magic eye doctor

Chapter 187 Selective Amnesia

Chapter 187 Selective Amnesia

Chao Yubo and Fa Shao Da Li turned a blind eye to Yan Shao's harassment of Vice President Le, and followed the cute and cute Xiao Lele to the fourth floor non-stop. No one moved, the young man gently closed the door and said in a low voice, "Young Master Yan, you will be hated for Lele like you are on the first floor."

Young Master Yan has a special status. As long as he doesn't do the unforgivable thing of murder, arson, treason and harm to the people, no one can do anything to him, and he doesn't care about Vice President Le.

Cola is different. Lele is still in school. Vice President Le has too many opportunities to stumble on people. Yan Shao is against Lele's vice president Lele. Maybe Le Le can't help Yan Shao, and will The hatred was transferred to Lele.

Chao Yubo didn't want Lele to be cared about by others, so he had to guard against this one and that one tomorrow, and he would be too tiring, and campus life would not be fun.

When they got to the fourth floor, Brother Chao and Little Loli wanted to open the door, so they stood at the door. Li Yubo didn't rush to stand to the side, so he also listened outside the door, nodding deeply. It was really easy for Yan Shao to do that just now. Bring hatred to the little loli.

"I don't do anything, they hate little Loli just as much, so it's better to just offend them enough, so as not to be false and arrogant with the kind of people who don't agree."

"What does Young Master Yan mean?" Liang Yubo, who has the same name, was very surprised. Hearing what Young Master Yan meant, it seemed that Vice President Le already hated Lele. Why?
"Her family is in South H. The two boys who picked up the incident last time are also from South H, and a certain instructor is also from South H. The whole thing has nothing to do with her family. There are some things I can't explain too clearly. Friendly reminder, What permissions will the student have, it is best to limit her access."

Yan Xing smiled meaningfully, stretched out his feet to sneak past the Chao family boy, and pushed open the door with his feet.

The door was pushed open, Chao Yubo and Li Yubo swallowed what they said, and went into the girls' dormitory together. Li Shaochong put things on the table in the small living room, and ran to the small kitchen to see Little Lolita's pet.

Le Yun, who jumped into the dormitory when she opened the door, was about to spread her feet to see the big crabs and prawns she raised, but found that the people behind did not come in the first time but closed the door. There was a question mark in her mind, Brother Chao and What do the other two have to say, they need to avoid her?
Do you want to listen to the corner?

This is a problem.

If she wanted to listen to the corner of the wall, she could clearly hear what was being said outside the door in seconds.

Faced with the multiple-choice question, Le Xiaoxue hesitated for half a second and decided not to listen. Brother Chao didn't want her to listen. He thought it was for her good. Since it was out of good intentions, it would not be kind for her to eavesdrop.

Decided not to talk about the corner, Le Xiao sprinted into the small kitchen. She did not move the crabs and lobsters, but still let them live in the small bucket. leaf.

The two big guys holding big tongs didn't appreciate it at first, didn't like water, and didn't eat vegetable leaves. Later, they probably tasted the taste by accident. They ate all the green leaves and took a bath.

Le Xiaoxiao put a handful of vegetable leaves to the two creatures before leaving in the morning, and also put a handful of tender vegetable leaves in the small kitchen, asking the beautiful young brother to help feed them at noon.

There are no vegetable leaves in the kitchen, and there are no shadows of the leaves in the two small buckets. The two creatures are immersed in the water, sometimes waving big tongs, sometimes shaking their tentacles, and living quite moist.

Le Yun used the eye function to scan the bodies of crabs and shrimps, and found that a lot of dirt accumulated in their bodies had been cleaned up, some feces were discharged, and the water was a little dirty.

According to this sewage rate, if you feed it for another night, it is expected that by tomorrow, the dirt in the crabs and shrimps will be completely drained, and they can be slaughtered and eaten at that time.

In a good mood, I emptied the water and changed the well water again. Just after the water was changed, a few people outside pushed the door into the house.

Little Loli's elementary school girl was teasing her pet in the small kitchen. Li Shao happily leaned over to appreciate it. When he saw two fierce creatures, the black line on his forehead floated down.

"Xiao Lele, this...this is your pet?" Crabs and shrimps are both carrion-eating creatures. Isn't it too troublesome to raise such ugly creatures?
"Mmmmm, this is my pet."

