magic eye doctor

Chapter 1768 Divorce

Chapter 1768 Divorce
Mrs. Li is very sober. It can even be said that she has always been sober, even more sober than her husband. She knew the seriousness of the situation from her father-in-law's expression.

If Liu Xinyi and the Liu family had been secretly investigated in advance, and Liu Xinyi had been found to have a problem, and she had never been allowed to marry Li Yuhao, then such a big incident would not have happened.

However, because her husband Li Huan insisted on yin and yang, so that he could clearly kill the unfavorable factors of the Li family in the cradle, but none of them led wolves into the house. Will be completely abandoned by the elders.

Mrs. Li burst into tears, but she didn't make a sound.

Li Yuhao, who was in a daze, was brought back to his soul by a familiar cry. He saw his father kneeling on the ground, shouting "I was wrong, I was wrong" over and over again. The ashen color of the face.

His heart trembled violently, as if all his strength had been sucked out, and the crumpled documents slipped away from his hands.

He stood up, almost tripped himself, staggered, and walked towards the door in a daze.

"Li Yuhao, what do you want to do?" Li Zheng called out when he saw his nephew's actions. His elder nephew was not as arrogant and domineering as some dudes, but because he was protected by the Li family, he didn't experience any setbacks. It was too smooth, so that he developed a lofty temperament. To put it bluntly, he was pretentious and liked to be praised by others.

Li Yuhao's body tensed all of a sudden, his limbs stiffened, and he stopped, and he tilted his head with difficulty: "I...I'll ask...why did she treat me like this...she said she loved me..."

"Idiot, you're so stupid!" Changsun Lanni couldn't support the wall, and Qing Lao was furious: "Do you believe what that kind of flamboyant woman says? Are you pretending to be shit? She wants to destroy the entire Li family, you Do you still believe that she loves you so much?
Believe it or not, if you ask her, she will say that she loves you, she doesn't believe in hurting you, she is forced to do so. "

The old man was furious, and Mrs. Li couldn't care about anything else. She was afraid that the old man would be angry, so she carefully helped his wife.

Li Yuhao stood stiffly, unable to speak a word.

Old Qing was dying of anger, but he had to suppress his anger. Seeing his eldest grandson's stupid appearance, he almost died on the spot. What evil did he do to have such a stupid son and grandson?

He was so angry that his heart was throbbing, he pressed his heart painfully, turned his face and asked his younger son: "Li Zheng, when did you find out?"

"When I came back from Chao Er's house that day, I only focused on taking samples for a paternity test. Zhu Xiang checked whether Li Yuhao was involved in anything in Province S. It wasn't that he and Liu Xinyi had committed crimes,"

Li Zheng said in a soft voice: "Zhuxiang and I have found limited things, we only collected the small incidents of Liu Xinyi's drunk driving and bumping into others, and the other important clues were not found by me, but... Lele Xiaotuanzi Send someone to deliver it to Chao Er, and Chao Er handed it over to me yesterday."

He paused, and continued his own words again: "Xiaotuanzi...she... also found out the twins' biological father by the way, and even took a sample of that person for a paternity test."

Li Huan, who was lying on the ground, raised his head in shock, and his pale complexion added a new color.

"..." Qinglao's chest bulged fiercely, and he pressed his chest, his face throbbing with blue veins: "Xiao Lele is not good at that, it was Yan Xing and Liu Xiaosan who checked it out for her."

He closed his eyes: "Xiao Lele actually gave you the information, which shows that she is still trusting and friendly to Dabo and the Li family. I am ashamed to see Xiao Lele again. You, your wife, and Dabo must not do this Divided with the Chao family."

"Dad, I understand, Xiaotuanzi is generous and will not be prejudiced against us because of Liu Xinyi, but..." Li Zheng looked at his nephew and brother: "The most important thing now is the matter of Li Yuhao, Liu Xinyi and the twins. After the full moon banquet, this matter is not easy to deal with, and if you are not careful, the city will be full of storms."

