Chapter 232

What if the little loli is angry and ignores them?
The back of the charming little loli disappeared at the corner of the stairs. Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang looked at me and I looked at you, with big eyes and small eyes, full of question marks.

They didn't dare to follow them anymore. Little Loli didn't even tell them a word, which means that the anger value is over the table. If they get together again, if they can't get it right and say the wrong thing, it's like adding to the fire. Oil, it's arguably worse then.

The two handsome young men climbed into the car and rubbed their temples and brows in unison, all with a bitter look on their faces.

"Xiangyang, you say, did we say something wrong this morning?"

"I don't think so, we only said a few words together." Liu Xiangyang hugged his head and ran around in circles with hidden weapons as soon as he got up in the morning, and then they had no chance to interrupt at all.

He thought about it for a while, his face wrinkled into a ball: "Did you hit the little beauty too hard when you pinched her shoulders, and it hurt her, and the little beauty holds revenge?"

"Little Loli has a clear grievance. I offended her, but you didn't offend her. It's impossible to ignore you." Yan Xing exhausted his brain cells, but couldn't find the reason.

"I can't think of the reason," Liu Xiangyang was depressed and paralyzed into a dog, with no love for life: "Wow, they wanted to invite the little beauty to go to the doctor, but now the little beauty doesn't even give me a straight eye, I hope Soup."

Yan Xing silently glanced at his hands and held the steering wheel: "Let's go back to the dormitory first to catch up on sleep, maybe after sleeping and waking up, the idea will be clear."

Liu Xiangyang has no objection, Xiao Xingxing is right, go back to sleep, maybe she has a good idea, and find out why the little beauty is angry.

Cheetah left from the Zhuangyuan Building and went straight to the dormitory. When they arrived at the dormitory, a pair of buddies twisted their luggage and went upstairs. When they returned to the dormitory, they did nothing and fell asleep.

When Liang Junshao drove back to the dormitory, Le Yun, who did not give Yan and Liu Shuai any face at all, returned to the small nest where he lived with his things, and went out for a few days. , It can be seen that brother Chao came to help her take care of the nest again.

She put the boxes on the floor, ordered the dishes first, put the meat in the refrigerator, and opened the bags of vegetables to breathe. At the end of the autumn, even if the sun is shining every day, the meat and vegetables will not spoil as easily as in the summer. It won't get old even if you leave it for a day and a half.

A small piece of the cardboard box was wetted by the water stains of the green vegetables. I took it to the balcony to dry, and returned to the small living room. I disassembled two boxes, one large and one small. It was stuffed with bags; the small box was an electric frying pan and the foam box with glass vials that she brought to He's house.

Because there is no room for throwing things away in a large crowd, she went back to the taxi for shopping. She rearranged the items by herself, stuffed small things into boxes, and made reasonable use of the limited space.

Taking things out of the box, Le Yun was not in a hurry to clean the pot, but turned out the contents of the bag, which were all women's underwear.

These days, I don’t know if it’s because of running around every day, which stimulates the energy potential, the height has not changed much, and the chest grows rapidly, which makes the previous underwear unfit to wear.

When I was at home, the owner of the underwear store recommended the 32C type, which was very suitable at the time. After two months, the 32-yard size of the 32C has not changed, but the clothes are too crowded.

According to the data, the bust is now more than C, and it is infinitely close to the D type. It is difficult to buy a bra. You can only choose the D type.

When shopping at the mall, Le Yun bought six new sets of underwear in one go, shook them out, cut off the labels, and cleaned them.

Hang the washed clothes on the balcony to dry, wash the pot you bought, boil water, boil vinegar, and boil rice water again.The washed rice was thrown into the electric casserole by the way, and the yam, Poria and other herbs were added to make porridge. She cooked it for herself, and the ingredients were very heavy.

Don't worry about cooking porridge, Le Yun screwed on two cardboard boxes and happily returned to the space, threw down the cardboard boxes, went to pick honeysuckle first, then melons, fruits, vegetables and medicinal herbs. pitaya.

Dragon fruit is still very interesting, transplanted into the flowerbed, the tree grows up to four meters, the branches are all over the ground, and the fruit is hanging. Since yesterday afternoon, more than [-] ripe fruits can be harvested every half a day.

After picking the bright red fruits, Le Xiao classmate secretly picked up a homemade wooden ladder, put it on the banana tree, and climbed up with a basket to pick bananas.

