magic eye doctor

Chapter 1827

Chapter 1827

Xiao Le reported the situation to the teacher's wife, happily ended the call, and went back to the big study.

Ren Shaofeng, Shao Duan, and Duan Shao had been so shocked by the little lolita's operation that she just wanted to shout "666". The little loli beat up the child of Wanqi's family, and reported to Mrs. Wang openly, she was too awesome!
Seeing the little loli come out, the three handsome boys had one word in their eyes - obedience.

"Hey, why don't you sit down?" Le Yun returned to the big study, saw the three little handsome men who were still being punished, and laughed: "Don't worry, although you were brought by the brat to help him, the brat must It's him, I beat him, but I won't beat you."

She walked to the east side of the table by herself and sat where she had been sitting before.

Little Lolita said she wouldn't beat them up, but Ren Shaoduan and Shaofengshao were still very afraid, they didn't dare to make a mistake, they moved to sit opposite the owner, but they didn't dare to sit directly opposite Little Lolita, they sat near the door.

The three little handsome men sat upright, their eyes fixed on each other, and they were very serious.

Le Yun sat down, picked up a book and stamped it again, seeing the young handsome guys looking like they were being judged, she couldn't help smiling: "Are you afraid of me?"

"No." The three masters shook their heads unanimously, not afraid, but a little scared of her.

"Just don't be afraid, you can do whatever you want," Le Yun stamped with another stamp, put the book aside, took another, and chatted casually: "You change the ticket to next Saturday, where will you live these few days?"

"Little friend Wang Ruichen invited us to visit his house. Let's spend a few days in the capital together. We should stay at his house."

Le Yun tilted her head: "In order not to give up halfway, I decided to close the bear boy for a period of time. You are not afraid of the cold, and you can stay with him in the park for a few days."

"So, will it bother you?"

The eyes of the three Xuebas were shining, and it was obvious that Little Lolita's Paradise had set up a spirit gathering formation, which was very suitable for cultivation. Their family and teachers also hoped to have the opportunity to come to the Paradise to learn about it.

"I'm going back to my hometown tomorrow, and you have to learn to be self-reliant."


Little Lolita left them to stay in the Paradise for a while, and the three elementary school tyrants were in a turbulent mood. If it wasn't for Little Lolita sitting there, they would have jumped up and cheered.

The three handsome guys are also very clever. They sat on the sidelines for a while and knew the rules of the little loli's stamping. They immediately volunteered to help the little loli stamp and mark the books.

Wang Ershao dragged his injured buttocks to wash his face, and when he was still at the door of the second room in the upper room, he heard little Lolita calling grandma, and he was so out of breath.

He was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, but there was nothing he could do. With a black face, he moved to the bathroom step by step, washed his face, then moved to the west wing and entered a guest room, took out the quilt and made the bed, lay on his stomach again, and gave himself to himself. Apply medicine.

Little Lolita said that beating people was really beating people, and there were red marks where the feather duster hit, which was red and swollen, and it was hot and painful when touched.

Enduring the pain, Wang Ershao took out the ointment from the bottle and wiped it on the wound.

Little Lolita was merciless when she beat someone up, and the ointment she gave was really useful. After applying it, it felt cool, and the burning pain eased a lot.

There is no heating in the guest room, it is very cold, and the buttocks can feel cold when exposed to the air, Wang Ershao has no choice but to pity his miserable experience, while repeating it over and over again in the cold environment where the wind blows his butt of medicine.

His willpower is also extremely strong, and he insisted on staying for about an hour until the swelling disappeared and the pain disappeared after pressing, and then he completed the healing process.

After trying to walk a few steps, he found that he was really fine. Wang Ershao was shocked. Little Lolita's bruise medicine was so miraculous!
He quietly put the medicine bottle with one-third of the ointment remaining in his arms, left the guest room solemnly, walked to the railing chair in the upper room, took out a paper bag containing clothes from his backpack, and took off Shoe covers and shoe covers into the big study.

Feng Shao, Ren Shao, and Duan Shao saw the little friend, winked and smiled at him.

Wang Ershao carried the paper bag, walked up to little Lolita, and presented the bag obediently and docilely: "Little uncle, this is a New Year's gift that my grandma asked me to bring to you."

"Well, I see." Le Yun put down the seal, took the bag, got up and left: "You follow me."

"?" Ershao Wang's mind flashed a bold lightning number. Little Lolita wouldn't call him aside and beat him up again, would she?

