magic eye doctor

Chapter 2179 Special Evidence

Chapter 2179 Special Evidence
Both Chen Wu and Grandma Zhang are old people. Even if they are suspects involved in child trafficking, the detention center does not treat them harshly. They are given nutritious meals for elderly prisoners.

Even if the food was good, the two of them had a guilty conscience, and they were frightened and frightened every day in the bureau. They were under a lot of mental stress, and instead of eating fat, they were very haggard.

In order to get out of the misery as soon as possible, the two people who were brought to the court knew what the judge asked and answered.

Zhang Ke sat unobtrusively among the audience in the courtroom. After staying for nearly half a day, he finally waited until his mother was brought to the courtroom.

After his mother was caught in the police station, he delivered things three times, but only got one chance to visit. When he saw his mother again, he found that he was a little older than the last time he saw her.

Zhang Ke also knew that the detention center was not a good place, but there was nothing he could do. Seeing an elderly lady sitting in the courtroom wearing prison clothes, he didn't know what it was like.

Today, he no longer believes in himself, in what he knows and sees.

In the past, he thought that Wu Lingling was a good woman. He married him and endured hardships with her, so he treated her better and listened to Wu Lingling in everything. As a result, Wu Lingling's child was her concubine, and she even messed around with Chen Wu.

I used to think that Chen Wu was just partial, he didn't treat his son with a bowl of water, he didn't discipline his grandson well, and he didn't like people when he spoke, so he wasn't some villain who committed crimes.

In the past, he thought that the old lady just had a bad mouth, loved talking behind her back, and had a good heart. Who would have thought that she would do such evil things as abducting and selling children from the same village.

After going through so much, Zhang Ke has doubts about everything, doubts his own vision and life, and waits until his mother appears, looking at the obviously scared old woman, he doesn't feel much distressed, but his heart is very lost, his life and family are in turmoil. is a failure.

Grandma Zhang didn't see her son Zhang Ke, she was full of panic and fear, and when she was questioned, she was afraid and regretted, and she cried.

Chen Wu was also afraid, everyone was trembling.

They were questioned, and then the relative who connected Chen Wu and Huang Zhichang's family was also taken to court for questioning. A relative also testified that his family connected and passed on the fact that Chen Wu and Chen Wu were connected.

The defendant entrusted a lawyer with the consent of the presiding judge, and also asked Chen Wu and his relatives a few words, and stopped talking after getting the answer.

The fact is that, the Huang family has admitted it themselves, there is nothing to argue about, they just refute according to the procedure, when the evidence is overwhelming, all sophistry is useless, give up and continue to refute.

There are testimonies from members of the Huang family, witnesses and accomplices, and the evidence of Huang Zhichang and the Huang family's abduction and trafficking of children is beyond doubt.

The only thing that can be debated is how to determine the punishment, according to the previous law or the current law.

The case of child abduction has been cross-examined, and then the facts of rape and intentional injury to death by members of the Huang family will be heard.

When the public prosecution presented the written statements of the participants and insiders of the Huang family and those who directly participated in the court, and entrusted the commissioner to raise questions, it almost aroused the anger of the crowd.

Because it is undeniable that Huang Zhichang and the other two surviving criminals admitted the crime in court.

Because the prosecution and the defendants entrusted lawyers to make statements, the trial time was limited. Only the two crimes of child abduction and rape were tried, and it was time for the court to close.

After the court closed, the audience left the venue, and many people with a sense of justice in their hearts cursed and cursed as they walked, scolding the Huang family bloody and worthless.

When Chen Kang was listening, he almost wanted to rush into the inner court to kill Huang Zhichang and Huang's animal several times, but Zhou Wei comforted him every time when his emotions were about to lose control.

At the end of the session, Zhou Wei supported his wife, left the court with Liu Shao and Xiao Shao, and went to a restaurant for lunch.

His niece was killed by a group of beasts without even taking a look at it. Chen Kang felt uncomfortable, and the food tasted like chewing wax, so he put down his chopsticks after only two bites.

Young Master Xiao and Young Master Liu worked hard to eat, and also persuaded Mr. Chen Kang: "Grandpa, people are doing what they are doing, and the sky is watching. The Huang family harmed Aunt Le's family. Now they have suffered retribution. You have to take care of your health when you are old, so that you can see those people." What will happen to the slag and their descendants."

Chen Kang nodded numbly, picked up the chopsticks and the bowl, and stuffed them into his mouth. Regardless of the taste, it was enough to fill his belly and give him the strength to sit in the courtroom and listen to the trial.

After eating, the four of them went back to the court, and went in and waited when they were allowed to enter the court.

There were more audiences in the afternoon than in the morning, and there were also people on the steps and corridors.

