magic eye doctor

Chapter 2156

Chapter 2156
In order to give her sister a satisfactory answer, Le Shan wholeheartedly used her brain to think about why, and she was obedient, nestling in her sister's arms like a good baby.

When he was tired of thinking about problems, he would sit and meditate. After practicing, he nestled in his sister's arms and slept soundly and sweetly.

The younger brother is obedient and clever, so he doesn't need to take care of him. Le Xiao also took the opportunity to analyze Wu Changfeng's consciousness and read his memory.

Wu Changfeng is nearly a hundred years old, and it will take time to read all his memories. Le Xiao is not in a hurry, he will read his memories when he has time, and throw them in the sea of ​​consciousness first when he has time.

Yan Xing observed that Little Lolita and Le Shan were quiet, and he continued to study the case of the Pear Blossom Rainstorm Needle.

The helicopter refueled again on the way, and arrived at the park after [-]:[-] in the morning. At that time, it was still dark, and the street lights in the capital were still glowing and hot. The park was reflecting the light, and the scenery was dimly visible.

The helicopter parked on the grass facing the east and west courtyards. Young Master Yan didn't dare to follow the little loli as a tail. He and Hei Jiu carried their luggage to the living room of the outer courtyard and used the Luohan couch as a bed to make up for it. Back to sleep.

Student Le has been reading Wu Changfeng's memory all the way, and read about two-thirds of the memory. When he arrived at the ground, he carried his brother back to his bedroom in the east courtyard, took the pillows from the bed and made a bed, and took a nap with his brother. .

When the day was about to break, little loli opened her eyes, and dug up her younger brother to let him practice physical exercises. After washing up, she went to the treasure kitchen to build a small clay stove to cook porridge for breakfast.

Le Shan finished her daily morning exercises, opened her eyes and climbed out of bed, curiously admired her sister's room, visited the front and back, carried her small backpack, and went to the study next door through the open door.

Wandering around in the study room, then going to the connected one, walking around the Jiubei hall, and then going out through the open door. When he reached the corridor, he knew that he lived in the beautiful big building built last year. in the house.

Leshan was so happy that she walked on her short legs and ran along the east corridor towards the direction of the fragrance, trotting all the way to the kitchen, like a little tadpole looking for her mother, she successfully found her sister.

He stretched his head at the door of the kitchen and looked inward a few times. Seeing that his sister hadn't found him yet, he happily climbed over the threshold and rushed to her side to hug her leg.

"Sister, sister, the big house is so beautiful, it smells good everywhere. My sister's bedroom also smells delicious, and my brother wants to sleep with my sister at night, is that okay?" The childish voice was full of sweetness. .

"Okay, Leshan can go brush his teeth and face by himself. The bathroom and washing room are the three rooms on the other side of the kitchen." Le Yun was making stuffed mushrooms, and his younger brother came to find him, and asked him to wash his face and brush his teeth by himself.

"Okay, sister, I'm going to wash my face." Le Shan responded obediently, let go of her arms, and ran out happily.

The treasure dining cabinet and the bathroom lavender room on the west side are separated by a corridor. On the west side of the corridor facing the side room, there is a carved lattice partition fan inlaid on the west side corridor, which is shaped like a screen. The ear room looks to the east, or looks to the west from the treasure kitchen cabinet, and they cannot see each other.

Climbing over the threshold to the outside with short legs, Le Shan observed it first, walked around the corridor to the west corridor, then slipped to the small house next to the big house on the west side, observed one by one, and determined which side of the women's bathroom was which. Next to it is the men's restroom.

He was a little man, so he naturally went into the men's bathroom, went to the toilet, took out the cup and toothbrush from his backpack and put them on the sink, and took out his own towel.

After brushing her teeth, washing her face, and drying the towels, Le Shan bounced back to the kitchen, sat on a small bench and watched her sister make breakfast.

Le Xiao made a nutritious breakfast suitable for children, and ate with his younger brother in the middle hall of the kitchen.

After breakfast, I packed up the kitchen utensils, added anthracite to the tandoor, and put the clay pots with seasonings and ingredients on the tandoor to cook fish head soup.

The anthracite is resistant to burning, and Le Xiao took his younger brother to visit the East Campus. It took half an hour to wander around, and he took his younger brother to teach his younger brother formally learn the light-weight footwork in Le's unique secret method on the lawn in the courtyard in front of the upper room.

Le's secret method is based on the body forging method inherited from the space and the essence of some cultivation methods obtained by Dongchen. After repeated deliberation and modification, the little loli has formed the body forging method, the practice of the mind and the lightness kung fu. A skill of footwork, swordsmanship, boxing and other skills.

Body calcining is the most basic basic skill.

Le Shan not only practiced physical exercises but also mental techniques. He also practiced plum blossom piles for a year.

There are two parts of Le's lightness gait, one is called "Walking Clouds and Flowing Water", if you practice the "Walking Clouds and Flowing Water Steps", your hands and feet will look like light clouds and flowing water, elegant and natural;
The other one is called "Flowing Wind Returning to the Snow". If it is practiced well, it will walk like a frightened bird, gracefully like a dragon swimming, like a breeze sending snow, coming and going silently.

Walking in clouds and flowing water is suitable for men, while Liufenghuixue is suitable for women.

In order to cultivate his younger brother's learning ability, Le Xiao doesn't show his younger brother the cheats, but directly teaches on the spot, setting an example, and teaching his younger brother how to walk.

There is an older sister who teaches in person, and Le Shan is so happy that she can be a repeater, and she learns exactly what she wants, learning happily and earnestly.

Lightweight footwork is not only footwork, but also the integration of body movements.

