magic eye doctor

Chapter 2169

Chapter 2169
After seeing off an old scientific researcher, Le Xiao went back to his Baibao Pavilion to free up a medium-sized golden nanmu box, carried a toolbox, and returned to Sansi Hall to disassemble a certain international brand robot first.

Foreign countries began to explore artificial intelligence technology in the last century, and the technology of intelligent robots has become more mature. Even if the international brand robot sent by Mr. Chen is not the top one, it is still learning and researching.

As a layman herself, she started at the stage of first attempt. There is a lot to learn, and there is an experimental subject in front of her. Naturally, little Lolita is not polite, and decisively conducts scientific experimental research.

Yan Xing, who was forcibly dragged out of the East Yard, sent Director Chen away in a taxi and turned back to the paradise. He ran to the outside of the East Yard to look around, and found that the gate was not closed, so he slipped into the East Yard.

He walked through the outer courtyard and entered the vertical flower gate, and heard some small crackling noises, so he hurriedly oiled the soles of his feet, and hurried all the way to Sansi hall.

Looking in from the outside of the hall, I saw little Lori standing by the side of the robot, holding a screwdriver, performing a "craniotomy" operation on the robot.

Oh, that's not right, the craniotomy is to uncover the scalp and then cut the scalp. Little Lolita has removed the robot's skull to the point where there is not much left, and all the internal parts are exposed in broad daylight.

The dismantled shells were piled up on the ground, and another robot was moved to a corner, leaving a very empty space in the center, presumably for placing parts.

Seeing that Little Lolita was dismantling the robot, Yan Xing stepped into the Sansi Hall, ran to Little Lolita and the dismantled robot to watch.

"What else do you need?" Le Yun quickly removed a piece of the robot's neck shell, while loosening the other screw, and took the time to ask.

"Nothing else." Yan Xing was afraid that Little Loli would think that he was tricking her into volunteering again, so he explained that there was nothing serious before asking, "Little Loli, what exactly is Mr. Chen looking for you for?"

Le Yun stopped screwing the screw, raised her eyes, looked at the foodie Yan, and put forward her suggestion seriously: "Young Master Yan, I personally think that you may not be able to keep up with your thinking and reaction because of your age. I suggest you find The boss asked for a leave of absence to go to a top-notch university abroad to study for a year or two to recharge his batteries."

Little Lolita indirectly said that her brain was slow, that is, stupid. Yan Xing turned into a puffer fish and protested angrily: "You said I was stupid again, how stupid am I? How stupid am I?"

"You don't admit to being stupid, so what did Mr. Chen send?" A foodie stuck its neck and looked like it was looking for someone to fight. Le Yun was not afraid of him, and continued to twist the screws, and removed another piece three times. shell.

"Mr. Chen gave you two robots and a bunch of parts. What does this have to do with my IQ?" The things are on display in Sansi Hall. He is not blind and can see.

"The brain is a good thing, but it's a pity that you didn't bring it when you came out today." Le Yun didn't know what to say about Yan, the IQ of that big rice bowl was really worrying sometimes.

That sentence of cursing people with low IQ is not very harmful, but it is extremely insulting.

"Little Lolita, can you stop making personal attacks? My brain is not lost." Yan Xing was so angry that he turned into a King Kong with glaring eyes. Mr. Chen launched a personal attack, and Little Lolita also came. Did he not look at it when he went out today? Almanac?
"The thing on your neck is the head, which doesn't necessarily mean that the brain is also there." Le Yun scolded him bluntly: "If you have the brain, you won't think about what the core technology of the robot is, the pile of parts What are the core components in the

Little Loli scolded him for being innocent, and then scolded him for being empty-headed.

Yan Xing was holding back so fast that he had a myocardial infarction, with a dark handsome face, thought for a while, and said, "The core technology of the robot should be the chip, and the core component is the engine?"

"That's not it."

"Does this have anything to do with his purpose of coming to you?"

"..." Le Yun stared angrily: "My surname is Yan, are you really stupid or fake? It turns out that the core of robots and parts is chip and engine technology. Of course, Mr. Chen's purpose is to kidnap me to do it with him." Research, if I show the slightest interest today, Mr. Chen will either take the opportunity to stay and pester me to study the engine, or he will coax me to go to him."

"It has nothing to do with whether I'm smart or not. Mr. Chen has long wanted to lure you to do scientific research together." Yan Xing only felt that he was wronged and died wronged.

"You actually know that Mr. Chen has bad intentions, so what purpose does he have for coming to me besides trying to lure me into their boat? You have no brains, you obviously have straws in your head."

