magic eye doctor

Chapter 179 It's time for me to challenge you

Chapter 179 It's time for me to challenge you
Without morals, anything is possible.

Seeing the unsolicited hot beauty for the third time in front of him that day, Liu Dashao once again understood the meaning of popular sayings on the street and Internet. In this regard, he just wanted to say one thing, what did she like about him? Does he change course?
The business of the hotel is very good. Just before dusk, the restaurant already has 5% to [-]% diners. Young Master Liu also went downstairs to dine on time. He just sat down for less than [-] minutes when Sun Meili appeared enchantingly, took his seat gracefully, and shared the table with him .

That was Sun Meimei's third "random encounter" with a handsome guy that day. She went home for the Mid-Autumn Festival yesterday. She left home early in the morning to run to the hotel and wait for the rabbit. Dine.

She Mao Tun recommended herself and wanted to be a guide to accompany the handsome guy on a tour of Nanshi. Hotel, "ran into" the handsome guy again and had lunch together.

In the afternoon, the handsome guy went out to investigate the market situation again. She did perfect skin care and maintenance, played around near the hotel, and waited for the rabbit to watch the handsome rabbit.

"Handsome guy, we meet again, it's really fate." Sun Meimei's face was radiant and winked like silk.

The ghost has a fate with you!
In his heart, he muttered a word of disgust, Liu Xiangyang's face was not leaking, but he was still calm and not surprised: "Beauty eats at the hotel every day, and has made outstanding contributions to the hotel's turnover. I must be very grateful to the lady from all over the hotel. generosity.”

He calculated Miss Sun's bill silently. He wondered if she wanted to show off in front of him that she was a rich second generation, or if she was used to being extravagant. The lowest cost per meal was about [-] for breakfast, about [-] for lunch, and about [-] for dinner. The price is about seven thousand.

There is a shark fin at noon, shark fin and turtle soup in the evening. Turtle is artificially farmed, and wild turtles are caught, sold, and eaten. They are found to go to the police station to drink tea and eat free meals. Basically, no hotels dare to stand against the wind. commit crimes.

Sun Meimei's face was slightly stiff, what does handsome guy mean?She tried her best to pretend that she didn't know his hidden meaning, and lightly cleared herself: "This hotel is safe and hygienic, trustworthy, and it's close to my father's company. White-collar workers from the company and my father often talk about business here, and I'm here for dinner. The number of times is relatively high, and it would be an exaggeration to say that I have made an outstanding contribution to the hotel's turnover. My monthly expenditure is only a drop in the bucket compared to the hotel's income."

Liu Xiangyang smiled slightly, as if he agreed with her statement.

Sun Meimei also wanted to find something to talk about. The waiter over there served the food, and the handsome guy ordered the meal first; a minute or two later, the lady ordered the meal.

The two of them joined the table, and they each had their own dishes. Young Master Liu maintained good table manners out of his aristocratic cultivation, and only served his own meal when Miss Sun's meal was on the table.

When she ordered the dishes, Sun Meimei stood up and handed a plate of dishes to the handsome guy in person: "This is good for your health. I think you are running out every day for the past two days. You must be very tired. Drink some turtle soup to increase your nutrition."

A plate of turtle soup fell on his side, Liu Xiangyang quietly looked at the turtle in the soup, his voice was indifferent: "A girl said to me when she commented on eating wild animals, 'If there is no business, there is no harm, and there are no diners. Love of wild animal meat, there will be no so many cruel killings', I feel that it is very true, and I have stopped eating animal meat other than meat-eating poultry since then."

That sentence was said by his sweetheart, and he has always remembered that unless he was on a mission, when he had to eat wild animals to survive, he would no longer take the initiative to eat non-poultry and abnormal carnivores.

He can't control others, but he can control himself.

Liu Shao spoke calmly, calmly picked up the pot of ingenious men's tonic soup, and calmly returned it to the lady, ignoring the woman's explicit confession.

There is also a bullwhip in the turtle soup, which is aphrodisiac. The hot beauty wears a half-back dress with a low neckline. She also ordered a male soup to invite people to drink. Chi Guoguo expressed that she wanted to have a gun.

