magic eye doctor

Chapter 2153

Chapter 2153
When Grand Elder Dongfang said that he would drive Wu Changfeng out of the gate, everyone in Shengwu Mountain was stunned. Even though their expressions were complicated, no one pleaded for Wu Changfeng.

It's not that Wu Changfeng's popularity is so poor that the whole sect hates it, it's that Huang Zhichang's despicable behavior of mutilating Le Hong has affected the reputation of the entire sect, which is hard to let go.

Now, the old matter is about to come to an end, and the disciples of Shengwu Mountain naturally hope to solve the old case as soon as possible. Therefore, the disciples of Shengwu Mountain also feel that they are wronged, and they always lack confidence when facing the Le family girl.

Wu Changfeng saw Master Dongfang turned around, and the faces of the others were also indifferent, wishing he couldn't move. If he could move his hands and feet, he would definitely rush to hug Master Dongfang's leg and beg for forgiveness.

I was hit by my own poisonous needle and couldn't move. Wu Changfeng didn't want to sit still and begged bitterly: "I was wrong, I really knew I was wrong. I blinded my eyes with Huang Zhichang's clever words, but I regretted it a long time ago, because I didn't want to bow my head because of my face. , Uncle, I regretted it a long time ago..."

Li Ziwang listened to Wu Changfeng's tearful confession, and quietly acted as a bystander.

Wu Changfeng repented loudly, and Dongfang Shen's cold and hard face showed a few expressions of unbearable.

Master Dongfang didn't look back, and the girl from the Le family was staring at him. Wu Changfeng was terrified and begged bitterly: "Uncle Master, Nephew knew it was wrong, please give Master Nephew one more chance, Nephew is willing to go to the grave of Master Le Hong." Kowtow to admit your mistake, and guard Junior Brother Le Hong's grave for three years..."

Hearing Wu Changfeng's willingness to go to Lehong's grave to kowtow to admit his mistake, Dongfang Shen's hard heart softened a little, and he turned his head to the side. He wanted to see what Lejia girl meant. If Lejia girl was willing to reconcile, let Wu Changfeng go to Lehong's grave It is also a good way to resolve grievances by admitting mistakes and guarding the grave for three years.

Le Yun, who was watching a play, suddenly lowered her face when she heard Wu shamelessly making a fuss about the dead: "Stop. What your uncles, nephews and nephews want to do is your business, don't use my grandpa to create topics anymore Show the deep love between you.

Wu Changfeng, back then you were able to do utterly unconscionable things for your own selfishness, but now you are shamelessly making a fuss about the dead, who do you want to be disgusted with?
You want to kowtow in front of my grandfather's grave, but I still think this dirty thing is dirtying the road in front of my grandfather's grave.

The old lady left the words here, who would dare to make a fuss about my late grandfather in Shengwu Mountain in the future, and let him have no peace in the underground. My aunt would not mind giving him a ride, let him go to the underworld to talk to my grandfather in person. "

The girl from the Le family got angry, her body overflowed with momentum, the huge hall suddenly seemed to be blown by a gust of cold wind, and a gust of cold air pierced her spine.

Dongfang Shen, who turned his face sideways, happened to see Lejia girl's face sinking, and clearly sensed the murderous look in her eyes, and he held his breath all of a sudden.

Miss Le Jia looks similar to Le Hong, but her temperament is completely different!

She launched a murderous plan against the Shengwushan faction!
The intuition of perceiving danger hit her heart, Dongfang Shen was so shocked that her hair stood on end, the murderous aura of Lejia girl was so strong, she most likely had successfully established the foundation!
Wu Changfeng, who begged his uncle, suffered a murderous frontal attack. His brain felt like a heavy blow, and there was a dull pain, and blood gushed from his nose and mouth.

Li Ziwang and the others were not the targets of Little Lolita's anger, they were just enveloped in killing intent and were not attacked.

The people in Shengwu Mountain looked at Wu Changfeng bleeding from both orifices in the cold air, and their eyes showed horror.

After a dull pain in the head, Wu Changfeng spat out a mouthful of blood, his whole body was like a leaf in the wind, and he called out in distress: "Uncle, me..."

The cold murderous intent was still there, and Dongfang Shen, who was chilling down the spine, heard Wu Changfeng's desolate cry, turned around, saw Wu Changfeng's mouth and nose bleeding at first, and almost wanted to help him with a soft heart.

"Pfft, Daoist Dongfang, you've softened your heart, haven't you?" Seeing a certain old man with a strong nose turn around, Le Yun knew that his heart had softened, and glanced at him with a half-smile.

"..." Dongfang Shen looked embarrassed when he was told about the central matter.

"One second he said to be expelled from the door, and the next second he listened to a few miserable words and his heart softened. With such a soft-hearted elder who has no opinions .”

Le Yun mercilessly turned on the mocking mode: "I thought there was a disciple like Wu Changfeng in Shengwu Mountain because there was a person in a certain generation who had bad eyesight. After meeting the Taoist priest Dongfang, I realized that I was wrong. Someone in Shengwu Mountain In one generation, a large group of people's eyes were blurred by dog ​​shit, so they recruited all the crooked melons and cracked dates, so that they turned a well-known decent family into a place where traitors hide."

"You..." The girl from the Le family almost pointed at someone's nose and cursed at him, Dongfang Shen was filled with shame and anger, wishing to find a way to get into the ground.

The little girl pointed at Huai and scolded Huai, pointed at Sang and scolded Sang, not only naming names, but also scolding the ancestors of the previous generations in Shengwu Mountain. Li Ziwang and others lowered their heads. They had nothing to say in front of the facts.