"Xiao Lele, that, I suggest you raise a turtle or a few goldfish. This kind of creature is not easy to raise and it is easy to die." Li Yubo couldn't figure out how Xiaochao would support Xiaolele raising such a thing. .

"Don't keep those creatures that you need to worry about. It's great to keep crabs and shrimps. You can add meals if you don't want to keep them. Brother Li, go away and don't get in my way. I want to wash rice and cook."

"Hey, I'll flash right away."

Little Loli wanted to wash rice and cook, so Li Yubo didn't dare to delay her, and he didn't look at crabs and shrimps. He ran out of the small kitchen in three steps and went to find Brother Chao to play with.

The teenager entered the dormitory and sat at the writing table, took out his water glass and PDA, put aside his backpack and mobile phone, and drank his medicinal tea slowly.

Yan Shao put the herbs next to the refrigerator where Little Loli usually piles green vegetables, patted her clothes, went to the bathroom to wash her hands, and took out a few pears from her backpack to wash them, donate them, and share them with others.

The pretty boy and Sunshine Li Shao were not interested at first, Yan Shao said that pears grow naturally, and Little Loli also said that it was delicious. The two teenagers immediately grabbed a yellow pear and ate it.

When handsome brother Yan deceived brother Chao and brother Li to eat pears, Le Yun silently wiped away the sweat of sympathy for brother handsome. If you are full, you can definitely eat less for dinner.

Seeing through but not revealing it, she peeked through the tricks of handsome Yan, and did not expose him. He deceived people in an upright manner, and the two innocent teenagers voluntarily fell for it.

Besides, it would be good to let the two handsome young men be deceived once to have a longer memory, so as to avoid whoever cheated them under the pretense of hitting her in the future, they would believe it as soon as their foreheads became hot.

Therefore, Le Xiaoxiao made up her mind to let the hot-blooded teenager eat pears happily, and open the refrigerator to plan the recipe for the evening.

The green vegetables Yan Shuai bought two times before have been eaten, and the pork, duck and spare ribs, and chicken have not been cooked, and there are meat and vegetables.

Dinner is not as good as the Mid-Autumn Festival and last night's two meals. There are eight dishes and one soup, which is also very rich and the portion is sufficient.

But even if it is such a full-fledged eight dishes and one soup, the three foodies are afraid to take a bite, and they will grab it. The chopsticks can be seen on the top of the table.

Young Master Yan tricked Brother Chao and Brother Li into chewing a pear the size of a fist each, filling their stomachs with a corner. The hard work of little loli digging medicine.

However, people are not as good as God. He thought that the two brothers ate such a big pear, and they would fill their stomachs a little bit, and they should be able to eat a little less for dinner. Completely a desperate stance, not giving in an inch.

After a meal, Yan Xing was still only [-]% full. He felt his stomach and looked at the two teenagers who were eating with a bulging stomach. He gritted his teeth secretly. !They eat a little less and let him eat a few more bites without dying.

Feeling annoyed, he secretly put the two teenagers between his teeth and chewed N times. Seeing that the two young men were eating too much, they didn't even want to move, so Yan Shao quickly washed the dishes in order to show his goodwill in front of Little Loli.

Chairman Chao and Minister Li are satisfied with their teeth picking, and they have a free handyman, which can't be better. The only fly in the ointment is that Mrs. Yan can eat, and eating with Mr. Yan is a test of speed.

When Young Master Yan finished washing the dishes, the three foodies were in high spirits and volunteered to help the master wash the herbs. As a result, classmate Le Xiao roared and swept the three out of the house brutally.

Three young people, one young and two young, were blasted out the door, standing at the door, looking at me, looking at you, dumbfounded.

"Lele is angry? Lele actually kicked me out?" Chao Yubo was particularly shocked. Xiao Lele is so cute, so he loves his frail body, why would he be willing to kick him out too?

Li Shao touched his nose and looked at the sky sadly: "Brother Chao, it seems that when we cleaned the herbs, we threw all the things that shouldn't be washed into the water. We did something bad with good intentions."

Yan Xing froze in his heart, thinking that he threw the herbs into the bucket by himself, and suddenly felt bad. He threw the herbs of Little Loli into the bucket, and Little Loli got angry and drove the three of them out of the house indiscriminately. , Waiting for the two brothers to sort out their thoughts, can't they be angry with him?

