magic eye doctor

Chapter 237 The Chao Family Girl Is A Satyr

Chapter 237 The Chao Family Girl Is A Satyr

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang just walked a few steps, and when they heard someone calling them, they looked over there. Over there, He Xiaoliu was running towards them, and he was very happy.

He Mingxin is a sophomore studying at HKUST. He is also one of the participating athletes. At this time, there is still some time left before entering the stadium. The athletes also have some free time to familiarize themselves with the environment.

He Xiaoliu wandered around for a while before waiting for the Qing Brigade to arrive. He found his cousin and Liu Xiaosan, and ran towards them like Sahuan.

Liu Xiangyang saw the least little devil in the He family, so he hurried to the side. To tell the truth, he didn't want to be entangled by He Xiaoliu. He Xiaoliu was a video game fan and a master of the game, so he was caught by him. Playing games with him will be exhausting.

Yan Xing watched the youngest cousin rush over, pushed the sunglasses to the top of his head, and the fierce dragon eyes overflowed with a hint of doting: "Little Sixteen, you are running around again, be careful that you can't find your own team for a while."

"No, I know where our school gathers." He Mingxin ran to his cousin while talking, and asked Liu Shuai again, looking up at his beautiful cousin who was as straight as a pine tree: "Brother Long Bao, I heard that Xiao The beautiful doctor is also an athlete, take me to see the little beauty."

He Xiaoliu wears autumn sportswear, with special spirit and youth. When he speaks, there are stars in the dragon's eyes flashing, but he is cute and very attractive.

In the face of the youngest brother, Yan Xing was reluctant to criticize him more, and he was almost accommodating to him within the scope of what he could, and this time was no exception: "Little Sixteen, Little Loli is not very happy these two days, I will bring You have to be more obedient when you go to see it, you can only look from a distance and not get close."

"Okay." He Mingxin readily agreed, following his cousin like a little sheep.

Xiao Shiliu was so well-behaved and docile that he didn't make trouble, which surprised Yan Xing. He didn't realize that Little Loli was happy. When Little Loli was happy, when you talked to him, she would answer "Okay" with a smile. Yes, very cute.

At this moment, he vaguely felt that Little Sixteen and Little Loli were really similar, sometimes very stable, very smart, sometimes childish, maybe Little Sixteen and Little Loli had a common topic and could play together.

He didn't make a thousand words, and led Little Sixteen to the sports field with the students who came to watch the game.

Mr. Ou Hai was teaching the little girl German in the car. Bala Bala was so happy with her teaching that the time passed quickly.

She understands the music of the rational use of resources, and also learns some simple basics of German. She is in a very beautiful mood. When she gets out of the car, she gets a strange look, which makes her feel itchy, and she doesn't understand why the seniors are at all. Look at her with those deep eyes.

She is a good child who is diligent and inquisitive, and she always remembers that when she was walking with everyone, she squeezed close to Brother Li, who was familiar with her, and caught him to ask for advice: "Brother Li, why are you looking at me with such strange eyes? Did I do something wrong?"

Li Yubo looked at everyone with faint eyes, and looked at the cute little Lolita with an innocent face, feeling guilty and unspeakable: "Little Lele, did Mr. Ou teach you German easy to learn?"

"It's okay, it's not too difficult." Le Yun was even more confused. The seniors looked at her with strange eyes, because she was learning German with the teacher?Why?
"There is a German student in our track and field team, Senior Cheng Xiang, please help Little Lolita to solve her doubts." Li Yubo didn't answer directly, but shouted to the side.

The named Cheng Xiang, a senior student in the foreign language department, is 1.8 meters tall, straight and slender, wearing a pair of glasses, gentle and quiet.

He took two steps to get closer to Minister Li, and explained slowly: "Mr. Ou is not very kind, he has gone beyond the most basic introductory knowledge and went straight to the topic of grammar, just like teaching children how to count. One, two, three, four, five, and the addition of single-digit numbers, began to teach two-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Since elementary school girls can memorize grammar usage and pronunciation one by one, they can also have simple conversations with Teacher Ou immediately. , so as a German learner, I express my strong jealousy over the language talent of the elementary school girl, the little girl Lolita and President Chao are freaks who make people want to drag them out and beat them up."