Yan Xing looked at the group of people in Shengwu Mountain who were ashamed by the little Lolita, and sympathized with them for three seconds. Some of them bullied the Le family's ancestors in the past to be upright and honest. A genius came out, and they were so overwhelmed that they couldn't hold their heads up.

He thinks that as long as Little Lolita and Lejia are not down, Shengwu Mountain will not be able to hold its head up, and its reputation in the practice world will naturally be as difficult as before.

Therefore, don't bully young people and poor people, don't bully honest people, maybe one day the feng shui will turn around, and the humiliation you inflicted on others will eventually come back to yourself.

Wu Changfeng begged his uncle, and seeing his uncle turned around, he knew that there was hope, and was about to make persistent efforts, but was cut off by Le Jianv, who cut off his way abruptly, so angry that his blood gushed, and his mouth and nose overflowed. More blood.

"Uncle, Uncle..." Wu Changfeng felt a surge of Qi and blood, fearing that he would squirt blood and die, so he begged Uncle for help.

Dongfang Shen watched the blood flow from Wu Changfeng's mouth and nose more and more urgently, and wanted to save his nephew, but because he had just been scolded by Le Hong's descendants, he dared not do any more self-defeating behaviors.

"Don't worry, Wu Changfeng, you won't die within two hours. Besides, if my mother didn't agree, who would dare to save you? If my mother didn't agree, who would dare to save you? My mother will send him to Sanqingtian today and let him follow Shengwu Mountain The ancestors went to the Taoist saints to listen to the scriptures, enlightened, and refreshed their minds."

Le Yun admired Wu Changfeng's misery, and said slowly: "Wu Changfeng, you killed my grandfather and my aunt, don't you think that because of your misery, Dongfang Shen's old bull nose can save you? No? My aunt is crazy, even if the owner of Jade Island Qian Sect Master is here, I dare to say that my aunt wants you to pay for your life, and no one in this world can save you."

Little Lolita arrogantly said that no one in the world could save Wu Changfeng, even Yan Xing was startled, little she so strong that no one in Penglai Island and Kunlun Zhengzong can stop her?
Dongfang Shen was terrified, Miss Lejia... She actually has the strength to stand shoulder to shoulder with Penglai Kunlun?

Li Ziwang and the others also looked at Miss Lejia in amazement. They all thought that Miss Lejia was not bragging, but she was only 20 years old, how could she have the strength to be fearless?

Li Ziwang was stunned for a moment, and almost blurted out: "Little girl, did the ancestors of the Le family have a teacher?"

"Hey, I didn't expect there to be a sensible person in Shengwu Mountain." Le Yun looked at the new head of Shengwu Mountain, and his eyes showed approval. Head Li is a talent, but it's a pity that he was born decades later. If he was born in Wu Changfeng's generation , can replace Wu Changfeng, and the reputation of Shengwu Mountain will not be damaged.

Dongfang Shen's complexion changed, couldn't it be what he thought?

"Excuse me, little girl, where did the ancestors of the Le family come from?" Li Ziwang asked sincerely. If the Le family had a teacher, and Wu Changfeng really killed Le Ya, I'm afraid it would not be kind.

"I can't say, at least, I shouldn't say it." Le Yun smiled meaningfully: "I can only say that my great-grandfather has a lot of backgrounds, and there is no doubt that he is above Shengwu Mountain.

My great-grandfather's medical skills came from his teacher's school, because my great-grandfather became a monk halfway, started too late, and was in troubled times, so he was not well-known.

My great-grandfather's sect is as hidden from the world as Penglai, and it won't never be out of the world.

My grandfather inherited my great-grandfather's medical skills, so he is considered a non-disciple. My aunt is extremely talented. My great-grandfather originally planned to take my aunt to the sect to pay homage to the suzerain when she was seven years old. With my aunt's talent, she became a sect Passing on disciples personally is a certainty.

Wu Changfeng harmed my grandfather and my aunt, which is equivalent to destroying a genius of the ancestors of the Le family. This account, the ancestors of the Le family will come to settle this account sooner or later.

Today, this girl only settles an old grievance that belongs to my Le family. As long as the Le family still has a little blood, it will never allow anyone to trample on the members of the Le family. Get paid in blood. "

The conjecture in his heart was confirmed. Knowing that Grandpa Le Jia really came from a famous family, Dongfang Shen's arms holding Fuchen stiffened, and his heart was full of emotions, which became more and more turbulent.

The girl from the Le family is suspected to be a disciple of the immortal doctor, and she alone is already overwhelming. The ancestors of the Le family also have a teacher. If the teacher also wants to seek justice for the disciples who have not entered, how can Shengwu Mountain afford it?
Moreover, if Wu Changfeng really killed Le Ya, this alone would cause Shengwu Mountain's reputation to plummet.

Dongfang Shen's soft heart towards Wu Changfeng had disappeared in an instant. Compared to Wu Changfeng as a nephew, the sect was more important. Ashamed, how can he see his master and the ancestors of the sect.

Li Ziwang fell silent. The girl from the Le family was suspected to be an immortal doctor. She said that no one could save Wu Changfeng in the presence of Master Yudao and Master Qian. For her it was the icing on the cake.

"I didn't, I didn't harm Le Ya, I didn't harm Le Ya!" Wu Changfeng desperately denied with blood in his mouth.

It is nothing to ruin Le Hong's practice path, the sin does not lead to death, and killing Le Ya in the sect is a heinous crime, which cannot be confessed no matter what.

"I want to know if you have done it, it's very simple, just use the soul search technique to search your memory." Le Yun didn't talk nonsense, squatted down, and pointed at Wu Changfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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