magic eye doctor

Chapter 2053 something happened (3 more

Chapter 2053 something happened (3 more

Xiao Shaochao and the two girls didn't know that their secret relationship was exposed by Xiao Bo, and the two went back to school respectively, and were busy studying again.

Little student Le knew the little secrets of brother Xiao and the second sister of the Chao family, but kept it a secret, pretending to be deaf and dumb, pretending not to know, going out early and returning late every day, and going to the library of Trinity College or the library of the research institute every day.

The library of Trinity College has a wide variety of books and rich content, and each research institute also has its own library. Relatively speaking, most of the libraries of the research institutes are in line with the nature of the research institute itself, and they are all highly professional books. .

In order to deceive others, Le Xiao sometimes went to the library of the research institute to look for books in the esoteric medical field.

Little Lolita was free, and the other graduate students of clinical medicine who had taken classes with her for two weeks were stunned when they learned that the oriental girl didn't have to take the class assessment.

They still want to slowly develop a friendship with the girl, why doesn't she come to class?

The girl in the Eastern Huaxia Kingdom is cute, and she looks like a little sun at any time, making people feel beautiful, and they feel at ease when they are with her, and their mood will also improve.

The girl is as beautiful as a little angel. When we have nothing to do, we discuss academic issues together, and sometimes study her hair. We get along very happily.

All of a sudden, the girls stopped attending classes together, and a group of graduate students were very disappointed. They heard that the girl was self-studying the graduate courses, so she usually studied by herself, and only took the unified exam. Everyone was also full of energy and studied hard.

Le classmate, she didn't know that the graduate students were also stimulated to study hard every day. She didn't go to class, but her schedule didn't change. When reading in the library, I usually don't finish work until 10:30 every night.

Moreover, in order to "read" as many books as possible, she made a plan, and only set aside one day to rest on Sunday every week, because reading with spiritual consciousness every day requires a lot of work for the brain, and it also needs to be properly relaxed.

Professor Murray, Ian and other professors were also curious about Little Sweetheart's learning style. They secretly went to the library to observe and found that the books she read were all related to medicine, sometimes biology, sometimes chemistry, and sometimes geology and geography, etc. and other books.

In her own words, geographical environment is closely related to medicinal plants, and the medicinal properties of many medicinal materials are also deviated due to differences in geology and environment. It is also necessary to understand and explore many disciplines that seem to have little to do with medicine.

Little sweetheart has good knowledge in the medical field, she has her own study arrangement, Professor Murray and the professors don't dictate, she can read whatever books she likes.

Little Lolita was a good student in Cambridge, and went to the library every day, and the people in Huaxia were also busy, busy, September was over in a blink of an eye, and the National Day holiday was ushered in again.

Because of the rescheduling, the National Day holiday of Huaxia Kingdom is from October 10st to October 1th. Office workers and students are on vacation. Only a small number of companies or units need to work overtime due to work, and their wages are doubled or tripled according to regulations.

The construction site of Fangxian No. [-] Middle School and the construction site of Jiudao Primary School were rushed to work, so there was no holiday, and the workers were very happy.

Finally, the annual National Day holiday came, and the students were very happy. Because the National Day was on Friday, they went home on Thursday afternoon.

Senior high schools in Fang County used to have monthly holidays only for the third year of senior high school, and only special circumstances for the second year of senior high school to make up classes. Basically, Saturdays and Sundays are holidays. After the start of school this year, the school has made adjustments. The first and second senior high schools also have monthly holidays. Weekdays Only Sunday is the day off for students to rest.

The reason why senior one and senior two are also given a holiday once a month is because of the safety considerations of the students, and secondly, to respond to the requirements of most parents.

Because some townships in Fang County are very remote, with a small population, and there is no high school in the township, high school students need to go to the county to study, and the way home is far away, which is prone to safety accidents.

Because of this, the school is not worried about the safety of the students, and the parents are not at ease. Moreover, because the township is far away from the county, the round-trip fee to go home every week is also expensive. If there is no holiday and the students live in the same way, it will save money and reduce No safety accidents, best of both worlds.

The school is on a monthly vacation, and Li Xiaoyan can finally go back to Xiaocun.

However, when she was on holiday on Thursday afternoon, she didn't go home immediately. She went to her mother's rented house to stay for one night. On the National Day, she took the bus back to Jiudao, and then returned to the village.

When the car arrived at Jiudaoxiang Street, Li Xiaoyan went to the small shop on the street to eat first because it was almost noon, and she had to walk the mountain road back to the village.

While eating, she heard many people talking about Zhou Xialong's new wife and how lucky Zhou Xialong's new wife's family was.

Hearing that others compared Zhou Xialong's new wife with her mother, everyone was full of praise for Zhou Xialong's new wife and the children brought by his bride, and scolded her for not knowing what to do. Li Xiaoyan was so angry that her chest was about to explode. Endure it.

After listening for a while, she finally knew that Zhou Xialong's new wife was Granny Cao's daughter. Li Xiaoyan was stunned in shock. Zhou Xialong's new wife was actually the woman picked up by Granny Cao? !
When Granny Cao was collecting waste paper and iron in the county, she would also buy waste paper and iron from Jiudao every few days. In the past, the waste paper from Jiudao Elementary School and Junior High School was basically sold to Granny Cao. Granny Cao's name.

Moreover, Granny Cao often goes to the county schools to collect waste cardboard.

Granny Cao picked up a woman with two children from the county town to raise a daughter. There was a lot of noise, and Li Xiaoyan and all Jiudao's students had also heard the gossip.

