magic eye doctor

Chapter 1780

Chapter 1780
Yan Xing actually didn't want to admit that he didn't understand Little Lolita's handwriting, but that was the truth.

Needless to say, that reality is quite depressing.

I can't even read the words, let alone read them.

I don't understand what little loli wrote, and there is no common topic.

After looking at it for a while, he couldn't figure out what characters Little Loli wrote after thinking about it. He retracted his neck in frustration, and muttered softly: "This is not a word, it is clearly Martian."

"This is a talisman, a special font for talisman cultivators among cultivators." Le Yun heard the complaints, finished writing a word, and tilted her head: "If you have any questions, please speak up."

"Of course, I don't know how much to report. If the amount is too large, not only will you not be able to explain its source, but it may also bring you danger. If the amount is too small, the contribution will be limited."

"The donated gold ore is about [-] to [-] tons after purification, and the rhenium ore is about [-] tons after purification. This number is not too big, and you can use this ratio as the basic report for the rest according to the degree of preciousness. Just a number."

"Okay." Yan Xing replied, but still felt quite a headache in his heart. You must know that the gold stored in the treasury of Country M by the Great Heavenly Dynasty is only 600 tons. of!

There is also rhenium ore. Rhenium is mainly used in cutting-edge scientific products such as aerospace and artificial satellites. It is a rare and rare metal. At present, the total amount of rhenium ore detected in the world is also about 1000 tons. Little Loli opened her mouth and came to a thousand tons Pure mine, do you think it's scary?
She is not afraid that others will want to beat her after hearing this.

She herself is not afraid of being beaten, because she can hang and beat others.

The most difficult thing is him, he is a bodyguard.

Encountering a special protection object like a little loli, Yan Xing, who is a bodyguard, is deeply depressed, and wants to ask the protection object has the ability to pierce the sky, what should the bodyguard do?Waiting online, very urgent.

There was no big issue to discuss. Little Loli ignored Yan Chihuo again, and wrote silently and seriously. What she silently wrote was the talisman repair skill book, and the full text was in talisman font. Once a word was wrong, a page would be completely useless.

Little Lolita only cared about the things she loved, and Yan Xing was helpless, but luckily Little Lolita didn't drive him away, and he sat beside him as a spectator.

He is also a little clever ghost, when the ink in the inkstone pool is about to bottom out, he rushes to help grind the ink.

Although, he can't accurately grasp the amount of water to add, and needs to be reminded by the little girl, but he is active and has a serious heart to learn. The inkstone drops used for grinding ink and water are well controlled, and he has almost mastered it after adding one or two times. The ratio of grinding time to adding water.

Young Master Yan, who was willing to be a book boy, managed to stay by Xiao Luoli's side and stayed in the small pavilion for half an afternoon.

I spent half the afternoon watching Little Lolita writing, and after dinner, I helped Little Lolita stamp the books. I didn't dare to be distracted during those hours. Naturally, Yan Xing didn't have time to think about the ore, and I didn't find time to think until I went to bed at night. .

When Young Master Yan was working as a handyman for Little Lolita, Young Master Liu, He Xiaoba, Zhou Wei and other acquaintances accepted the invitation from Li's parents and grandson to drink in a KTV room with high security.

Li Yuhao called all his playmates when he was young, but in fact there were only five people present, including him, making up six people.

Li Yuhao didn't pour bitterness on his playmates, he just kept drinking, got drunk, and was finally sent home by his friends.

Li's parent Sun was heartbroken because of the divorce. He has resigned from the company run by his aunt. It doesn't matter if he is drunk. Others drank, but they were not drunk.

The few people who were not drunk slept for half the night, so they did what they should do on Monday.

Yan Xing didn't go to the drinking appointment with Li's parents and grandson, he sent a message to Liu before going to bed, and got a reply saying that the drinking party was over, so he went to bed with peace of mind.

He slept soundly. He had breakfast in the Paradise the next morning before going to work with a catalog of ores given by the little Lolita. Report to your immediate superior.

When Young Master Yan was meeting with his immediate boss, the grandson of Li's grandson woke up from a hangover, packed up, took his luggage to the airport, and took a plane to Africa.

The Li family thought that Li Yuhao's resignation from the company needed time to heal his wounds, and they didn't pay much attention to it. They didn't know that he was self-exiled until he sent a group message to the family members, and it was too late to persuade him.

Whether there are guests in the park or not, it has no effect on Le Xiao. She has her own plan. On Monday, Yan Chihuo went to work. She took out a steamed cake made by herself from the storage container, packed it, and brought her ID and steamed cake. Go to the embassy of a foreign country to apply for a visa.

The main and deputy ambassadors of one country to Great China have not changed, they are still the same ones before.

When Le Yun arrived at the embassy, ​​she swiped her ID to get the appointment number, and then went to the waiting area of ​​the visa hall to wait.

She sat for less than 5 minutes. Francisco's assistant went to the waiting area to find the Oriental girl and took her to a small reception room of the embassy.

Ambassador Francisco was in the small reception room. When he saw the assistant leading the oriental girl, he gave him a big hug, and enthusiastically praised the girl's Hanfu and hairstyle.

