magic eye doctor

Chapter 223 Shocked

Chapter 223 Shocked
After the He Mingsheng and He Mingtao brothers were kicked out of the house, they drove the car and swayed all the way to Qingda. When they saw that it was just after seven o'clock, the brothers said, "..."

The little beauty doctor told them to meet outside the school around nine o'clock in the afternoon. They came two hours early and wanted to drink air by the roadside, right?

The brothers, who felt abandoned by their family, found a parking space outside the school to park their car, got off the car and walked on the street. They wanted to go for a walk and enjoy the night view or something. However, because of their outstanding looks, they were handsome and had a special temperament. , immediately attracted the attention of the girls.

The He Family Brothers: "..." I feel that the eyes of the beautiful women are so terrifying!
The two people who were looked at with trepidation, quietly returned to the car, sat and admired the people who came and went, and saw many luxury cars coming, often picking up beautiful girls, and they only had emotion.

The two of them didn't want to get out of the car to go shopping, and they were bored and bored in the car. They really understood what suffering is like. For this reason, they stayed very quiet and didn't want to drive around. There is an empty parking space at the moment. I am very lucky. If I drive away and come back without even a place to park, it will not be worth the loss.

After a while, it was almost eight o'clock when I received a message from the little beauty, with a few simple words: What time do you come?
"Second brother, second brother, the little beauty asked us what time to pick her up, how should we respond?" He Mingtao cried out excitedly when he saw the text message.

"Let's just's going to school soon." He Mingsheng wanted to say "it's already there", but he felt it was inappropriate. It would be better to say that he would arrive soon.

He Mingtao humbly responded, and hurriedly replied to the text message as instructed by his brother. After sending the text message, the two of them looked forward to replying, however, the little beauty did not hear back.

The little doctor ignored him. The two brothers stared at the west gate of Qingda dejectedly. After a while, He Mingsheng's eyes suddenly lit up: "Look, the little beauty is out!"

There are street lamps inside and outside the west gate of Qingda University, and the light is like the sun. At this time, students and employees come in and out in twos and threes, and a girl with a big backpack walks out of the school gate alone.

The reason why He Xiaoer was able to recognize the little girl at a glance was because she was actually very conspicuous, with a rather special aura, and when she was thrown into the crowd, as long as anyone saw her, their eyes would stay longer.

"Really." He Mingtao pulled his neck like a giraffe, found the figure of the petite girl, opened the door of the car, and ran towards the school gate.

He Mingsheng also got out of the car to meet the little girl.

Le Yun went to the parking shed at the west school gate before sending a message to ask He Xiaoba. If they didn't come, she would go to the shopping mall outside the school to buy some items. If they came, of course, she would go to He's house.

When she received the reply, she guessed that the brothers of the He family should have arrived, and was too lazy to reply to the news. She carried her luggage out of the campus, and walked a dozen meters away. When she saw He Xiaoer and He Xiaoba running over, compared to the excitement of the two young people , she was so calm that she couldn't be calmer.

"Little beauty, good evening." He Mingsheng and He Mingtao ran to the little girl and gave him the most friendly smiling face, while he thoughtfully grabbed the luggage.

He Xiaoba snatched the book from the little girl's hand, and He Xiaoer shared her big backpack. Her big backpack was still the one that was dirty and dirty in the mountains. The packed backpack looked like a square. Cylindrical cylinder.

"There are glass vials in the backpack, be careful." The young people of the He family were tall and mighty, and Le Xiaoxiao had to remind them to be gentle.

"I understand." He Mingsheng hugged the big backpack and protected it like a treasure in his arms.

The bulky luggage was taken away by the He family brothers. Le Xiaoxue carried the small backpack hanging in front of him, and got into the off-road vehicle with the two young people to set off for the He family.

He Xiaoer and He Xiaoba didn't dare to ask the little girl why she finished her work so early, and silently gave her a packet of snacks. It was like treating kindergarten children. They didn't know how to get along, so they coaxed her with snacks.

