magic eye doctor

Chapter 221 The little beauty chapter is here

Chapter 221 The little beauty is back
How to deal with little girls?
He Mingsheng He Mingtao didn't know how to open the chat box at all, and was extremely depressed.

The noon rush hour had passed, He Xiaoba's car arrived at Qingda University in 10 minutes, and Le Xiao got off outside the school.

The He brothers hurriedly helped the little girl unload the luggage. Le Yun took a step behind, unwrapped a bundle of medicinal herbs, and took out a bundle of medicinal herbs wrapped in the middle of the medicinal herbs. The other medicinal herbs were used for medicine, and the He family brothers took them back.

After getting out of the car, she put on a backpack, put the herb under her arm with one hand, and went back to school with a rattan basket with the other.

He Mingsheng and He Mingtao watched the little girl. She had a backpack in the front and back, and twisted things with both hands. The whole person was almost surrounded by things, especially her large backpack almost blocked her, and she walked like a moving item station.

They helped carry the backpack. The backpack was heavy, weighing at least [-] pounds. The two brothers were really worried that she would be crushed.

When she stepped into the campus, Le Yun felt lightened, she found her bicycle, and went out for more than ten days.

She tied the medicinal herbs to the back rack, held the rattan basket in one hand, and the handlebar in the other, and walked back to the dormitory area, because it was not after class or vacation, and not many people wandered around the school, so even if she was carrying a dirty Backpack, not many people saw it.

Stepping on his own scooter, Le Xiaole easily returned to the front of the Zhuangyuan Building, parked the bicycle in the carport, and happily climbed the stairs with things twisted.

In September, the chrysanthemums are yellow. There are thousands of pots of chrysanthemums on the campus. The breeze is blowing, and there is a little chrysanthemum fragrance in the air. The light in the room is just the right shade. Accompanied by Yang, read quietly.

When he heard the sound of the door lock turning, as if he had entered a state of ecstasy, he subconsciously turned his head to look at the door, then stood up in surprise and ran quickly.

The red dormitory door was pushed open, and a round face that always smiled appeared. The boy's eyebrows and eyes were gentle and joyful: "Lele, you're back!"

Just pushed open the door of Xiaowo, and seeing the beautiful and beautiful young man, Le Yun's eyes lit up: "Brother Chao, you are waiting for me, did you miss class again?"

"I didn't miss class. Everyone's subject credits are full. Hey, Lele, you have dug up so many medicines again. I'll help you get some."

Chao Yubo rushed to Xiao Lele's side in three steps, and quickly helped her with her luggage. Xiao Lele's gray long-sleeved trousers had a white and tender face.

Le Yun turned around and carried the rattan basket. Brother Chao wanted to help, so she let him carry the basket, she held the herbs, closed the door, put the large and small backpacks on the floor first, took out some herbs and put them on the writing table first, and carried the others in. In the kitchen, find a plastic basket to put it in, rinse it once with clean water, shake off the water stains, and take it to the balcony to dry and drain.

Chao Yubo waited for Xiao Lele to wash the medicinal herbs first before coming back to see her harvest results with her. He first untied the tent and sleeping bag on the big backpack and put them aside, and then opened the things.

There is only one bag of personal clothes in the big backpack, and the rest are medicinal herbs, some freshly washed, some lumps, some fruits, flowers, and several mineral water bottles, one boiled. The milk pot, some medical supplies, and the bottom glass tube in the foam box were still in the backpack and did not move.

At the same time, Le Xiaoxiao took out some medicines, stems, and herbal bags from several medicine bags and stuffed them back into the backpack, and opened the fresh herbal bags to breathe.

"Lele, what's in the pot?" The beautiful boy held the milk-cooking pot, which was wrapped in a bag with a dense-colored soft substance.

"The honey wax is the substance that the honeycomb extracts from the honey. Brother Chao, I found a nest of wild bees this time. The mineral water is full of honey. I'll give you two bottles. Keep it safe, and when I settle the matter with Yan Shuai’s relatives, I’ll find two herbs to mix with the herbal tea for you to eat together.”

"Mmmm, Lele can say whatever." Chao Yubo threw down the pot, and his delicate and slender hands climbed to the top of Xiao Lele's head and rubbed her head.

"What's in the other basket?" He helped drag the rattan basket, acting like a curious baby.

"Good stuff." Le Yun showed off her trophies excitedly.