"..." The smile on Sun Meimei's face was stiff, and she turned to blushing. Seeing that there were guests around, it was not easy to throw people away. She suppressed the shame and anger in her heart and pretended to smile: "I don't know what your taboos are. , but I have too many things to do."

Liu Xiangyang put down the turtle soup indifferently, and continued to dine calmly. When he was full, he went out to enjoy the night view calmly and elegantly, regardless of the beauties on the opposite side.

She wanted to post a handsome guy and was rejected again and again, and Sun Meimei couldn't keep her face down and entangled her.

Miss Sun walked out of the restaurant and went to the elevator. Outside the elevator, a handsome guy supported the wall with one hand and a rose in the other. When she saw the beautiful woman coming, she grinned and gave her rose: " Hi, beauty, the night is so beautiful, you are so beautiful, can you have the honor to invite the beautiful lady for a drink on such a beautiful night?"

Sun Meimei, who had just been rejected by the handsome guy, saw that the handsome guy took the initiative to strike up a conversation, and the shame of being rejected was diluted a little.

The tall and tall handsome gentleman put his arms around the waist of the beautiful woman, helped the woman considerately into the elevator, and invited them to watch the night and drink. It is foreseeable that there will be a hot night.

Le Jiaqi went to Erye Chao's house in the morning, and even if he knew that the Chao family would come back in the evening, it was really hard to find an excuse to run to Chao's house. After all, the three ladies of the Chao family went back to their parents' house to accompany their parents and elders, even if they didn't live in their parents' house. , she will definitely be tired when she comes and go, and she will be too blind when she goes to visit others.

If you don't want to be rejected, you have to know how to look at the face. Miss Le didn't want to lose the common topic that she finally established with Mrs. Chao, so she went to the banquet with her parents in the evening.

Le Shijun didn't go out with her uncle's family to socialize. In the evening, she had dinner under the service of the nanny. She tidied up and went out for a walk when it was dark and the lights were bright all over the city.

The security of the villa area is absolutely reliable. You don’t have to worry about being robbed on the road. The supporting facilities in the villa area are complete. Many people take a walk in the evening for a little exercise. Occasionally, a few families can be seen on the road.

Walking along the neat and beautiful cobblestone path to the courtyard of Erye Chao's villa, Le Shiyun bypassed several cars parked at the door and rang the doorbell of Chao's house.

The three brothers of the Chao family went back to their parents' house for lunch and then returned to the courtyard villa of the second family of Chao.

Because I came back a little late, dinner started a little later than usual. The family was still eating when the videophone rang outside the living room in the upper, east, and west wings of the courtyard.

There is no strict hierarchy in the Chao family. There are no guests at home. The nanny and the master share the same table. Especially in this kind of festival, they will not isolate the nanny who do their best to work for the family. Therefore, they all eat at the same table in the main hall. feast.

Aunt Ge and Ma Fang were sitting at the bottom of the dining table, and the two hurriedly stood up and wanted to answer the phone, but Ma Fang stopped Aunt Ge: "Sister Ge, let me go, I guess it's probably Miss Lejia, I'd better deal with it. ."

The young and old of the Chao family nodded unanimously. At the second master Chao’s house, the sisters of the Le family came to visit. Usually, they were received by Fang’s mother. The second lady would meet when she was free. It was only fitting for her to deal with it.

Aunt Ge didn't rush to work, Yiyan sat down again.

Fang's mother trotted out of the main hall of the upper room and went outside to look at the surveillance screen. It was Miss Lejia standing outside the gate of the hospital. She pressed the call button and said with a smile: "Good evening, Miss Le."

"Mother Fang, good evening." Le Shiyun stood in front of the surveillance camera, with an appropriate smile on her delicate face: "Excuse me, is Xiao Chao at home? I called Xiao Chao in the afternoon, but I didn't get through. "

"Miss Le is looking for Brother Bo, unfortunately, Brother Bo is not at home," Fang Ma smiled: "Brother Bo went to grandma's house today to meet Fa Xiao, and we went to play ball, maybe tonight Fa Xiao If we are staying at home and the phone can’t get through, it’s probably because our brother Bo’s cell phone is out of power or turned off inadvertently.”

"Xiao Chao didn't come back, didn't he? I'm so sorry to bother Fang's mother again. Did Xiao Chao say when he will come back tomorrow, or will he go directly to school?"

