magic eye doctor

Chapter 1777 Necklace

Chapter 1777 Necklace
The good news that little Loli asked her to prepare supplies was like a huge pie, Yan Xing was knocked dizzy and smiled like a silly son of a landlord's family.

He didn't recover from his smirk until a white ball flew over his head and face. With sharp eyesight and quick hands, he stretched out his hand to catch the flying white ball and hugged him in his arms.

Holding the cloak thrown by the little loli, and looking at it again, the little loli has already walked towards the door on the east side, leaving only his back.

He watched the little loli with black waterfall-like hair disappear from his field of vision, and heard a slight sound, and then the light in the study room became darker and darker. With a soft "squeak", the door closed, and the middle hall It was as black as ink.

Yan Xing sat quietly where he couldn't reach his fingers, gently stroking the cloak he was holding in his arms. The fabric of the cloak was very good, soft and smooth, and the fur inside felt very good and warm.

I can't smell any smell of fur, only the body fragrance of little lolita.

Yan Xing couldn't tell what kind of wool the cape was made of, he guessed it was either fox fur or mink fur, and the items in Little Lolita's hands were all first-class, so the cape she liked to use must be very valuable.

Sitting with the cloak in his arms for a while, he lightly picked up the flashlight and turned it on, picked up the backpack, got up, tiptoed to the small study room where "Little Gallery" was hung, turned on the light, and put the backpack on the Luohan couch.

Then unfold the cloak and study carefully.

The cloak is attached with a warm hat, and that hat is also a detachable independent body.

In the light of the electric lamp, the wool of the cloak shone with luster.

After touching and sniffing for a long time, Yan Xing also made some clues, and initially determined that the cloak is fox fur, or the highest quality. The fox fur is of the same length, the fluff is thick, healthy and shiny.

Judging from the coat color, the cloak should be made of white foxes that live in cold regions.

Foxes are suitable for cold areas. The colder the place, the better and softer the fox fur. The further north, the higher the quality of the fox fur.

Because the fur is too precious, foxes on the earth are killed and become hunting targets. Every year, a large number of foxes are murdered, resulting in regional extinction.

Little Lolita is not a fanatical protector of animals, nor is she an indiscriminate killer. It is certain that the fur in her hand is not something from the earth, it should be one of the items she brought out from the secret realm.

In particular, the leather of Little Lolita's cloak was of higher quality than the best arctic fox fur he had ever seen. The fur color was purer and more lustrous, which further proved that it was not a thing from the earth.

Little Lolita is very mysterious, even if she moved out of a golden mountain, Yan Xing would not find it strange, and it is normal for her to have a precious white fox fur cape.

Little Lolita has a delicate body, and her cloak is small compared to him.

But what does that matter?

Yan Xing turned off the light, climbed onto the Arhat couch and lay down, and covered his body with the cloak, which only covered the neck down to his knees, but he felt warmer than a few quilts.

Little Lolita's cape has her taste.

In that faint fragrance, Yan Xing soon fell asleep with a happy smile on his lips.

Le Yun borrowed her cloak, didn't bother to care about Yan's food, and went back to the bedroom and fell asleep, because Yan didn't have any more nightmares in the middle of the night, and she slept soundly.

Sleeping until the biological clock woke up naturally, she sat on the shell bed and meditated. She practiced for about half an hour in the morning, and she also heard a slight sound from the study——Yan Chihuo got up.

Yan Xing, who had a good night's sleep, woke up naturally, sniffing the smell on the cloak, feeling warm in his heart. He lay down for a few more minutes before tiptoeing to the bed, opened the door of "Xiao Muhuan"'s study room, and went to the corridor. Put on your shoes again.

He went to wash up first, then opened the door of the courtyard, and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Little Lolita is not picky about food, even if she has a lot of precious ingredients in her hands, she is not particular about the way she eats, whether it is delicacies from mountains and seas or simple tea and light meals, she eats everything like a sweetheart.

Little Lolita is not picky about food, but Yan Xing didn't want to be perfunctory, so she found Gexian rice, cooked a Gexian rice porridge, heated up a dozen steamed buns, opened the sauerkraut pot, and made two sour and two vegetarian appetizers.

Before his last dish was cooked, little Loli got up to wash up, and went into the kitchen to wait for breakfast. Afterwards, the shy brother Fu reported to East Kitchen.

Brother Fu entered the kitchen and saw that little Lolita was also present, he immediately became as cautious as a young man, and sat down straight with his hands and waist.

Little Lolita is still wearing a narrow-sleeved blue jacket and skirt Hanfu, with a red bra on the outside, her hair is not tied up, but tied behind her head, and she wears a scarlet forehead inlaid with gemstones, which is quite a bit Men's heroism.

Seeing that she doesn't tie her hair up, it can be seen that she is not planning to go out, and is planning to nest in the paradise and be the god of the house.

Brother Fu couldn't help being nervous when facing the goddess-level little lolita, so he didn't dare to look around. It wasn't until the captain Yan Shao made breakfast that he had a reason to move, so he relaxed and jumped up to help run errands.

Yan Xing didn't know that Brother Fu had a lot of drama in his heart, so after setting up the meal, he personally helped Little Lori put a bowl of porridge and handed it to her, and put a bun on a plate for her.