Le Yun holding snacks: "!" She doesn't like junk food, okay?
She ate a nutritious meal she made for dinner. She was full, that is, not hungry, and she was not fond of snacks, so she held the bag and didn't move.

The little girl's lack of interest in snacks made the two brothers of the He family ponder secretly. Does the little beauty dislike the snacks, or that the portion is too small?Or is it not her favorite food?
In the capital at night, the streets are full of neon lights, the city is full of bright lights, endless traffic, bustling people, bustling and lively.

He Xiaoba tried his best to avoid the bustling area and take a detour to avoid being blocked by the road for a long time. After driving for nearly an hour, he approached the compound safely.

When their car was still on the way back, the He family members came back, Lu Xuemei, He Zigong's widow, and their adopted son, Xie Yiyuan.

After He Zigong passed away, Lu Xuemei respected and loved her mother-in-law and her sister-in-law. She treated her husband and brother as her own brother, and set an example.

She is also an old man who is over old. Because of her poor health, she was taken by her adopted son to Jiangnan for training. When the ancestors of the He family were admitted to the hospital, the He family did not notify her. Originally, the He family planned to issue the second critical illness notice in the hospital. In order to rush back to Beijing to see the last news of the old ancestor, Xiao Longbao invited a doctor to rejuvenate and let the old ancestor turn the corner.

While concealing Mrs. He, he also concealed He Zigong's adopted son, Xie Yiyuan.

Xie Yiyuan is the son of He Zigong's colleague. He was the same year as He Qiwen. His parents died when he was young. He was touched by He Zigong and Lu Xuemei and grew up. Parent.

Xie Yiyuan and his son Xie Mingyi escorted Mrs. He back to Beijing together and went straight to He Sanjia. Regarding the raid of the three, He Zirong, He Zirui and others had not received any news before, and they were really shocked, thinking what a big event had happened.

Chai Xi and everyone took the elder sister-in-law, Xie's father and son to the west hall of the house, and sat with them. He Mingjun and a few pulled Xie Mingyi aside, and the brothers and sisters whispered.

He Qishu and his wife Qian Yuying were busy serving tea and fruit.

He Qishu is engaged in politics and is currently in the Ministry of Finance of the Ministry of State. His wife Qian Yuying is also a man who is not allowed by the country and is appointed to the Ministry of Land and Resources at the bureau level.

The daughter-in-law of the He family, regardless of whether she is a strong woman or an iron lady, is a simple housewife when she returns home.

"Little brother, why did you suddenly come back to Beijing with your auntie? It shocked me." He Qiying sat next to Xie Yiyuan, without any shyness, and asked the reason bluntly.

Because Xie Yiyuan was the same year as He Qiwen, the boss of He Jiaqi, he was only a few months younger. He Jiaqi generation called him "little brother", and He Jiaming generation respectfully called him little uncle.

"It's so hard for you to hide it from us," Xie Yiyuan stared fiercely at his peers and protested dissatisfiedly: "How can you not tell me that grandma was sick and was given a critical illness notice? I understand that you are hiding it from my mother. , why are you hiding it from me?"

"Little brother, don't be angry," He Qiying quickly helped the little brother to caress his back: "The second time we received a critical illness notice from the hospital, we decided to notify everyone in the afternoon to come back to see our ancestors, and later we Xiaolongbao invited us over. The masters, some rescues, rejuvenation with wonderful hands, and hope for the ancestors, so we will not tell you for the time being, lest you worry, if we tell you, it is equivalent to telling the aunt.

Little big brother, calm down, don’t be so sullen, we didn’t notify you because we were sure there was hope for our ancestors. Once our ancestors stumbled, whoever we lost would be impossible for you and the little sister-in-law. no? "

"Humph, this time I reluctantly trust you once." Xie Yiyuan also knew that the righteous brother and righteous brother did not treat him as an outsider, and he knew that they were hiding it from him because he was afraid that his adoptive mother would be stimulated by accident. After all, the old lady is old. , The body after the operation is extremely poor, and I can't afford to toss.