"I don't know about this, Bo Ge'er didn't explain it. Miss Le has work matters and can't consult with our Bo Ge'er. She can also consult with the school teacher, so as not to miss the business... Our old man and his wife are still having dinner. , I won't entertain Miss Le anymore..."

Fang's mother muttered a few words and cut off the video.

The hosts were still having dinner, and even if Le Shiyun wanted to inquire more information, she couldn't rely on it. She cut off the call and returned empty-handed again.

There are surveillance cameras inside and outside the courtyard of each villa. Miss Le was afraid that she would show any dissatisfaction and be seen by the Chao family. She always kept a faint smile and drifted away from Erye Chao’s villa. Smile, look gloomy.

In fact, she didn't call in the afternoon, and there was nothing to do. The call was asked by President Chao, and she would only be in a mess. She just came to test. Based on Fang's reaction, she was sure Fang's mother didn't either. Called President Chao to tell him that she was looking for him to talk about work.

The Chao family servant did not report to the master that there was a guest looking for the young master, only that she did not worry about her affairs, indicating that she did not have the weight that the Chao family would take seriously.

Servings are too light and insignificant.

That kind of knowledge made Le Shiyun hold the fire in her heart, and she couldn't find any trouble if she wanted to vent. What could she do?Lejia has been in business for decades, and it is good in the local area.

In her generation, she was fortunate enough to enter the Youth University, and her family became one of the sponsors of the Youth University Student Union. With the help of some cooperative contacts of the Youth University Student Union, she gradually expanded her social circle.

Chairman Chao took office as the chairman of the Youth University Student Union. With his family connections, he opened a wider path for the student union. When he took office, the graduates of the student union would go to a higher position in the workplace than those of the previous years. The multiple research projects of young students have attracted huge funding, providing more development platforms for motivated and outstanding students.

Lejia has also benefited a lot, and several executives of Lejia have paid special attention to her because of this. They hope that she will be close to the water, and they will be able to grasp the relationship between the Chao family and help Lejia's stable position in the capital to rise to a higher level.

It's a pity, no matter how hard she tried to get close, President Chao was always indifferent and treated her the same as everyone else. Even if her uncle's house was so close to Er Ye Chao's house, she and he were also members of the student council, and they were not strangers in private. People, President Chao just didn't include her in his circle of friends.

Repeatedly rejected, no matter how great Le Shiyun’s enthusiasm was, her enthusiasm was fading. With a gloomy stomach in her stomach, she returned to Le’s house with a sullen face, locked herself in the room, got along with herself or had intentions for herself. People close to each other chat and chat about life.

On this day, the most excited people at the Youth University are the first battalion of the military training who will go out for target practice and the students of the second battalion who will go to target shooting tomorrow.

The students of the first battalion who went to the school grounds in the suburbs returned to school at [-]:[-] p.m. and did not return to school until after [-]:[-] p.m. Even if they were blocked for several hours, they returned to the school with an empty stomach, and they all ran happily to find food without any complaints. Replenish physical strength.

The rest of the three battalions had a day of military training, and in the evening they were still in a team form. They were so tired that their hands and feet were weak. The third and fourth battalions fell asleep early.

Some people tossed and turned, tossing until midnight before closing their eyes, while others were awakened by a sudden whistle shortly after closing their eyes.

The extremely excited students of the second camp, most of them wore training uniforms to sleep, put on their shoes after waking up, brushed their teeth and washed their faces indiscriminately, put on the backpacks prepared earlier, and rushed to the assembly at a [-]-meter sprint speed.

Everyone's backpack contained only a spare short-sleeved training uniform and a pair of shoes, as well as mineral water and a small amount of snacks for personal hobbies, keys and mobile phones, and spare money.

The things are not heavy, and some students put things in a backpack in three or five people for safekeeping.

Le Yun was also woken up by surprise. She received a notification from her teacher early to go out to target. She also slept in the dormitory bedroom that night. Chi Dianzhi ran to the playground and went to his team to gather.

The boys in the first class of the medical department ran very happily. They were also the first group of young students to arrive at the playground. The boys lined up vigorously and eagerly waited to set off.

