magic eye doctor

Chapter 1866

Chapter 1866

The leadership team visited Lejia with sincerity. Each department has a gift, and the gifts they prepare are also thick and thin, and the types are also varied.

Some of the gifts are special products of a certain county or township, and there is only one must-have in each gift—pork, and the pork in several gifts must add up to at least seventy or eighty catties.

Dad Le couldn't take the many gifts, so the person carrying the gifts followed him and put the gifts in the guest room on the north side and west room.

Le Yun invited the guests to sit down, and she also sat down to accompany her.

Several main leaders sat at one table with Ms. Le, and Village Chief Zhou went to another table to accompany other leaders with slightly lower positions.

Zhou Qiufeng quickly cleaned up the teacups and fruit plate on a table, and then went to bring several sets of tea sets, one set of Doucai white porcelain tea set, to pour tea for the guests.

Father Le sorted out the gifts, and went to get the fruit plate.

Little Lolita doesn't like to deal with people in the officialdom, so she doesn't talk much, but she doesn't need to find topics at all. Mr. Chen, Zhang Ju, and old principal Yin have plenty to talk about.

Most importantly, they wanted to ask Miss Le some things, especially the leaders of the county hospital. There were countless questions they wanted to ask, but it was not their turn.

Officials and senior officials overwhelm people, there are city leaders, and the county-level and township-level leadership groups take a back seat first, and the city leaders lead the topic.

The leaders of Mr. Chen and Mr. Zhang also had a lot of things they wanted to talk to Ms. Le. Of course, they were not in a hurry.

When it comes to building a warehouse, it is natural to visit it.

Classmate Le Xiao generously led a group of big bosses to see the construction site of the warehouse, introduced the style and construction method of the warehouse in detail, and expressed that he wanted to apply for an approval certificate.

The leaders felt that there was no need to go through the approval procedures again. For long-term considerations, they still suggested that it would be better to go through the procedures again. It was not because they made things difficult, but to prevent villains. Applying for a certificate can stop the villains.

The township leadership quickly expressed its opinion and asked Le's family to fill in the information and send it to the land resources department.

Because there were many people on the construction site and people came and went, Mr. Chen, Mr. Zhang and others did not get in the way. They just stood in front of the South Building of Lejia and watched for a while, and then went back to the main room of the North Building.

After visiting the warehouse construction of Lejia, everyone felt more relaxed and chatted more speculatively. They talked about education work. Mr. Chen and others discussed various issues in education with Ms. Le.

There are a wide range of topics in the field of education, and personnel from various departments actively speak and express their opinions.

The scene had the potential of a gathering of heroes, and the atmosphere was lively.

Father Le was there as an accompanying guest, and felt that with Uncle Zhou Man and Lele around, there was no room for him to be a hero, so he left space for Lele and the guests, and he was the shopkeeper.

Le's father, who left the important matter to his daughter, went to his wife to find out how many people in the village were eating New Year's rice, and then went to count the number of leaders, and went to the south building kitchen to wash rice and cook rice.

As of that time, there were already four and a half tables of guests visiting Lejia, and the total number of leadership teams in each department was 57.

Because it was just after ten o'clock, it was expected that there might be people coming to visit, so I used a large steamer and added rice. Considering that most of them are men and have a large appetite, the amount of rice is enough for fifteen tables.

Facts have proved that Le's father's guess is correct. He just steamed the rice in a pot, and some villagers came to Le's house to pay New Year's greetings.

The six tables in the main room of the north building were already full, and Zhou Qiufeng invited the new villagers to the main room of the south building.

Then, the guests came one after another, one after another.

It was less than eleven o'clock, and there were already thirteen tables.

The two main rooms and two kitchens in the north and south buildings of the house can accommodate twelve tables together. If there are more than twelve tables, tables and chairs must be added upstairs.

Father Le ran to his little cotton-padded jacket and asked what his little master meant.

There are two buildings in the house, the living room on the second floor of the north building belongs to Lele's private space, and the second floor of the south building is also for people from the Jianghu. Visits are not allowed during normal times.

"Let's put it on the second floor in the south. The furniture over there is very heavy. I'll move it. Set up two tables on the second floor. I invite Mr. Yi and my friends from the rivers and lakes to have dinner in the living room on the second floor."

Without hesitation, Le Yun decided on a place to eat, and apologized to the leaders. Excuse me for a while, she went to the south building to tidy up the venue.

Xiao Lele is busy, so Village Chief Zhou greets the guests.

Father Le followed his little padded jacket from the north building to the south building, and went to the living room on the second floor. According to his girl's words, he moved the chairs and put them in the kitchen first.

Student Le Xiao moved the table placed on the south wall to the kitchen, moved the tables and chairs on the north side more compactly, and then moved the tables and chairs for hot pot.

After tidying up, the father and daughter discussed the dishes for noon, then wandered downstairs to the north building and entered the kitchen to rummage through the boxes and cabinets to pick out medicinal meals.

Student Le Xiao found out six kinds of herbal diets and divided each into fifteen portions.

After the little cotton-padded jacket had divided the herbal meals, Papa Le sent her to the main room. He brought the herbal meals to the kitchen of the south building, and found a few prepared dishes, and moved them to the kitchen of the south building.

Zhou Qiufeng wanted to greet the guests, so he could only help manage the fire in the kitchen. Just after eleven o'clock, three more groups of guests came. Well, the number of people was short of one to make up two tables.

Father Le found out, and he was sweating, so he had to go to the living room on the second floor to add two more tables.

Fortunately, there were no visitors after those three rounds of guests.

