magic eye doctor

Chapter 2174 The Impassable Moat

Chapter 2174 The Impassable Moat

When the Grand Elder of Shengwuzong came to him, there was no disturbance in Yu Hui's heart. He didn't owe Shengwushan sect anything, and had nothing to do with Shengwushan.

Listening to Dongfang Daoist babbling that the Huang family is fragmented, there is no joy or sorrow, good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and if the Huang family does a lot of evil, it will inevitably reap the consequences.

Only when I heard that Le Ya was killed by Huang's family, her nerves and muscles were tense, it was really them who did it!

At the beginning, he accidentally learned that Huang Zhichang and Wu Changfeng took Le Ya's Shenggeng horoscope to find a fortune-telling elder in the sect who is good at calculation. Later, Le Ya disappeared, so he went to seek help from Grand Master Uncle, and expressed his doubts, knowing that Elder Dongfang How did you reply?

He said, "You have a deep relationship with your junior brother, and it is inevitable that you favor your junior brother, but you can't charge the master and your fellow apprentices with unwarranted charges based on guesswork, and you can't just talk nonsense and hurt your fellow apprentices without evidence." reputation."

If, at the beginning, Grand Master Uncle had a sympathetic heart and warned Wu Changfeng and Huang Zhichang in time, Le Ya might not have ended up being murdered tragically.

But the grand master turned a blind eye to his plea for help, and just blindly shielded Wu Changfeng and Huang Zhichang.

Yu Hui slowly opened his eyes, took a deep look into the distance, closed his eyes again, and sat like a bell. After listening to Elder Dongfang's repentant words, there was no ripple in his heart.

Ever since he got the chilling answer from his grand master uncle, no matter how wronged he felt when he was squeezed out by Wu Changfeng, he never asked the only master uncle who could intimidate Wu Changfeng to make decisions for him.

Because, he knew that it was useless to ask, and his master uncle would always stand behind Wu Changfeng, covering for Wu Changfeng.

Now comes the karma.

Yu Hui was neither excited nor sympathetic, so he commented casually: "I knew this before, why bother to plant what I planted to get what I want."

Unexpectedly received a response from Yu Hui, Dongfang Shen lowered his head deeply, yes, I knew this earlier, why bother!
"Back then, I was the one who felt sorry for you masters, apprentices and brothers. I was the one who was wrong." He was so wrong, so wrong.

"If the Taoist priest Dongfang came here to talk about the Huang family, and you have finished talking, please come here. If you want to ask the little old man to say something nice in front of Miss Le, so that Miss Le can write off the past, There is no need to say that kind of thing, and I can’t hear it even if I say it.”

Yu Hui directly cut off Taoist Priest Dongfang's retreat. Taoist Priest Dongfang's apology came too late, didn't make any sense, after all, it was about Le Ya's life.

Yu Hui was like an outsider, even if he heard that the secret books of the sect had been sold, he didn't care at all. Dongfang Shen's heart was heavy and he felt out of breath.

He remembered the scene when Yu Hui asked him for help when Le Ya disappeared.

He also guessed that Yu Hui had been chilling towards him for a long time, not to mention that Le Ya was indeed killed by the Huang family, Wu Changfeng knew about it and provided Huang Zhichang with help.

Indirectly speaking, he was also responsible for Le Ya's death.

If they could pay attention to Yu Hui and preside over justice, Wu Changfeng and Huang Zhichang must have been afraid, maybe they wouldn't harm Le Ya, and Le Ya might not have died so miserably.

Le Hong died, and Le Ya died too.

The farthest distance in the world is not the ends of the earth, but life and death.

The starry sky and the galaxy can be crossed, but life and death are the only barriers that cannot be crossed.

Le Ya's life lies between the Le family, the Huang family, and the Shengwushan faction. Le Ya is the moat that can never be crossed. The Huang family and the Le family will never have a chance to shake hands and make peace.