"Mr. Cheng, do you mean that I'm teaching?" Teacher Ou narrowed his eyes dangerously. He was deliberately trying to make things easier. He wanted to make things difficult for the little guy, so that she could not learn, so that she could run away in the future. The gym asked him to learn German while training, but the little classmate had a good memory. No matter what he taught, he remembered it once, which made his little plan go to waste.

"I didn't say that. What I said was that Teacher Ou is not kind. Teachers teach students first easy and then difficult. You are doing the opposite."

Teacher Ou smiled noncommittally, with a serious face, looking seriously at the little girl who was blinking with watery apricot eyes, her tone was also serious: "Xiao Le, what I teach you is the practicality of simplifying and simplifying. Knowledge is more pragmatic than cumbersome and useless things."

"Yeah, I know." Le Yun grinned, smiling like a sun flower, and let her go to the farthest side. She was the youngest, and a freshman. She didn't have any achievements, so she stood next to her.

A few days before the Games, the team captains and teachers and coaches from each school visited the Xinda venue to conduct on-site surveys, familiarize themselves with their teams’ positions and the order of entry, and arranged the venue according to the form given by the organizer. Take a field test.

If there is no schedule for the venues of each project, teams from other schools are new to the scene, and they may not be able to figure out where they are at the moment.

Ou Hai and several leaders of the track and field team knew the position of their team because they had come to the site for inspection before, so they brought the players to the venue first.

All events are held in the open-air playground, and the teams line up on the basketball outside the track, and then line up to enter the field.

The first-to-arrive school teams will place their flags in front of the teams, and the others will go to the event first.

Mrs. Ou led the school team to the sequence and organized the team. The school team was lined up and integrated in the school. Because Le Xiao was not in school, she was missing. The team is messy, and now it is time to let the younger students get familiar with it.

In fact, there is no technical content. Le Xiao is the shortest student, of course, in the first row, the first position next to the rostrum.

Mr. Ou instructed the students to disband at the meeting time. The athletes can go to the track or other event venues. In particular, they need to be familiar with the check-in place for the games.

Le Yun didn't immediately run with the seniors and sisters, and slowly fell behind to wait for Brother Chao. Brother Chao said that he would be her exclusive logistics, waiting for the sports meeting to enter the stadium or when she went to the stadium to help her carry her backpack.

Chao Yufu was afraid that his younger brother would not let him see the little dumpling and would stick to him every step of the way. Chao Yubo couldn't bear his second sister's thick skin and led her to follow the athletes. When the athletes were lining up, the sister and brother stood farther away. Local, because Le Xiao's classmate is short, they haven't seen anyone.

When the athletes disbanded, the sister and brother slipped to find someone, and the two caught up with the crowd of people who ran to see the venue. Chao Yubo caught up with Xiao Lele, and his hand climbed on top of her head again.

"Brother Chao, you're touching my head again!" With an extra paw on his head, Le Yun didn't even have to look to know who it was. Standing there was a young and energetic girl.

The girl wears a ponytail and wears red sportswear. She is as bright as the sun, with phoenix eyes and peach cheeks. She has a bright smile on her face. One bright.

"Hey, Brother Chao..." She was about to say about the beautiful sister of Brother Chao's house, but just as she opened her mouth, the beautiful beauty jumped forward with a "wow" cheer, and hugged the petite and lovely little girl: "Little Dumpling, I'm the second sister of Xiaobo, and the cute little dumpling is going to give my sister a hug, wow, I've got it, I've got it, it's delicious!"

A vicious tiger fluttering sheep managed to pounce on the snow-white powder dumpling. Chao Yufu happily held the cute little girl in his arms, measuring the waist of the dumpling with his hands, and rubbing his chin against her hair.

Fortunately, Le Xiaoxue walked at the last edge and would not block the way of others. Miss Chao's big move would not scare others. Otherwise, Miss Chao's rushing into the crowd would definitely cause a stir. outrage.

