magic eye doctor

Chapter 199 Guess Who

Chapter 199 Guess Who
Little Loli rummaged through the boxes in the bedroom, took out a bag of medicine and was busy cooking dinner. Shao Yan and Shao Liu were afraid of disturbing her and did not dare to chatter about the problem. Sitting in the direction, waiting silently.

Yan Xing held the two tin-skin maple buckets in his mouth and stirred them on his tongue from time to time. At first, the two maple buckets were smaller than little Lolita's little fingers, but they quickly swelled up, about the size of the belly of the index finger. Such a big group.

The iron skin maple bucket is cool and cool, and the cool taste runs down his throat, cooling the heat in his heart. The disturbed dryness and burning heat that were originally smothered in the chest were adjusted and smoothed bit by bit, and the mood became more and more smooth. The more peaceful it has come, the originally dull and heavy brain has become clearer and brighter, and the spirit is much better.

Feeling the changes in his body, Yan Xing was overjoyed, the abnormality that had plagued him for three days was finally restrained!Three days ago, the day he ate wild fruit, he felt very tired. The feeling of severe insomnia has been haunting him. Even if he slept for eight hours, it was useless. The ability, it is estimated that it has long been unable to hold the rest.

Smelling the fragrance, smelling the aroma wafting from the small kitchen, Liu Xiangyang only felt like he hadn't eaten for three days.

Of course, he has the guts but no guts. He only dares to think, not to act. In order to divert his attention, he has to pay attention to the outside. Every time he hears the sound of footsteps from the third floor to the fourth floor coming from the stairwell, he always guesses that it is It wasn't that the little princess of the Chao family came with someone, and that heart couldn't help but tugged together.

He didn't want anyone to share the delicious food. Every time there was Xiao Chao and Xiao Chao's buddies, the amount he could eat would be one less. Those young people were brutal and scrambled for food.

Hearing the footsteps tangled for a while, every time he waited for the footsteps to pass, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and just counted the time between the tangle and relaxation, the time went by, and after six o'clock, Liu Dashao secretly jumped up, so The little princess Wanchao hasn't come yet, maybe she won't come.

At [-]:[-], not only Liu Xie was overjoyed, but Yan Shao was secretly overjoyed. It seemed that he and Xiang Yang were the only ones tonight, so nice!

06:30, dinner is served.

Liu Xiangyang, who has long been looking forward to seeing gold stars, eagerly jumped into the small kitchen to become a vegetable worker, stewed fish soup with mushrooms, fried pork ribs, fried pork belly with sauerkraut, as well as loofah, small rapeseed, lettuce, shredded white radish, Stir-fried lettuce, blanched oyster mushrooms.

When Liu Shao and Yan Shao saw the pile of dishes and bowls, their eyes glowed with green light, and they were so excited that they were like winning the first prize of the lottery, and they were eager to pack rice and soup.

The two handsome and handsome young people waited for the little loli to drink a sip of soup, and immediately turned into a tiger, picked up the bowl with a vicious tiger, and drank a bowl of soup in one breath, filled another bowl, and hugged it. A job, and a hand-speed competition.

"Little beauty, sauerkraut is delicious, what is it made of?"

He didn't say anything about food. In general, Liu Shuai never said a word when he was rushing for food. When he grabbed a chopstick of pork belly and ate it, and ate sauerkraut with a different taste, he immediately didn't care about rushing to eat, and inquired about the news first.

Yan Xing was madly grabbing the loofah. Hearing someone from Liu talk about the pickled cabbage, he quickly took a pinch and tasted it. Longmu said, "It's delicious!"

"My homemade tasting food is made from purslane and several fresh wild vegetables that were dug up from the last target shooting in the military camp, and marinated with medicinal sweat as raw materials. , you two don't want to secretly make sauerkraut, I'll make a small jar as an appetizer for Brother Chao, I don't have your share."

The star-eyed two young masters were beaten to death when they were shot in the head, why did they give it to the Chao family's elder brother, why didn't they have their share?

Yan Xing was so jealous that he secretly chewed Brother Chao on his teeth hundreds of times. Little Lolita put the Chao family first in everything. Brother Chao must have saved the Milky Way in his last life, so he was so lucky in this life.

no part of me no part of me...

Liu Xiangyang burst into tears in his heart, and he chose pickled cabbage to eat, and someone with Yan picked out the pickled cabbage, and then turned his grief into food with tears, and frantically swept all directions.

After I was full, I felt at ease, put my grudges behind me, shyly held my bulging belly, and with a bright sun on my face, I nimbly carried the dishes to wash.