There are 36 steps in general. Only the steps are easy to remember, but it is complicated to match the changes in body shape and hands and other limbs.

Little Loli broke down the Qinggong footwork into six parts. On the first day, she only taught three steps. In general, there are three steps. In fact, there are nine variations, which is very complicated.

My sister taught me over and over again, and Leshan learned me over and over again.

In the middle of the morning, the temperature was neither high nor low, and Leshan only sweated occasionally while studying. After half a morning, the temperature rose a little bit, the sun was getting bigger and bigger, and Leshan was sweating more and more.

Classmate Le Xiao, who is a teacher, ignores the temperature changes and unswervingly teaches under the sun. Even if he sees his younger brother's clothes soaked in sweat, he remains unmoved.

Strict teachers produce excellent apprentices.

The flowers in the greenhouse can't stand the wind and rain.

Classmate Le Xiao loves his younger brother, and because he really loves him, he will not indulge, let alone spoil him, and will not be reluctant to let him suffer.

She brought her younger brother to the capital to teach Qinggong, firstly because the paradise is spacious and suitable for learning Qinggong, and secondly because it is convenient for retreat teaching.

If you teach in the open air at home, there is a risk of leaking the original exercises. In addition, if Aunt Feng and Yi Lao see her letting Le Shan learn under the sun, they will not stop them, and they will definitely feel distressed behind their backs.

Far away from the parents, Le Yun can practice her younger brother as she likes, no matter how hot the sun is or not, taking a 10-minute break every hour.

Le Shan blushed from the sun, even though she was sweating profusely, she didn't yell, and insisted on practicing over and over again. Once her sister said something wrong, she would try again. Even if she repeated it many times, she was not dissatisfied at all.

The little girl with a heart like a rock, went to the kitchen during the break when it was approaching eleven o'clock, and started a stove to boil a pot of medicinal soup.

At twelve o'clock, the morning study is over.

Leshan's clothes were drenched with sweat, his calves were sore and swollen, and his arms were so sore and limp. When his sister said that get out of class was over, he fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

Le Yun picked up her younger brother, wiped off her sweat with a handkerchief, walked slowly towards the kitchen, and asked as she walked, "Le Shan, it's very tiring to practice, and the later ones are more difficult and even more tiring to learn. Do you want to continue learning?"

"I want to! I have to learn, no matter how tired I am, I will study hard. Sister, don't worry that Leshan won't be able to bear hardships. Leshan is not afraid of hard work."

Le Shan was so tired that his hands and feet were weak, but his mind was very clear. He lay on his sister's shoulder and pressed his sister's face affectionately.

"My younger brother is so motivated, he really deserves to be my sister's baby brother." My baby brother was so tired that his waist straightened up, and before he retreated, Le Yun hugged his brother and kissed him.

Le Shan was so kissed that his face was drooling, and his eyes were as bright as stars when he smiled.

Classmate Le returned to the kitchen with his younger brother in his arms, packed the medicinal soup that had been boiled until it was as thick as red wine, took two bottles of ointment, put the medicinal soup in the yard, and went to the lavender room to bring out a tub.

The bathtub was also placed in the open air, and the medicinal soup was poured into the bathtub, and then the younger brother was undressed, and a layer of ointment was applied to his whole body, and then he was put in the bathtub to soak in the medicinal bath.

She also stayed by the side, massaging the acupoints of her younger brother in the bathtub.

The medicinal soup was scalding hot at first, but the temperature gradually decreased over time, and became lukewarm after an hour, and the medicinal soup, which was as thick as red wine, also turned light red.

Student Le fished out her younger brother and asked him to dress himself. She moved the bathtub under the tree to let the water cool naturally. She went to the kitchen to make lunch.

After soaking in the medicated bath for an hour, Le Shan was revived with full blood. He dried the water drops, put on his clothes, dried his hair, carried his clothes to the washing room to get water to wash them, and then hung them on the clothes pole. Hanging on the clothes rail under the eaves.

After washing his clothes, he ran back to the kitchen. After his sister cooked the meal, he didn't need to feed it. He ate it with a small bowl and picked up three bowls of rice in one go.

After eating so much that her belly was full, Le Shan rushed to do housework, followed the steps observed in the morning, washing dishes, tidying up the stove, and doing housework in a decent manner.

The younger brother I taught is getting closer and closer to the almighty warm boy. Classmate Le is both proud and jealous. Such a good baby brother, I don’t know whose daughter will be taken advantage of in the future!

What should I do if I am inexplicably jealous of my brother-in-law?
What else can I do, cold salad!

I calmed down my own little heart, and when my younger brother cleaned up the kitchen, Le Yun took his younger brother back to the room, took a lunch break for an hour, and taught cultural knowledge in the study in the afternoon.

Master Ayu and the other monks were meditating in the west courtyard. When the helicopter returned to the paradise, they all knew that because the little girl did not enter the west courtyard, they also went out.

In the early morning, all the monks went to the Hall of Heroes after finishing their morning training, and they hadn't seen the little girl until the meal time, so they all urged Yan Shao to go to the east courtyard to invite the little girl out for dinner.

Young Master Yan refused with a bitter face, and explained the reason - Little Lori brought her younger brother to Beijing, and will teach in retreat in the East Campus, and will not leave the retreat until she has a small success in Le Shanxue.

The monks understood in seconds that the little girl must be teaching Le Shan to learn kung fu that is not rumored.

Knowing that the little girl was going to retreat to teach lessons, all the monks stopped waiting for the little girl, and started eating on time and started working.

The head of the Guanyin Hall returned to Qiongdao at the end of May, and there were only a few elders in the Guanyin Hall in the paradise. They heard that Le Shan had come to Beijing, although they missed the little guy very much, they didn't say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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