After lining up, there are also empty whispers, discussing whether Little Loli can hold a gun with a hand injury. They also know that Little Loli will go. As long as she is not seriously ill or seriously injured and has to rest in bed, they will usually participate in target practice. As for the last Whether or not you can shoot a target with a gun is another matter. Anyway, people have to be present and you can't use a gun. You also need to see the process.

The boys only exchanged a few words, and then they saw the only little loli in the class passing through the crowd who were still forming or looking for a team, and ran to the team, and everyone greeted them with happy smiles.

"Little Loli, are your hands better?"

"Little Loli, can you use your hands?"

Little Loli's short hair is flying, and she is more sensitive. The boys suddenly rushed forward and asked her about her injury. Little Loli said in the military training class that she was all right, and they also knew that it was her intention. Avoid the heavy and the light to report good news but not bad news.

"Even if you can't lift heavy objects, it's not a big problem. It should be all healed after two days of dressing changes." Le Yun frowned, rolled up her sleeves, and raised her right arm for the students to see.

The little girl stroked her high sleeves, revealing a white jade-like arm, with a yellow-brown plaster sticking to the top of her wrist joint. The boys saw that Little Loli could raise her arms, and guessed that even if she could not use gravity, at least there were no serious sequelae. Also a little relieved.

The sharp-eyed boys found that Teacher Li and Instructor Han were coming, and stopped talking. Ma Liuer re-lined up and accepted the inspection.

Before Han Yuntao and Mr. Li arrived at the class, their eyes flashed across the excited faces, and finally fell on the little girl, with a look of remorse in their eyes. At first, why did he succumb to the offensive of his relatives?If he can withstand the pressure of family affection, perhaps, his future is still bright.

Seeing the little girl classmate returning to the team, Teacher Li hurried forward and asked in a low voice, "Classmate Le, how is your hand? Is there any pain? Can you use some force?"

Target shooting is real guns and live ammunition. Non-professionals can’t rely on their left hand. Even if you are a left-handed person, you need to use your right hand to help the gun body to aim. Opportunity to experience it.

"You can't lift heavy things, you can still use a little force." Le Yun gave the teacher the sweetest smile.

"That's good." Mr. Li was a little surprised. He was able to exert himself a little bit. Visually, he could probably experience shooting with a gun. Whether it is actually possible or not will be analyzed in detail after the school grounds.

The commander-in-chief of the military training and the head of the military training instructor corps have spoken to the instructors to form a team.

Yan Xing also got up leisurely when the whistle blew at four o'clock in the morning, packed up, and went downstairs with his backpack containing two stones and some necessities. Looking around, the two stones that Little Loli gave him were helpful to his ability.

There are two stones beside him, his strange fire is particularly active, the strange fire is hidden in the body, and generally maintains a sleep state, only when it encounters something that can increase its strength, it will become active and absorb external forces own use.

There are very few things that can interest Yihuo. He has studied for many years to find out what it likes with fire and gold content. That kind of thing has to be found by feeling. Therefore, he didn't find much. The power of Yihuo is insufficient and grows slow.

This time, as long as the stone that Little Lolita gave him is placed within a certain range from him, the different fire will be active and jubilant, and there is a feeling of dancing, indicating that the two stones are good things that the fire likes.

Therefore, he put the stone next to his pillow when he slept, and took it with him when he took his grandfather home. Now it is no exception. Carrying the stone on his back allows the strange fire to attract the power in the stone. The strange fire absorbs the external force very slowly, and he is not in a hurry. If you have strength, you can still carry a stone or two on your back.

Go downstairs, drive the trunk to take out the toolbox, divide three and five by two, neatly change the license plate for your cheetah, drive the car with the military license plate number, and go to the playground swaggeringly.

It was more than four o'clock in the morning, and there was still a long period of time before dawn. The night was long, and the street lamps on the campus were bright, illuminating the scenery clearly.

The high sky is like an upside-down pot, and the stars are scattered in the sky, which also indicates that it will be a sunny day after dawn.In the earth under the starlight, all things are still sleeping, as quiet as a servant, and the noise in the dormitory area of ​​the college students is only a small area of ​​liveliness.

Riding the light of the streetlights, Yanxing arrived at the playground unimpeded, drove the car to the troop transport truck, found Commander Li, the commander of military training, asked him to get the personnel and vehicle arrangement chart, and wrote down the car the little Lolita class rode in. No.