There is someone Liu who is diligent and likes to make good impressions. Yan Xing can be an uncle with peace of mind. When someone Liu cleans the table, washes the dishes, and sits down to talk, he drags the backpack that was placed in the corner of the wall. Come here, hold it in your arms, and dig something from the inside out.

For the first time, he took out a small bag. Liu Xiangyang was addicted to his diligent hands and feet. He quickly opened it and looked at it. There were several waist-shaped fruits in the bag, a total of five.

"Wow, fried in August, this is delicious." Liu Shao took a deep breath when he saw the waist-shaped fruit. He opened his claws and was about to grab it. A beautiful slender hand carved from white jade gently tapped, On the back of his hand, the back of his hand felt numb as if it had been electrocuted. At that time, he retracted his hand, hugged it and cried, "Ouch, numb..."

"Well, women are tigers, and you have to pay a price if you dare to take food." Le Yun poked Liu Shuai with a finger, and moved the things Yan Shuai gave her to her. August fried is the fruit of Baimutong, she The August fried in the space are all piled up into small hills, but she can't just take it out for brother Chao to eat. Now that someone from Yan brings wild August fried, she has the opportunity to change the package and produce fruit for brother Chao. Increase nutrition.

"I didn't want to scratch the tiger's whiskers, I just looked at it, why is it always me who gets hurt, little beauty, can't I ask for acupuncture points?" Liu Xiangyang held his numb hand and defended himself sadly. If you want to eat it, you won't admit it if you kill it.

"If you can't be greedy, I won't order you." Le Yun smiled, she was very gentle and easy to talk, and she could discuss anything.

Liu Shao vowed that he would never be greedy, and put out his hand in front of the little Loli, begging to let go and beg to stop abusing him.

Seeing his expression of pity, Le Xiao classmate let him go, stretched out his slender hand, and poked two fingers on the back of his hand and wrist.

He was poked with a finger, and his numb hands quickly returned to normal. Liu Shao raised his rough palms and silently flowed wide noodles. The ancient martial arts disciple who knows acupuncture is terrible, Ang, how can you tell her to ask her to teach him acupuncture? Kung fu, whoever has a good idea comes quickly, wait online, hurry!
If you don't die, you won't die. Yan Xing doesn't sympathize with Liu Xie. Liu Xie's own head is so hot that he will go to find abuse, he deserves it!He saw that someone Liu had stopped, and once again took out a bag from his backpack and gave it to Little Loli.

"Little beauty, I'll help you remove it." Liu Xiangyang's scar was healed and he forgot the pain, his hand no longer hurt, and he was jumping up and down again, happily hugging the bag that Yan Xing twisted out for the second time.

The bag was quite big, it seemed to contain something like watermelon, and it was quite heavy. It was estimated to weigh more than ten kilograms. When the bag was unpacked, a hard nut was peeled out, and its appearance was particularly embarrassing-it looked like Like a woman's buttocks, it is accompanied by two chubby stick-shaped fruits.

The nut that looks very much like a woman's buttocks, the shy face is facing Liu handsome guy, Liu Dashao, who is clamoring to help, his handsome face is red, he looks away embarrassedly, Xiang Yan embarrassed Someone loses sight of a knife and does something stinky, why did he make such a strange thing.

Yan Xing's face was not flushed, his heart was not beating, his eyes were not squinting, and the bearing of a gentleman was unmistakable. However, no matter how calm he pretended to be, the tips of his ears also had a lovely crimson color.

"Hey?" Le Yun stood up in surprise, hugged the nuts condescendingly, looked left and right, watched it over and over, with a miraculous look: "Brother Yan, this is Hai Ye, where did you get it?"

The sea coconut was originally a unique product of an archipelago in Africa. There are male and female trees, or they live together. If the male or female tree is cut down, the other tree will also die. It is called the love tree by the locals, and the fruit is also divided into male and female. , the male fruit looks like a stick, and the female fruit is shaped like a female buttocks.

It turned out to be an African specialty, modern technology has developed, and it has been successfully introduced from tropical regions. Now many tropical or temperate regions have artificially planted sea coconuts.

Sea coconut takes many years to mature. The weight of the large fruit can reach 10-30 jin. It is called the largest nut in the world.

"I bought it from a brother who was traveling abroad. You like to study medicinal plants and give them to you as a test subject." Yan Xing's face was serious, but he was actually blushing. Don't get me wrong, he really got it from Africa. It wasn't because he had a special hobby that he came back to give it to her.

"Wow, it's mine." Le Yun was beaming with joy, holding nuts in one hand and frying in August in the other, and sent it to the bedroom ding ding dong dong.