"Divorce, let Li Yuhao and Liu Xinyi divorce tomorrow, and must publish the reason for the divorce in the newspaper. The Li family is the victim, and we must not let others pour dirty water on the Li family, let alone let the Liu family pour dirty water On the Li family."

Qing Lao was decisive, and immediately made a decision: "Li Huan, you made a mistake yourself, and you must bear the consequences. You are not suitable for this path. Resign yourself. Don't drag the rest of the Li family down."

Li Huan's face turned pale again, his figure was staggering, he swayed, and sat powerlessly on the ground.

"Li Zheng, I can rest assured that you and Xiao Luo will handle matters. Please ask the lawyers from Xiao Luo's company to consult with that law firm to handle Li Yuhao's divorce. It will be resolved quickly, and the child's household registration must be moved out immediately."

"Dad, I understand. When Zhuxiang and I got the paternity test, we asked a lawyer to draw up the divorce documents. The lawyer also prepared them. We can go to work at any time."

"Okay. Leave it to you and Ronaldinho to handle it. Whoever refuses to accept it will get out of the Li family!"

Qing Lao's last three words were full of murderous intent, which made people shudder.

Li Zheng sighed softly, and agreed, he himself didn't want to take over the mess of his eldest brother and nephew, but this is no longer the matter of his elder brother alone, it is related to the honor and disgrace of the entire Li family, and he must get it if he doesn't want to Take over the mess.

Maybe, maybe there might be a rift between him and his eldest brother, and it is inevitable that the brothers will fight against each other.

Old Qing handed over the mess made by the eldest son and grandson to the younger son, and asked the younger son to take the last file bag and read the information inside. His face was dark enough to squeeze out ink.

He was too lazy to scold the two idiots of his eldest son and grandson, so he confessed a few words to his younger son, and ordered Li Huan to immediately go back to his place to prepare his resignation report, and bring his wife back to his place of work and living.

Li Huan didn't dare to have the slightest objection. He went to the tea room on the third floor with his wife to wash his face, followed his parents downstairs, and saw Luo Zhuxiang when they walked out of the corridor.

Li Yuhao didn't go downstairs with him, he was ordered by the old man to stay on the third floor to reflect, and he could go see his uncle after he figured out what was wrong.

Li Zheng and Luo Zhuxiang sent the old man and the old lady away. Instead of going to the stairs in the living room on the second floor, they went to the other side to take another elevator to the first floor.

Luo Zhuxiang sent her own driver to take the old man and the old lady off. The driver has more than [-] years of driving experience and is a Jeet Kune Do expert. He is both a driver and a bodyguard.

Li Huan and his wife were also not suitable for driving, and Luo Zhuxiang also arranged for a driver to take his eldest brother and sister-in-law back.

Li Zheng and Luo Zhuxiang went back to the second floor after seeing off the old man, old lady and eldest brother and sister-in-law.

Several important people from the Li family went upstairs to discuss matters. None of the domestic servants dared to approach the third floor, so they naturally didn't know that the old man and others had left.

Liu Xinyi fed the twins, returned to the large living room on the second floor, and found that no one was there. Only after asking did she find out that the old men had gone to discuss matters, and they were sitting in the living room waiting.

She waited for a long time but didn't find anyone. After waiting for a long time, she saw her uncle and aunt came back from outside and went to work on their affairs again. She felt a little strange and didn't ask.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't see the old man, father-in-law and others until lunch time. I asked my uncle and aunt why the elders didn't eat together. When I heard that my grandparents and her parents-in-law had gone back, Liu Xinyi realized that something was wrong.

Grandparents love their great-grandson very much. No matter how anxious they are, they always hug the little great-grandson when they want to leave. Why did they leave so quietly today?
She felt inexplicably uneasy in her heart, and she couldn't explain why.

During the meal, I still did not see Li Yuhao. When I asked my uncle and aunt about the answer, Li Yuhao was told by the old man to work, and he was not allowed to leave the study until he finished the work.