It's not a big deal that Yu Hui's master and apprentice suffered all the grievances, but because Le Ya's death was a hurdle that Yu Hui couldn't get over, even if he had a little affection for the Shengwu Mountain School, he would be completely cut off.

After eating the bitter fruit he planted before, Dongfang Shen was in pain, got up silently, and walked down the road with Longyan Li Ziwang.

The little Taoist who followed the head, thought that the head and the two grand elders would temporarily stay in Daoist Yu's cave, but who knew that they were about to leave, so he hurriedly followed behind with his backpack.

When Dongfang Daoist left, Yu Hui still didn't open his eyes, calculated the distance according to the sound of footsteps, heard the sound that they were walking downwards, and didn't look back.

Li Ziwang accompanied Grand Master Uncle to turn around the woods along the path, instead of going down the mountain directly, he turned to Taoist Li Yuan's cave for the night.

Brother Li Yuan received four Taoist priests of the Shengwu Mountain Sect, and when he heard that one of them wanted to borrow from him for a few days, he hesitated and agreed.

It was Dongfang Shen who wanted to stay in the Daoist Li Yuan's cave for a few days, and he was the only one.

Long Yan and Li Ziwang stayed overnight, took the little Taoist priest down the mountain, bought some things, and asked someone to send them up the mountain, Long Yan led the way for the workers who delivered the supplies, and Li Ziwang took the little Taoist priest back to Shengwu Mountain.

Long Yan sent the materials to Taoist priest Li Yuan's cave, and went to a Taoist temple to spend the night. Of course, it was not for nothing. He donated [-] sesame oil money for board and lodging.

Dongfang Shen, who stayed in Daoist Li Yuan's cave for one night, went to Yu Hui's secluded residence in the morning, but he didn't see anyone. He asked a nearby monk to find out that Daoist Yu had gone out.

Daoist Yu often went out to look for mushrooms and firewood, and sometimes collected some medicinal materials or flowers and fruits of plants. He often left early and returned home, and the nearby monks took it for granted.

Dongfang Shen, who was empty, went back to Taoist Li Yuan's cave, and went there again in the middle of the afternoon, but he still didn't see anyone, so he sat on the platform near the stream and meditated.

Yu Hui went out to pick a basket of medicinal herbs, branches, leaves and flowers. When he came back, he also picked up a bundle of firewood. Pour it out of the basket, put it in a dustpan or a dustpan, or a basket, and put it on the floor to dry.

Dongfang Shen didn't go to Linyan's house to talk to Yu Hui either, he sat on the sunset and went back to Taoist Li Yuan's cave with his whisk in his arms.

Yu Hui didn't study what Taoist Priest Dongfang wanted to do. The sun set and took back the things that were drying. The next morning, he put the plants and flowers picked yesterday under the eaves, and went out with a lot of baskets on his back.

The duty day is also on July 7.

Classmate Le took back the building materials and became the shopkeeper again. After getting up in the morning on the 18th, he also packed his luggage and prepared to go back to his hometown.

On the same day, Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Wang got up early in the middle of the night with Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Wang, and rushed to the paradise to meet.

Professor Wan Qi and his wife brought two grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Chao followed by a large group of little tails, there were brothers and sisters from the Chao family, the fifteenth and sixteenth children from the He family, Xiao Shao, Li Shao, and Luo Shao.

There are stones scattered everywhere in the paradise garden, the old man, old lady and a group of young people didn't appreciate the garden, they boarded the helicopter directly.

Handsome Liu is in charge of being the driver, driving Mr. Chao and others in the EC225.

Classmate Le Xiao drove a transport helicopter, carrying his younger brother, Xuan Shao, and Xuan Shao's personal bodyguard Xuan Yi.

The two helicopters traveled together at first, but when they arrived in Qin Province, they split into two groups. Handsome Liu led the troops and flew straight to E Bei, while little Lolita went to Xuanyuan's house.

The helicopter still landed in the compound where the Xuan family entertained guests.

Master Xuan was at home, and went to have lunch when the little girl came. After that, Xiao Le handed over her younger brother to the youths of the Xuan family to take care of her, and she went to count the wood and ingredients.

