magic eye doctor

Chapter 1784 Advise her to be a person

Chapter 1784 Advise her to be a person
"Reading" with spiritual consciousness is a technical activity. It not only tests people's self-control of spiritual power, but also requires a super-rich reserve of words, and is familiar with the power of each word.

The books in Europe and America are all non-Chinese characters, and the scripts are different. Le Xiao also needs to study and analyze first to find out the rules, and reading books with spiritual consciousness will come naturally.

There are two ways to read books with spiritual consciousness.

One is that people do not touch the books, but only feel the power in the books with their spiritual consciousness, and combine them into words in their brains based on the power of the words.

This method tests people's mental control ability, especially when there are many books around. After all, the mental power can sense the power of words, but it can't tell which words belong to which book at the first time. It is also impossible to distinguish the order of the text at the first time.

Therefore, only people with super strong spiritual sense can rely on their keen sense of spiritual sense to match the power of words with books, and then use their spiritual sense to "read" a certain book.

Another way to read a book with spiritual consciousness is to touch the book with your hands, and then use your spiritual consciousness to explore the contents of the book.

The time required to read a book with spiritual consciousness is different depending on the way of "reading" the book and the thickness of the book. The hand can touch the book. In terms of normal thickness, it takes about 5 minutes. If the book is thick, for example, there is no separate volume. It takes at least half an hour for the thickness of Dream of Red Mansions.

For a book of the same thickness, it takes about 15 minutes when you can’t touch the book and there is only one book. If you are in an environment like a library, bookstore, or book stand, it takes at least 10 minutes to read a book.

In order to study how to use spiritual consciousness to read books, Le Xiao spent a lot of time thinking, and even analyzed the characteristics of his own country's writing, the characteristics of foreign writing, and distinguishing the strength of writing.

Generally speaking, different characters have different powers.

As far as individual characters are concerned, the Chinese characters of Datianchao have more strokes and more ink, and their strength is strong. Foreign characters are letters or symbols, with fewer strokes, and the strength of a single letter is weak. If letters or symbols are combined into a character, its strength is comparable to that of Chinese characters. About the same strength.

Hard work pays off, after spending so much time, Le Xiao also mastered the trick of reading books with spiritual sense, so when he went to the library and studied a little, he knew it well.

The research has a clue, what are you waiting for?

Little Loli happily went to change another book. On the surface, she pretended to read, but in fact she opened her spiritual consciousness, explored those books that could only be obtained from the high shelf, and looked for books that were hard to find in the market.

The beautiful boy has already experienced the terrifying speed of his small group's reading. It is not surprising. Chen also knows a thing or two. It is the first time for Wan Teng to see little loli reading a book. The first reaction is that the book is not her favorite. type, she just flipped through it with her hands.

Seeing that little Lori had changed three books in a row, she quietly asked Chao Shao who was next to her, "Oh, Xiao Chao, what kind of books does your sister want?"

"She's never picky about reading. Haven't you seen that the three books she read are all of the same type?" The beautiful boy whispered to Young Master Wan Tu calmly.

When the two talked, their voices were very low, so that they would not affect others.

Young Master Wan Teng looked at the little girl who was reading the fourth book: "But she just flipped through the book before, and didn't read it seriously."

Chao Jiamei's young man was silent: "Brother, you are too ignorant and ignorant. Xiaotuanzi has a photographic memory. You think she flipped through it casually, but she has actually read it."

"?" Young Master Wan's eyes became cross-eyed: "Little Bo, don't bully me for reading too little, are you sure she has really finished reading it? A book takes less than 10 minutes, so it's almost finished."

"If you don't believe me, you can do a spot check. Go find that book, pick a page at random, and ask my Xiaotuanzi what's in it."

The beautiful boy gave Young Master Wanqi a sympathetic look, turned his eyes calmly, and reached out to touch the back of Xiaotuanzi's head who was sitting next to him.

Xiaotuanzi combed a beautiful three-ringed fairy bun, and used a pillar to support the bun, and inserted a small emerald green phoenix in front of her.

Lele Xiaotuanzi is cute, with novel outfits, and she became an eye-catcher when she entered the library. Many people followed them to the same library curiously, looking for books nearby, admiring and studying her clothes and hairstyle, jewelry.

The young man touched the back of the little cutie's head for a long time, and was sincerely proud. It is not uncommon for Xiao Lele to go abroad in national costumes like Xiao Lele. However, there are very few people who have the courage to wear Hanfu in a place like Cambridge.

Cambridge has condensed hundreds of years of historical precipitation and is a world-class university and a city of knowledge.

It has too many honors and has a pivotal position in the world.

Cambridge is famous, so people who set foot on the land of Cambridge always follow the rules subconsciously, meticulously imitating the tradition of the university, white shirts and dark coats, no matter how poor they are, they are well-dressed.

There are also people who show their personalities in Datianchao, but they only wear cheongsam.

The Xiaotuanzi in their family is different. They are dressed in antique Hanfu, and even their hairstyles are ancient, authentic ethnic style.

She wore Hanfu and ran all over the street, but she dared to enter the Cambridge University library openly, without caring about other people's eyes. Her courage and courage are beyond the reach of others.

