magic eye doctor

Chapter 2299

Chapter 2299

The next day is Saturday, the top students don’t have to go to class, they go out to buy food and store food.

Amedeo knew that Brother Miro had come to Cambridge, so he also went to Mr. Green's house on Saturday morning with a change of clothes to visit the brother and friends of Doctor Sweetheart, and successfully broke into the interior, and stayed on the second floor with Brother Miro.

The handsome guys bought a lot of things, and when they returned to the rental room, they were busy. They boiled a pot of sauce according to the way little loli makes beef sauce, made toast, steamed buns and dumplings, and prepared a sumptuous dinner. Waiting for the little loli to come back for dinner.

Xiao Le, who received a call from the beautiful brother, happily ran back to the rental room to eat a hearty meal in the evening, and smelled the unique scent of handsome Mi Luo before reaching the ground.

When she sneaked back to the second floor of Mr. Green's house, she saw not only the top students, but also Miro, little curly-haired Amedeo, Mr. McCree and the Green couple. It was very lively.

When Miro and Amedeo saw the beautiful girl with long hair in modern clothes, they scrambled to brush their faces. Amedeo couldn't beat his brother Miro, and was squeezed one step behind.

Milo snatched the child, hugged her face, and smiled brightly: "Xiao Lele, didn't you expect me to come? Are you surprised or surprised? Ahhh, my God, Xiao Lele, your hair It's grown so long again, it's so beautiful!"

There was no surprise, but the surprise was real. It was neither New Year's Day nor Valentine's Day, and several days had passed since New Year's Eve in China. Le Yun really didn't expect Mi Luo Tuhao to come to Cambridge, but he didn't ask directly.

Amedeo was a little bit late, and when Brother Miro and Little Sweetheart finished kissing each other, he also rushed over to perform the kissing ceremony. It was still Chinese with English and Italian, and various languages ​​came in turn.

Amedeo, a bear kid with beautiful natural curly hair, has been influenced by culture for several years in Cambridge University, full of gentlemanly atmosphere, especially like a learned scholar, very popular with girls.

However, probably because of his previous experience, he has always kept a respectful distance from young women. Even if a girl chased him, he would remain indifferent. He is still a single dog without a girlfriend.

The little single Wang Amedeo hugged the doctor's sweetheart, kissed him five times, and smiled contentedly and happily.

Le Yun greeted Mr. McCree and Mr. Green and Mrs. Green, and sat down at the table.

The school masters served hot pot, hot mandarin duck hot pot, with spicy and non-spicy options.

A group of foreigners shabu-shabu is more ferocious than the young people in Huaxia, yelling "spicy" while eating like crazy, Le Yun sometimes extremely suspects that she has gone to the wrong place.

After rubbing their hands beautifully, and chatting for more than an hour, Xiao Le was about to go back to the college, so he went back to the bedroom first, and saw the fat penguin as tall as her, and the whole person...was very calm.

Milo was very sorry that the child didn't jump, and graciously drove the Green couple's car to send the child to college.

The car drove to a location not far from the college, and stopped in a place with few pedestrians, before Le Yun asked, "Milo, why are you in Cambridge?"

"I went on a trip a few days ago and lost contact. I was about to return home two days ago when I heard from my godfather that Xiao Lele and your brother and friends were wronged. Of course I came to Cambridge to comfort Xiao Lele."

Miro was in high spirits: "Little Lele, how are you? Milo, am I a very qualified friend? Have you been comforted?"

"I've been comforted." Milo came rushing over when he heard the news that she had been humiliated, Le Yun reluctantly accepted his kindness, and didn't bother with him about his bad taste of giving away stuffed dolls.

"You seem to be in a good mood. Enjoyed the trip, didn't you?"

"Yes, Xiao Lele is really smart. Xiao Lele, let me tell you, I have been looking for the right person for several years, and I finally found it during this trip. I am so happy." There was no one around, and Milo was not afraid of leaking What a little secret, happily sharing happiness with the children.

"The enemy you are talking about is the one who hurt you in Shennong Mountain?" Le Yun immediately confirmed the enemy that Tu Hao mentioned.

"Yes, that guy. He emigrated to Myanmar and hid it very well. I haven't found anyone for several years. This time I finally met him."

"Did you meet each other and laugh away your grievances, and finally shake hands and have a good talk?"

"Oh, I don't have such a big heart. It's impossible to smile away all grudges. It's superficial to have a happy conversation." Milo happily admitted that he was also a narrow-minded person. Moritty stabbed him, If he didn't poke back, how could he be reconciled.

"But you look very happy." Le Yun couldn't figure it out. He didn't shake hands to make peace. Why was Milo so excited?
"Why can't you be happy?" Milo smiled from ear to ear: "In your words, who is not a little princess, and I am also a little princess. I can't hold back when I have been wronged, so I have found a deadly enemy. Poking his wound, seeing him suffocated to death, wanting to kill me but unable to kill me, I can't feel better."

"Oh, you gave your opponent a mental dimension reduction blow, right?" Looking at Miro's smug look, he guessed that his opponent might be so angry that he almost ascended to heaven.