Huang Zhichang and his partners had a large number of people, and there were a lot of violations of law and discipline. The court hearing in the afternoon only heard a few of them, and the matters that could not be heard were reserved for the next day.

Before the court closed, Huang Zhichang asked to meet with Le Yun. The presiding judge asked the public prosecutor who could represent Miss Le's family. The public prosecutor conveyed Miss Le's previous decision—she refused to meet with Huang Zhichang and anyone in the Huang family. She refused to accept the compensation from the Huang family and demanded that the sinner who killed her aunt be severely punished.

Le Yun, the family member of the victim, Le Ya, refused to meet the criminal Huang Zhichang. The presiding judge and the judges of the collegial panel respected the decision of the victim's family and rejected Huang Zhichang's request.

After the trial ended in the afternoon, Young Master Liu drove Chen Kang, Zhou Wei and Young Master Xiao back to Jiudaomei Village by helicopter.

The neighbors who helped Lejia in the double robbing ate at their own home in the morning, and had lunch and dinner at Lejia. There were eight tables in total in the evening.

Liu Shao and Xiao Shao broadcast the trial process, and at the end, they also told Xiao Luoli about Huang Zhichang's request to see the Le family girl before the court closed, and also told the prosecutor's answer.

Sister-in-law Liu and the others don't understand what a certain person wants to see Xiao Lele do. Liu Shao and Xiao Xiao help me to give an answer - the Huang family probably wants to see the little girl because they have something important in their hands, and they want to use this In exchange, let the little girl treat the Huang family's genetic disease.

Sister-in-law Zhao and others were so angry that they scolded the Huang family for being shameless and inhuman.

Classmate Le Xiao is not interested in what Huang wants to see her for. Her aunt died at the hands of the Huang family, and she and her younger brother were also in danger of being murdered. She does not accept compensation and apology, as long as the Huang family is extinct for three generations from Huang Shishi's generation.

The Huang family has fallen, and there is no threat to the Le family. Aunt Liu, Aunt Zhao and others are naturally happy, and they also ask Xiao Lele how to arrange her aunt Le Ya's burial in the future.

Le Xiao didn't hide anything. When Huang's family affairs were settled, she decided to take back her aunt's remains and bury her next to her grandma's tomb in Qingming next year, so that her aunt would always be with her grandma.

Village Chief Zhou and the others felt that such an arrangement was the most appropriate. Le Ya was killed and died young, so that the old couple of the Le family did not know the girl was alive or dead. They let Le Ya's remains return to their parents, and the three of them reunited underground. If they have spirits in heaven, they must feel that they have reached consummation.

Huang Zhichang was already a grasshopper on a string—he couldn't run away, and Le Xiao didn't care about the trial, so he continued to work on the field on the 22nd.

Chen Kang and Zhou Wei didn't go to Shishi to hear the trial. Knowing the crimes committed by Mr. Huang, it doesn't matter whether they listen to the trial process or not, they just wait until the day of the verdict.

On the 22nd, the Shishi Court continued to hear Huang Zhichang's case. It took half a day in the morning and the trial was still incomplete, and the trial continued in the afternoon.

The trial in the afternoon lasted until after four o'clock, when finally the last charge of Huang Zhichang and several accomplices was tried - treason.

All traitors are traitors, and once they are convicted, there will be no time limit at least. Huang Zhichang, Huang Zhichang's youngest son Huang Maocheng and the four accomplices who were accused of treason, kept calling for grievances and refused to admit that they had committed treason.

The public prosecutor presented the evidence one by one. Because of the seriousness of the crime, the defendant entrusted the attorney to represent him in unanimous silence, gave up the defense, and handed over the full authority to the collegial panel for cross-examination and investigation.

The public prosecutor first presented the confessions of the spies who had been verified and arrested and some facts about their activities in the country, and some were people or companies who had been in contact with Huang Maocheng or an accomplice who went abroad to investigate investment or attract investment, or some special Local travel records.

The most obvious evidence has been cross-examined and found to be true.

Afterwards, the prosecution presented crucial evidence—a notebook and a USB flash drive handed over to Yan Shao by Miss Lejia.

Lan San brought the notebook and USB flash drive that little Lolita had obtained from unknown sources, and appeared in court dignifiedly, showing some of the items in the USB flash drive.

When the sealed and unpacked USB flash drive and notebook were displayed on the electronic screen, Huang Zhichang was like a swan caught by fate's throat, and could no longer make a sound.

He couldn't even sit still, and suddenly became paralyzed, sweating like rain, and within a few minutes, his back clothes seemed to be soaked in water.

Because some secrets were involved in the USB flash drive, all of them could not be disclosed. Lan San only disclosed part of it, and the rest was stored in his own computer. The collegiate panel and professionals hired by the court were asked to cross-examine.

