magic eye doctor

Chapter 2144 Please make a trip to North E first

Chapter 2144 Please go back to North E first

Zhou Qiufeng sent off the elders of the Zhou family, and hurriedly adjusted the pig food to feed the pigs, waited for the pigs to finish eating, and returned to the north building. Mr. Yi Laoyan and Mr. Li had taken Le Shan to the south building to prepare for the afternoon class , only Yueqing was alone in the main room.

Originally, she wanted to be busy with her own affairs, but she suddenly found Yueqing sitting there with her head hooked, her eyes were red like a bunny, and she looked like she had been wronged.

The child's father looked sad, and Zhou Qiufeng couldn't pretend that he didn't see it, so he sat down and asked, "Brother Le, is there anything you can't figure out that makes you want to cry?"

As soon as his wife came, he stabbed a knife in his heart. Father Le looked at his wife with red eyes, "Xiaofeng, I'm sad."

"Why are you sad?"

"When my parents were there, they didn't tell me anything. When my parents were gone, Lele didn't tell me anything. They protected me like a child. I was so useless."

Papa Le felt sad and wanted to cry.

Zhou Qiufeng stared, a little speechless, but fortunately, Yueqing's glass heart is glass heart, and he knows that the two elders and Lele are hiding something from him to protect him.

She wanted to laugh at him at first, but looking at his aggrieved appearance, she decided to give him a bowl of chicken soup for the soul: "Brother Le, you also know that the two elders and Lele are here to protect you, what are you doing?" You are still sad, you should be happy, you used to be protected by elders, but now you are protected by a girl, how happy you are, if others know about it, they don’t know how sour it will be.”

I have to say that the bowl of chicken soup for the soul was very sweet, and Dad Le was immediately comforted, his eyes lit up, and then withered: "I am very happy, but it is too useless for me to be a big man and have children to protect me." gone."

"That's the truth. If you can't write well, you can't do anything great." Zhou Qiufeng nodded in agreement: "But, you are still useful. You are needed in the fields, and you are needed for collecting firewood and herding cattle. You are needed for harvesting rice, breaking corn and digging sweet potatoes.”

This is distressing!
Being stabbed by his wife again, Dad Le's heart shuddered: "The only thing I can do is to be a handyman, right?"

"What else? Give you a Qinglong Yanyue knife, and let you carry a big knife and follow the girl as a bodyguard? Even if you are really asked to protect Lele, let alone whether you can carry a big knife, your body is also shocking." Don't stay here."

" can't comfort me?" Papa Le was really hit, how can I say it, as if he had no strength to restrain the chicken.

"I'm already comforting you, think about it, you're not good at martial arts, and your culture is not high, so you really let you stay with the little padded jacket, you can't do anything, but it's only a bad thing to have a violent temper just because you ignite it Son, you still have a role to play at home.

Alright, instead of lamenting yourself and thinking you are useless in the sad autumn and hurting the moon, you should happily accept the protection of your little padded jacket and be a happy parent. No worries. "

"Yeah." After being stabbed a few times and being fed a few bowls of chicken soup with a different flavor, Le Dad was barely comforted, and went to fetch water to wash his face.

After smoothing the hair of the child's father, Zhou Qiufeng also quickly went to do housework.

Ant Laoyan listened to the conversation between the Le family and his wife clearly in the south building, and there was an expression in his heart: "..."

That Tie Hanhan in Yueqing presumably saved mankind in his previous life, so he was reincarnated in Lejia. He used to be protected by his parents, so he was free from the pain of worrying about love and fear. .

That Tie Hanhan is a stickler for things, if no one is watching him, his temper can be easily ignited, it is estimated that someone will be taller than the grass on the grave.

After all, the little girl from the Le family was smarter, she helped her father find a good wife, and with a wife watching over her, that naive girl would not be fooled.

Ant Laoyan also had to sigh with emotion, it's good to have someone to protect him.

The envied Le Dad adjusted his mood and went out to work again in the afternoon with the cows.

Grandma Zhou Cheng Wu and the others didn't hear about Chen Wu and Grandma Zhang being taken away until mid-afternoon. He must not be impulsive. If there is anything to do, wait until Xiao Lele comes back.

In a word, the old people are worried that Yueqing will use his emotions, such as going to trouble with Ke or Chen Lei's family. If he hurts someone, he will have to worry about Lele in the end.

Dad Le, who was cared about, felt that he was getting hurt, and he also had self-doubt. Is he really that unreliable?

The self-doubting and unreliable father Le, who was sullen all night, regained his mood the next day. No matter what the villagers said, he and Zhou Qiufeng didn't talk about Chen Wu with their little padded jacket, so that the children could study with peace of mind.

The Le family and his wife didn't say anything, and neither Yan Shao nor his team told little Lolita about the recent situation of Huang's family, and Yan Da Shao had other matters to deal with, so he returned to the capital in the middle of June, and Lan San took the pick up. The city sits in the city and is clearly responsible for communicating with the Shishi police station.

She didn't tell classmate Le about the old Huang's miscellaneous Mao's family, and classmate Le is not the type of person who often checks her mobile phone when she has nothing to do.

The beautiful boy and a few top students are no exception, and they will be busy with the final exams in June.

Cambridge's summer semester final exams officially ended on June 6, and the students who finally passed the exams prepared to participate in the annual "May Ball" with great enthusiasm.