He knows how little Lolita eats. She can only eat one bun for a bowl of porridge. After all, that kind of bun is made by herself. Not a yeast effect.

He and Brother Fu drank porridge and ate steamed buns, each of them ate seven steamed buns, drank three or four bowls of porridge, and when the little Lolita was full, he even cleaned up all the dishes.

After a hearty breakfast, Brother Fu was in charge of washing the dishes, and Xiao Le, with his little hands behind his back, walked out of the courtyard to observe the transplanted trees in the garden, and then went back to the upper room and entered the bedroom.

She returned to her private bedroom where no outsiders were allowed, found a box of thread from the storage box, several boxes containing gemstones, lined up on the desk in the warm cabinet outside, and then selected gemstones and thread.

The threads are all snow silk threads from Dongchen Continent.

There are several kinds of gemstones, most of which are crystal and agate.

Le Yun selected white crystals, ice-species white jadeites, and water foam jades that were very similar to ice-species white jadeites, and then took a finger-sized nine-child bamboo and carved it into a leaf.

White crystal, ice-species white jadeite, and ice-species white jadeite-like white chalcedony are put together, and the color and luster are somewhat similar, but Jiuzizhu is still the crane that stands out from the crowd, which is clear at a glance.

For comparison, we selected the best quality crystals, small beads and leaves made of white jadeite and chalcedony, and agate, tourmaline, and pearls as spares.

After matching the gemstones, I took out the snow silkworm thread, tied the netting again, and put on the matching gemstones while tying the netting. It took more than an hour to weave a simple necklace.

The main part of the necklace is a hexagonal red tourmaline pendant inlaid with silver, with two crystal-like leaves and beads on each side as a foil, and a bead is inlaid at intervals between the braided rope.

The braided rope necklace is not as gorgeous as the luxury necklace with gold and silver as the background and inlaid with gemstones, but it is better than the exquisite workmanship. Moreover, the tourmaline is extremely dazzling, and you can tell it is extraordinary at a glance.

After weaving the necklace, Le Yun admired it and was extremely satisfied with her work. She stood up and moved her limbs, took the necklace and walked out of the bedroom to the study to find food for Yan.

Yan Xing cherished the hard-won opportunity very much. He took a walk with little Lolita, stayed in Zhiwei Study to read books, and cultivated freely. It was relaxing and comfortable.

When he heard the door knock, he looked away from the book and turned his head to the east.

Because he was sitting with his back to the east and close to the door, he could see the door to the east when he turned his head, and saw the little loli coming out at a glance.

He thought that little loli came out to look for books and stayed quietly, but who knew that little loli came to her side and dragged out a chair to sit on, and handed him a string of beads in her bracelet.

Yan Xing's eyes widened and he almost held his breath: "For me?"

"It's not a gift, it's a loan." Le Yun handed over the necklace she wove: "The most precious thing in this necklace is not the tourmaline, but one of the crystal-like gemstones. I only have one piece of this kind of jade on the earth. A little bit, it's too rare, so I only lend you the necklace for three years."

Whether it is borrowing or giving away, Yan Xing is excited, cautiously, and very quickly reaches out to grab the necklace in his hand, and then admires the necklace with admiring eyes.

After just looking at it once, he found the most precious gem, pointed to the crystal-like leaves and asked, "Is this the rarest rare treasure?"

At a glance, I found that Yan Chihuo accurately pointed out the leaf-shaped Jiuzi bamboo, Le Yun was also a little surprised: "I can't see it, you are very sensitive to rare treasures."

"That's right, my intuition is also very accurate." Yan Xing suddenly felt elated, and happily accepted the little loli's compliment, fondling the gemstone on the necklace fondly.

When little Lolita appeared, his hidden strange fire that was still dormant was as hot as if it had been ignited. From this, it can be seen that little Lolita was carrying an extremely precious treasure by her side.

With the necklace in his hand, he was immediately attracted by a leaf-shaped gemstone that was transparent and crystal-like, and the strange fire was even more eager to move, as if wanting to burst out.

He doesn't know treasures, but the strange fire can sense them.

The gem that makes the strange fire produce a vision must be extraordinary.

He paused, a little curious: "Why did you lend me the necklace all of a sudden?"

"The gemstones on the necklace have the effect of calming the mind and calming the mind, dispelling evil spirits and blocking evil. Wearing it is beneficial to your body and mind and cultivation. In order to prevent you from being abused so much that you have to ask me for rescue every time, I will lend you a few Years, I feel ashamed and can return it.”

"No, it was agreed to lend me to wear it." Yan Xing was afraid that the little loli would repent, so he hid the necklace behind him, but still felt unsafe, so he quickly put it on around his neck.

The beads and block gemstones of the necklace are small in shape and have no sharp corners. Even if he often has difficult training and often rolls, falls and climbs, wearing the necklace will not hinder his movement.

The necklace was hung around his neck, Yan Xing touched the gem a few times with his hand, and quickly stuffed it into his clothes again, letting it touch his skin.

The pendant was almost hanging on the chest, and the strange treasure was also very close to the heart.

Wearing the necklace next to his body, he felt a magical power surround him, his mind was at ease, and the strange fire in his chest was instantly quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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