Commander Li welcomed Young Master Yan's presence in person. No matter what Young Master Yan wanted to do, he cooperated with the school leaders fully. Therefore, when Young Master Yan read the schedule and drove his car to the side of the military truck, he did not hesitate to do so. Not surprisingly.

Yan Xing parked his car next to a military truck, got out of the car, put on his sunglasses, leaned on the car to observe, and watched the instructors of each class lead the students to the corresponding truck and boarded in sequence.

Soon, Wang Ziqiang and Li Zuo, two instructors, also led the two national defense student classes to trot over. When they arrived at the troop transport card, the national defense student class lined up. The instructor and the teacher supervised the students to turn off their mobile phones, and handed them over to the teacher for safekeeping, and then they could go to school. car.

When they were doing the inspection before boarding the bus, Instructor Han came with the students. The school arranges classes according to the number of people. Classes with more people are matched with smaller ones, forming groups of 110 to 120 people per car.

The total number of military training battalions is slightly smaller than that of the four battalions. National defense students travel with the second battalion. The personnel are arranged according to the class size. The medical students and defense students share a truck.

There are 68 students in national defense and 45 in the first class of the medical department, a total of 113 people, which is within the maximum capacity of 120 people that the car can carry, which is just right.

The truck is driven by someone assigned by the organization, and the instructors sit in the front compartment of the truck. Because the nose is limited to four people, one driver, plus three or two instructors will not be overloaded; life teachers take the school's special car, as well as medical vehicles.

What, do you want to share a car with the students in that class?

The defense students arrived first, and they were standing in a place where it was easy to watch others. When they saw the class led by Instructor Han also ran to the open space behind the butt of the truck they were going to ride in, the faces of the defense students turned black and inky for a second. .

They don't like the first class of the medical department, and they don't like the [-] points. The girls in that class don't give any face to the national defense at all. They defeated the three national defense students who challenged her, and stomped their faces into the dust. After the challenge that day , Many seniors always add "Oh, this year's national defense students, even though they have been beaten to death, their courage is commendable", which makes people shameless.

Not only did the seniors criticize them, but when they reported to the class, they also received a lot of scorn from the freshman classmates. Therefore, the defense students were particularly jealous when they saw that the first class of medical students were enemies.

Because there is a powerful little girl in the first medical class, they dare not provoke any more, but it does not mean that they can get along well. Even if the students in the medical class help them on the Mid-Autumn Festival, they will not be able to smile with the boys in the medical class. Forgetting the grievances, at most everyone will not commit the river water.

But now, they have to go to the shooting range in the same car with the medical department, which is... so sad.

The national defense students watched the first class of the medical department come over, and they felt like they were going to eat flies. The person who arranged them and the medical class in the same car had sinister intentions. He must have done it on purpose, knowing that the defense students and doctors The first class had a grudge because of the challenge, and they let them ride in the same car. They wanted to force them to break up with each other, and then punish them heavily, right?Or, want to cancel their chance to shoot?

Thinking of that possibility, the defense students were so aggrieved that they vomited blood, but they didn't dare to protest, let alone show their hatred for the medical class, and they were so depressed that they wanted to hit the wall.

Enemy road is narrow!

Seeing the line of little girls running, Sun Shilin saw the short-haired girl at the front of the line at a glance, and he took a deep breath in secret while gnashing his teeth. Seeing the girl's smiling face, he couldn't help but think of his suffering, and his anger couldn't help but go out. I can't control it at all.

I... rub!

Le Yun, who was first in the first row of the shift team, almost wanted to swear when she saw a bunch of freshmen in camouflage clothes standing in line. They... want to ride with the national defense students?

It's just so sad!
Guessing the reason in a second, she looked up at the sky with sadness and speechlessness, oh my god, why is it so unfortunate that she has to go with those guys in the same car?

She described it in one sentence to the national defense students: they are disgusted with each other. The national defense students are a small group. She stepped on Sun and Wang among them, which is equivalent to stepping on all the national defense students. This year's national defense students have already Put her on the blacklist, and when you meet on the road or in a restaurant, you simply turn your face away to show disdain.