Having learned that there is no ladder for honey in the cave, in order not to be unable to find tools in the future, she has grown a mind and cut a dozen relatively straight and long trees in the mountains and threw them back into the space for use.

When the bananas bloom and bear fruit, she knows that the tree bar hero she cut back is useful. When she was in Hejia Pharmaceutical, she found time to make a ladder, eight meters long, and put it on the banana tree. The length is just right. .

The banana tree is as big as a small washbasin. It can carry a person who weighs less than [-] jin and a ladder without any pressure.

Climbing to the banana inflorescence, Le Yun took out a sharp scalpel and happily cut banana bunches.

Bananas grow around the main axis like a column, growing from the root to the top one by one. Often the first fruit is ripe and the top is still blooming.

Under natural conditions, a bunch of bananas can be one to two meters long. The banana inflorescences in the flowerbed are about five long, and the place where the banana bunches grow is about four and a half meters.

The banana tree did not stop growing after the inflorescence was extracted, but it grew more slowly. It is now about eight meters high, and the top of the fruiting inflorescence is only two meters high from the ground.

Banana fruit ripens section by section, and ripens in three sections.

Le Yun happily cut the fruit bunches, cut a bunch of them and put them in the back basket, picked three or four bunches, went down the stairs, took the fruit out of the back basket and put them on the ground, and then climbed up to collect them.

To tell you the truth, the first bananas to be picked don’t even dare to be eaten by others. They are too worthy of the space, and the soil is worthy of her. The size of a banana is about three times the size of the best bananas in nature. Big, if you eat it as a meal, at most two sticks are enough.

She is so huge that if others see it, she probably won't want to live in peace. Therefore, if she wants to use bananas to make medicine or make delicious food, she must deal with it before she dares to take it out.

If you have to use the bananas grown in the space to replace the bananas in the outside world, you can only wait for the last batch of fruits to be harvested. The bunch of bananas at the end of the inflorescence is only a little bigger than the first-class bananas in the outside world, which can barely replace the peach.

Climb up and down, climb down, climb up, repeat ten times, finish picking the ripe banana fruit, remove the ladder, Le Yun climbed up on the bench, lying on the big water tank looking for lotus flowers.

The red and white lotus roots are planted in the water tank. After a night and a day, the flowers and leaves grow out of the water surface. The stems of the flowers and leaves are about one to three meters above the edge of the tank. The leaves grow at the same time as the lotus roots. It only takes three or four days to cover the lotus leaves. Half of the water tank.

Picked a lotus flower that had not yet bloomed, took a bunch of bananas and ran to the medicine field, peeled one and ate it, threw the skin into the medicine bowl, ran to get some medicinal flowers and smashed them, and added some spare concoctions. , mix it into a paste, apply it all on the eyes, and lie down and rest by yourself.

After lying down for two full minutes, Le Yun lifted off the dregs, washed her eyes with well water, and took the dregs and water to the vacant medicine field to dig a small pit and bury it for secondary use.

After applying the medicine to her eyes, there was no more astringent pain, and she was refreshing. She also climbed out of the space with peace of mind, returned to the small living room, and studied hard every day with a book in her arms.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Liu have not had a good night's sleep for more than half a month. They had a good night's sleep last night, but they could not make up for their yearning for sleepiness. They went back to the dormitory and fell asleep. That night, they slept very well. Shen, did not wake up until three in the afternoon.

Yan Xing woke up first, he went to take a shower first, probably because the sound of water was too loud, Liu Xiangyang felt the noise when he was conscious, and then fully awake, sat up and stared at the ceiling in a daze, waiting for someone Yan to wash out, he ran away Shower and change clothes.

Thanks to the little loli, they didn't eat breakfast or lunch, and their stomachs had long been upset, so the two went downstairs to find something to eat.

In the half-afternoon period, noon has passed early, and dinner has not yet arrived, and there is no way to go.

Yan Shao and Liu Shaohuang went to several places to look, and they were still preparing the evening dishes, so they had to go to a small noodle restaurant to eat noodles, and after a hard meal, they calmed their growling stomachs.

After refilling the energy, the spirit also came back. They originally wanted to take a walk or go for a walk. Yanxing had a phone call. He saw that the caller was the second cousin. He answered it. The second brother and the starling brought the backpack to the little loli, outside the school, I will help you with the bag, do you want to go?"

"I want it." Liu Xiangyang quickly ran to the cheetah. It must be necessary. If you take back the backpack, there is a reason to find Little Lolita.