Taking away the leaves, the white and tender silver plate mushrooms were revealed, and the beautiful young man immediately brightened his eyes: "Wow, is it the silver plate mushrooms in Wutai Mountain? I heard that the mushrooms in Wutai Mountain are very famous. I have eaten dried mushrooms, but I have never seen them raw. Yeah, and eggs."

"Yeah, it's the silver plate mushroom, eat it tonight."

"Okay, what else is there?" Chao Yubo was full of curiosity, and without disguising his playful nature, he helped to remove the rattan basket.

The basket is divided into two layers. The mushrooms are placed in a rattan grass sieve, which is embedded in the large basket. Remove the binding rattan, take out the rattan sieve, and there is a layer of grass and leaves underneath.

Remove the scented herbs and uncover the large leaves, and in the rattan basket there is a beautifully patterned hen and a fat gray rabbit.

Chao Yubo bent over, stretched his arms into the basket, and used his fingers to poke the beautifully feathered hen: "What beautiful feathers, this should be a pheasant, this is just a wild rabbit, ghost, how dare you come back from so far away with game , and don’t be afraid of getting caught.”

"What people are fighting is not protecting animals." Le Yun hugged the boy's arm in a pleasing manner: "Brother Chao, they really didn't hurt protected animals, I beat them in the mountains that are not protected areas, and they met with local people. I also hunted, and I saw one beat another, I only hunted one after finding a large group and came back for dinner."

"I know Lele is a good boy. I'm just afraid that you will be found out. Can you pass the security check with this?"

"I didn't take the train or car. I chartered a car back. Anyway, I don't have to pay the fare."

"Lele, you've become an elite. Such a smart person is my sister. Yourong and I, tell my brother, how did you hit pheasants and hares, can't they run away?" Chao Yu Bo was so happy that he couldn't help but smile. Rubbing her brain again, Xiao Lele is very clever, timid and fat.

"Mmmm, Brother Chao is so smart, of course I can't be stupid. It's very easy to hit this kind of thing. Make a bamboo bow and shoot with a bamboo arrow. If you let me hunt, I'm guaranteed to hit every shot. Brother Chao, I don't have a birthday present for you. You, please have dinner as a birthday present for Brother Chao."

"Lele is amazing, she can do anything, and when the time comes, we will go to Africa, where free hunting is allowed. I don't need any birthday present, as long as Lele is happy to make a delicious meal and invite me to eat, I'll wait for Lele's big meal to eat." The boy's beautiful fingers poke the little girl's face, and the whole person smiles like a spring breeze, the smile is bright like the dazzling sun, it's good to have a sister, and I will always remember him.

"Brother Chao is a bad guy, you just touched a dead chicken and stabbed me in the face with your hand. You don't want to play with you anymore. I'm going to take a bath. I'm cooking my eggs, and Brother Chao guards." Yun gave up, took a pair of beautiful hands away, took out two eggs, went to the kitchen, and boiled them in a pot.

Chao Yubo laughed so hard that he washed his hands by himself, then slipped into the small kitchen to guard the boiled eggs.

While it was still early, Le Yun went to take a bath and change her clothes. In order to conform to the image she just emerged from the mountain, she drilled through the mountain this morning, and she was covered in grass and wood dust, even if it wasn't itchy, Comfortable.

Take a shower, wash the changed clothes together with the clothes from the previous two days, hang them on the balcony to dry, turn back to boil the water, and share eggs with the young brother while waiting for the water to boil, one for each person.

After the water is boiled, scald the chicken feathers, first pluck the chicken feathers, and then pluck the rabbit feathers. The chicken feathers and the rabbit feathers are not thrown away, but they are collected and placed on the balcony to dry in the shade.

Because of his body's ability to resist, the beautiful young man had never done the job of killing chickens and ducks before, but now he is not afraid of getting infected with bacteria. How to deal with internal organs.

After handling the chicken and rabbit, Le Xiaoxiao cut half of the chicken and put it into the pot to make soup.Since she wasn't going to invite other seniors to dinner, she didn't have to buy vegetables. Two game meat dishes were enough. For vegetables, there were mushrooms and several medicinal herbs that could be used as green vegetables.

While Le Xiao was busy dealing with chickens and rabbits, the two brothers from the He family also returned to the compound.