Lu Xuemei was originally sullen and sullen, but after hearing her nephew's explanation, she calmed down a little: "I know you're hiding it because you're afraid I can't bear it, but I'm still uncomfortable, no matter how bad I am. It’s pretty good too, can recuperation be more important than the ancestors?”

"Mom, you're not angry, my brothers and I decided this matter, or would you beat me?" He Qiwen hurriedly moved to the old mother's side and rubbed her shoulders.

"You brothers have rough skin. When the board is knocked down, the board is broken. You still have nothing to do with you. It's not a waste of my strength to beat you. You get out of the way. I'll be angry when I look at you now." Lu Xuemei looked The son was not pleasing to the eye and choked back angrily.

He Qiwen ran away immediately, and Chai Xi held his sister-in-law's hand: "Sister-in-law, calm down, I also have a share in this matter. Even if the ancestors are awake, I believe the ancestors would agree to do this. The ancestors asked after waking up. You guys, I heard that we didn't call you back, and you are very satisfied with what we did."

"I didn't blame you, I just thought it was uncomfortable. You didn't inform me. If the ancestors didn't make it, if I couldn't make it in time, I might not be able to send my mother to die. Well, don't explain it, you are for my own good, I understand, how is Mom? Can you sleep soundly?"

"Mom takes medicine every day, although she is a little weak, she is in good spirits, she is clear and clear, her memory is good, her appetite is good, she can drink half a bowl of porridge with each meal, and she sleeps very well at noon and at night, and she will fall asleep early, so I just let you rest, or else I will definitely pull you to talk to the ancestors."

I heard that the ancestors slept soundly, and the old lady He Da was relieved. After drinking a few sips of tea and eating fruit, they flew and took a taxi all the way, and they were really tired.

The old lady didn't care about it anymore, and the juniors of the He family were relieved. Just as they were talking, He Mingjun hurriedly shouted: "Grandpa and grandma, don't talk about family affairs for now, brothers and sisters, get ready, Xiao Bahe The second brother and the little beauty doctor are coming soon."


"So fast?"

The old and young of the He family were suddenly shocked. They stood up all of a sudden, ran and ran, and they were in a hurry and became a busy group.

He Xiaoba's off-road vehicle slid through the streets and alleys to the outside of the compound of the family members of the committee members, and entered the hospital only after recording it with an electronic eye at the gate.


Seeing the sign hanging in the compound through the car window glass, a huge question mark flashed in Le Yun's mind, that committee member, is it the kind of high-ranking official she knows?
If it is a high-level official of that level, let her wipe the cold sweat. After all, she has grown up so much, and the biggest official she has ever seen, except for the principal of the junior high school, the county chief, is the sub-director in charge of the public security.

I heard that the principal of Qingda University is of high rank. She has only seen it from a distance, and has not received it directly from a close distance, so it is not included.

Touching her forehead, classmate Le Xiao rolled her eyes secretly. She is a medical student, and she is helping the sick. She doesn't want to ask them to cover or take care of them. What is the He family official doing to her?She never thought about hugging people's thighs, could she scare herself?

After entering the compound, it took several turns before arriving at the small courtyard where He San lived.

He Xiaoba turned the car from the main road into the small courtyard leading to the single-family house. As soon as the car arrived at the door, the courtyard door of the small courtyard opened from the inside.

He Mingtao turned the car so that the little doctor was sitting facing the door, so that the little girl could get off the car. Then, he and He Mingsheng got off the car as fast as possible, packed the little beautiful doctor's backpack and books, and stood in the car. Waiting for the little girl.

Le Yun didn't take Qiao and wanted to make people wait, but the two were too fast. She was embarrassed to rush ahead with them and let them do whatever they liked. She carried the small backpack in front of her and got out of the car with snacks.

"Little beauty, this is the residence of our third grandfather, please—" The two young men of the He family stood on both sides and let the doctor go ahead.