Undersea coconut wow, she likes it.

There are many special fruits in Africa. Even if the seeds are successfully introduced in other places, the fruits are different from the origin. She wants to collect all kinds of fruits, and the seeds of the origin are of course the first choice.

At present, she is not an adult and she is still studying.


Liu Shao stared, looking at the sky depressed, the little beauty didn't even think about it, didn't even think about Xiao Xingxing, and didn't think about it, but he didn't dare to face it, because they are too old, so their thoughts are not pure?

Little Loli was not angry, nor did she dislike him for sending strange things. Yan Xing's heart fell to the ground. A certain brother was in Africa, because last time he asked for breadfruit because that guy helped him, and he didn't know that. Whether his brain was kicked by a donkey or blown into the water by the African sun, it's very immoral. This time, he came back to him with something strange, and he said a lot of dirty ears.

Because Little Loli likes strange plants, he checked it on Baidu and confirmed that it can be used medicinally, so he screwed it up and gave it to Little Loli as soon as he came back from work. Fried is also delivered.

Yan Shao was afraid that the little Loli would misunderstand the strange-shaped thing, so he was thrown out, so he didn't dare to send it when he first came, and only dared to take it out after eating. He was not scolded or despised. It's a happy event. Little Loli only talks about the rarity of medicinal herbs. No matter what else, he will find something more cherished in the future and give it to her without pressure.

The two young masters sat for a while, then Le Xiaoxiao ran from the bedroom to the living room again, holding a crock pot in his hand, went to the kitchen to get chopsticks and a clean film bag, sat at the table, opened the crock pot, Pack the sauerkraut from the inside into the bag.

"It looks delicious." Liu Xiangyang smelled the sour taste, and guessed that it was the kind of homemade sauerkraut used for cooking, and gulped.

Yan Xing: "..." Can you make a profit?He took a few more glances and wiped his cold sweat: "Little Loli, that jar seems to be old-fashioned, right?"

He remembered that little loli bought that red-brown earthen jar from a flea market. He bargained for a long time, and he bought it for 300 yuan. She was afraid that it would be broken in the car, so she wrapped it well. Yes, he was left speechless by her cherished behavior at that time, and asked her what kind of treasure she was, and she said that it should be a Jingde clay pot from the late Ming Dynasty.

"Yeah." The sweet little girl who was busy with sauerkraut replied casually.

"You... used it to make sauerkraut?" Jingdejiao is the top representative of the official ceramics cellar. The surviving Jingde porcelain can't be said to be complete, even the fragments of the remaining porcelain have great collection value. That is precious and precious, and cherish it like life. Little Loli takes hundreds of years of precious ancient knowledge of pickled sauerkraut. You say, let other collectors know how to deal with it?

"The clay pot is for use, why can't it be used to hold sauerkraut?"

"..." Yan Xing was at a loss for words. Little Loli made a lot of sense. Clay pots are for holding things, water for vegetables and flowers... No matter what, it's for holding things, of course. Pack sauerkraut.

Liu Shaocai doesn't care whether the jar of sauerkraut is old-fashioned or tattered, all his attention is on the sauerkraut itself. When Little Lolita packed about a weight or two of sauerkraut in one bag, and put it in another bag, After filling it, it took about one or two. She closed the lid of the crock pot, and the corner of his mouth was slanted to one side. The little beauty is very stingy. He can eat all the food in one bite, so can't he take more?
Remembering the lesson that Little Loli said that he was not allowed to be greedy, he didn't dare to grab it, and watched her tie up the bag, she held one bag herself, and put the other bag in front of someone: "I'll give you a share. , when you gave me the sea coconut in return, if the sauerkraut doesn't have a refrigerator, it will be eaten tomorrow, and it will go bad when cooked."

When something was given to Yan, Shuai Liu was elated, and Xiao Xingxing was his buddy. Of course, when Xiao Xingxing was eating, he was indispensable.

Yan Xing's eyes were bright in surprise. He stuffed a small bag of sauerkraut into his backpack. Tomorrow's breakfast, noodles or porridge, and some sauerkraut must be very refreshing.

"Liu handsome guy, you said to talk to me, you can talk now, the ugly words are ahead, if you don't speak well, I won't invite you to dinner."

No more chores, let's get down to business.

Hearing that the little girl might want to invite him to dinner, Liu Xiangyang was overjoyed and got the good news: "This handsome guy and his brothers have gone through countless hardships to verify, and finally the culprit who sold a certain instructor has been caught. , little beauty, guess who it is?"

(End of this chapter)

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