When he received the news that the little girl was about to get off the highway, He Mingsheng called home to report to the parents, and the He family waited anxiously.

The door of the He's house was still closed, but it didn't mean that he couldn't look outside. He Panpan moved a bench and sat at the gate, and every time he heard the sound of a car outside, he looked out from the cat's eye.

She was watching, He Zirui and the others had prepared tea, melons and fruits, and they were waiting for the two boys to accompany the little doctor back.

He Panpan looked around for an unknown number of times, and every time she was disappointed, she always said that she would not watch it later, but whenever she heard a voice, she couldn't help but look, disappointed and disappointed, she was used to it.

When there was another sound, she calmly got up and went to take a look. As soon as she opened the cat's eye, she saw Xiaoba's off-road vehicle sliding towards the door, and she shouted happily: "Grandpa, grandma, second brother and Xiaoba. Eight is back."

The He family usually entertains guests in the west hall. This time, to show respect, they cleaned up the living room of the east wing. They were also waiting in the living room. He Zirong and He Zirui stood up and jumped out when they heard He Xiaowu's voice.

Mrs. He San didn't go out to meet her, she accompanied her ancestors to wait in the East Hall.

After notifying her family, He Panpan opened the door and got out by herself. She ran outside to meet the approaching off-road vehicle. The car didn't stop, so she jumped over.

"Xiao Wu, the little beauty hasn't come over yet." He Mingsheng quickly got off the passenger seat, and when he saw Xiao Wu rushing towards him, he was very helpless. Xiao Wu was pregnant with a baby, and he was hairy and unsteady at all.

"Ah? No... didn't come?" He Panpan stunned Bara and bowed his head.

"Little beauty will go back to school first, and then come over at night." He Mingsheng looked at Xiao Wu with a smile, and turned to open the back seat door. Xiao Wu was dignified in public places, but in private he liked to play and play around. The older child likes to play with people who are less than her. The little beautiful doctor looks so cute and cute, and Xiao Wu probably wants to pinch people's faces, touch people's hands and eat tofu in his dreams.

After He Mingtao got out of the cab, he opened the rear door from the other side, first picked up some herbs that had been untied from the rattan, and He Mingsheng carried the whole bundle of herbs.

"Hey, these are all medicines?" He Panpan saw that He Xiaoer and He Xiaoba brought out the turquoise things, and looked up in amazement. Some green plants had flowers or flower bones, and some were just stems and leaves. It seems to be all rooted.

"Well, the little beauty said that all these herbs are needed, let's move them back first." He Mingsheng explained gently.

"Fifth sister, don't look at it, you don't know it even if you look at it." He Mingtao poured cold water with a smile.

"Hmph, I don't know, you don't know either." Despise him!

"I know more than you. For example, I know that there are wormwood, knotweed, big thistle, malan flower..." He Mingtao was proud of himself. He really knew some plants thanks to his career.

"Hmph, it's not just that you often run outside and recognize a few medicines. If you have the ability, you should study medicine." He Panpan rolled his eyes and ran to the front angrily.

The three of them just walked under the eaves of the gate, and saw the two elders in the family hurriedly running from the corridor, He Mingtao jumped into the door, and ran forward with a smile: "Second grandpa, third grandpa, the little beauty can't come over until night, you guys Don't go out and take a look."

"Oh, haven't you come yet?"

He Zirong and He Zirui stopped, seeing the two grandsons holding the medicinal herbs, they quickly stepped aside and let the children carry the medicinal herbs first.

The five old and young returned to the East Hall to find a place to put the medicinal materials, because the medicinal materials could not be placed directly on the ground, but had to be placed in a ventilated place.

He Zirui asked the two boys in detail what time they would pick up the car and what time it would take to pick up the little doctor.

People from the Hejiaqi generation have heard that the little beauty doctor will start working on pharmaceuticals at night. He Qiwen, He Qili, He Qijie, and He Qiying in the capital rush to He Zirui's house after get off work. He Zirui's eldest son, He Qishu and four Zi He Qican was originally in the compound, so of course he had to go home for dinner.

He Mingjun and He Mingjing didn't leave, they rushed to the compound, and the whole family had dinner together. Because the nanny was not at home, everyone brought takeaways when they got home and made do with it.

After dinner, regardless of whether it was early or late, the elders of the He family kicked He Mingsheng and He Mingtao to Qingda University to pick up people. They originally wanted to send two more people, but they were afraid that there would be too many people, so let them be there. The brothers who brushed their faces in front of the little beauty acted as drivers.