After the epiphany, he did not change his face, maintained his usual calm, and went downstairs step by step: "I'm going back to work overtime, you guys can talk slowly."

36 strategies, walking is the best policy, this time must go, go quickly!

On the surface, Young Master Yan was calm and walked extremely fast. He stepped down the steps, took three or two steps, and reminded kindly: "National defense student Wang Xiuwen is in the school hospital, don't forget to take care of you."

He dropped a sentence and left quickly.

Chao Yubo and Li Yubo were still thinking about helping Xiaolele clean the herbs. They were thinking about who offered to help and who threw away the herbs first. Before they had completely sorted out their thoughts, Yan Shao calmly accepted the facts and asked for a step. When they got down, when they were stunned, they heard the mention of Classmate Wang, and they all sighed to the sky. Isn't it obvious that the unpleasant things mentioned at this moment are obviously intentional to affect people's mood?

Yan Shao is still very witty. In order to win the goodwill of the two young people, and to prevent the two young masters from talking bad things about him behind his back, he was clever enough to be replaced by classmate Wang and see through the identity of Xiao Luoli. Briefly said, of course, what he said can be said, and some relatively secret things, he avoided the slightest and did not mention it.

Li Shao and Chao were shocked by the fact that Wang was replaced by a spy.

The matter of classmate Wang also successfully diverted the thoughts of the two handsome boys. Li Yubo shrugged: "If that happens, we need to express our concern to classmate Wang."

"Well, let's go, let's go and have a look." Chao Yubo also felt that it was reasonable. The freshman was kidnapped and replaced. As the president of the student council, of course he should be concerned at this time.

"At this point, it's probably the inspection that should be done. It's just right for us to visit the doctor."

Li and Chao went downstairs together and decided to go to the school hospital to visit the new students.

Le Yun threw people out of the dormitory and hurriedly saved her herbs. Before Shuai Yan, Brother Li and Brother Chao helped her wash the herbs, she went to the bedroom to do something. When she came out, the three had already threw all the herbs into the bucket.

Moreover, it’s hard to die. The three guys cleaned the herbs in the rattan basket first. The herbs she picked out to be planted in the space happened to be placed in the rattan basket. Then, of course, it was inevitable. Not spared.

A bunch of disservice guys!
Le Yun grinds her teeth while scooping up her own herbal seedlings. Can't the three foodies ask her before helping?

Soaking the roots of medicinal herbs in water will not have much effect on planting them as seedlings, and it will not cause the evil effect of a drop in the survival rate. She does not want to soak the medicinal herbs and seedlings in water, because she does not want tap water to enter the space medicine field.

After taking out the herb seedlings and shaking off the water, Le Xiaoxiao didn't throw them back into the space for a while, but put them aside to drain the water, and cleaned the herbs neatly by himself.

While Le was working hard, Wang Xiuwen went to various departments in the school hospital, and finally finished the inspection and was sent to the ward.

Instructor Wang and Qingda teacher took Wang back to the school and sent him directly to the school hospital. The medical staff was notified in advance and made all preparations. Once Wang was admitted to the hospital, he first drew blood for testing, and then extracted the remaining liquid in his body. The third step is to send it to gastrointestinal lavage.

Stomach lavage is to wash away the residue of sleeping pills in his stomach and intestines, and I have to thank the spies. In order to keep Wang from waking up and making trouble, the way to give him sleeping pills is to feed him directly instead of taking it from him. Inject sleeping pills from a vein.

The medical staff pushed Classmate Wang to the studio dedicated to washing the stomach and intestines, and changed his clothes first. Seeing the numerous bruises and bruises on Classmate Wang's body, everyone could guess that he was severely ravaged, and no one made a sound. He changed into a hospital gown, and then gave him a large amount of gastric lavage liquid, then drained the liquid, and washed it several times to clean the residue in his stomach.

After gastric lavage, intravenous drip, and sent to various departments for examination.

Instructor Wang and the teachers waited and waited until their hair was turning white. Before Wang finished the examination, they were advised by the medical staff to go to dinner. They hurriedly went to the cafeteria for dinner, and then went to the school hospital to wait.

When Wang Xiuwen was tossed and turned several times, he was sent to the ward for a comprehensive examination. Instructor Wang and others gathered around and eagerly asked the doctor about the situation.