If so, there are fifteen tables at noon, and each table seats ten people.

Mr. Ant, young and old from the Xuan family of the Tang family, together with Young Master Yan and Lan Sanheijiu, just work. The young and middle-aged people from Liu Lu, Zhang Poluo and Zhou Dahai who volunteered to help Lejia are also full of energy.

At 11:30, it's time to call it a day.

The young and middle-aged members of the Zhou family washed their hands and went to Zhou Xialong's house. Mr. Yi and the young and old of the Xuan family of the Tang family washed their hands and went up to the second floor to sit.

Yan Shaolan went into the kitchen three times and nine times to help, and Xuan Shao also knew that the Le family was short of hands, so he dragged Tang Shaozhu along and brought Xuan Yi to the kitchen as a handyman.

Zhang Poluo and Liu Lu also knew that there were many customers in the Le family, and they might not be able to sit down, so they were planning to go back to their own home for dinner, but Zhou's family couldn't help but drag them to Zhou Xialong's house.

Brother Zhou's house has already set up the tables and chairs, and is setting up the dishes. Brother Zhou originally wanted to arrange everything, so he called Uncle Man and urged him to bring people over for dinner.

He didn't see Uncle Man, he was very strange: "Brother Dahai, where is Uncle Man?"

"The leaders of the city and county came to Lejia, and my dad was helping to accompany the guests at Lejia, so he won't be here at noon." Zhou Dahai walked to a table on the north side of the main room, and sat down with a smile on his face.

Everyone in the Zhou family was shocked. What are the leaders of the city doing in Le Family?
Granny Li's ears perked up, and Li Xiaoyan sat upright, staring straight at the speaker of the Zhou family.

Grandma Zhou Man couldn't sit still: "Dahai, do you know what they are here for?"

"Mom, don't panic, it's okay," Zhou Dahai guessed that his mother was worried, and comforted him with a smile: "They are purely here to pay New Year's greetings at Le's family, and Xiao Lele donated hundreds of millions of dollars. All at once.

In the past, Xiao Lele ran around and never came home. She was the only one who was at home in the first month of the month. If the leaders didn't take advantage of this opportunity to come, they wouldn't be able to meet Xiao Lele when they came to Plum Village at other times. "

"Oh, that's fine." Grandma Zhou Man felt relieved, it's not as if there is any trouble.

The aunt's mouth was quick, and she asked what big people came.

"The biggest bosses in the city and county are here, and there are..." Zhou Xiaohai gave an orderly explanation, reporting the big shots one by one, such as the mayor, the head of education, the county magistrate, and the principal of the third county middle school. , the dean of the county hospital...then to the township head, the principal of Jiudao Center, and so on.

He is like a treasure.

Don't ask him how he knows so clearly, but the guests over there speak loudly, and they can hear them clearly on the construction site.

Don't ask him how he remembers, it means he has a good memory.

Those who do small retail businesses have a lot of odds and ends, and often have to memorize the purchase price and selling price of various goods. After a long time, they have developed a set of memory methods and can quickly remember many things.

Granny Li was dumbfounded. Even someone like the mayor took the initiative to pay New Year's greetings at Le's house? !Lejia's face is so big?
Li Xiaoyan was stunned, so many officials!If he can eat at the same table with those characters and say a few words, Bel will have face.

After Xiao Hai finished speaking, Zhou Dahai looked around, saw Zhou Tianming serving drinks, and immediately shouted: "Tianming, Lele told you to come over, you should hurry to your aunt's house."

"What? Call me over?" Zhou Tianming stood up straight in surprise, with a look of suspicion: "Uncle Dahai, did you hear it wrong?"

"That's right, Lele asked his father, and it was Yueqing who told me that they don't serve dinner until twelve o'clock."

Zhou Dahai reminded: "In the future, you will inevitably have to face some entertainment in your work. Lele asked you to meet the leader in order to cultivate your resilience.

Quickly tidy up your appearance and hurry over there. Remember to go to the kitchen in the south building to find your aunt first. "

"Tianming, go quickly, don't let down Lele's painstaking efforts."

"Tianming, be smart."

"Tianming, don't dawdle, speed up."

Zhou Tianming still stood still, Zhou's elders were more anxious than him, typical is that the emperor is not in a hurry to kill the eunuch.

Seeing that his son hadn't moved, Brother Zhou ran over and slapped him on the back of the head: "What are you doing standing there stupidly, hurry up and go away."

After being slapped, Zhou Tianming rubbed the back of his head, and quickly moved away from his father: "Dad, I...I was afraid that I would be stupid, and instead of being hospitable, I would offend people."

"Your grandpa Man is also in Le's house, what are you afraid of?" Zhou Dahai wanted to kick his nephew to Le's house. The old Zhou's family was counting on Zhou Tianming to shine in the family. Xiao Lele wanted to support him and pave the way for him, but he still dawdled , It really makes people want to beat him up.

"That's fine, I'm going to my aunt's house." Le Yun actually asked him to learn more, explaining that he was not afraid of offending others, and Zhou Tianming was not a soft-hearted person, so he immediately trotted up.

Zhou Tianming made positive progress, and Zhou's elders were very pleased.

Step-brother ran to the gate, all the elders of Zhou's parents were happy, Li Xiaoyan put her hand on her knee hard, and bit her lip unwillingly.

She also wants to learn more!
If she has the opportunity to show her face, let the leaders of the education department know who she is, and one of the three good students, outstanding student cadres, and various student bonuses will always fall on her head.

(End of this chapter)

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