Liu Xinyi also discovered that since the morning, her uncle and aunt were obviously very indifferent to her, and they had never hugged the child. Even if the child was crying hoarsely, they would not help her, let alone hug her.

The uneasiness in her heart deepened, she wanted to find Li Yuhao, but no one answered the phone, she became more and more irritable, she said that she was not mentally good and went back to the room, leaving the two children to the nannies to take care of.

Luo Zhuxiang was very calm, and ordered the nanny and domestic helper to help Liu Xinyi and the twins pack their luggage.

The nannies were astonished, but they didn't question Madam's words. They packed up quickly, except for the items in the master bedroom of the young lady and the change of clothes left for the baby, all other items were packed.

Luo Zhuxiang calmly sent someone to book a room for Liu Xinyi in a hotel closer to the Civil Affairs Bureau, and then asked the domestic helpers to send Liu Xinyi and the baby's things to the hotel.

Li Zheng and Luo Zhuxiang were quite generous. All the milk powder and clothes for the baby were given to Liu Xinyi and the twins for free.

Li Yuhao was left on the third floor facing the wall and thinking about his past. When no one was around, he finally collapsed. He cried and cried alone until he almost passed out.

Li Zheng delivered food to his nephew upstairs at noon, and when he saw the person whose eyes were red and swollen from crying, he neither scolded nor persuaded him, and let him think about his mistakes quietly.

Li Yuhao had no appetite, didn't eat a bite of lunch, stayed for a long time in the afternoon, and in the evening he was so hungry that he ate dinner indiscriminately.

He stayed alone for a day and a night, hardly slept all night, and went downstairs before dawn the next day, staring at the dark circles around his eyes and red eyes, and when his uncle got up, he admitted his mistake in a hoarse voice: "Uncle, I wrong……"

"Still reluctant to divorce and that woman?" Li Zheng looked at his nephew quietly.

"No..." Li Yuhao shook his head, the muscles on his painful face wrinkled: "I... just feel uncomfortable."

"You have to bear it. This is caused by your willful behavior. You are not a child. You have to be responsible for your choices. You have to pay for the mistakes you made."

"..." Li Yuhao was almost suffocating.

"I'll go and tidy up the room you live in later, let her take away what belongs to her, and don't take away any of the gifts that we and our guests gave to our great-grandson of the Li family."

"Hmm." Li Yuhao let out a hmm from his throat, wiped his eyes, wiped away the tears that were about to come out, turned around, and went back to the guest room where he and Liu Xinyi lived.

Liu Xinyi was still sleeping. When Li Yuhao opened the door and saw the woman who had brought him shame, he bit his lips tightly, clenched his hands and then loosened them, loosened them and clenched them tightly again.

His chest was heaving, but after all he didn't rush to hit anyone, he turned and walked towards the closet, opened the jewelry drawer, and packed the gift from the Li family for his great-grandson.

He picked out the precious jewelry that the Li family had given to his great-grandson and eldest-grandson's wife, packed them, and sent them to the study to be counted later.

When she was helping Liu Xinyi pack her clothes, Liu Xinyi finally woke up. She was woken up by the sound and was very unhappy. She was about to scold someone, but when she saw Li Yuhao who turned her head, she was startled: "You...what are you doing?"

"Are you awake? Just wake up, get up and pack your luggage, and leave in a while." Li Yuhao looked at Liu Xinyi, thinking that he was being manipulated by others like a fool, and felt sick.

"Leave...?" Liu Xinyi was taken aback for a moment, then immediately shouted: "What did you say? Leaving, it's because my uncle and aunt despise our mother and child, right?"

"That's right." Luo Zhuxiang walked to the door of the room with a few domestic helpers, and when she heard the voice, she pushed the door open, expressionless: "Get up, you should wake up from your dream."

"What... what do you mean?" Liu Xinyi was inexplicably flustered when she saw her aunt coming in.

