magic eye doctor

Chapter 225 You Can Try 1

Chapter 225 You can give it a try

Invite all the He family members out, Le Yun went to take her own books back to the pharmacy, closed the door and bolted, continued to chop the medicinal materials, chopped all seven or eight kinds of medicinal materials such as stems into small pieces, and poured them into the cauldron. , poured a few buckets of water into it.

The water is mineral water. The He family members use pure water buckets to load them, which is convenient to use. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to use bottled water bottle by bottle.

Add water to a suitable position. Le Xiaoxue moved the manual cart to a position, threw the two small pots in the cement pool on the floor, used firewood to make a fire, and when the fire started, put the large pot on the bracket and press the lid. A cement slab, start cooking medicine.

The people who were waiting in the west wing listened to the sound of chopping herbs in the east wing. After a long period of time, the intensive sound disappeared, and instead they smelled the smell of flames.

The little doctor started to make medicine!

Smelling the smell of flames, everyone in the He family could guess the reason, and quietly stood in the corridor of the west hall to watch the east wing. Then, they saw a figure shaking at the window over there, and the curtains were closed, revealing only a faint light.

"Go to bed, get up early tomorrow morning." The little doctor pulled the curtains, indicating that there was nothing to do, and He Zirong ordered the boys to leave.

The old and young members of the He family were divided into two groups. One group went to the upper room and the other group lived in the west wing. Everyone was afraid that the noise would disturb the doctors and medicines during their daily lives. No one would be accommodated in the east wing, and all the staff would live in the upper room or the west wing.

There are so many people, how can they survive?

It doesn't matter, the sub-generations live on the first floor, and the Qi-generation or Ming-generation live upstairs. Men and women are separated, and all the shops are opened. It is no problem to sleep a dozen people in one room.

Therefore, He San and his wife lived in their bedrooms in the upper room, and there was no separation; He Da, the old lady, Qian Yuying and Luo Xiulan, He Xiaowu and He Xiao XII lived in the north room of the west wing, and the south room was He Zirong and He Zirong. The father and son of the Xie family lived, and the descendants of He Jiaqi and the Ming family lived on the second floor of the West Wing.

During the National Day, the He family made a pre-planning plan, and figured out what to do if the family members came back. Therefore, when the day came, everyone was in an orderly manner, and there was no panic at all.

Qian Yuying and the others all went back to the room. She tiptoed to the east wing, turned off the lights in the main hall of the east wing, and then turned off all the street lights in the corridors, and quietly went back to the room to sleep.

Le Yun closed the curtains, sat and burned the fire, and when the He family were all asleep, she threw a few pieces of smokeless charcoal into the fire, hurried back to the space, turned on the flashlight, and carried two baskets to the flowerbed where the bread tree was planted. Pick honeysuckle.

When she planted the bread tree and ancient fern in the flowerbed, she thought they must grow wildly. However, the result was unexpected. They grew very slowly and tended to grow horizontally. Vertically, they did not grow a foot a day and night, while horizontally. The development is quite fast, and it gets thicker every other day and night.

Especially the ancient fern, it didn't grow tall at all, it only grew around the waist, and it still only had the first few leaves, the diameter was the size of a tea cup, and the diameter of the bread tree developed from the size of a duck egg to the mouth of the bowl.

The sacred tree and the ancient fern did not grow wildly, and the others were not polite. They increased in height as if they were fighting for their lives. The apple tree, fragrant pear, and mangosteen had grown to four meters high, with luxuriant branches and leaves.

The banana tree grows the fastest, it is already six meters tall, and its waist is as thick as a small washbasin.

In this regard, Le Xiaoxiao expressed her innocence. She just watered the well every other day and night. Why didn't the ancient fern and the dragon's blood tree respond, but the fruit trees were crazy like eating aphrodisiac?

The same crazy thing as the banana tree is the honeysuckle. It grows branches like crazy. Le Xiaoxiao helped it weave a fence, but yesterday afternoon, the fence couldn't bear the weight and fell down.

The honeysuckle vines that fell to the ground were still growing endlessly, growing new branches while blooming, forming a beautiful cluster of gold, silver and green flowers.

Le Yun ran to the side of the flowerbed, saw a large piece of flowers, and sighed: "Why are you growing so fast, I can't pick them in time?!"

Honeysuckle grows so fast that she can pick flowers every few hours, and sometimes she can't enter the space. Once she misses it, the flowers will be withered.

