magic eye doctor

Chapter 1787 Dead

Chapter 1787 Dead
The people surnamed Wang also cherished their lives, they didn't dare to get close to them, and they didn't dare to be a hero to do some feat of grabbing the blade with bare hands. They just wanted to knock out Wang Jinbao's knife with a stick, but unfortunately they didn't succeed.

Someone obstructed him, and Wang Jinbao became even more crazy. The person surnamed Wang stood outside the kitchen and watched him wielding a knife and shouting like a madman.

Wang Jinbao went berserk for a while, and when he saw someone looking around, he instinctively threw the knife out to kill people, and when he had no tools, he grabbed something and threw it. Finally, he had nothing to throw, so he picked up the rice jar and wanted to throw it at people.

He made a fuss too fiercely, and made a fuss for a long time, probably unable to continue, he didn't throw the jar, but he couldn't hold it with his hands, and the jar hit him directly on the head.

A jar containing more than a dozen catties of rice hit him on the forehead.

The jar was broken and the rice was spilled all over the floor.

Wang Jinbao, who was hit, was bleeding from the head, and his head drooped limply.

The terrified Wang Ma took a lot of effort to get up. As soon as she squeezed to the door, she saw her grandson's head was smashed by the big tank and there was no movement. She started howling.

The members of the Wang family were also very bluffed, and boldly shouted a few times, but Wang Jinbao didn't respond, and everyone didn't dare to get close, they just shouted people's names from the sidelines.

Fortunately, the people from the police station arrived soon.

The person who heard the police from the town police station said something was wrong with Wang Ju's family, and they had a particularly headache, so they sent a small team to Wang Ju's house, and when they heard ghosts and wolves outside, they rushed into Wang's house to check the situation without taking a breath.

The savior came, and the people surnamed Wang stepped aside.

The officers of the police station were also shocked when they saw the disaster-like scene. While notifying the town hospital to send a car to pick up the wounded number, they bypassed the broken tiles to check on the two wounded.

After checking the situation, the policemen looked at each other in blank dismay. The old one was slashed several times and his face was disfigured, but he didn't hurt his vitals. It was initially estimated that he was frightened and bled a lot, and went into temporary shock.

And the younger one, with a wound the size of an egg on his forehead, has lost his breath!

The policemen carried the wheelchair and the person to the main room of Wang's house to try to give first aid. The old one was treated first to stop the bleeding.

The medical staff from the town hospital arrived a few minutes later and gave first aid to an old man and a young man. The old man was put on a stretcher and sent to the hospital, but there was no response to the young man's first aid.

The eldest grandson died, and Wang Ma passed out on the spot.

The members of the Wang clan were also stunned.

They thought about countless possibilities, but no one thought that Wang Jinbao would die like that!

The members of the Wang surname clan split up their hands to discuss with the older generation, but the Wang surname clan members had no choice but to gather the family members to prepare for the funeral of the Wang family.

Wang Jinbao is a short-lived ghost, and he died in that disgraceful way. Logically, he couldn't stay in the village, let alone make arrangements. He just carried Wang Jinbao out of the village, found a place to bury his body first, and dug a hole to bury him. .

Cremation has not been universally popularized in rural areas. Therefore, at present, villagers are still buried in the ground, and those who eat public food must be cremated.

Of course, because the police were reported, the public must agree to the burial before they can be buried.

The hospital staff rescued Wang Ma, and the police officers asked the family members about whether they should send Wang Jinbao for an autopsy. Wang Ma disagreed, and Wang’s family members were also unwilling. The autopsy required money, and no one would give tens of thousands to the dead. dissection fee.

The police officers asked about the situation of the people on the spot, made records, and then closed the team.

After the public officials left, the elders surnamed Wang arranged for young people to carry Wang Jinbao out of the village and put the body under a stone bridge on a dry river outside the village. Wang's mother chased him outside the village, crying over her grandson's body.

Wang Ju's trauma was not too serious, and he was sent to the town hospital for treatment, because he had been hospitalized in the town hospital last time. The hospital had his file and knew his blood type. The blood transfusion was given just a few minutes after he arrived.

Medical staff treat the wound while transfusing blood to the patient.

That man Wang Ju was unlucky, none of his sons and daughters could live up to his expectations, but he was a tough man, and he couldn't die no matter how hard he tried, like a Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten to death.

He only had one bag of blood transfused, and he woke up. After another bag of blood was transfused, his head was no longer dizzy, his legs were no longer sore, and nothing happened except that the wound was covered with medicine like a patch.

Wang Ju was fine, and the police were doing business and asked him to make a record and sign it before letting him go home.

Wang Ju was thinking about his grandson, and with a "patched" face on his face, he rushed home. On the way from the street to the village, he always felt that others looked at him in the wrong way.

When I got home, I didn't see my grandson or my wife. Instead, I saw my coffin being carried to the yard, and several members of the Wang surname clan were still slaughtering his chickens at his house.

Wang Ju became angry and asked loudly, "What are you doing at my house?"

"Uncle Ju, you're back." The man surnamed Wang who was killing chickens saw Wang Ju and greeted him: "Wang Jinbao is gone, stop in the direction of the graveyard, and the old uncles of the family will wait for you." When you come back, if you agree, use this coffin of yours for Wang Jinbao, if you don’t agree, hurry up and buy a coffin.”

"What are you talking about, who is dead and who is dead?" Wang Ju stared fiercely at his fellow clansmen, as if he wanted to eat people.