Some secrets are not even known to the police station, and they are the first to appear. The presiding judge and the jury were horrified when they saw the contents. Secrets related to national defense deployment and national defense technology are hidden in the USB flash drive. , the consequences are unimaginable.

It took 10 minutes just to circulate the evidence.

The collegial panel and professionals unanimously confirmed the authenticity of the evidence.

The evidence is true, and it also shows that the crime of treason by certain people is basically a certainty.

Huang Zhichang and several accomplices couldn't bear the pressure any longer when the judicial police held the witness computer in front of them to show them the evidence, and passed out on the spot.

At first, Huang Maocheng did not admit that he had participated in any act of betraying state secrets. When he saw the reaction of his father and several others, he also collapsed in the chair.

Mrs. Huang Zhichang, who was listening in the court, also couldn't get over her breath, and fainted in a hurry.

Huang Zhichang's three daughters-in-law were all present. Huang's fourth daughter-in-law was so frightened when the judge announced that the evidence was true, and Huang Yihuang's second daughter-in-law was also trembling with fright. Fortunately, she didn't lose her mind. Go, the two sisters-in-law are in a hurry to pinch someone for the mother-in-law.

The enthusiastic people around Huang's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law also helped. After a while of pinching, Mrs. Huang was woken up. After waking up, her expression was dull, and she kept crying.

The suspect passed out, and the doctor assigned by the court came on the scene, and woke him up after a few minutes of rescue.

The collegial panel continued to hear the case.

The evidence was overwhelming, the defendant hired a lawyer to remain silent, and three of the parties admitted in court that they participated in a major decision planned by Huang Zhichang, but they only admitted to participating in it, denying that they knew that Huang Zhichang was betraying secrets and were still helping the evildoers.

Due to the importance of the last piece of evidence, how to determine the sentence needs to be considered. The collegiate panel is scheduled to pronounce the verdict next Wednesday. The time was announced and the court was closed.

At the application of the lawyers entrusted by the defendant, they met with the immediate family members or partners of the defendant in the back hall of the court after the court session was closed and before the defendant was sent to the detention center.

Mrs. Huang went to see Huang Zhichang with her lawyer. When she saw someone, she changed her dignified image of a housewife whose husband was her key, and rushed over to slap Huang Zhichang a few times.

The bailiff and the entrusted lawyer were a little confused, and forcibly took the old lady away.

After being forcibly pulled away, Mrs. Huang pointed at Huang Zhichang and scolded him for eight generations. She scolded him for being a son, father, and husband in vain, scolded him for harming the country, the people, and people, and scolded him for being inferior to a wolf. , scolding him for being devoid of conscience and thus implicating his grandson...

The old lady scolded all the swear words she knew, wishing to strangle Huang Zhichang to death to vent her hatred, he took his sons to embezzle and accept bribes without telling her, she can forgive him, he raised Xiaomi to raise an illegitimate child, she can also treat him as blind , but he betrayed state secrets for profit and brought his son into the ditch, which made her unforgivable.

The stain on a traitor's body can't be washed away in three lifetimes, let alone one lifetime.

One member of the family treasoned the country, and the three generations of descendants were all stigmatized as "traitors" and treated with cold eyes.

Before, Mrs. Huang thought that the so-called treason charge was just a catch-and-shoot by the public prosecutor, and she always believed that her husband had never done anything that harmed the interests of the country.

But when the evidence came out, her reaction to Huang Zhichang and her accomplices completely shattered her luck.

Even Mrs. Huang found a reason for the death of her daughter and grandson: it is likely that the gang that stole secrets from Huang Zhichang was exposed due to a large number of personnel. His grandson took revenge on Huang Zhichang.

The old lady was crying while cursing, thinking that her youngest son might be sentenced to life, and the second and younger son heard that they would spend at least ten years in prison. Her daughter was dead, and she was crying with grief from her heart.

Huang Zhichang was slapped in the face by his wife, he hung his head and did not defend himself.

After entrusting a lawyer to persuade the old lady for a while, he spoke to Mr. Huang and asked him whether there was any evidence to reverse the charges against the public prosecutor, and whether he had any way to prove his innocence.

Huang Zhichang listened silently to the lawyer's analysis that if he failed to prove his innocence, the chance of being sentenced to death reached [-]%.

He was silent for a long while before looking at his wife with a hoarse voice: "What did you do with the things in the safe in the study?"

Mrs. Huang cried a lot. When the lawyer was talking to Huang Zhichang, she also swallowed the cry. When the man asked about the contents of the safe, she wiped her tears and replied bitterly: "What else can I do? In order to fight for you Hand over all the gold bars, jewels, and cash in the safe, and hand over the tattered book you treasured to the police.”

Huang Zhichang's heart skipped a beat, he felt as if his heart was about to jump out, and couldn't help but ask, "What broken book?"

(End of this chapter)

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