If you have straw in your mind, don't you call someone a straw bag?
"Little Lolita, don't attack personally, don't attack personally, don't attack personally, say the important thing three times." Yan Xing was very angry, very angry!
His stomach was full of gas like a ball, and he couldn't explode on the spot. He let out a sigh of relief, moved away a few steps, turned to face the wall, and squatted on the ground with his head in his arms.

That violent little loli would piss people off if she wasn't violent, and she was often mad enough to kill people.

He needs to be quiet.

Must be quiet.

Otherwise, he might not be able to resist strangling little Lolita to death.

Yan turned around with a dark face and squatted on the ground with his head in his arms. Le Yun didn't understand what he wanted to express, so he slid his gaze around him, humbly and eager to learn: "Yan is a foodie, what are you doing again?"

"I'm facing the wall thinking about my mistakes." Yan Xing, who was furious, held his head and replied stiffly.

"Shouldn't you look at the wall when you face the wall and think about your mistakes? What are you doing with your head in your arms? Those guys who did something wrong and were caught by the police on the spot are the ones who crouched with their heads in their hands."

The appearance of Yan Chihuo holding his head is exactly the same as that of those prostitutes and fans who are frightened when they hear "Police C" when the anti-pornography police officers rush into some casinos. .

"...You." Yan Xing was so angry that he almost fell to the ground and died. What kind of messed up scene did Little Lolita say?

He wanted to be quiet and not let him live in peace,

Thinking about it again, isn't it, it really has that smell.

He was so angry that he was heartbroken again, turned around with a dark face, sat down on the ground, a pair of dragon eyes stared like copper bells: "Little Lolita, I advise you to be kind, if you keep mad at me, I may die of anger, I If you get mad, you're going to lose me."

"It's good to be pissed off, it's logical to change a bodyguard." Le Yun rolled his eyes at someone, a foodie's IQ dropped, and his current appearance is a big bulldog that is only angry - it looks stupid and cute.

"Sure enough, it's the hornet's tail that is the most poisonous woman." It's fine if he didn't get a word of comfort, but the little Lolita added fuel to the fire, and Yan Xing was so angry that he doubted life.

"You can't even tell the difference between a girl and a woman. If you don't go to study, who will go to study? People's IQ decreases with age. You, at this age, you have to obey your old age."

"What sin did I do in the previous generation, God will send you to anger me. Forget it, I'm a good man and I don't fight with women." No matter what, I was hit by the little lolita and suffered no less than a billion points of violence. Yan Xing, who has hit the value, has nothing to love in life.

"The He family's genes are pretty good, but your IQ was lowered by the Zhao family's genes." Le Yun dismantled her own robot seriously, making someone Yan Yan suspicious of life.

"What do you mean?" Little Lolita said without thinking, which made Yan Xing confused.

"It means that you have a serious problem with your IQ. It is obvious that you have come here to make fun of yourself. Now that you are at the end of your excuses, you still say that good men don't fight with women. If it weren't for the fact that I am a doctor, I would definitely suspect that you have Alzheimer's disease."

Being eliminated again, Yan Xing glared at the little loli and was so angry that he couldn't speak, look, look, who are these people?Does little loli feel uncomfortable if she doesn't eliminate him?

He is obviously whiter than lard white, but he is a black hearted person.

The one who is close to ink is black, and the little loli must have become black-hearted little loli because she stayed with the black-hearted Chao Shao for a long time.

Thinking of the black hearted little princess of the Chao family, Yan Xing felt that his guess was right, the little loli was blackened by Chao Shao!
Chao Shao was called a black hearted little princess, definitely not someone to slander, he is really black.

Others have gone abroad, and they often don't show up in your circle for a year or so. According to that situation, they basically have very little influence on your circle.

Probably even Wu's family and Le Shiyun's Le family thought so. Taking advantage of the Chao family's only brother studying abroad, Mr. Wu intends to mention Le family again.

Especially Le Shiyun will be released from prison after serving her sentence next year. The Le family wants to rectify her name, and Mr. Wu also intends to pave the way for Le Shiyun. Since last winter, he has frequently brought Le Shiyun's cousin to the banquet, sometimes letting her The Wu family brought Le Fukang or Le Fumin to some business receptions to make contacts.

People in the expensive circle have a lot of forgetfulness, and many people have basically forgotten about Le Jia, and the progress between Mr. Wu and Le Jia is relatively smooth.