The doctor patiently answered, the boy is not in any danger except for his physical weakness. The reason for his physical weakness is that he has been taking medicine for a long time, and he will recover after a few days of rest.

"Doctor, when will classmate Wang wake up?" Wang Ziqiang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that his life was not in danger. The students he was teaching were replaced. He didn't know that it was negligence. , he is also difficult to guilt.

"The male classmate's consciousness is half awake at this time. After giving him another injection, he will soon be fully awake. After he wakes up, it is not appropriate to talk to him for a long time. Try to give him more rest."

I heard that Mr. Wang is conscious, and the teachers were busy observing. As expected, he found that Mr. Wang opened his eyes from time to time and looked around blankly. His eyes were out of focus. gooey.

The doctor dispensed medicine for the boy, added it to the drip bottle, gave him a small injection, gave him a few words, and asked the teachers to watch over him, while he and the nurse went about their business.

Wang Xiuwen's consciousness was ups and downs. He heard a lot of people talking in a daze, and saw a lot of shadows shaking, but he couldn't wake up. When his vision was completely clear, what he saw was the snow-white ceiling and the hanging drip bottles.

"Wang Xiuwen, are you awake? Can you see us?"

"Student Wang, are you awake?"

The teachers and Instructor Wang who were standing beside the bed kept observing Student Wang. They observed that Student Wang's eyes changed from hazy to normal. They watched him roll his eyes and looked at the ceiling, guessing that he was probably awake. stand up.

Hearing the chatter, Wang Xiuwen slowly rolled his eyes, turned his neck, and saw several unfamiliar faces, as well as that of an instructor.

"Instructor?" Seeing the instructor clearly, he subconsciously thought he made a mistake, wanted to sit up, moved, but couldn't get up.

"Lie down and don't move, don't get rid of the needle on the back of your hand." The teachers immediately held the boy down to stop him from moving.

Wang Xiuwen looked at his left hand, the transparent tube under the drip bottle was connected to the back of his hand, the drops of potion flowed into the blood vessels on the back of his hand, and his left arm was cold.

"What's wrong with me?" He asked in confusion, realizing that he was getting an injection.

"Ah, it's nothing, you were knocked out, so you're in the hospital, don't worry, just rest for two days." The teacher never mentioned that the boy was kidnapped by a spy for fear of irritating the students.

"Oh, that's it." Wang Xiuwen raised his head and tilted his head down again, trying hard to recall what happened.

Seeing that he was a little tired, the teacher and Instructor Wang comforted him, let him have a good rest, and asked the nurse to take care of him.

The students of the second battalion and national defense students finished their target training at [-]:[-] in the afternoon and took the bus back to school. The road was blocked for a long time, and they did not return to school until after [-]:[-].

When the students returned to school, they hurried to have dinner, and then rushed to the national defense education class. The education class that night was devoted to anti-terrorism reconnaissance, identifying whether there were terrorists mixed in with them.

Instructor Wang went downstairs to the lobby, and saw two handsome and noble young men coming in, he couldn't help but be slightly startled, why did President Chao come?
Liang Yubo left the Zhuangyuan Building and went straight to the school hospital. As soon as he stepped into the hall of the building, he saw Instructor Wang, a beautiful and delicate young man who greeted him politely: "Instructor Wang, it's hard work, is Wang Xiuwen awake? He is emotional. Is it still stable?"

Instructor Wang hurriedly walked a few steps and greeted the young president: "Student Wang woke up, his mood... is okay."

"Major General Yan told me all about the incident. I'll come over to check the situation. If Instructor Wang has anything to say, don't worry. Is there something wrong with Classmate Wang?" Instructor Wang's words flickered, and Chao Yubo caught the point.

"Based on my observation, Wang seems to have no memory of what happened, like selective amnesia. It may be that he was greatly stimulated and subconsciously reluctant to face certain things."

"Selective amnesia? Then don't tell him first, wait until he is willing to face it, that is, the defense students need a lot of attention from instructor Wang..."

Chao Yubo is not surprised. It is not uncommon for people to forget certain experiences when they wake up after being stimulated. Classmate Wang has experienced some bad things, and his selective forgetting is also a good thing.

Wang Ziqiang did not expect that President Chao would be so transparent and understand the difficulties of the students so calmly. Chang and Li went upstairs to visit Wang.

(End of this chapter)

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