When I looked up, the sky was sparsely lit. There were lights around and inside a yard on the ground. The door opened to the southeast corner. Looking from the open door, I could vaguely see people standing inside the door.

Le Yun didn't knead and pretend, she stepped on her short legs and stomped towards the door opening with her mouth open, with a sense of determination to sacrifice herself.

She stepped up a few steps and reached the eaves of the courtyard gate. She glanced at the door. A layer of goosebumps appeared on her back. Inside the door, the He family stood in a row, with middle-aged people on one side and young people on the other. There are several old men and old ladies in their [-]s and [-]s.

The team of young and middle-aged people was neat and tidy, the men and women were arranged in an orderly manner, all of them turned slightly sideways to the door, their eyes... how should I put it, it was inappropriate to use it like a wolf like a tiger, it was probably inexplicable excitement.

With just one glance, Le Yun can count the number of people, and can also see a few new faces that have not been seen before. Based on their faces and their positions, they can infer their general identities. Those two are obviously not owned by the He family. Longmu people are either sons-in-law or grandsons, or relatives of the ancestors of the He family.

Lu Xuemei and Xie Yiyuan watched He Xiaoer and He Xiaoba get closer and closer with a small child. They were shocked at the time. Does such a young girl really have the medical skills to bring back the dead?

It was also the first time that He Zirong saw the so-called expert in the medical field, and he was shocked, she was really a little girl!Zi Rui and the children told him that the doctor was a little girl, and he still didn't believe it. Now, he had to believe that the doctor was really a child.

When He Zirui saw the little doctor's demeanor again, his eyes became hot with excitement.

When they were staring at the door, He Mingsheng and He Mingtao also saw the extra silver-haired old woman, and couldn't help blurting out: "Grandma/grandma."

Hearing the grandson and nephew calling him, Lu Xuemei glared at the grandchildren, the doctor is here, how can I call her first?The old lady responded quickly and bent down slightly: "Doctor, you have worked hard!"

The old lady He Da is the first elder of the He family apart from the ancestors. She represents the big family, and is also an example of the fourth family of the He family. When the old man bends down, the old and young members of the He family bend their respectful waists in unison, respectfully. Respectfully welcome the little doctor: "You have worked hard!"


Back stunned, Le Yun jumped back and jumped away, the black line on her forehead fluttering: "I'm going to do this again, I'm afraid of losing my life. Also, although today is the Double Ninth Festival to honor the elderly, I still I can't help but want to tell the truth, that old lady with silver hair, you just had an operation and you are still seriously ill, and you are still standing there dragging such a broken body. What does it mean if you are blown down by the wind I have to take action, I don't have the right medicinal materials, so who and so, He Xiaosan, He Xiaowu, and He Xiaotwelve, all of you are not stunned, what are you still doing, be smart about your old ladies Help me to sit in the house, don't make me bear the black cauldron of disrespect for the elderly."

He Mingjun, He Panpan and He Mingjing once again learned the little doctor's mouth skills and wiped sweat weakly. How dare they make decisions on their own?
Just as they were about to respond, the little doctor stepped into the door in two steps, and said loudly as he walked, "And the gentleman without long eyes who is standing beside He Xiaoba, who is called the eldest uncle of He Xiaoba, you Although the old lady is not as serious as the silver-haired old lady, who has high blood pressure, high blood sugar and waist stones, you are not healthy. You have a heart attack and high blood pressure. Now the blood pressure has risen to at least [-], so don't follow blind. Mix it up with some welcome ceremony, climb back into the house and sit by yourself. As for others, whoever likes to blow the air outside, let them blow."

Lu Xuemei was embarrassed when the little girl told her about her face to face, and when she heard a long series of words directly attacking her condition, she was stunned. This... This, how did the little doctor know about her illness?
Not only was she stunned, but Xie Yiyuan, who was named, was also stunned.

Chai Xi: "..." Niu doctors are cattle doctors, they are really better than cattle!

"Quick, little three, little five, little [-], hurry up and help grandma and grandpa to go in, Mingyi, don't be stunned, and quickly help the little uncle go home."