Once, Chao San and his wife also went to someone's wedding banquet, and they met Mr. Wu and Le Jiaqi, and Chao Sanye immediately bid farewell to the host. The reason was: his brother almost His innocence was ruined by the daughter of a certain Le family, and the man from the Chao family was indifferent to the Le family. With the Le family around, he was really afraid that he would accidentally be tricked and ruin the century-old reputation of the Chao family.

Chao Sanye directly said that it’s fine if he doesn’t want to sit with someone surnamed Le, and he also gave a reason: His brother is almost becoming phobic because of what a certain girl from the Le family did. He felt uncomfortable, and if his son knew that he was dining with someone named Le, he might feel sick again.

Chao San and his wife explained the reason to the host, and left the banquet resolutely, followed by Xiao Shao, Deng Shao, Huang Shao's elders who also went to the banquet, also resigned with the same reason.

As a result, the rumors and reasons why certain families did not want to sit with a person surnamed Le were also circulated in the circle, and the families who intended to marry the Chao family and their in-laws also annoyed the Le family.

At first, the rumor spread in a small area, until Chao Erye once met a certain person surnamed Le at a commercial reception, and he left immediately. At the same time, Zhou Xin Zhou, Ms. Li Shao's mother also left midway.

Because of this, people in the circle know that the Chao family, Xiao Shao, Li family, Deng family, and Huang family have not forgotten the past that the younger generation of the family was tricked by the daughter of Le surname. Don't invite Mr. Wu if you have passed those few companies.

The topics about Chao Shao in the circle also increased day by day. The more Chao Shao talked about, the things about a certain Le family would naturally be brought up again and again.

Since then, Le family's family group has been suppressed again. If it weren't for the secret support of Wu's family, the family business of Le Shiyun's family would have to go bankrupt.

Knowing the rumors in the circle, Mr. Wu was so angry that he finally had to give up his plan to bring up Le Shiyun's family again.

Needless to say, Chao Shao's innocence incident as a breakthrough must have been instructed by Chao Shao's parents, otherwise, the Chao family would not be willing to expose their children's scars.

Chao Shao's black heart, in order to prevent a certain musician from rising, even blackened himself, so it's easy to spoil little loli.

He absolutely did not admit that little Lolita herself was a cruel and black-hearted freak.

When he was so angry that he thought that little loli was a little devil, when he calmed down, little loli was a kind and lovely little angel in his eyes.

Yan Xing, who was so angry that he doubted his life, resolutely shifted the responsibility to the Chao family boy. As for whether Chao Shao was wronged or not, it was none of his business.

"What's the matter, your eyes are wide open, do you want to fight with this classmate?" Being glared at by others, Le Xiao waved the screw light, with the attitude of "come if you want to fight".

Yan Xing felt a pain in his heart, and he gritted his teeth: "I just want you to see if my eyes are big or not." In order not to be beaten by the little Lolita so much that she wants to kill herself, let's admit it.

Counseling is just one word, counsel once today.

If there is a next time, just continue to coax.

Yan can bend and stretch, Le Yun looked at his forced cuteness, and grinned: "Okay, I saw it, the eyes are quite big, and the eyes are piercing."

Little Lolita finally stopped hurting herself, Yan Xing almost cried with joy, and nodded frequently: "Yeah, I also think my eyes are very energetic. Eyes are the windows to the soul. Bright eyes show that I am upright."

Classmate Le looked at a certain foodie who was on the verge of dying one second and resurrecting with full blood the next second, and the corner of his mouth twitched imperceptibly. Isn't this a funny monkey sent down from heaven?

After praising herself, little Lolita didn't pour cold water on her anymore, Yan Xing quit when she saw a good deal, got up quickly, leaned closer, and acted as a little helper, helping to put the removed shell pieces on the ground, or giving a helping hand, it was convenient Little loli disassembled.

Yan Chihuo stopped doing brain-dead things, and Le Xiao just focused on researching robots. It took about 10 minutes to disassemble a robot.

After dismantling the large parts, disassemble the small components, and then focus on some core components, collect various data, and then assemble the parts and reassemble them.

It took about five to ten minutes to disassemble, and about the same time to install.

The reassembled robot looks exactly the same as before it was disassembled.

The walking and reaction abilities of the test robot are also the same as before. Generally speaking, the disassembled and reinstalled robot is the same as before the disassembly.

After some debugging, Yan Xing was extremely surprised. Little Lolita really managed to recover 100% perfectly?
It took him three times to disassemble and reassemble the robot for the first time before assembling it successfully. The little loli did it easily in just one go. What kind of genius is this?
(End of this chapter)

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