Who would have thought that the protagonist who used to listen to the gossip news would marry Zhou Xialong and take the place of her mother? !

Not only did she know who Zhou Xialong’s new daughter-in-law is, but Li Xiaoyan also heard that Le Yun liked the cubs brought by the woman picked up by Granny Cao very much. house.

There is no harm without comparison.

Not to mention, other people not only didn't feel that Le Yun treated Zhou Xialong's two wives unfairly, but even scolded the grandparents of the Li family for not knowing good and bad, saying that if Li Xiaoyan and Granny Li knew good and bad and didn't mess around, Sister-in-law Meng would naturally be safe. Looking at Leshan's aunt, the treatment Miss Lejia now gives to Granny Cao is naturally also Granny Li's.

Others chatted wildly, from time to time scolding the grandparents of the Li family for being ignorant of good and bad, calling Li Xiaoyan a thief and a troublemaker.

The more Li Xiaoyan heard it, the angrier she became, and she wished she could slap someone on the mouth, but the people over there were big and thick guys, she didn't dare to provoke them at all.

Being full of gas, Li Xiaoyan didn't have the appetite to eat, so she packed up and left.

As soon as she walked out of the store, she heard a shout from behind, "Hey, look, that seems to be the thief who stole Lejia's things—"

Hearing that someone said she was a thief, Li Xiaoyan was afraid that someone would block her, so she ran away in a hurry, not daring to stay on the street, and hurried back to the small village.

Staying away from the street, I was so wronged that I shed tears, and I was extremely resentful of those gossiping men and women on the street. Those people thought they were great, and they were not all Lejia's dogs!

Crying all the way, Li Xiaoyan's tears were all dried up, and she hadn't reached the small village yet, and when she got back to the small village, she didn't even have the strength to curse people.

Sister-in-law Dameng divorced Zhou Xialong, and Granny Li was determined not to go if she could not go to the street, but in the end she went to the market because she wanted to buy something. Le Yun paid Granny Cao to build a house.

Also because of Le Yun's attitude towards Granny Cao, when others mentioned their family, they deserved to be scolded.

Granny Li was looked at by people when she went out, she was ashamed of her old age, and she never went to visit even in the small village on weekdays, except to go to the field, she stayed in her house.

Seeing that her granddaughter finally came back, Granny Li was very happy. She dragged her granddaughter to talk about it, and kept asking her to study hard and get into the Qing University of Peking University.

Li Xiaoyan was wronged on the street, and when she returned to the small village, she was forced to study hard by her grandmother, and she almost collapsed.

She was isolated at school, no one was willing to talk to her, and scolded her behind her back. The teacher used to favor her and often gave her a bad treatment. Last semester, she was rated as an excellent class leader and an excellent league member. Now those benefits are gone.

She seemed to be out of breath at school, and when she returned to Xiaocun, her grandma forced her to study again. Li Xiaoyan felt uncomfortable and couldn't lose her temper. In case her mother couldn't bear to abandon her and remarry, only grandma would study for her. Grandma is her The biggest backer.

Li Xiaoyan was so depressed that she endured it, and endured her grandma nagging her every day to let her study hard to pass the university exams. She couldn't bear it, so she only stayed for three days, so she used the excuse of going back to her mother's rented house in the county to study hard.

Li Xiaoyan, who almost became a street mouse, had a hard time, and similarly, Wang Yuxuan, who had a bad reputation in the aristocratic circle of the capital, had a hard time.

Mrs. Wang was kicked out by the Han family and stayed at home for a few days. The boss neither called to question nor came home to settle accounts, so she was relieved.

She is not a self-aware person, even if she was humiliated by being kicked out in the Han family, she would not forget to eat but not to be beaten, she stopped for a few days, and then took her granddaughter around for banquets.

Her rubbish means that she didn't have an invitation card, and went to occupy the space at other people's banquets by herself.

Her eldest son is a big leader, those low-level banquet hosts look at her son's face, so naturally they dare not offend her, and it depends on the owner to beat a dog, right?

Mrs. Wang also successfully held several banquets and tried her best to sell her granddaughter.

Because the Ceng banquet went well, Mrs. Wang became more and more complacent, and she went to Ceng again when she found out who was hosting what kind of banquet on National Day.

As a result, on the day of the National Day, something happened when she took her granddaughter to a wedding banquet organized by a certain leader for her son's wedding—Wang Yuxuan drank too much at the wedding banquet for some reason, and when the bride and groom were toasting, she went crazy Spilled a glass of wine on the bride!

She didn't mind splashing the bride's wine, but she actually dragged the bride to pester her, kissed and hugged her on the spot, and played hooligans with her hands and feet.

Wang Qianjin suddenly went into a drunken frenzy. At that time, all the honored guests were stunned. After reacting, the groom's best man and relatives rushed forward and pulled Wang Qianjin away.

Although the reaction of the best man and relatives was not too slow, Wang Qianjin was not weak either. She bit a best man and scratched a relative of the groom's family.

The place was also in chaos.

The groom's family and the bride's family were furious, and the elders of the two families slapped the grandparents of the Wang family on the spot and threw them out of the hotel, regardless of who the grandparents of the Wang family were.

This time, Mrs. Wang's face was trampled to the bottom of her feet, and she couldn't pick it up.

The embarrassing old Mrs. Wang left her granddaughter alone and went back home in despair.

Also due to accidents, the wedding banquet could not be held. The host apologized repeatedly and sent the guests off.

(End of this chapter)

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