National defense students are hostile to herself, and Le Yun has no hobby of putting a hot face on a person's cold butt. Besides, she is not the kind of person who cares about other people's opinions, and she doesn't bother to be in the company of such people. Everyone goes their own way. Cross each single-plank bridge.

I am... I am going!
Classmate Dai, Classmate Guan, and the others understood the moment they saw the national defense student instructor, and secretly mourned, for Mao, for Mao, for Mao, they were so unlucky, and they were actually parted with those stinky national defense students?
To tell the truth, the people in the first class of the medical department don't like defense students very much, because of the little loli thing, they have accumulated a stomach, and for those people, they are also more and more unpleasant to the eye, it is best to see them out of sight.

But now it's better, the school throws these classes in a pile, what does it mean?Do you want him to get together and fight, or let them get along more and let go of old grudges with a smile?
Classmate Guan and others couldn't guess the thoughts of the leaders. With a depressed face, they ran to a place where the defense students were still empty, rectified the team, took out their mobile phones and turned them off, and handed them over to the teacher for safekeeping.

When they received their final lectures, the defense students had already handed over their mobile phones to the teacher, and they were boarding the bus in a row.

While listening to the instructor's instructions, Le Yun observed the national defense students. The national defense students from the two classes were divided into four rows and boarded the bus side by side. Row after row of people climbed into the car and moved inward to the truck, standing in row after row. List.

That is?

When she saw a man with a bruised nose and swollen eyes moving towards the truck with the team, she couldn't help but glanced at it a few more times, and she was stunned at first glance. That one... is too miserable, isn't it?
Seeing that classmate climbed into the car and was blocked by the boy behind, Le Yun retracted her gaze, sniffed, and wrinkled her cute face.

Yan Xing leaned against the car, watching the national defense students all about to climb into the truck, walking towards Instructor Wang and the others with their long legs against the sky.

When Wang Ziqiang and Li Zuo saw Young Master Yan, they stood upright and saluted, and asked the commander for instructions.

"It's alright, you do what you should do," Yan Xing nodded coolly to instructors Li and Wang, and walked to the medical department staff, his eyes behind the sunglasses swept across the faces of the boys, who were sullen by the boys. His expression made me feel good. The poor young man must be very depressed when he gets along with people he doesn't like.

Secretly happy in his heart, he curled his lips in a funny voice, and said indifferently, "Classmate Le, you have an injury on your hand. It is easy for people to squeeze in the truck. Take my car and go there."

? !
Han Yuntao was struck by lightning as if struck by lightning, and his limbs were instantly stiff. Young Master Yan wanted to take away the little girl, because he was afraid that he or the national defense students would secretly sneak through and be detrimental to the little girl again?

What else did they find in his mobile phone, so that Young Master Yan wanted to protect the little girl like that, for fear that someone would hurt her?
A trace of suspicion came to mind, and Instructor Han felt fear in the depths of his heart, his hands and feet froze for a while, and even the top of his heart was shaking.

Not only was Instructor Han panicked, Wang Ziqiang and Li Zuo also froze in their hearts and looked at each other with shock. Young Master Yan did not let the little girl crowd with everyone, for fear of being bullied by the national defense students. she?Will Young Master Yan suspect that they pushed the school to deliberately arrange for the national defense students and the little girls' class to ride in the same truck?
Young Master Yan gave a little girl special treatment, which is completely unscientific. The two instructors looked at the students who had all boarded the bus and were uneasy. I hope these national defense students will live up to their expectations and don’t make small moves secretly. Once they find that the students are restless , With Young Master Yan staring at him, no one can save the restless person.

The male and female national defense students were stunned, and their hearts were filled with anger. Why did that little girl always receive extra care?
"Student Le, Chief Yan is right. There are many people on the truck. You have a wrist injury and you can't collide. You go to the practice ground with Chief Yan's car." Teacher Li can't ask for it. The car squeezed and hit the arm of the little classmate.

"Classmate Le, hurry up!"

The boys also agreed that it would be better if Little Lolita didn’t squeeze with them. They were boys, and it didn’t matter how crowded they were. Little Loli was a girl. Quietly squeezed into them and took the opportunity to take advantage of Little Lolita. In that case, Little Lolita would suffer in vain.