Seeing that a group of people were dumbfounded by the cold water splashed by the little beauty doctor, He Mingsheng, the eldest brother of the fourth generation present, immediately spoke and directed his brothers and sisters to act.

He Mingjun, He Panpan, He Mingjing hurriedly ran, and helped his grandparents to follow behind the little beauty doctor. Xie Mingyi wanted to help his father, but He Qiwen supported his younger brother Xie Yiyuan and went to the living room together.

He Qijie was the closest to the door, closed the door, and trotted forward.

He Mingsheng and He Mingtao accompanied the little doctor to the living room of the east wing. The east hall is the main hall of the east wing, because Xiao Longbao said that the little doctor does not like extravagance and extravagance. The furniture in the east hall of the He family is all wooden, with benches and small chairs. Wooden table, next to the south wall is a set of round tables with benches on both walls.

The He family entered the hall and invited the little doctor to his seat. He Qishu and Qian Yuying quickly offered tea, He Qiwen and He Qi presented fruits, and the younger generation of He Jiaqi and Ming generation sat on the bench, He Zirui and his wife He Zirong and He Zirong. , Mrs. He Da went to the table to accompany the doctor.

He Qishu made tea himself, and it was very elegant when making tea. The fragrance of the top-grade Tieguanyin tea from the F province, and the gentle and steady face of He's second child, were quite artistic. Qian Yuying was his assistant, and the two sang along.

After the tea was brewed, Mrs. He used a tea tray to hold the tea and presented it to the little doctor. Fortunately, it was the He family who were present. If any outsider saw Mr. He and his wife serving tea in person, they would definitely break their glasses.

Le Yun is not familiar with the tea ceremony, and is not interested in it, so she recognizes all teas, but she has never studied the specific tea brewing methods, and naturally she will not pretend to be elegant to taste it. , drink half a cup directly.

He Panpan almost laughed out loud when she saw it, it turns out that there are people who don't understand elegance like her!They are both outsiders of the tea ceremony, so why do they know each other when they meet each other?

With a few more eyes on her body, Le Yun looked at the young and old of the He family: "What do you see me doing? I know tea tree tea leaves, and I know this is the top-grade Tieguanyin, about three to four days before tomorrow, so don't talk to me about it. What is the way of tasting tea, I have never studied the art of tea, and it is more arty than obviously not, I would rather cow chew peony."

Several tea masters in the He family were stunned, and He Zirui held it back for a few seconds before saying, "The little beauty doctor is a real temperament!"

"Little beauty, she's really a confidant!" He Panpan laughed heartily: "Grandpa and grandma, you don't know that tea art is true temperament, but I am true temperament, and you still call me rude because I'm not good at tea art. ."

"Xiao Wu, if you don't talk, no one will treat you as dumb." Chai Xi stared at her granddaughter angrily. She has a pair of precious twins, and the son of twins has another pair of twins. However, probably the twins are in the mother's womb. The gender is mistaken, Xiao Si is a boy, but he is quiet and delicate, gentle and gentle, and is especially good at tea art, while Xiao Wu is obviously a girl, but wild like a boy, and knows nothing about tea ceremony.

He Panpan's face was sour from smiling, and he rubbed his muscles.

He Mingsheng laughed awkwardly, Xie Mingyi quietly pulled He Xiaoba who was close, and bit his ears: "Xiaoba, is it difficult for the little beauty doctor to get along?"

Uh, He Mingtao secretly glanced in the direction of the little beauty doctor, and whispered back: "Actually, it's okay, the little beauty doctor has a bit of a poisonous mouth. As long as you are willing to cut yourself, you will get used to being hit a few times."

The little girl spoke straight, Qian Yuying smiled gently, and waited for her to drink a cup of tea before making a second cup.

"The old lady who just said she has high blood sugar, just drink a cup of Tieguanyin. In the future, don't drink green tea, green tea, black tea or any other tea, and drink honeysuckle or coltsfoot tea without bezoar smoked."