When it was getting dark, Yan Shao and Liu Shao, who seemed to be ordinary but were not ordinary, and the staff on duty also temporarily changed shifts to eat in the cafeteria.

When we got to the cafeteria, twos and threes of officers in police uniforms sat and ate.

After getting the meal, Liu Xiangyang used chopsticks to swipe through the dish, picking from the left to the west, but he didn't say anything, with a bitter look on his face: "Xiaoxingxing, the little beauty is back."

To tell you the truth, the food in the cafeteria is actually quite good, including stewed chicken with potatoes, stir-fried shredded squid, braised fish, beer chicken wings, pork ribs in vinegar, braised eggplant, water spinach, and fried bean sprouts. You can choose dishes, of course, it refers to the existing recipes. select.

"Yeah, I know." Yan Xing calmly clamped a piece of braised fish, replied, and ate it calmly. Of course he knew that Little Loli was back, and they were tracking the whereabouts of Little Loli's cell phone signal.

Little Loli is smart enough. When she left Beijing, she left her 4G smartphone in the dormitory and didn't bring it with her. She only brought the candy bar she used at home. She didn't turn it on a few days ago. The signal changed all the way from S West Province to the capital, and finally returned to the school.

Someone Liu also checked Qingda's webcam on purpose, and they did see Little Loli herself, and they were relieved that the little girl returned to Beijing safely.

"Xiao Xingxing, the little beauty is back!" Liu Xiangyang reminded again and again complainingly, does Xiao Xingxing understand what he means when he says that little Lolita returns to Beijing?

"I know, you don't have to repeat, eat your meal."

"I want to eat the dishes made by the little beauty." Liu Xiangyang pursed his mouth. He hadn't eaten the dishes made by Little Loli for a long time. He drooled when he thought about it. Looking at other food, he had no appetite even if he was so hungry that his stomach growled.

"I know."

"What's the matter, you're mad at me, I mean I want to eat the food made by the little beauty, I want to eat it now, understand?" Liu Xiangyang wanted to flip the table, what he said was now, now, now... Repeat Countless times!

"I know," Yan Xing didn't even move his eyebrows, and calmly pinched the potatoes, his voice was as calm as his face: "You mean you want to take me to school for dinner, that's right."

"That's right." Xiao Xingxing finally came to his senses, not stupid yet.

"Go to yourself, I don't want to be offensive."

"You..." Liu Xiangyang's teeth tickled with anger.

Yan Xing turned a blind eye to Liu's gnashing of teeth: "You forgot what day is today?"

"Chongyang, Respect for the Aged Day." On such a good day, there is just an excuse to eat.

"It's the Double Ninth Festival, that's right, it's also the birthday of the Chao family's baby. With the attitude of little loli that everything is above brother Chao, do you think that if you go to eat today, you will get a good face? I don't want to be blacklisted. , go wherever you want."

"I forgot about Xiao Chao's birthday, woo! This baby is so heartbroken." Liu Xiangyang suddenly realized that he held the bowl weakly, listlessly picked a chopstick and put it in the bowl, and disheartenedly grabbed the rice.

The little beauty didn't come back early or late, so she came back today, it must be because today is the birthday of little princess Chao, if they go to eat, the little beauty will definitely not give a good face.

He thinks, today, the little beauty will definitely prepare a good dish for the little princess Chao to celebrate her birthday, and he can only stay in such a place to eat this kind of unbearable food.

Thinking of the little princess Chao enjoying a table of delicious food, Young Master Liu was extremely jealous. Why wasn't the little beauty his sister?How many times did the little princess Chao save the Milky Way in her last life, so she was held in the palm of her hand by the little beauty.

"Xiangyang, when you're done with what you're doing, you can go back and have a good meal." Liu Xian was dejected, and it was as difficult as drinking poison. Yan Xing couldn't see it, so he cheered him up.

"Yeah, as long as the bulls, ghosts and snakes are dealt with, my brother will be liberated. In order to have a happy meal, my brother will work hard to eat, work hard, work hard..."

Liu Xiangyang was resurrected in a second, and worked hard to eat rice. In order to return to Qingda early, he worked hard to add food, and then happily went to the little beauty to eat, eat, and eat!

(End of this chapter)

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