The materials she placed in Xuanjia last time were pre-planned and stored according to the quantity. Later, many buildings were added and a lot of wood was used, and the remaining quantity was not enough to build the guest courtyard on the west.

Little Loli threw down a large pile of wood, took out a large pile of furniture and stored it in Xuanjia, went to the cave to put away the boxes and jars that had been emptied of ingredients, and took out hundreds of boxes of ingredients.

After preparing the supplies, we moved dozens of boxes onto the plane and transferred to Zhongnanshan.

Little Lolita had no plan to go to Zhongnan Mountain, but she decided to make a temporary trip after hearing from Patriarch Xuan that a monk told his family that people from the Shengwu Mountain Sect went to Zhongnan Mountain to find Daoist Yu two days ago.

Young Master Xuan still only took Xuan Yi with him, and accompanied Little Lolita to visit Daoist Yu.

The helicopter stopped at the foot of the mountain, and Shao Xuan and Shao Xuan each carried oversized baskets, with cloth bags tied across the top of the baskets. In addition to carrying backpacks containing a change of clothes, each of them was either carrying a large basket or a bag of clothes. only bags.

Little Lolita was also carrying a large backpack with her own backpack tied across it.

Le Shan only carried a small backpack with a change of clothes and some fruits and vegetables on his back, and he also walked in the front, walking very fast with his walking steps.

Little Lolita is a master who can't even pant for Zhuzhufeng, Xuan Shao Qinggong is also first-rate, Xuan Yi is not bad, and the three of them easily followed.

Leshan is young, no matter how powerful she is, she has a limit. After climbing two-thirds of the way, she was exhausted, and successfully became a small pendant on her sister's neck.

Classmate Le Xiao, who was holding his younger brother with one arm, was walking briskly on the path, far away from the cave where Senior Yu lived in seclusion, and smelled the scent of a certain grand elder of the Shengwu Mountain School.

Those guys really didn't have good intentions, and came to disturb Senior Yu's Qingxiu again.

Feeling upset, Le Xiao had even more opinions on Ox-nosed Taoism, so he climbed the mountain all the way to the area where the female cultivators and casual cultivators lived under Senior Yu's hermitage, and it was only after 03:30.

When he walked around the woods, Young Master Xuan also saw a person sitting on the Linjian platform, and recognized him as the Dongfang Taoist priest of Shengwu Mountain, and he also pretended to be blind.

Dongfang Shen, who was sitting on the Linjian platform and meditating, saw someone going up the mountain from a distance. He didn't pay attention at first, but later found that the person was walking towards Yu Hui's residence. He paid attention to it, and when he got closer, he recognized the girl from the Le family and the young master of the Xuan family.

Finding that Lejia girl was still holding her younger brother, her heart sank again.

He had only been in Zhongnanshan for two days, and the girl from the Le family came. It can be seen that the Xuan family or the Ji family must have paid attention to Yu Hui, knowing that they had come to Zhongnan mountain, and informed the girl from the Le family.

Leshan was hanging around her sister's neck, and she was very surprised to see green vegetables growing everywhere beside the road. She kept asking a hundred thousand reasons why.

The younger brother is eager to learn, and Le Xiao will answer every question. He walked along the road and went straight to the floor of Senior Yu's residence before letting go of his younger brother.

She only glanced a few times, and found the key that senior Yu put on the window sill, took the key to open the door of the kitchen and the room that was used as a warehouse, took a bench and put it under the eaves to ask the handsome Xuan Shaoxuan to rest.

She put down her backpack, and while the sun was still strong, she first moved the sieve and dustpan under the eaves to dry in the sun, and then sorted the items.

The three people brought a lot of supplies, including fragrant rice, flour, oil, nuts and smoked fish, easy-to-put bean curd sticks, mushrooms and fungus, fresh fruits, a jar of sauce and a jar of wine.

My sister doesn't need her own help, Leshan turns over the drying things.

(End of this chapter)

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