"You'll know soon. Change your clothes and we'll talk again. I'll only give you 10 minutes, and you'll be at your own risk." Luo Zhuxiang coldly glanced at the young woman, then backed out, closed the door, and stood still without leaving. at the door.

Liu Xinyi was very flustered and wanted to ask Li Yuhao what happened. Li Yuhao lowered his head and packed up his things and ignored her. She panicked even more. She grabbed a set of clothes and changed them in a panic, straightened the ground in a mess, and walked out with her shoes.

When she walked out of the room and saw her aunt standing in the corridor with someone, she felt even more uneasy and called out "auntie".

"Don't call me auntie, I don't know you well." Luo Zhuxiang snorted coldly, and asked the nanny to bring the servants into the room to help pack things, and she led them to the living room.

Li Yuhao put down his things and followed his aunt to the living room.

Liu Xinyi felt that something important had happened, and followed her aunt to the living room, seeing her uncle sitting on the sofa with a file bag, her heart was beating very fast.

Li Yuhao sat down opposite his uncle, and Liu Xinyi sat next to him.

Li Zheng took out the divorce contract from the file bag, Li Yuhao took it, took a pen and put it in front of Liu Xinyi: "Let's sign it."

Seeing the words of the divorce agreement, Liu Xinyi screamed and jumped up: "Divorce? I gave birth to you, and you want to divorce me. Li Yuhao, why are you crazy?"

"Is the child really mine?" Li Yuhao raised his head calmly: "Liu Xinyi, you and your family are really good, you are very happy to play with me?"

Liu Xinyi's complexion changed, and she was so flustered that she yelled, "You...what are you talking about? The child was born out of wedlock, and you suspect that the child is not yours? Are you humiliating the blood of your Li family like this? Are you trying to force me and me to die? The child is willing, isn't it?"

Li Zheng took out the paternity test from his file bag: "Who stipulates that a child born in marriage must be a child of the man's family? You can see for yourself."

Liu Xinyi lowered her head, and when she saw the "Paternity Test", her mind exploded, her legs went limp at that moment, and the color on her face suddenly faded: " won't..."

Li Zheng silently took out another document, took it to Liu Xinyi, and showed the document that even his nephew hadn't finished reading: "You must be familiar with this person, right?"

When Li Zheng approached, Liu Xinyi subconsciously took a step back, and managed to stand still when she saw black and white writing in front of her eyes. There was a color photo on the paper, and there was a person's name——Zhang Hongwei.

Seeing the words "Zhang Hongwei", Liu Xinyi felt as if the blood was flowing backwards all over her body, her brain was dizzy for a while, and she looked up at Li Zheng in panic.

"Look at this again." Li Zheng calmly put the paternity test of the twins and a certain man in front of Liu Xinyi: "Come on, tell us, who is the twins' real father?"

Liu Xinyi saw another copy in black and white to replace the previous one, saw the paternity test, saw the comparison of the genetic data between Zhang Hongwei and the twins, and the words "Both parties are identified as biological father and son" in the result.

Her pupils shrank, then dilated.

She held her breath first, and then breathed out rapidly after a few seconds. Her whole body trembled like an electric shock, her calves were weak, she sat down on the ground, and her face was wet with cold sweat.

"See clearly?" Li Zheng's cold eyes locked on the young woman sitting slumped on the ground, and pulled out a stack of materials again: "There is more, let's see—"

He was very patient and showed Liu Xinyi the same ones. There were records of Liu Xinyi chatting with others, some fragments of chat records where she conspired with others to discuss how to cheat Li Yuhao, and chat records between the Liu family and her. illegal trading.

Liu Xinyi watched passively. After reading a few copies, she couldn't take it anymore and screamed with her head in her arms: "Ahhh, no-no-"

The effect of "supercharging" was almost done. Li Zheng returned to the sofa with the information and sat down, waiting for Liu Xinyi's reaction.

