magic eye doctor

Chapter 1773 The house is gone

Chapter 1773 The house is gone
Tan Yanxing abolished Wang Ju's old bastard, left the village very calmly, and was not in a hurry to return to the city. He parked the car on the street and waited for the result.

He saw Wang Ju being carried to the hospital, but Wang Jinbao was not accompanying him, so he drove to Wang Ju's house again, parked outside the broken yard of Wang's house, and quietly walked into the yard with a backpack.

Mr. Tan walked to the gate of Wang's building without any haste, and saw Wang Jinbao happily playing games with his mobile phone, swearing at people while playing, playing so fascinatedly that he really kept his ears shut.

Looking at the appearance of little bastard Wang, it is clear that he is not worried about his grandfather's physical condition at all, but even if he is a little worried, he will not be so addicted to the game that he will not respond at all when someone arrives at the door.

He also expressed his understanding, Wang Ju is a selfish old man, his son is a little white-eyed wolf, how could his grandson have much conscience.

Watching the grandson of the Wang family playing games for a few minutes, and listening to him swearing non-stop, Tan Yanxing stretched out his foot and kicked the door to make a loud noise, and said in a cold voice, "Young Master Wang, you are so elegant. It's been a lot of fun playing the game."

Wang Jinbao was playing the game well, and when someone spoke suddenly, his hands trembled in fright, and he pressed the phone tightly all of a sudden, turning his head reflexively.

I don't know if I don't see it, I turned my head and saw someone Tan standing at the door, as if he had seen a ghost, he was so frightened that he lost half of his soul, his face turned pale, and his teeth chattered: "Tan... Mr. Tan, you You you..."

He subconsciously wanted to say "Why haven't you left yet", but he was too flustered, slurred his words, stumbled, and couldn't make a sentence.

"Want to ask if I haven't left yet, or why I'm here again?" Tan Yanxing stepped into the room, walked to Wang Jinbao's side, hooked a small chair with his foot, and sat down steadily.

He sat steadily, then slowly put the backpack on his lap, took out a folder and opened it, took out a real estate certificate, opened it, and slowly held it up for Little Bastard Wang to see.

"This, do you recognize it?" Tan Xingxing stared at the prodigal son of the Wang family with cold eyes.

Seeing someone Tan appearing suddenly, Wang Jinbao was terrified at first. When Tan someone walked into the room and sat down beside him to dig things, thinking that he was going to use something to clean him up, his heart couldn't beat.

He didn't dare to make any changes, and sat stiffly. When Tan showed the real estate certificate, he saw the words on the real estate certificate. The real estate certificate belonged to his third aunt and his name.

Seeing the real estate certificate, Wang Jinbao was so frightened that he almost lost his wits, his eyes widened in horror, and he instinctively denied: "I don't know, I don't know..."

"You don't know, who knows?" Tan Yanxing smiled, and moved the real estate certificate closer to Wang Jinbao, so that he could see it more clearly.

"I don't know, I really don't know, my aunt did it, it has nothing to do with me..." Facing the murderous Tan alone, Wang Jinbao almost collapsed.

He was so frightened that he couldn't control himself, he lost control of his urine, and there was a smell of urine in the air.

The prodigal son of the Wang family is careless, and grabs if he has something to gain. The responsibility has always been passed on to others. Tan Yanxing is not surprised, and calmly withdraws the house certificate: "Your name is added to the real estate certificate. There is an original and a pair of certificates. The copy is with you. hand it over."

"..." Someone Tan asked himself for the real estate certificate. Wang Jinbao was like a goose strangling his neck, speechless in horror.

"Don't want to?" Tan Yanxing put the real estate certificate back in his backpack, flexing his wrists: "It's okay if you don't want to hand over the real estate certificate, and use your life in exchange, although your little life is worthless at all, I will suffer a little bit Well, let’s say you’re worth a hundred thousand.”

"" Wang Jinbao was afraid of death, he was terribly afraid, and shook his head desperately: "I...I will give it, I will give it, I don't want the house, I don't want it..."

He cried out in fright, awkwardly pushed the wheelchair and went to his room.

Tan Yanxing's heart is not made of iron and stone, it is almost as hard as a stone, but he has no sympathy for the prodigal son of the Wang family, and follows behind with a backpack, watching the prodigal son of the Wang family struggling to turn the wheelchair forward.

Followed by a ruthless evil star, Wang Jinbao's heart was about to burst, he shrank and rolled the wheelchair into the room, opened the door to the closet, and dug out the messy things stuffed on the bottom floor, and opened it from the corner. Turned out a cloth bag wrapped in rags.

The house that was at his fingertips was about to be lost to him. Wang Jinbao felt pain in his heart, but he was even more afraid of death, so he opened the cloth bag with trembling hands, and gave Tan the real estate certificate in a nylon bag.

The prodigal son hid things very tightly. Tan Yanxing took the red house certificate, opened it to check, and compared it with the one in his hand. After confirming that it was a copy, he put away the two certificates.

He opened the folder again, handed a signature pen to the prodigal son of the Wang family, and pointed to a corner of the document: "Sign here."

After the house certificate was handed over, Wang Jinbao sat slumped in the wheelchair as if he had no bones. When someone from Tan handed him a pen for signature, he dared not resist. He took the pen with trembling hands and wrote his name on the designated place.

After writing a name, Tan turned the page again, he wrote again, turned the page again, and wrote again.

After Wang Xiaobai signed, Tan Yanxing took back the writing brush, and took out a printing ink box, and asked him to print his fingerprints.

Wang Jinbao didn't have the right to say no, and he honestly left fingerprints where they should be.

The little bitch is still very knowledgeable about current affairs. Tan Yanxing put away the folder and printing box, and warned again: "Your grandchildren are honest and don't cause trouble for me. I will turn a blind eye and close one eye, and let you live as individuals." If you dare to go to Wang Shengxuan, or if something happens to cause trouble for me, I don't mind sending your grandparents to the underground to reunite with Wang Longsheng."

"I... I don't dare, I don't dare..." Wang Jinbao was afraid that Tan would kill someone, so he kept nodding regardless of what he meant.

The little bitch is a bully and a coward. Tan Yanxing didn't bother to reason with him, so he turned around and left with his backpack in his hand. He got out of the yard, boarded the car, and left.

The house is gone!

The evil star is gone, Wang Jinbao is paralyzed on the wheelchair like a discouraged ball, and he is still counting on the house of the third aunt's house to live a good life, so the fat duck in his mouth flew away!
Xing Xing got a copy of the house certificate, and rushed back to Guangzhou without stopping, and then met with two confidantes, and sold the house at a low price to a brother who had a little money and wanted to buy a house in Guangzhou, and gave 10 to another brother. Yuan.

The two younger brothers have always been loyal to the eldest brother, and they are grateful to be taken care of by the eldest brother. They also vowed to take good care of the grandparents of the Wang family and not let those two scumbags become demons.

Tan Yanxing sold the house to his younger brother by selling a second-hand house. In order to complete the transfer procedures, he also signed a contract, and then went to the real estate management office to complete the transfer procedures.

He rushed to complete the most important steps of the transfer procedures before the unit got off work, and he didn't need to be present for the rest of the procedures. He asked the younger brother who bought the house to run away tomorrow, and then had dinner with the two younger brothers before returning to the entertainment city.

(End of this chapter)

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