He was afraid of being beaten, but he still had to be obedient.

Classmate Wang Ershao followed little Lolita like a spoiled daughter-in-law, and went to Dongcijian again.

The little bear followed, and Xiao Le was not too picky. He went into the small pavilion in the bedroom, closed the door, took his little nephew to sit on the Arhat couch, and opened the paper bag.

There is a new set of clothes in the paper bag, which Mrs. Wang bought for Xiaoguai, a red windbreaker, a winter skirt, leggings, a woolen sweater, and close-fitting underwear.

In a word, everything is complete from inside to outside.

The small padded jacket has a lot of clothes, usually Hanfu, and rarely wears modern clothes, so Mrs. Wang reluctantly gave up and bought only one set of clothes.

Student Le shook off his windbreaker, found a few pages of paper from the clothes, and handed it to the bear boy: "This is your family's family practice. Read it carefully, figure it out, understand it, and memorize it by heart. Just follow this practice."

Wang Ershao followed up in the side room, feeling agitated. When the little Lolita was looking at the clothes, he took the time to look at the environment, and found that the little Lolita's bedroom was really... luxurious, and many things were worthless just by looking at them. Fei.

And that instrument is so big!
He was admiring the tall musical instrument when he suddenly saw the little Lolita taking out the paper from the windbreaker, and his eyes widened in disbelief. Well, his grandma hid the family exercises in the clothes and asked him to send them to the little girl. In front of Lori?
Is he sending the sheep into the tiger's mouth by himself?
When the little Lolita spoke, she sat upright at first, and Wang Ershao turned into a dumb goose, speechless, what did the little Lolita mean to let him learn the family skills now?

"What's the problem?" The bear didn't respond, Le Yun put down the windbreaker slowly, he dared to run away, caught him, and beat him fatly.

"Uh, no... no, uh, no, there's a problem," Wang Ershao shook his head in a panic and nodded, talking nonsense, calmed down, and then looked bitterly at little Lolita: "Just learn like this?"

"If you don't learn like this, what else do you want?"

"Isn't it the elders who explain and demonstrate at the same time, and then follow along?"

"Your parents and elders have drawn the exercises so carefully, and the annotations are so clearly marked. You can follow the gourd to draw a ladle, and you can practice it. For such a simple and easy-to-learn thing, you still need someone to explain it, and you need someone to demonstrate it? "

Asked by the little loli, Wang Ershao drooped his head, pouted his lips in frustration, and sulked with his fingers. After learning this, he will have to do his homework sooner or later like a monk.

"It seems that you really disdain your family's inheritance, so you don't want to learn from your heart. The ancients said that the cow's head is forced to not drink water. Okay, I won't make things difficult for you."

Little Lolita said coldly, and went to pick and place the paper on the table by herself.

"No, no, I don't." Wang Ruichen was startled, he held the paper, and put on a flattering smile: "Uncle, I learned it, I just haven't prepared myself well enough, let me be quiet , I am quiet, and I will soon accept the reality."

Xiongzi is not only a bear, but also awkward and arrogant. In some respects, he has a fight with Yan, and Le Yun is so angry that he wants to pick him up to talk about life with him.

Before she could take action, a call came in, she answered it first, took out the phone from the sachet hanging on her waist, looked at the caller ID and found that it was Miro, she was surprised.

Miluo Tuhao usually communicates by email. Now it is morning in Datianchao, and it should be midnight at Tuhao. He called in the middle of the night to explain that there is something urgent.

Classmate Le took a call from Mi Luo Tuhao, and when he heard the handsome Mi Luo's voice, he still seemed to be awake—"Xiao Lele, it's not that I have something urgent to bother you, it's old Mr. Ferrari's father, Ali Members of the Nie family, a partner of the Aligne family, the Kassel family, please save his children..."

Florence was shrouded in darkness, Milo was sitting in his bedroom, holding up a mobile phone to call his children, his handsome face was full of laziness from not getting enough sleep.

He was also woken up by a phone call in the middle of the night. The Aligne family went to Alessandro, old Mr. Ferrari went to his godfather, and his godfather went to him.

Then, he looked for his little friend again.

You look for him, he looks for him, and he looks for again. The connection between people is like a bone Nomi card.

Handsome Mi Luo was talking blabberingly, and after listening to Xiao Le, he also figured out a general idea.

A 20-year-old boy who is a college student of a partner of the Aligne family fell and sprained his foot while exercising. He thought it was due to a stretched muscle in his foot, and he would be fine after a period of rest.