"Yes, I know myself and the enemy. I know what my enemy's dream is. He was only one step away from his dream before, but now he is getting farther and farther away from his dream. I only step on his painful feet and see how he regrets his intestines. It's so cool! "

No wonder Mi Luo Tuhao was so happy, it turned out that he successfully hit his opponent, Le Yun expressed his understanding and empathy.

The joy of beating an enemy is indescribable.

However, she didn't forget the important thing, and after thinking about it, she asked, "Milo, are you and your opponent really deadly enemies?"

"It wasn't before, but now, it's really against each other. Even if I don't kill him with my own hands, it's impossible to shake hands and make peace. Xiao Lele, why are you asking this?"

Milo's reaction was not slow, and he always felt that Xiao Lele's words had deep meaning.

"That enemy of yours may be someone on my blacklist." Le Yun didn't hide anything: "Last summer, a gangster family in Myanmar kidnapped our citizens. One of my bodyguards went to rescue the hostages. It was designed to sacrifice one.

If your deadly enemy is the one who appeared at the place where you were injured on Shennong Mountain, then he also participated in the action of killing my compatriots. I found a house where he was used as a hostage for his accomplices. It was burned.

I was busy saving the hostages that time, so I didn't have time to find him, and I didn't have time to find out whether his actions were aimed at me, or whether he was just entrusted by his employer to take money from others to eliminate disasters. Anyway, he was included in my blacklist A sum, I will settle accounts with him when I have a chance in the future. "

"The enemy I'm talking about is the one who stabbed me. His original name was Mority from the YI country, and he was called Mo Di after he moved to Myanmar. By the way, he also understands Chinese, French, English and Spanish. He also has hacking skills, and he acts very viciously, Xiao Lele must be careful when seeing him in the future, and don't be fooled by his gentle and harmless surface."

Miro understood, Xiao Lele was undoubtedly talking about Mority, and it also confirmed another thing——Xiao Lele really put pressure on the Bashi family in Wacheng, Myanmar to hand over the master planner in the family. The mysterious boss who kidnapped a young man in a major case and offered compensation to the victim.

He didn't know that Mority was also involved in the kidnapping case of the Bashi family last summer. According to what Xiao Lele said, he thought it was because of him that Mority planned an operation against Xiao Lele's bodyguards.

With a guess in his mind, Miro secretly decided to investigate slowly. If Moritty targeted Xiao Lele's bodyguard because of him, it also meant that he targeted Xiao Lele.

"He can't lie to me." Le Yun gritted her teeth, and also understood the hidden meaning of handsome Milo. Milo wouldn't intercede with Moritty.

"Yeah, Xiao Lele is extremely smart, that stupid pig Mority will definitely not be able to fool you." Milo stretched out his paw and rubbed the child's head: "Little Lele, that villain of the Wood family has wronged you , have you reconciled with the Wood family?"

"What if you reconcile, what if you don't reconcile?"

"If it's reconciled, I won't go to the Wood's Johansen for tea. If there is no reconciliation, I will go to Johansen and Jenny and buy them a pot."

Tu Hao is always on her side, Le Yun is very happy: "Mi Luo, you don't have to go to them for tea, if you go, they won't be able to drink tea with you anymore."

"Wouldn't the Wood family have already murdered people?" Milo had a conjecture. Of course, it was not based on imagination. Like the Wood family, which took root in Zhishi in the age of sailing and passed on to the present, it is impossible to be a clean and rich man. For the benefit of the family, it is normal to abandon a few useless pieces of chess and use extraordinary means to solve the family's taint.

"Probably not yet. I sent Johnson and Jenny back to Wood's house, and disabled the father and daughter's hands and feet in front of them."

"Wow, Xiao Lele is so courageous!" Milo hated that he wasn't there at the time. If he had been there, he would have applauded Xiao Lele and clicked a hundred likes manually.

Instead, he went gossip again: "Xiao Lele, I heard that the Wood family gave you a sum of compensation?"

"Yes, I lost 20 billion to my friend, [-] billion to my brother, [-] million to me for the economic loss of the experiment, and [-] billion for mental damage."

"Ah?" Milo said with a shocked face, "Xiao Lele, why did you ask them for such a small amount of compensation? Anyway, if you want them to pay, at least seven or eight billion yuan will be needed to be worthy of their family status." .”

"..." Le Yun was quite speechless: "Milo, you should be thankful that no one in the Wood family heard what you said, otherwise they would hate you to death and probably find someone to put a sack on you in the middle of the night."

Milo was her friend, for sure.

Relatively speaking, Miro is definitely a traitor in the eyes of the rich in Europe and America.

"There are too many people who hate me, and it's not too much to have one more of them. They want to trap me in a sack, but it's not necessarily who will be trapped in the end." Milo rubbed the child's head fondly: "Xiao Lele , What else did you say to the Wood family, they obediently offered compensation without bargaining?"

"I calculated for them how much black powder would be needed to blow up their family's symbolic castle. They were a little timid and honestly paid for the mental damage."

"..." Milo was dumbfounded, Ai yo, the kid is really amazing, he caught the weakness of the Wood family right away!No wonder the people of the Wood family will give compensation as soon as possible.

Student Le Xiao smiled and told Mimi the reason, and because he had nothing else to do, he urged Tuhao to drive, got off near the institute's research institute, went back to the institute and plunged into the laboratory.

(End of this chapter)

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