at the performance of his sons first.

"Brother, Li Yuhao, you have really investigated and found out, are you sure Liu Xinyi is a good girl?" Facing the dissatisfaction of his nephew and elder brother, Li Zheng's face sank.

"Of course." Li Yuhao replied without hesitation.

"Of course." Li Huan also answered without hesitation.

"Since you are so determined, then, you can see for yourself what a good girl with an innocent net worth looks like. I hope you can bear the blow in a while."

The eldest brother and nephew treated him with the same hatred, Li Zheng shook his head in disappointment, opened the first file bag, took out a few stacks of materials, and distributed a copy to his parents, elder brother, sister-in-law and nephew.

Li Huan and his wife were very upset when their daughter-in-law was suspected. They originally wanted to throw away the things Li Zheng handed over, but seeing their parents took the documents and read them, they had to read them too.

Li Yuhao also believed in his daughter-in-law, thinking that his brother-in-law received some anonymous letter and someone was slandering his daughter-in-law, and wanted to see what was said, so he took the information and looked it up.

At first, he thought that others were deliberately discrediting his wife and sowing discord, but after reading a few pages of WeChat chat records, his expression turned from disbelief to surprise, but his face turned pale and pale.

Mrs. Li was very calm at first. After reading a few pages, her well-maintained face suddenly became gloomy. She looked at her eldest grandson: "Yuhao, is this woman your wife?"

"..." Li Yuhao raised his head when he heard the shout, and bit his lip firmly.

Li Huan and his wife didn't believe that the woman who was chatting with others recorded in the data was Liu Xinyi at first, but Li Yuhao's name clearly appeared in the chat records, and even the names of Li Yubo and their brothers appeared in a few places, even if they Even if you want to pretend to be blind.

Old Qing's face was gloomy, and he asked coldly, "Li Huan, did you really investigate Yuhao before he got married?"

"..." Being named, Li Huan's nerves were tense, his face was pale, his reaction was half pale, and he was dull for a while, and he answered "yes", but he obviously lacked confidence.

Old Qing was not satisfied with the elder son's answer, and turned to look at the eldest grandson: "Yuhao, what about you, have you really known Liu Xinyi?"

"Understood... It's okay, Xinyi is not such a person... She had an affair with someone before marriage... It's not that she cheated after marriage. This doesn't mean that she has a problem with her character." Li Yuhao still didn't want to believe the facts, still With a sense of luck, I defended my daughter-in-law.

"Look at this again. After reading this, you and Yu Hao still think that Liu Xinyi's character is fine, so I have nothing to say."

Li Zheng took the expressions of his parents and eldest brother and sister-in-law into his eyes, and took the information in the second file, still one for each person.

Li Zheng handed over the documents, and Qing Lao was stunned: "Paternity test?"

Li Huan, his wife, and Li Yuhao were so startled that they almost stood up. They stretched their heads to read the information that their younger brother/uncle gave to their father/grandpa.

Li Zheng also gave each of them a copy.

Old Qing was stunned, and quickly grabbed the paternity test report. The first one clearly stated the names of Liu Xinyi and the twins, and it was identified as a mother-child relationship.

There are still a few pages in the back, and then turn it over, it is the paternity test of Li Yuhao and the twins, and the results show that the two parties are not biologically related.

Seeing the results of the identification of Li Yuhao and the twins, Qing Lao couldn't hold back at that time, his hands trembled, and then turned over, it was still the paternity test of Li Yuhao and the twins, the identification agencies were different, the result was the same, still no blood relationship relation.

Looking back, there are DNA comparisons done by three different identification agencies, and the results are all the same - excluding the biological father-son relationship.

Five of the six paternity tests were DNA comparisons between Li Yuhao and the twins, and none of the results said they were the biological father and son. Qing Lao almost couldn't breathe.

Li Huan and his wife, who received the paternity test report, were very happy when they saw the first copy, but they were dumbfounded when they saw the second copy.

Li Yuhao saw that he and his child's identification results were not biological, and continued to flip through in a rage. The more he read, the more flustered he became, but he still refused to believe it: "No, it's impossible, it's not true, uncle, you must have made a mistake , must have taken it wrong..."

Mrs. Li was too angry to speak.

At first, Old Qing couldn't breathe because he couldn't breathe. When he heard his eldest grandson talking, he was angry and anxious, and took a deep breath. Only then did he manage to catch his breath. The veins on his face throbbed violently. His eyes were bloodshot under the panic, and he roared: "Li... Li Huan!"

"—" Li Huan's blood was cold, and he stood up stiffly.

Qing Lao took a deep breath, threw away the materials, stood up abruptly, kicked over the small tea table blocking the way, jumped in front of Li Huan, grabbed his son by the front, and asked with red eyes: "Have you really checked Liu Xinyi and the Liu family?"

"..." Li Huan was pulled by the front of his clothes, facing his red-eyed old father, his pupils were constricted, he was so stiff that he couldn't move, and a voice came out of his throat: "Dad..."

"Say, have you really investigated it?" Qing Lao was furious, and the muscles on his face trembled.

"I...I didn't...have," Li Huan didn't dare to look his father in the eyes, his voice was trembling: "Yuhao... said Liu Xinyi is a...well, I believe...a child..."

Mrs. Li stared and stared again and again, tongue-tied.

Li Zheng, who had already guessed the result, sighed, lowered his eyelids silently, and silently helped up the small yew wood table that had been kicked over, and the key point was to pick up the Jiuxin Pill.

Grandpa was questioning Dad, Li Yuhao stared blankly, like a wooden man.

Hearing his son's answer, Mr. Qing almost held his breath. His heart was so hot that his lungs were about to explode. He raised his right hand and slapped it down hard.

That slap was extremely heavy, and with a loud slap, Li Huan's face was slapped to one side.

His face was burning with pain, Li Huan slowly turned his head and looked at his father face to face. He looked at his father's red eyes and couldn't help holding his breath.

The anger in Qing Lao's heart was burning, and the flames surged to the sky. That slap couldn't vent his anger at all, so he raised his hand and slapped his eldest son's face a few more times.

"Nizi! You naughty son! You are obedient and obedient, and you are satisfied with this result, aren't you?"

Old Qing slapped a few times, let go of his hands weakly, his legs softened, and he sat down all at once, crying: "Oh my God, what evil did I do to give birth to such a fool! Old Li's family... a hundred years of reputation Destroyed once,..."

He howled loudly, howled twice, but couldn't catch his breath, clutched his heart, and trembled all over.

Li Zheng, who had been paying attention to his old father, didn't panic when he saw his father slumped on the ground. He wanted his father to vent his emotions so as not to cause problems. Hug my father and feed him.

"Dad, Dad, Dad, you have to hold on!" He yelled while helping the old father's chest, "Dad, don't get excited, hold on... You must hold on, you are the backbone of our family! , Yubo will also enter the political path in the future, if you fall, who will escort Dabo..."

Li Huan was slapped several times, and his face was hot. When the old father let go of his hand, he stood still until the old father sat down, his legs gave way, and he fell backwards.

Li Chen's mind was in a state of confusion, seeing her husband fall down, she mechanically helped her up, and made him sit slumped on the sofa.

Mrs. Li's mind was blank, and she was awakened by her youngest son's yelling, and suddenly found out that her husband was strange, she was so frightened that tears came out, she rushed to the old man's side and yelled and shouted to help the old man calm down.

(End of this chapter)

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