magic eye doctor

Chapter 1835 Send another annual gift to the Huang family

Chapter 1835 Another New Year Gift to the Huang Family

Grandma Zhou Man and Village Chief Zhou dared to go home after playing in Lejia until half an afternoon, saying that they would come to Lejia for dinner when Lejia killed the New Year's pig.

Only Zhou Tianming was still having dinner at Lejia in the evening.

Zhou Tianming slipped home shortly after eating, and when he got home, he found that his family was all in the kitchen, with a look of surprise on his face: "Grandma, you haven't eaten yet?"

"I've eaten," Grandma Zhou smiled when she saw her grandson, "I forgot to ask Lele this afternoon when her family kills pigs, and what time will you go to play tomorrow, don't forget to ask."

"My aunt's family will not kill pigs until after the new year, Le Yun will have a day off tomorrow, and will go to the mountains the day after tomorrow, and will come back on the day when the new year is about to arrive."

Zhou Tianming told what he knew, and then asked grandma and father when they would kill the New Year pigs.

The construction site has issued a notice to work until the 26th of the Lunar New Year, the official holiday on the 27th of the Lunar New Year, and work again on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year.

Brother Zhou and his buddies will not be free until the 27th of the new year, and the 27th of the new year is the day when pigs are not slaughtered, so they can only slaughter pigs on the two days of 2829.

Grandma Zhou Zhou Ge originally planned to invite the Le family to come over for dinner when her family killed the pig, so that the mother and daughter of Meng Meng and Xiao Lele could formally get to know each other. The Le family might kill the New Year pig before their own family. The time for the official meeting will be discussed later. .

Zhou Tianming went home, student Le Xiao didn't feel sorry for his little cousin, before seven o'clock, holding the heart-warming younger brother, he took the little cousin up to the second floor, and personally supervised him to study.

Under the coercion of his demonic cousin, Chen Fengnian studied hard until 10:30 before he was released. He slipped back to the room on the first floor, climbed into bed, and immediately sent a message to complain to his family, accusing his "cousin" of inhumane behavior.

When Chen Kang's family received Chen Fengnian's crying complaint, they moved a small bench to watch, and then turned around, Chen Kang sent his grandson's chat records to his nephew, so that he could show Xiao Lele to read it when he had time.

Father Le who received the message from the old uncle: "..." He sympathized with his cousin Chen Fengnian for three seconds!It can only be three seconds, no more, who told the brat to say that his little padded jacket of the Kuaiguai brand is cruel.

Le Shan was drowsy at 10:30, Le Yun clicked on his brother's sleeping point to let him sleep peacefully, and when the two handsome guys went upstairs, he asked in a low voice, "How is your network technology? Can you control it?" Sky eyes at several intersections in a certain area of ​​the city?"

"Little beauty, our level is not very good. Don't we have Team Willow?" Lan San winked happily: "Which area does Little Beauty want the Sky Eye to rest? Let's tell Team Liu to let him shine."

"Between one and three o'clock tonight, I want to take some time off for the eyes near the family residence of Shishi Huang."

"no problem!"

Lan San Hei Nine's eyes were bright and bright, and hurriedly ran back to the guest room, turned on the computer he was carrying, and sent a secret contact signal to Team Liu.

Young Master Liu was imprisoned in the small dark room of the resident, with dark circles under his eyes from exhaustion. He didn't want to pay attention to the contact information sent by those unconscionable brothers, but in the end, brotherhood prevailed and he accepted it.

When I received the work task from the staff directly under Xiaoxinghang, I felt as if I had been beaten with chicken blood. I didn't care about whether I was tired or not, and went to work excitedly.

When everything was in his hands, he messaged Lan three times.

Lan San got a reply, and then told little Lori.

Little student Le is relieved, and takes his brother back to the study to sleep.

After twelve o'clock, she let her younger brother sleep by himself. She carried a backpack, walked out of the study lightly, went to the roof, jumped from the third floor to the roof of the south building, flew to the ground from a hidden corner, and left the village .

Classmate Le left the village and entered the back mountain. First, he made a disguise for himself, and then flew to Shishi by aircraft, and landed in the wilderness of Shixiao.

Before the appointed time, she crawled back to the star core space, slipped into the wooden house of the palace, woke up the little fox who was sleeping on the spirit stone table under the eaves, discussed with him, and let him run errands.

The little fox rubbed his eyes with his paws: "Little girl, what do you want to do?"

"Little fox, it's almost Chinese New Year. I want to give a gift to the former Huang family today. Look at me, how knowledgeable and sensible I am." Le Yun grabbed the little fox's beard, with a "please praise me" expression on his face.

The little fox pressed its paws against its face, and twitched the corners of its mouth: "Come on, little girl, the Huang family definitely doesn't want to accept your gift."

"It's their right to accept it or not, and it's my freedom to send it or not."

"If you don't catch Benhu, Benhu will believe you."

"Just one word, help, or not?"

"If you don't help me, you'll have to chop off the fox's tail to make a scarf," the little fox sighed, "Oh, why did this fox get involved with such a troublemaker like you."

"You don't need to share this."

"Forget it, the stalls are all set up, let's bring the things."

The little fox is used to being pushed by the little girl to do some errands that are completely incompatible with his status as a god fox. Who said that the little girl is a blessed person, and she is also a good spiritual food.

He dared to bet his tail that not only was his protest ineffective, but he might not be able to eat spiritual food during the Chinese New Year.