"Wang Jinbao is dead, he smashed himself to death with a rice vat."

"No! You talk nonsense! My grandson is fine, you dare to talk nonsense and smash your mouth! Get out, get out!" Wang Ju rushed over to hit him like crazy.

For the sake of people with the same surname, only people with the surname Wang helped, but Wang Ju didn't know how to do it, and the people surnamed Wang quit, and threw away their things and disappeared.

Wang Ju chased and cursed, and drove everyone away. He ran into the kitchen and saw debris all over the floor, as well as dark red blood.

His legs were weak.

Calling grandson's name, calling mother-in-law's name, no one answered.

He ran towards the dry river stone bridge outside the village where the corpse of the short-lived ghost had been thrown overnight. He hurried there, but before he got close, he heard the howling of a woman.

Wang Ju was so panicked that he ran to the bottom of the bridge, shaking his legs, and saw his eldest grandson, Jin Bao, laid upright on the ground, with blood on his forehead, his face sunken, and his face and lips were pale.

The people surnamed Wang carried Wang Jinbao out of the village and put him at the bottom of the bridge hole. In fact, there was a cloth covering his face to prevent the dead man from seeing his face, but Mama Wang tore the cloth and threw it aside.

Seeing his grandson's appearance, Wang Ju couldn't move anymore. Dragging his legs that were as soft as cotton, he walked up to his grandson with one foot high and the other low. I am speechless.

Watching her grandson's body, Wang Ma cried so much that her eyes were swollen from crying. When she saw Wang Ju when she was dizzy from crying, she wailed loudly again, crying "the grandson is gone" and "Jinbao is dead".

It took Wang Ju a long while to feel his grandson's face, nose, and heart. The grandson's body was hard and there was no warmth at all.

He became a eunuch, his grandson died, and the incense of the Wang family was cut off.

In a moment of grief, he also cried.

The members of the same clan surnamed Wang were angry and went back to complain to the elders of the clan. The Wang family was also annoyed, so they simply ignored the mess of Wang Ju's family.

No one helped, the dogs and cats smelled the fish and ran away. Wang's family took the slaughtered chickens to the ground and ate them up.

The grandson's body was right in front of her eyes, Wang Ju and Wang Ma didn't want to believe that her grandson was dead and she couldn't lie to herself, so she sat under the bridge and cried faintly.

No one tried to persuade them to mourn, and the couple cried until it was dark, only to find that the surrounding area was empty, and the dogs in the village barked one after another.

There seemed to be crying in the wind, and the whining sounded endlessly. The couple panicked. They were also afraid of ghosts. Neither of them wanted to stay in the bridge hole.

Their family is also black and white.

The two of them had just entered the yard when a big cat jumped out of the house, jumped out of the yard with a "meow", and ran away.

Wang Ju's mother was startled, she went into the main room and turned on the light, and then she cried again when she thought that her grandson was dead and there was no one to guard the body.

Wang Ju bit the bullet and went to find the same clan with the surname of Wang, who had been scolded before, so he would not pay attention to him, let him knock on the door and shout, but he should not.

Now Wang Ju really panicked, and ran to beg the nephews of the same family, but those people had already turned off the lights, so they simply pretended not to be at home.

He had nowhere to ask for help, and he cried again when he returned home. The old couple went to get some food when they were tired from crying, sat and wiped their tears after eating a few mouthfuls, and squinted when they were tired from crying.

After finally surviving until dawn, Wang Ju went to ask people surnamed Wang for help. The Wang family closed the door when they saw him.

Wang Ma also went to kowtow to admit her mistake, and begged for help from her family members surnamed Wang.

It wasn’t until Wang Ju and the old couple went door-to-door that the people surnamed Wang confessed their mistakes twice, and the people surnamed Wang opened the door with a dark face. After breakfast, the people of the same clan carried Wang Ju’s coffin, put Wang Jinbao in the coffin, and carried it away. It was buried in the hole on the mountain.

The people of the same clan helped to bury Wang Jinbao, and no one gave Wang Ju a good look. They went down the mountain and returned to the village to pick grapefruit leaves and make soup to take a bath to get rid of bad luck.

The grandson died, and Wang Ju lost all hope. He and his mother-in-law returned home devastated, and had no face to walk around the village again.

Mr. Tan only received the gossip from his younger brothers after Wang Jinbao was buried. He was shocked when he heard that Wang Jinbao killed himself, so the little bitch died just like that?
The little bitch of the Wang family bullied his son for more than ten years, and he died before he came back?

Could it be a fake news?
He suspected that someone made fake news, but his confidant brother repeatedly assured that the news was true, and even showed him Wang Jinbao's tragic death and funeral photos.

Those were provided by the informant of his confidant younger brother, who hired an idle gangster in Wang Ju's hometown to track and inquire about Wang Ju and Wang Jinbao's whereabouts.

Mr. Tan's confidant younger brother received the news and asked someone to verify it, so it can't be wrong.

The little bitch Wang Jinbao is gone, and the old bitch Wang is either crazy or cowardly. In order to prevent the old bitch from jumping over the wall in a hurry, Mr. Tan still asked the younger brother to let Wang Ju be watched, and tell him in time if there is any situation.

The wolf kings in Handsome Yan's team also received the news that Wang's little scumbag had died. They didn't believe it at first. That little scumbag looked like Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten to death, how could he die so easily.

Facts have proved that Xiao Zhazha is really dead and dead.

The wolf kings clapped their hands and cheered, good death, one less disaster in the world!
(End of this chapter)

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