magic eye doctor

Chapter 2004 The Cruel Truth

Chapter 2004 The Cruel Truth

Brother Zhou only asked Mrs. Meng for three days off when she divorced. Mrs. Meng returned to the small village on the 2nd, went to the village on the 3rd, and went to the county for an inspection on the 4th.

Mrs. Meng is not energetic, but divorced from Zhou Xialong, she has no family to rely on, she has to earn money to support her children, and she has to work hard to get up early on the 5th, and ride a bicycle to the construction site of Jiudao Primary School to report.

The supervisors and foremen of the construction company knew that Zhou Xialong had broken up with Mrs. Meng, and they had heard rumors about the reason for the divorce. Ballast.

The people who worked in the same team with Mrs. Meng knew that Zhou Xialong was separated from her, and they were no longer as enthusiastic about her as before. Sometimes Mrs. Meng fell off work due to ecstasy, and they no longer helped her share the workload.

Mrs. Meng also felt the changes in the workers. She worked hard and went to the cafeteria to eat at noon. She smelled the smell of oil and felt nauseous, so she ran to the trash can to retch.

Brother Zhou was also in the cafeteria on the construction site. Someone saw Mrs. Meng vomiting, so they ran to find Brother Zhou and asked him, "Do you think Meng Lili is pregnant? You found out she was pregnant just after you left her, so it must be yours." , don’t you have to remarry?”

"Impossible, Meng Lili can't be pregnant," Brother Zhou categorically denied, "I'm not planning to have another child, and I've been taking birth control pills since I got married. If she does get pregnant, it will be a big problem .”

He explained the reason and said the reason again: "Besides, on the 2nd day, Xiao Lele also saw Meng Lili. How could Lele not be able to tell whether she was pregnant? If Meng Lili was pregnant, don't say she was still there My mother-in-law, even with another woman, Lele will not touch a single hair of her."

"Oh, that's it." The worker understood, and didn't ask Brother Zhou why he didn't want to have another child.

Brother Zhou didn't care about whether Mrs. Meng would hear what he had been taking the contraceptive pill, but some workers couldn't help being enthusiastic. During the lunch break, they passed on what he said to Mrs. Meng to know.

Aunt Meng heard from other people that Brother Zhou said that he had been taking contraceptive pills, and she felt aggrieved inexplicably. Zhou Xialong didn't even think about having a baby with her? !

The mother-in-law has been urging her and Zhou Xialong to have another child overtly and secretly, especially after Xiaoyan offended the Le family, she urged her even more urgently, saying that having a child in the Zhou family is the only way to have a real life. She was also moved and proposed to Zhou Xialong. The idea of ​​having another child.

She remembered that Zhou Xialong said that the pressure was too great and she didn't want to think about it for now.

She thought that Zhou Xialong actually wanted to have a child because Zhou Tianming and Xiaoyan were both studying, and the cost was high, so she was afraid that having a child would be stressful, but Zhou Xialong didn't expect to have a child at all.

Feeling extremely uncomfortable, Mrs. Meng found a place to hide and cried for a long time, in order to vent the grievance and unrest in her heart.

After crying bitterly, she washed her face and went to the foreman with red eyes, saying that she wanted to be transferred to work at No. [-] Middle School in the county seat, hoping to live in a dormitory on the construction site.

The foreman didn't give an answer, so he took Mrs. Meng to the project department of the construction company's supervisors and supervisors, and asked her to talk to the leaders above.

Supervisors and supervisors would not intentionally make things difficult for a woman, but when they heard that she wanted to live on the construction site, they were collectively silent, with an obvious expression of refusal.

The supervisor was silent for a while, and asked: "You live on the construction site. After school starts, will your daughter come to live with you in the dormitory on weekends?"

Mrs. Meng didn't understand what the supervisor meant, and answered honestly: "It should be, the county is too far away from home, and my daughter will waste the bus fare every time she goes home on weekends. Going to squeeze with me on weekends can also save money. expenditure."

"Here," the supervisor looked at the colleagues in the project department, with a puzzled expression on his face: "If you want to be transferred to work in the third middle school of the county, you have to rent a house. The dormitories on our construction site are full of seven or eight people. In the meantime, if your daughter goes to live with you in the work shed dormitory on weekends, if one day the workers lose their valuables, it will be difficult to say."

Although the supervisor didn't say clearly that he was afraid that Xiaoyan would go to the shed and become a thief again, but the meaning was very clear. If Mrs. Meng was struck by lightning, her brain would buzz and her face would suddenly turn pale.

Everyone on the construction site knew that Xiaoyan... stole things from the Le family and treated Xiaoyan as a thief?
She stood and looked at the supervisor and the people in the project department, feeling that everyone was looking at her defensively.

"My daughter... is not a thief." Aunt Meng cried out, tears gushing like a fountain.

"Whether your daughter will be a thief if she goes to the construction site dormitory, we are not sure, but it is a fact that she stole things from Lejia, and it is also a fact that she smashed millions of jade, right?"

The supervisor didn't hide it, and put it bluntly: "Your daughter knows that the jade is worth millions, but she dares to snatch it from you and smash it. What can she not do?

Your daughter went to the work shed dormitory, what if someone said something unpleasant, she would steal someone's things for revenge, or smash the equipment on the construction site, what should I do?
Leaving aside the issue of compensation, if the equipment breaks down, the progress of the project will be delayed, and the project cannot be completed on schedule. How can our company explain it to the leaders of the third middle school and various departments, and how can we explain it to Ms. Le? "

The director's words were like hammerheads, hitting the heart one after another, and Mrs. Meng's heart was so broken that she couldn't breathe in pain.