Liu Xinyi held her head, breathing rapidly, sweat was seeping in patches, and it was even more difficult to tell whether it was sweat or tears on her face.

Frightened and trembling.

She was frightened, frightened to death.

A family like the Li family is a noble family that no one else can imagine. She was able to marry in because she used disgraceful means. Now, the incident has come out.

She is afraid, afraid of death.

Frightened and frightened, Liu Xinyi was so frightened that her soul almost flew away. After a while, she regained consciousness a little bit, because she couldn't hear any sound, she was even more frightened. She looked up and saw Li Zheng and his wife staring at her coldly, frightened. Chilling down the spine.

"I..." She wanted to say "I am divorced", but because of fear, she couldn't even speak.

Li Yuhao picked up the divorce agreement and ink pads and put them in front of Liu Xinyi.

A shadow came over, Liu Xinyi took a look, saw Li Yuhao's indifferent face, flinched, saw the divorce agreement in front of her, and shivered.

She doesn't want to identify characters, but she can't help it.

She is afraid.

Liu Xinyi tremblingly picked up the pen, and tried several times before she could barely hold the pen tightly. She could not even read the content of the agreement to read the words on the agreement.

After reading the characters, press the fingerprints.

Liu Xinyi learned the words, and Li Yuhao also calmly wrote his name, pressed his fingerprints, and calmly told Liu Xinyi to bring his documents and go to apply for a divorce certificate immediately.

Liu Xinyi didn't have any choice at all, and it took a lot of effort to stand up. She dragged her vain steps and wanted to go back to the guest room to pack her things, but saw that the nannies of the Li family had already packed her personal belongings for her, together with the twins. Drag things to the living room together.

The nanny also picked up the twins, made them clean, and put them in the twin strollers.

Luo Zhuxiang ordered people to move some belongings of Liu Xinyi's mother and son downstairs, loaded them into the car, and went to the Civil Affairs Bureau first.

Liu Xinyi didn't wear makeup, she just washed her face with clean water, followed Li Yuhao downstairs with her freckled face, and got into the car.

Li Zheng was going to work and did not go to the Civil Affairs Bureau. Luo Zhuxiang and Li Yuhao Liu Xinyi took the same car to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau. The nannies took the baby and Liu Xinyi's mother and child's luggage in another car.

When I arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau, it was just time for work, and the lawyer Luo Zhuxiang had hired was already waiting outside the door. The lawyer waited for Mr. Luo to arrive, and took the two young men to go through the formalities.

The divorce procedure was done very quickly, within half an hour, and then the household registration was handled, because the greetings were made in advance, and the household registration procedures were also very smooth. The household registration of the two babies was moved out of the Li family, and it fell to the The street, and later the woman will move back to the woman's hometown to settle down.

Because the place where the household registration is done is far away from the Civil Affairs Bureau, it takes time to come and go, and it is almost eleven o'clock to complete the formalities.

Luo Zhuxiang took Liu Xinyi and her luggage to the hotel with the nannies, and left with her nephew and nannies without looking back.

Everyone left, looking at a pile of luggage and baby carriages, Liu Xinyi, who was in a panic, finally burst into tears and called home while crying.

The parents of the Liu family received a phone call from their daughter saying that the Li family had done a paternity test and found out that the child was not from the Li family, so they had to leave the house. Panicked, they immediately booked a plane ticket to the capital to pick up their daughter.

The Liu family's parents arrived in the capital at night, and after finding their daughter, they settled down at the hotel without daring to stay longer, and returned to Province S the next day.

And also on Tuesday, major newspapers and online platforms across the country simultaneously published the statement of Li Yuhao and Liu Xinyi's divorce issued by the Li family.

Almost on Tuesday, almost everyone in the aristocratic circle in Beijing knew that the eldest grandson of Qing was cuckolded, and that the twin great-grandsons of the Li family were not from the Li family, so there was an earthquake in the aristocratic circle.

(End of this chapter)

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