The May Ball is a traditional dance at Cambridge University, and it is also a graduation celebration. A long time ago, Cambridge’s graduation season was in May, and the exam week was also in May. The graduation dance was held after the exam, and the celebration ceremony was called the May Ball.

Later, due to academic reforms, Cambridge’s graduation season and exam week were changed to June, and the celebration ball was held in June, but the name of the May Ball was not changed and was still followed.

The May Ball is not only a carnival for Cambridge students, but also one of the most famous top-level balls in Europe. Every year, it attracts global political and business celebrities, royal families and aristocrats from all over the world to Cambridge, but tickets are hard to get, often hard to get a ticket.

Many international students often regret that they did not participate in the May Ball during their study abroad, but Le Xiao was not interested in the dance. On the second day after the exam, he gave the professors gifts in advance, and then packed his bags and rushed to the dance with his beautiful brother. Go to my second sister's graduation ceremony.

Not to mention that Ren Shao's classmate, Chen's classmate, Wan Teng, did not attend the ball. When the little girl went to Cambridge, she also carried her luggage to the capital of country Y to meet other top students, and took the opportunity to return home first.

Miss Chao Er has studied for two years and received a master's degree. After graduation, she will return to China to develop.

The graduation ceremony is also very simple, that is, the school confers degrees to the graduating master students in the auditorium, and then takes commemorative photos.

The beautiful boy took a cute little one with him and took photos with his second sister for a day. In the evening, the three of them flew to Country Y, and then rushed to Oxford to attend Brother Xiao's graduation ceremony.

Shao Shao studied in Oxford for two years, completed international law, got a doctorate, and graduated successfully.

The three brothers and sisters of the Chao family rushed to Oxford and spent the night in the hotel. The next day they attended Brother Xiao’s graduation ceremony in good spirits, took graduation commemorative photos with him, and went to attend the graduation ceremony of their college with Brother Xiao in the evening. graduation party.

After the prom was over, Major Xiao mailed most of the luggage back to the country, and he only carried a small amount, and then returned to the country with the Chao family siblings.

Xiao Shao and Chao Er girls have graduated and will go to work in the future, so they decide to take a vacation for themselves before they officially start working, and they still go to Jiudaomei Village for vacation in summer vacation.

So, the Chao family siblings and Young Master Xiao said goodbye to Little Lolita at the airport. They went home to meet their relatives, friends and elders first, and then left for Ebei in a few days.

Le Xiaoluoli went back to the paradise by herself, took a few cars, and just returned to the gate of her own site, she was discovered by Brother Fu, who was waiting for a rabbit.

Brother Fu saw the cute little loli in a half-arm skirt, opened the door swiftly, closed the door after someone entered, and quickly reported the business: "Young Master Yan specially left a message, saying that you are back, little loli, Please go back to E North to do acupuncture for Huang Zhichang."

"Give acupuncture to Huang Laozamao, could it be that he fell off the horse?" Le Yun cheered up, she and Huanglaozamao are deadly rivals, under normal circumstances, she would never heal Laozamao, someone from Yan left a message asking her to go back to E North Acupuncture for the old miscellaneous hair may only require Huang Zhichang to speak.

"Yes, several members of the Huang family were arrested, and it is said that most of them confessed. Because Huang suffered a stroke, he was unable to record a statement, and he could not write with his hands. There has been no interrogation."

"Okay. I'll go back tomorrow." Hearing that Mr. Huang has been sacked, and his plan is about to show its final effect, Le Xiao is in a good mood.

Little Loli raised her eyebrows, and was blown away like a gust of wind. Brother Fu hurriedly called the captain and told Team Yan that Little Loli had returned.

Young Master Yan went to a certain research institute after returning from Shishi. People in his team received a call and knew that Little Lolita had returned, so they called the research institute.

Student Le went back to the east courtyard in a hurry to check the fruits of his labor. The trees planted in the courtyard of the third courtyard of the east courtyard were all alive, and the pomegranate tree was still bearing fruit.

The germination rate of various plant seeds sown in the courtyard is also very high, and the growth is also very gratifying.

Little Lolita was in a good mood, threw her backpack into her bedroom, opened the east door and went out for a stroll to the back of the garden and to the northeast.

The monks and the construction team demolished all the houses in the north and east of the park in the northeast direction, and did not demolish the houses in the west for the time being, and put all their manpower into the construction of the paradise.

Because the paradise needs to build an artificial lake and dig the foundation for the wall, a large amount of earthwork will be generated. According to the second plan of the little girl, the owner of Ayufang will build another yard behind the west courtyard of the academy, and use the earthwork dug out from the foundation of the wall for Fill the foundation.

At the same time, additional houses were built on the west side of the west gate of the Paradise. The south house to the west of the gate has a total of nineteen new and old rooms, and the large kitchen in the south house has also been built with several large kitchens to form nine rooms.

The master of Ayufang is completing the construction of the newly built bathroom and bathroom in the southwest corner, temporarily putting aside the construction of the east gate, and focusing on the construction of the south room and the large kitchen on the west side of the west gate.

After more than two months, the newly added houses on the west side of the west gate and the big kitchen have been completed. They are all brick-wood mixed structures. The walls have just been puttyed and need to dry for a few days. The monks and the construction team are focusing on building the paradise. fence.

(End of this chapter)

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