Gu Long complained, put the flashlight on her head, like a smear around her forehead, and quickly picked honeysuckle. She decided that there was time to enter the space for pharmaceuticals in the past few days, so she worked hard to collect honeysuckle and waited until she had enough honeysuckle. Just dig out the flower vines and plant them in the ground when you need them.

Like black tiger fruit and August fried, she also received a lot of fruit, but she was not willing to dig vines, August fried and black tiger and big five-leaf wood schisandra, their vines are not as crazy as honeysuckle, and , they have a dormant period, and they will automatically go dormant after a certain period of time.

During the dormancy period, neither the flowers nor the fruits will fall off, the flowers are still flowers, and the fruits are not ripe. When the dormancy period passes, the flowers and fruits will grow normally.

The honeysuckle keeps sticking to the owner, and it develops into a big piece with a lot of flowers. Even with Le Yun's hand speed, it took nearly four to 10 minutes to pick all of them. Turn on the fire, and turn back to the field of medicine to harvest melons and vegetables.

She pitted herself. At the beginning, she planted all the time. In order not to catch the harvest, she had to use well water to accelerate the growth, so that she could harvest all the vegetables such as pakchoi and lettuce, lettuce and lettuce for herself last night and this morning. Take some load off.

When Le Xiao was busy in the space, Yan Shao and Liu Shao were also sitting in the studio. There were several computers in front of each of them, and they worked hard to work overtime.

"Wow, brother is dying of exhaustion." Liu Shao couldn't let out how many times he cried, covered his eyes with his hands, and relaxed and stared at the dimly dazzled eyes of the screen.

Yan Shao glanced at someone Liu silently, and put the fruit plate on the table between the two computers. He also put on gloves and nibbled on an apple.

Liu Shao put on a glove, grabbed a cantaloupe and bit it wildly, dried the fruit to add some water, put down the glove, and did eye exercises again, complaining: "Every time I have to look for suspects among thousands of passers-by, A, B, C, etc. These will be exhausting, okay? Why did my brother learn this kind of major back then, if I knew it was such a pit, I wouldn’t dive into it if I said anything.”

Regarding the work at hand, Liu Dashao hates it or hates it. He hates it so much that he wants to vomit when he sees the computer. Information and footage, from which to detect what is suspicious, and sometimes a little carelessness may let the suspects go. Every minute is a test of eyesight and ears, as well as one's own experience and acuity.

Under that kind of high-intensity work pressure, even if he has fiery eyes and golden eyes, he can't bear it. What's more, he believes that he has developed an indestructible body and fiery eyes without training.

Under the state of continuous work for many days, the strong and strong Liu Dashao is also exhausted, and both body and mind are tired of work.

He felt that his body was hollowed out, and he needed a rest urgently. What he needed most was the food cooked by the little beauty. Every time he ran to the little beauty's dormitory to eat, his physical and mental strength continued to be maintained for three or two days. In the most prosperous state, if you are doing this kind of high-intensity work, let the little beauty cook a delicious meal to comfort him every three or four days, and let him persist for a month.

Because there is no inspiring beauty, it consumes a lot of energy, and Liu Dashao's spirit is weakened, he can't lift his spirits, and his work efficiency is greatly reduced.

"Why do you arrest me every time I'm on the post? They're not iron-clad, and they're not your direct subordinates, okay? Every time I arrest them, they're trying their best to help the public, use their power to bully others, and you bastard!" Rubbing his eyes, I really don't like this job anymore, he wants to change careers!

"Who was clamoring to be No. 1 in the domestic IT industry back then, who threatened to become the world's number one hacker, and who said that if you encounter technical problems in the future, you need to find someone for help What?" Yan Xing looked at the complaining Liu with a smile that was not a smile, but he remembered that Liu had vowed to become a super hacker in China, the world's number one hacker, hacking certain people's computers, and searching all It's a funny thing to look at as a joke.

"I don't know, brother, if I know, I will definitely kill you, and let that girl boast, I don't know if the promise can't be made indiscriminately." Liu Xiangyang has all the people who want to hit the wall. Pit, just put yourself in it like this, and you can't get out of it, my heart is stuck!

For someone who refused to admit that he was embarrassed, Yan Xing didn't plan to expose his dark history again, so he took out his mobile phone slowly. Now, let's deal with personal matters by the way.

"Is there any news about Little Lolita?" Liu Xiangyang saw that someone Yan held out his mobile phone, and put aside his small emotions for a second.