Yan Xing was able to guess Liu's careful thinking without asking, and everyone tacitly got into the car and set off.

He Mingsheng and He Mingtao were entrusted with the sacred duty of sending backpacks to Qingda University. They were quite leisurely at home in the morning. After lunch, they were shoved out of the house by their grandparents without pity, and asked them to hurry up to perform the escort task. .

The two brothers who were kicked out of the house by their elders took their backpacks and set off against the noon sun. The journey along the way was twists and turns. Fortunately, after class time, there is a parking place outside the school. They find the most conspicuous place to park, and then call Xiao Long Bao.

I thought that Xiao Longbao and Liu Xiaosan might be in class and couldn't answer the phone. Who knew they would get through as soon as they called, but He Xiaoer and He Xiaoba were very happy. What made them even more happy was that Xiao Longbao told them to wait outside the school. Come out soon.

After hanging up the phone, the brothers got off the car and stood by the car. After a few minutes, they saw Xiao Longbao's domineering military car appearing not far behind the school gate. The car was parked inside the school. Xiao Longbao and Liu Xiaosan walked out of the school gate.

When driving out of school, they had to take an electronic photo to register. Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang found it troublesome, so they walked out of the school gate and went straight to the parking place of He Mingsheng and He Mingtao. The four who had only met in the morning met again.

"Xiao Ba, we only separated in the morning, you are here again, do you miss me?" Liu Xiangyang smiled and clinging to He Xiaoba's shoulders, pressing down hard.

"Xiao Yangyang, you are bullying the weak again, openly and secretly." He Mingtao's shoulders were crushed, and he accused Liu Xiaosan of inhumane behavior with a bitter face.

With a bright smile on his face, Liu Shao continued to bully the weak and the weak; He Mingsheng ignored the two guys, turned around to open the car door, and took out a bulging backpack: "Xiao Longbao, this is the death of the little doctor. In our backpack, the grandfathers asked us to bring it over, and two sets of medical needles were also in it. The grandparents said that we should keep these medical supplies and bury them. It's snacks. Grandma also asked us to ask if the little doctor's eyes are better. "

After holding the backpack, I heard about Little Loli, Yan Xing's elegant, noble, and unparalleled face became helpless: "Second brother, Little Loli went back to the dormitory to sleep after she came back. We don't know if her eyes are better. Just go back and tell the grandma, so that the grandma won't worry about it."

"Xiao Longbao, you didn't call to ask?" The gossip factor in He Mingtao's heart was full of curiosity. They dared not call the little doctor because they were not familiar with the little doctor. Why don't you dare to call the little doctor?
"No, Little Loli often doesn't use the phone, and she likes to be quiet. If someone calls her out of time when she is reading or taking a break, it's okay to talk about serious business. If it's not serious, it's equivalent to poking a hornet's nest. I need a rest when I feel comfortable, but I don’t dare to knowingly stab the hornet’s nest.”

Little Loli didn't even give him a face in the morning, would he dare to call?

Of course not.

Not to mention that the little loli was full of anger today, even if she was not angry, and he didn't dare to call if there was no major event, for fear of causing her disgust.

Thinking that a big man can't do anything to an underage child, Yan Xing himself is also drunk, feeling that he is the most useless major, so shameful!
"..." A black line floated lightly on He Mingsheng's face and He Mingtao's face. They are mighty and unyielding, and where is Xiaolongbao, the heroic hero who killed the capital?
This one must be fake!

Their Xiaolongbao is so heroic and romantic, has he ever bowed his head to any girl?Now it is said that making a girl's phone call is a hornet's nest, and the hero is short of breath.

"Okay, Xiao Longbao, you can observe and observe again when you have time, and then tell me. When Xiaoba and I go home, we will tell the elders that the little doctor's eyes are fine." As a brother, He Mingsheng would not expose his younger brothers. In short, if you want to say anything, you are also communicating in private, and you can't express your opinions in broad daylight.


"Then let's go back first, or else we'll have to wait for a long time when we hit the evening rush hour."

"Let's go back." Liu Shao waved to He Xiaoer and He Xiaoba. Only when He Xiaoer and He Xiaoba are gone can he and Xiao Xingxing bring their backpacks to find Little Lolita.

He Mingsheng and He Mingtao's mouth twitched slightly, got in the car, and ran away in a hurry. The glorious task of dealing with the little doctor should be left to Xiao Longbao. They are not handsome enough, so don't join in the fun.

(End of this chapter)

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