"Well, shall I go then?"

Le Yun didn't want to specialize, but after thinking about it, the guy who has a car and has to stand next to her is a fool. Why doesn't she go?If she doesn't go, others will call her hypocritical.

"Go, let's go." The boys just had an idea: go, go, you're not here, we are all boys in the class to squeeze with the defense students, don't be afraid that you will step on me, I will step on you, let alone the defense students. Small actions.

Waving her small paws at the boys in her class, Le Yun happily ran to handsome Yan, and ran to the handsome young man who was tall and handsome, smiling like a crescent moon.

The little loli was wrapped in a camouflage uniform and looked small and delicate. Her short hair was like oil, shining under the light. She wore a sunflower smile, her eyes were as clear as stars, and her bright smile made the morning chill. It also became less important, and the temperature problem was ignored.

Little Lolita's smiling face is so cute, Yan Xing was afraid that she could not help but want to hide her, so she turned around gracefully: "Little Lolita, go."

"Yeah." Le Yun followed with a quick step, Yan handsome guy was fast and vigorous, and he threw her short legs off in a few steps, so she had to trot forward, so as not to become a small tail that was thrown off.

Young Master Yan is as tall as a green mountain, towering and straight, the little girl is small and exquisite, the two are tall and short, one behind the other, the backs are in sharp contrast, which also makes the little loli even shorter, making the boys look speechless. Loli is so small!

Wang Ziqiang and Li Zuo watched Young Master Yan take away the little girl, and once again instructed the students: "You must remember the National Defense Student Code and obey the discipline. Whoever dares to cause trouble will be disqualified from practicing with a gun."

"Yes!" All the defense students answered with anger and force.

The students in the first class of the medical system handed over their mobile phones to the teacher, and also climbed into the car one by one. Guan Yunzhi and several other tall and fit men quickly changed positions with the students in front of the row, and replaced them with the national defense students. Together.

The students in the medical department quickly changed positions, obviously to guard against them. The national defense students were so angry that their teeth were itching, but they didn't dare to do anything to people, only grinding their teeth madly.

After the students all climbed into the car, the instructors closed the compartment door, checked the safety situation, trotted to the cab to take a seat, and Mr. Li ran to the school team.

Yan Xing led Little Loli to the cheetah car, pulled out the passenger seat first, and waited for Little Loli to get into the car nimbly and sit down. He closed the door, went around the front of the car and got into the car by himself, fastened his seat belt, and drove away. .

He drove his car stubbornly, overtook the team impolitely, grabbed the front of the team, and ran happily without waiting for others.

After Little Loli got in the car, her little face was wrinkled into a ball. She was bitter, and she didn't know what she was thinking. When he got rid of the convoy, he took time to care while driving: "Little Loli, why are you unhappy?"

"I'm not unhappy, I'm just very sad. I knew there would be a car ride, so I should have brought two books." Le Yun muttered softly while holding her backpack.

"Doesn't you feel bad if you don't read a book for a day?" Little Loli nibbles at books when she has time, and doesn't feel tired?
"It's not uncomfortable, but I feel like I've wasted a lot of time." She wants to read too many books. It's wonderful to be able to use the time of the car to read books.

"I can use my mobile phone, and there is a computer in my backpack. If you think it is boring to ride in the car, you can play with your mobile phone and computer."



"Thank you, handsome Yan, I feel you are getting more and more handsome." Le Yun's eyes glowed, she turned back happily, and she saw handsome Yan's backpack behind the chair, she stretched her paws and lifted it to the front , unzip the zipper and pull out the handsome guy's tablet.

The corners of Yan Xing's mouth drooped. Little Lolita is sometimes very realistic. The reality makes people want to beat her. Just like now, she will praise you when she likes things.

Holding it to the computer, Le Yun has no time to control what handsome Yan is doing, turn it on, find his wireless network card and connect to the Internet, then quickly find something, download it again, drive the car for about ten minutes, turn off the wireless network, and unplug the wireless card. , hold the tablet computer to view the downloaded data.

Yan Shao's car went for a few minutes, and all the students from Qingda University also got into the car. After loading, a convoy set off majestically with the escort of security guards, teachers, and medical staff.