Looking at the old lady with silver flowers on her head drinking a cup of tea, she took the cup back there. As a doctor, Le Yun couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"Thank you doctor for your kind words, I will only drink scented tea in the future." Lu Xuemei thanked her gratefully and bowed her head slightly again: "I am the daughter-in-law of He Zigong, the eldest of the He family, and her maiden name is Lu. You can just call me He Lu, you are right. The life-saving grace of the ancestors, the great kindness is not thankful, but if there is any condemnation, the He family will do everything they can."

"Old Mrs. He Da, you're polite, I didn't try to save people because of your He family's debts, but because of the old Shou Xing mother-in-law herself. When I checked the pulse, I knew that the old Shou Xing mother-in-law was a revolutionary veteran, and there are more and more surviving veterans who once sacrificed their lives for national freedom. The fewer, the fewer I encounter, and if I can save it, I will naturally do my best to heal.”

"Do you know that our ancestors participated in the revolution?" The old and young of the He family were amazed. The old ancestor was indeed one of the revolutionary veterans. He almost died on the battlefield for the sake of national freedom. Because he was a revolutionary predecessor, the state also assigned a full-time nanny to take care of the elderly in his later years. .

But that's known to the insiders, and even senior cadres in their 60s and [-]s rarely know about it.

"I am a medical practitioner, and I can infer from the injuries that the old birthday mother-in-law was scratched by a bullet one inch above her left ear, leaving scars, and she was also shot in the left shoulder near the spine. Moreover, the surgical conditions were probably limited back then, and there were small gravel. The fragments were embedded in the flesh and clinging to the bones without being found. She endured the pain and boiled so hard that the rubble was calcified and merged with the bones. I think the only person who can have such a strong willpower is The people with lofty ideals who went to the battlefield in those days, only the revolutionary pioneers who put their life and death aside early on, who were not afraid of death for the freedom of the nation, would not be defeated by physical pain.”

"You said..." He Zirui and He Zirong pressed their chests, almost out of breath, they didn't even know that there was still a stone embedded in the old lady's bone!
They were still young back then, but they remembered it. I remember that for a few years, the old lady often couldn't hold things with her left hand, and sometimes rubbed her shoulders by herself. At that time, it was probably because there was a stone in the bone that the pain was unbearable, but they never heard from the old lady. pain.

The CT scans over the years have also revealed a little abnormality in the left scapula, and even the doctors thought it was bone hyperplasia.

Now, I heard from a little girl that it was not bone hyperplasia, but a bit of gravel that had been embedded in it. The brothers felt as if their hearts were being grabbed, and they were almost out of breath.

"Dad/Second Uncle Third Uncle/Grandpa/Second Grandpa and Third Grandpa." He Qiwen, Xie Yiyuan and the others were stunned, they suddenly found that the two old men were short of breath, so they rushed up in fright, and helped smooth the air.

Lu Xuemei and Chai Xi were too shocked to speak. It was the first time they knew that their mother-in-law had suffered unbearable torment for ordinary people.

He Panpan and He Mingjing took care of the two grandmothers and elders, and He Mingsheng and others were busy for a while, and finally helped the two old men to calm down.

Because Xie Yiyuan was worried about his elders, he forgot himself, but it was nothing to do. After the tension of the two elders was relieved, the younger He family wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads and quickly dispersed to sit.

This time, everyone's admiration for the little girl is like the endless waves of the Yangtze River.

Relieved from the huge shock, He Zirui bowed his head in shame: "Thank you for telling the truth, it's our unfilial sons and daughters, and we never knew that the old mother had suffered so much."

"It's nothing, I told you about the old wounds of the old man, not to make you feel guilty, but to say that I know she is worthy of respect, so I did my best to heal her. I also didn't want to take advantage of your family's power to make the second medicine. You go on your Yangguan Road, I cross my single-plank bridge. It will ruin your bright future. This topic ends here, He Xiaoba, you lead the way, I will go to see if the pharmaceutical place meets the requirements. "

(End of this chapter)

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