The little fox is getting better and better, Le Xiao smiled, took out a few bottles and stuffed them for the little cutie, and told him how much to use.

The little fox hid the bottles one by one, held up a bottle and looked at it: "This, is it really a mud ball?"

There are muddy balls in the round-bellied bottle.

"It's mud on the surface, but not inside." Le Yun blinked her big eyes and smiled treacherously: "The efficacy of this medicine can last for three months, that is to say, the efficacy of the medicine can last until after Qingming Festival. In this way, there is no need to come to give gifts on Qingming Festival." La.

If there is no accident, with the trigger agent I sent this time, they will have a big outbreak of family disease around October in the second half of the year, and their family disease will break out once and for all. "

Her special pills, when the effect of the medicine is exhausted, the pills will also turn into mud. Even if those guys find something wrong one day and have doubts, they can't find any trace after draining the well water.

"Are you planning to kill them all?" The little fox sympathized with a certain surname for three seconds, offended the little girl and wanted to live in peace, there is no such thing!
"I didn't think about it at first, but now I have such an idea." Le Yun sighed: "Originally, I thought it would be fine to make the culprits disappear, but unfortunately, some people are restless and want to make trouble behind their backs. I don't know them. For the sake of my family's safety, I have no choice but to start from the root cause."

She originally didn't want to do anything else, and let the main personnel of the Huang family slowly get sick. Those people died, and the vitality of the Huang family was seriously injured, and it was difficult to make a comeback.

However, according to the information that the handsome guys have investigated, someone is secretly supporting the Huang family, and it is estimated that they want to support the Huang family and contain her.

None of the people surnamed Huang who were supported worked in Ebei Province, which showed that some people didn't want to fight her head-on, and secretly supported the Huang family to make the Huang family a pawn.

Someone actually wanted the Huang family to contain her, so she had no choice but to act first, and show some color to those who wanted to make trouble, and let them see what would happen to those who offended her to death.

If you want to support the Huang family, you will be involved in a large network of relationships, and that area is precisely the area she is least willing to set foot in.

The political field is complicated and not suitable for someone like her.

Le Xiao is very aware of her shortcomings. She hates socializing, can't play intrigue, and is not suitable for political career.

If you can't be a politician, there is no difficulty in medicine, and it is a trivial matter to solve a lot of troubles silently.

"Understood." The little fox nodded. The little girl still had the idea of ​​traveling to another world, but she just couldn't worry about her family, so first, she had to remove all kinds of obstacles.

His mood was in a good mood in seconds, and the little girl was willing to clear the obstacles, which showed that she was actually very interested in that time and space gate abroad.

For the sake of the little girl's peace of mind, he cooperated very well. When the little girl took out a set of fake mouse skins for him to wear, he didn't think it was ugly.

Put on a little fox in disguise and transform into a mouse.

It's the kind of rat that's common in city sewers, neither big nor small, even if you walk across the street, it won't cause panic because of its size.

After disguising the little fox, Le Xiao waited until the time was almost up, left the star core space, and sneaked.

Sneak all the way to the city, observe in the area where I know there are sky eyes, and find that the eyes have been "closed", and speed up the sneak.

Sneaking into a place about two miles away from Huang's family's former residence, Le Xiao hid in a hidden place, let go of his mind, and searched around.

After investigation, she also confirmed a fact: Huang Mouchang's master Wu is hiding in the inner courtyard of Huang's family!

In addition to Huang Mouchang's master, there are two practitioners.

She couldn't "see" people's appearance, but remembered the aura of those two people.

After scouting the environment, I caught the little fox out, instructed him, and gave him a camera before letting him go.

The little fox also found out that there are practitioners in a certain place, but there is no threat to him, and the little girl is worried about his safety, so he is still very moved.

In order not to worry the little girl, the little fox was very cooperative, and went around a few times before arriving at the Huang family's residence, and then visited the Huang family's wells one by one.

When he reached the most central area of ​​the Huang family, the Huang family slept like dead pigs, and even the monks entered the state of "unity of man and nature".

The little fox happily went to an old well, added some materials, and then "visited" the room where the monk lived, and took a few photos of the sleeping monk that might be "posthumous photos".

There is a little girl's sedative medicine. People and animals are sleeping to death. The little fox swaggered around the inner courtyard of Huang's house, then retreated from a corner, and added nutrition to the two wells along the road and the private water tower with the roof medicine.

He traveled all over the Huang family's ancestral residence and the surrounding areas where Huang's family lived together with other people, and then made a big circle before returning to the starting point. It took a total of one and a half hours.

Le Xiaole hid the camera brought back by the little fox, sent the cute little beast back to the star core space, then sneaked out of the effect, and flew back to the back mountain valley of Meicun by aircraft.

She took off the disguise first, and then returned to the star core world to bathe the little raccoon, and gave him an emerald stone as a snack.

After coaxing his little helper, little student Le Shi Xuanran returned to the village by the same route, still walked to the roof to the second floor, slipped back to the study, and then caught up on sleep.

Ant Laoyan always knew that the little girl was out, and they waited until the little girl returned before going to bed with peace of mind.

Lan San Hei Jiu stared at the surveillance camera in the guest room, and when the little girl came back, she decisively deleted a certain recording from the camera, and fell down to sleep with her head covered.

If the little loli makes troubles, just make troubles, their duty is to deal with the aftermath.

(End of this chapter)

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