She couldn't refute it, because it was a fact that Xiaoyan took Lejia's things, and it was also a fact that she smashed millions of jade. No matter what she said, people would think she was trying to quibble.

Xiaoyan made a mistake once, and it is possible that she will never be able to wash away the stain of stealing things.

Thinking that Xiaoyan will be judged by others in the future and bear the name of a thief, Meng's wife's tears rolled down in clusters like broken beads.

"I only said a few words, but you can't bear it now?" The supervisor looked at Mrs. Meng's tears bursting like a bank, and frowned: "I can tell you clearly, what I said is light, and you will be in the future." accepted.

You don't know what your daughter has done in school. Your daughter has gained a lot of prestige in No. [-] Middle School under the name of Lejia's cousin. How arrogant she was before, how miserable she will be in the future.

You used to let your daughter run amok at school, and you, as a parent, will naturally have to bear the consequences in the future. When people scold you mother and daughter, it will only be ten times or a hundred times more serious than what I said today.

On the construction site of the No. [-] Middle School and the construction site here in Jiudao, there are also several children who are studying in the No. [-] Middle School. One of the children used to be very good with your daughter and took good care of your daughter. When she was in the first year of high school, the school was far away from your home. They all asked your daughter to live in her house, and your daughter will avenge her kindness and steal other people's things. "

"No, my daughter never stole from others..." Mrs. Meng resolutely refused to admit it, nor did she want to admit that her daughter had been a thief before.

The supervisor didn't say anything more, and one of his colleagues interjected: "You cover up your daughter, of course you won't admit it, no one here knows whether your daughter is a thief or not better than our Supervisor Wu. Your classmate’s father, when your daughter doesn’t come home on weekends in the first half of her first year of high school, she basically stays at Wu Supervisor’s house.”

When a heavy stick was struck, Mrs. Meng was knocked so precariously that she could hardly stand up, her calves were trembling, she looked at the supervisor in disbelief, opened her mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

She couldn't stop her tears before, but at this moment, the tears were gone, and she couldn't stop the cold sweat, which covered her face densely.

Beads of sweat flowed into the mouth, salty.

After tasting the salty taste, Mrs. Meng's blank brain was slowly filled with memory and reality. She almost wanted to run away, but her feet seemed to be rooted, and she couldn't move.

It was as if her heart was being grabbed by a hand, making it difficult to breathe. Standing, she exhaled as eagerly and gulpingly as a drowning person was just able to pant. She took dozens of breaths in a row before barely recovering.

She could no longer say that Xiaoyan was not a thief. With a white face, she lowered her head and said in a hoarse voice: "I'm sorry..."

"My daughter's heartache because of your daughter's hurt and being trampled on by others cannot be smoothed over with a single apology. My daughter and your daughter are no longer good friends, and have not been in contact with each other for a long time, and will not be in contact again in the future. You Take care of yourself with your daughter."

Director Wu looked at Mrs. Meng with a complicated expression and stopped looking at her. In the past, because the family conditions were better, he supported the children and had compassion for his daughter, even if Li Xiaoyan stole a lot of things from their house. It is not to blame that the child does not know people clearly.

People, you have to suffer to know that society is complicated and people's hearts are sinister.

His child has learned a lesson from Li Xiaoyan, and has gained insight. He no longer blindly thinks that others are in trouble, and he will show his heart and soul to others when he is better off. Now he knows that he must distinguish the truth from the false before helping others.

What happened to Li Xiaoyan taught his children a lesson, and it should be regarded as a kind of growth. Therefore, he knew that Mrs. Meng was Li Xiaoyan's mother, and he didn't seek trouble because he was the company supervisor, and he didn't let the foreman accept Mrs. Meng temporarily. work.

The little foreman who led Mrs. Meng into the office of the project department realized that he had accidentally heard a secret. He was in a bad mood and wished to leave quickly. Director Wu asked Mrs. Meng to do it for herself, so he hurriedly took the first step.

Mrs. Meng's face was pale, and she walked out of the project department with her head down, with a mood that she couldn't tell whether it was sour or bitter.

She lowered her head and shed tears as she walked. After walking for a while, she suddenly realized that she had passed, then turned her head, and then walked towards the construction site.

Going outside the construction site, Mrs. Meng looked at the emptiness around her. She lowered her head and went to the office of the foremen. She found the foreman who was in charge of her work again, and told him that she wanted to take a few days off. a bit.

The foreman also guessed that Mrs. Meng felt ashamed to see others and was not going to work on the construction site. Naturally, he didn't ask the reason, and didn't say anything to persuade her to keep her, and asked her to come and get her salary when she was off work.

In fact, Mrs. Meng's salary was settled monthly after she married Zhou Xialong, and she only had to pay for the previous month, because the construction company settled the bill in the first ten days of each month, and usually paid from No. 12 to No. 15.

The wages for July have already been calculated, and the account statement has not yet been sent to the bank, so there is no need to calculate it again. What needs to be calculated is only the wages of the temporary workers for two days in August.

Mrs. Meng talked to the foreman about paying the bills, and worked in the afternoon. When the work was over in the evening, she went to the foreman to get her wages, and rode her bicycle back to the small village in a depressed mood.

(End of this chapter)

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