To be honest, Le Yun was a little shy to be praised.

After we met, we drank tea first, and the assistant lady opened the gift brought by the oriental girl, and cut pastries to share.

After eating the pastry made by the girl himself, the chubby ambassador squinted his eyes in satisfaction and smiled like an Amitabha Buddha.

The ambassador was at work, and Le Yun had no good intentions to waste his time. After chatting with him and his assistant for more than ten minutes, he handed over the visa application materials to the ambassador, left, and went to the waiting area to wait.

Francisco and the assistant were in a good mood. They returned to the work area with the girl's information, reviewed the information according to the process, stamped it, and issued a new visa, which was the longest five-year visa.

Le Yun was also very happy to receive the new visa and documents sent by the assistant. She took the documents and visa to say goodbye. After leaving the Yi embassy, ​​she went to the embassy of country Y in Huaxia.

It was her first time to apply for a country Y visa, she submitted the documents, and returned to the paradise first to wait for the news.

The ambassadors of Country Y didn't keep Little Lolita waiting any longer. They called her in the afternoon to inform her that she had applied and asked her to go get the visa on Tuesday.

Hearing the news, Xiao Le was delighted and rushed to the embassy early on Tuesday to get their visas after they went to work in the morning.

After getting the visa for country Y, I happily returned to the paradise, booked a ticket to fly to country Y on Wednesday, packed my luggage, got up early on Wednesday morning at midnight, and rushed to the airport to board the flight to country Y.

Yan Shao met with his immediate superior, and did not return to the station until Tuesday evening, planning to wait for the results, and then go to the park to find little loli on the weekend.

However, he crawled back to the base, and before the bench was warmed up, he heard from his brothers that Little Loli had booked a ticket to country Y, and he was in a bad mood.

Little Lolita just threw him a difficult problem two days ago. His boss and some leaders were a little stunned by the "earthquake" news, and she didn't come up with a suitable response plan, but she wanted to run away? !

It was still early before the World Celebrity Gala in November, and little Lolita ran to country Y early, no need to ask, she must have gone to play with the Chao family boy.

He originally planned to go to Europe in makeup at the beginning of the second half of the year to protect the safety of the little loli at close range, but in the end, the little loli didn't play the cards according to the rules.

The little loli ran away, what should I do?

Only salad!

Even if he was jealous of the Chao family boy so jealous that he wanted to vomit blood, Yan Xing could only accept his fate and silently called his boss, saying that little Lolita was going to play in Europe, so the matter of which land to give to her could be slowed down. Talk slowly.

That's what it said. In fact, the next day, when little Lolita was leaving for Country Y, Young Master Yan and representatives of certain departments flew to the northwest to survey the terrain in the desert.

Little Lolita didn't know that someone Yan was running around for her land, she took the flight at 10:[-] am and flew to Europe in style.

Country Y and China are not in the same time zone. Country Y implements daylight saving time, and winter has already begun. The time of country Y is 8 hours later than that of China.

Due to the time difference, Le's plane took off at 10:50 am China time and arrived at 1:[-] pm local time in country Y.

She had been to the capital airport of country Y for a track and field competition, and she was familiar with the outbound route. After leaving the airport, she went to the luggage counter of the terminal building to wait for her luggage, and then left the terminal building after she got her luggage.

On Wednesday, brother Chao has classes all day long, so it’s okay to go to Cambridge too early. Xiao Le went to London, the capital of country Y, to visit a few bookstores, buy a few books, and then go to the train station to take the train to Cambridge University.

The University of Cambridge is located in the town of Cambridge, which is about 90 kilometers away from the capital of country Y, and it is generally called Cambridge City now.

There is no airport in Cambridge Town, and there are many buses and trains to and from the capital of Country Y, so the transportation is very convenient.

Due to its geographical location, Country Y has a typical temperate maritime climate, with little change in the four seasons of cold and heat. It is the wet season from October to January of the next year, and February and March are the driest.

Also affected by the mid-latitude westerly wind and the North Atlantic warm current, it is mild and rainy throughout the year, but the weather is changeable, with sunny and rainy days.

Country Y entered the wet season in November, with rainy and foggy weather.

Of course, even if the climate is mild in general, the people of country Y still wear winter clothes. Because the temperature is maintained at more than ten degrees, the winter clothes worn by people in country Y are not too thick.

Lexiao is wearing her own country's traditional Hanfu, which is autumn and winter clothing, a pure white middle coat and a blue embroidered outer robe with not too big sleeves, and a purple cloak.

Because of her clothes and hairstyle, Little Lolita is the one that attracts the most attention during the trip. It’s okay when she’s on the plane, because there are mostly Chinese people, and the passengers on the train from London to Cambridge include both natives of country Y and people from all over the world. The tourists were very surprised and enthusiastically watched.

As a result, little Lolita had no time to read at all, and developed a friendly relationship with a passenger next to her and a passenger who later came from her car to Cambridge to exchange business cards or contact addresses. It became a group of three.

(End of this chapter)

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