"Well, the person has already arrived at my third uncle's house, and as soon as he arrived, he will close the pharmaceutical industry." Yan Xing saw the message sent by his cousin, his cousin, and the corners of his mouth curved.

The cousins ​​and sisters at home didn't know what they were playing, and each sent a message with roughly the same content, saying what time did the little loli arrive at the He's house and when did the medicine close.

"and then?"

"However, it should be possible that she was choked by Little Loli, and she was all corners and corners and asked me if Little Loli had a hot temper."

"Ask the little beauty if she is hot-tempered?" Liu Xiangyang smiled and looked at the sky: "The little beauty is obviously very mild-tempered, although sometimes she speaks a little bit straight, it will make her popular, I think, you My cousins ​​and sisters asked that, I guess they were choked a lot."


"Are you going to help your cousins ​​find their way back?"

"Do you think I'll be so brainless that I run to find a little loli to quarrel?"

"Probably not. We cast the mouse and don't dare to provoke the little beauty. The little beauty has nothing to be afraid of. She can fire at us in minutes. The little beauty is a person who doesn't like the eye and will be shameless. If you come up, you will be ready in minutes. will be devalued."

"It's good to know. Anyway, little Loli is not forgiving. It's hard to expect her to save face for anyone. My cousins ​​should also be choked. In addition to being unreasonable, delicate and pretentious, scheming, bold and optimistic, dignified and dignified, there is also a kind of child who can't be beaten or scolded, and will force people to beat her back to her mother's womb every minute. rebuild."

"Feel, are you happy to see it happen?"

"Well, it's a bit unkind, but it's true, who made my cousins ​​too prudent and gentle, and the women's relationship is very good. It's always women who try to coax them upside down, but they can't coax girls. They all hit me, so now it's their turn to be choked by a child and rubbing their head."

"Your cousins ​​know they want to tear you apart in minutes."

"They won't know, and you won't betray me."

"..." Liu Xiangyang wanted to cry, but in fact, he wanted to complain behind his back, and let the brothers of the He family bully Xiaoxingxing a little more, lest the goods always look like they didn't get in, and someone Yan cut him off. the back road.

"Xiangyang, how's your sweetheart's mother recently?" Liu Xian looked aggrieved, Yan Xing didn't need to guess with his brain, he could guess what he was depressed about with his toes, and changed the topic slowly.

Liu Xiangyang's thinking was distracted in a second, and he sighed weakly: "It's still the same, it hasn't gotten better, and it hasn't gotten better."

"How is your future mother-in-law's situation compared to Brother Chao?"

"Brother Chao's situation was more serious back then. After all, Brother Chao is congenital, and my sweetheart's mother was caused by the day after tomorrow."

"Xiangyang, have you ever thought about it... um, just ask Little Loli to help?"

"Yes, why not," Liu Xiangyang pushed the computer away and set up the table softly: "I've thought about it for a long time, but I don't have such a deep friendship with the little beauty, I was afraid that she would refuse, so I hired her. After I dislike it, I can't even ask her for help."

Yan Xing thought for a while: "I think you can give it a try. As far as I know, Little Loli has a very poisonous mouth and a soft heart, especially for certain jobs that have contributed to the country and the nation. It is the most common job. The worker has a good impression on you. Your crush is a family member of Junlie. If you tell her the truth at the right time and invite her to see a doctor, she should not refuse. At most, it will make you bleed and make you worthless. I see all your disgust."

"Well, when the little beauty helps your grandmother make the pills and rest for a few days, I'll go and ask the little beauty for help."

"So, you can't be passive, get those jobs out of the way early and we can go back to school."

"I understand, although I know that you always try to squeeze the labor force, but this time, the reason makes me unable to refuse, so I will forgive you for arresting me for the inhuman behavior of working overtime. Brother is going to work, for my sake. Little daughter-in-law, you must work hard..."

Liu Xun felt like he had been beaten for a second. Yan Xing breathed out silently, indescribably envious. When Xiang Yang was tired, besides his family, he could also think of his loved ones to comfort his soul. Apart from his grandmother's close relatives and grandfather, There isn't even a single person who can make him feel at ease when he misses it.

Sigh secretly, continue to show off your ingenuity, or work hard, and when things are over, go to Little Loli, even if you are scolded, it is better to be scolded by yourself than no one cares.

(End of this chapter)

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