The boy is proud of his younger sister, and life with a younger sister couldn't be happier!

Young Master Wan Teng stared cross-eyed, looked at Young Master Chao again and again, and asked in surprise, "Is what you said not true?"

"If it's fake," the beautiful boy still put his hand on the back of Xiaotuanzi's head, and turned his head: "Otherwise, why do you think my Xiaotuanzi could finish school two years ahead of schedule? In fact, not only did I complete my undergraduate course, but I also completed my master's course and part of my doctoral course by myself."

"Xiao Bo, is your sister still an individual?" Young Master Wan Teng wanted to turn the tables, complete a five-year undergraduate course in three years, self-study a master's degree, and a doctoral course?Is she really human?
"Which way are you cool?" Dare to say that Xiaotuanzi is not human?piss off.

"Then you persuade your sister to let her be a person. If she continues like this, others will have no way out." Young Master Wan Qi also believes that what Shao Shao said is true, and Xiao Chao doesn't need to lie and deceive others. Granny's elementary school student is a monster.

What does it matter to him whether other people have a way out?The beautiful young man held his head high, ignoring a certain boy, and buried himself in his book. Xiaotuanzi is extremely smart, and she doesn't want to show off. If she is willing to take the route of being a top student, it will make it impossible for a world-class genius to be a top student.

Young Master Wan Teng has a sense of sight that he is about to be compared to scum. In the past, his younger brother and grandma always said that Xiao Lele was a ghost, because he was far away, and he had no sense of crisis. Now Xiao Luoli may go to Cambridge Reading, he instantly felt pressured.

He glanced at Chen's classmate quietly, and lowered his head to study silently. No wonder Chen was so desperate. With such a powerful little loli for comparison, he couldn't do without desperately.

Chao Shao and Master Wanqi's nephew were whispering, and Chen also listened to him, but did not express his opinion.

Student Le Xiao also heard Brother Chao and Nephew Wan Teng biting their ears, but he didn't care. There are so many books in the library, how could he have time to care about such trivial matters.

Instead of wasting time on trivial matters, it is better to read more books.

Books are not only fragrant, but also promote people's progress.

Classmate Le made an estimate. Even if this is the end, no new books will be added to the back of the Cambridge University library. As far as the existing books are concerned, every book will not be lost. It takes at least a year and a half to watch for eight hours without interruption.

In fact, that is impossible, because people's spiritual power is also limited, and it is impossible to use their spiritual consciousness to read books uninterrupted all the time.

Self-assessment, under the condition of no external force interference, if she keeps reading with her spiritual sense, her mental power can only last for eight to ten minutes.

If she is in Dongchen Continent, she can persist for ten days and ten nights even if she does not practice or replenish energy by reading the books copied by the monks with the consciousness of the monk Nascent Soul.

And Le Yun didn't dare to concentrate on reading with her spiritual sense, at most she could allocate half of her spiritual sense to read. In addition, she had to distract herself from monitoring the surrounding environment, and reserved a portion of her spiritual sense for use in case of accidents.

The opportunity is rare, and she is not willing to waste time. She reads the books on the shelf with her spiritual sense and scans the books in her hand with the special function of her eyes.

Anyway, I have to flip through the books, I don’t need to look at the books in my hand with my mind, I scan them with my eyes, store them in my brain, and organize them when I have time.

Because of this, when she looks at the book, she just scans it and has no memory. If someone asks her what she wrote, she has to sort out the things in her brain before she can answer.

While looking up the information, Young Master Wan Teng occasionally observed Little Lolita. She read the fourth book at a normal speed, which took about five to ten minutes.

When Little Lolita was halfway through the fifth book, it was noon, and the students who were looking for information in the library left one after another to find something to eat.

The beautiful boy and others did not go, they brought bread, fruit and water.

Some people, like the beautiful boys and others, brought their own dry food and did not go out at noon. At most, they went to the automatic coffee machine in the library lobby to buy a cup of coffee.

After the little Lori finished the fifth book, the top students stopped their work and took out the bread to eat.

After eating bread and an apple each, the four continued to read.

The four of them were quiet for more than half an hour, and then some people entered the library to read books one after another. Soon, the tables and chairs were filled with people again, and some people sat next to the bookshelves and read on the floor.

The beautiful boy, classmate Chen, and young master Wan Qi searched for materials, copied them, or took them for photocopying, and they were organized and orderly.

While scanning the books, Le Xiao "reads" the books one by one, keeping the speed of four to five 10 minutes to complete a book without attracting too much attention.

The beautiful boy and the two academic masters read until seven o'clock in the evening, and they called it a day.

After persisting for a whole day, Le Yun's mental power was also exhausted, so she didn't insist on nesting in the library, followed her, walked out of the library, and jumped on brother Chao's back to be a sloth.

The beautiful boy carried the cute little dumpling on his back, and went to the bus station with his schoolmasters to ride home. When they got to the waiting place, they suddenly found that the little guy on his back had fallen asleep!
Three Xueba: "..." Embarrassed!

(End of this chapter)

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