The motorcade drove out of the school and approached the avenue. Most of them were still asleep at [-]:[-] in the morning. Only the night shift staff started their day's work early. Therefore, there were not many vehicles on the road, and the traffic was unobstructed.

In autumn, it starts to get dark at about 05:30 in the afternoon, and it dawns a little after [-]:[-] in the morning. The convoy is driving, and the sky is gradually brightening, and the number of cars on the road also increases accordingly. The most congested central area of ​​the capital.

After 05:30, the sky was completely bright, and until nearly six o'clock, the convoy full of students arrived at the destination - a training school field where a battalion of troops was stationed.

The barracks was heavily guarded, and the convoy was able to enter the school grounds after passing through the heavy inspection area. During the inspection, a truck was turned on with a red light, and a cell phone that was carried privately was checked from a student, because the cell phone was on and had a signal. When it was found out, the mobile phone was temporarily confiscated, and a demerit was also recorded.

The training ground is a plain near the mountains. There is a hill in the distance, and there are grasslands and forests. The planning of each area is strict. Some areas are restricted areas, and non-licensed personnel are not allowed to enter. Of course, those have nothing to do with the students, and the students are directly dragged to the shooting training ground. .

The training ground is far away from the barracks, and can accommodate hundreds of people for shooting practice at the same time. A temporary tent is set up on the grass and set up as a dining area. The school staff who are stationed on the school ground first make breakfast and wait for the students to come.

The team pulled the students to the training ground and arranged them in sequence. The instructors opened the car door, and the students who were stuffed in the car poured out, not bothering to breathe the fresh air, and looked at the shooting range. The target was attracted, and the crowd was excited, cheering with great excitement.

Instructors and teachers organized students and lined up to eat in the temporary dining area.

Yan Xing arrived first, drove the car to the target area, parked outside the restaurant tent, took the little loli out of the car, washed her hands and face, and had breakfast first, after they finished eating, they ran to the lawn to play for a while. The troops just arrived.

For the treatment of little loli, later people are jealous in addition to jealousy.

There were more than [-] people in the second battalion, and hundreds of people were eating. The scene was particularly spectacular. After the meal, the students had half an hour to find a place for their class to practice, run to the toilet, and put their backpacks.

The students scattered, or ran to fix metabolic problems, or to find the site, and they all glowed with excitement at the thought of touching a gun.

The boys in the first class of the medical department were collectively sad again. Unfortunately, the site of their class was adjacent to the site of the defense students!
The national defense students were equally distressed. The two sides gathered together, you stared at me and I stared at you, with big eyes and small eyes.

Le Yun: "..." I really can't play well.

Yan Shao didn't think about whether it would scare the students. He wore a black mirror and shamelessly took a seat in the first class of the medical department. He found that the atmosphere was not right. There was a smell of gunpowder smoke in the air. : "Little Loli, if you don't like it here, I'll take you to another place to practice."

Wang and the two instructors just approached the national defense student class, and when they heard the words of Young Master Yan, they were shocked again in secret. Is Young Master Yan going to take the little girl to the military training ground to practice?

All the students were stunned. When they got here, can they still open a small stove?

"No, it's very good here," Le Yun declined the kindness, paused, and threw out the earth-shattering sentence word by word: "Brother Yan, I want to challenge a certain defense student!"

As soon as her words fell, it was like a boulder falling into the water, causing a shocking wave, and everyone instantly understood the cause and effect: she must have decided to take revenge!
Sun Shilin's heart throbbed suddenly, and he quickly looked at Wang Xiuwen. Wang Xiuwen saw the doctor and took medicine, but it didn't help. He still had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and his throat didn't improve.

The defense students looked at the medical students with fierce eyes. The little girl must have wanted to take advantage of the danger because she saw that Wang Xiuwen was injured.

"Okay!" Yan Xing didn't hesitate for a moment, he picked up his backpack and stood up. Little Loli's fractured hand was healed, and there was no problem in fighting.

Dai and everyone acquiesced to Xiao Luoli's willfulness, and Mr. Yan did not object, indicating that Xiao Luoli would not lose.

Handsome Yan supported himself, Le Yun's brows lit up, she jumped up, and rushed towards the national defense group: "Wang Xiuwen, it's time for me to challenge you, come on, heads up!"

(End of this chapter)

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