However, before the person left the hospital, he suddenly fainted again. There was no injury during the examination, but the patient could not stand up. The clinical symptoms include convulsions, vomiting, numbness of legs and feet, and sometimes nonsense.

Afterwards, he was sent to a more professional hospital, but no injuries or detectable diseases were found. Finally, it was suspected that the young man might have injured his lower motor neurons when he fell, causing lower motor neuron lesions.

The hospital has not yet found a cure. The young man developed from numbness in his legs and feet to numbness of half his body, and then to hemiplegia. He underwent five first aids in less than three days.

When someone called the Aligne family, the unlucky young man had just undergone first aid and was said to have lost the ability to express himself.

"..." Le Yun curled her lips, listening to Mi Luo Tuhao's description, why did she look so hydrophobic?

The Cassel family, the partner of the Aligne family, was once a branch of the Earl of Hesse in European country D. Later, their territory was annexed by another Hesse-Nassau family. noble.

However, the Kassel family aimed at the opportunity more than a hundred years ago, first established a car brand company, and then the business territory continued to expand. Now the Kassel family has its own business empire and is one of the super giant families in Europe.

Miluo Tuhao blah blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Just go to apply for a visa.

The Cassel family is ready. Once the visa is obtained, they will immediately take their luggage and children and fly to China on a chartered flight.

Mi Luo Tuhao said what should be said, and suggested with a smile: "Xiao Lele, if you agree to see a doctor, remember to charge more for medical expenses. Don't help people save money this time. Say less and charge more." Three hundred million, he found a series of people, you don't charge some medical expenses, I'm so sorry for the sleep I sacrificed."

"Miro, you suggest that I charge more for the medical bills, do you want me to treat you, Roberto and Alessandro to dinner?"

"No, you don't need to treat me to dinner, next time you come to dig truffles and make some more truffle bread, or you can send me some of that bad fish, and I will give some to my godfather.

As for Mr. Ferrari and the Aligne family, you don’t have to care about it at all. Cassel is seeking medical treatment from you through the Aligne family and the old Mr. Ferrari. You agree to see the doctor to give them face. In the eyes of their super earthy old gentlemen The inside is more important than anything else. "

"Understood, Miro, I originally planned to go home tomorrow, and the Cassel family wanted me to save someone, so I had to delay my return home, and I had to kill Cassel, remember to convince me to agree The process of seeing the children of the Searle family is more difficult, and it is not easy to express your pain."

"Understand, understand, I know what to do. I'm going to prepare a speech, okay, that's it for now, Xiao Lele, remember my fish, So long."

Milo was afraid that the kid would react and would not agree to give him bad fish, so he quickly hung up the phone and held the claw machine happily, he is so witty, he is simply a clever little ghost!

The kid is super shrewd, and he is not easy to fool. He took advantage of this opportunity and asked the kid to give him some delicious food.

This time, for the sake of the fact that the children might give him delicious food, he didn't care about the behavior of the gentlemen of the Agnie family disturbing his dreams in the middle of the night.

As for the godfather, of course he has no responsibility. If the Aligne family hadn't looked for the old Mr. Ferrari, the old Mr. Ferrari would not have looked for the godfather, and naturally the godfather would not have looked for him.

Milo, who was no longer sleepy, sat and played with his mobile phone, and waited for about half an hour before calling old Mr. Larry. He said before that no matter whether the child accepts the doctor or not, he will directly call old Mr. Farreira .

Old Mr. Ferrari is still waiting for news. He got the doctor's sweetheart's agreement to see Mr. Cassel from Miro. He also knew that the doctor's sweetheart originally refused to see the doctor. It was Miro who persuaded him for a long time and said that old Cassel He was also friends with Alessandro and Roberto, and the doctor lady agreed to help little Cassel to see a doctor because of their face.

In an instant, Alejandro felt the great honor of being recognized by the doctor lady, and he was very happy.

Therefore, when the old Mr. Ferrari replied to the news from his brothers, he also repeatedly emphasized the importance of Roberto and Miro, in order to use how much they had done to find a doctor for the Cassel family child. effort.

When the gentlemen of the Aligne family responded to the news from the Cassel family, they immediately told the Cassel family about the hardships of Alessandro, Roberto, and Miro looking for the doctor.

The Cassel family was very grateful for the reply from their partners, and also remembered the kindness of the Aligne family, Alessandro, Roberto, and Miro.

(End of this chapter)

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