Suddenly being embraced in his arms, Le Yun almost didn't cry, erotic girl!Brother Chao's second sister is a big lascivious woman, who actually took advantage of her and ate her tofu.

"Brother Chao, save my life, Sister Fu is going to kill me." The second sister of the Chao family was so enthusiastic that she couldn't bear it, so she had to move soldiers to help.

The second sister grabbed Xiao Lele forcibly, and Chao Yubo could only stare blankly. Hearing Xiao Lele's call for help, he had a reason to interfere, so he quickly grabbed the second sister's paw: "Second sister, let go, you Scared Lele."

Chao Yufu successfully touched Xiaofan Dumpling, let go with a grin, and touched the little guy's head instead: "Xiao Bo is making a fuss, I hug Xiao Duanzi, and Xiao Duanzi won't be scared, and Xiao Duanzi's hair is so soft."

The loin of the small dumplings is soft and the muscles are extremely elastic.

"Second sister, you're not a hug, you're a bear hug." Chao Yubo successfully rescued Xiao Lele, and couldn't help but give the second sister a note of stir-frying millet: "Second sister, girls should be more reserved, they will be frightening. Bad Lele, then the Empress Dowager will look good on you."

"I didn't scare the little dumplings, the little dumplings are so cute, I can't hurt them enough, the little dumplings are so cute!" Chao Yufu saw the little guy raised his head, with a white and tender face on his face, blinking his watery eyes. For herself, that pink makeup and jade cut are too cute, she couldn't control her hand, she stretched out her hand to pinch the cute pink face.

Being poked in the face again, Le Yun pouted bitterly: "Sister Fu, I'm not fat, how can I look like a dumpling?" She is short, but not fat.

People say that one white hides all ugliness, and one fat destroys everything. She is short, but she is white enough. She can barely cover up her short shortcomings with good skin and a round face. Round fat.

"The little dumplings are watery and tender, like a white dough, so they are called Xiaodanzi. If they are fat, they are called Xiaowanzi, not Xiaodanzi. Our little dumplings are the cutest." Son.

After pinching her cheeks a lot, Le Yun puffed her cheeks, pulled the outstretched claws away, and hugged her pretty brother's arm: "Sister Fu, my face is about to be stabbed by you, and I won't play with you."

"No, little dumpling, my sister will stop pinching you, and my sister will accompany you around. I have also participated in many track and field games, and I know the procedures. I will be your exclusive logistics staff today, and I will accompany you to check and accompany you. Find a place to make sure you don't get dizzy."

The little dumpling sticks to the beauty's younger brother and doesn't stick to himself, Chao Yufu sticks it on himself, and takes the little paw of the little dumpling: "Little dumpling, I brought you snacks and fruit, are you thirsty? Do you want to eat an apple first?"

"Sister Fu won't participate in the competition?" Le Yun cuddly hugged Brother Chao's arm with one hand, and let the beautiful sister hold it with the other. Sister Chao is a good sister when she's not lustful.

"I won't participate this time. We should participate in next year's Spring Games, small group, we may become competitors by then."

"Second sister, it's better not to show off, you can't run Lele." Chao Yubo poured a bowl of cold water over with a smile, and then explained to Xiao Lele: "Xiao Lele, the second sister is also a member of their school track and field team, good at In the middle and long distance running, he broke the 3000-meter record in last year's spring games, Lele, you don't have to give face, next year, step on the second sister and set a new record that is unattainable, and blind the second sister's titanium alloy eyes."

"Oh, Xiao Bo, how can you suppress your sisters and raise your sisters like this? It's unfair, it's all your own family, and a bowl of water must be leveled."

"Well, you can have this, Sister Fu, you have to practice regularly. Next year, I will dump you three streets. Don't say that I didn't remind you in advance."

"Ahahaha, the little dumplings are so confident, I like my sister! I hope I can be in the same group as the little dumplings at the next spring sports meeting."

"Second sister, just pull it down. If you are in the same group with Lele in the preliminaries, you won't even have a chance to play in the rematch. You will only compete with Lele in the finals. You still have hope of competing for the runner-up and the third place."

"Xiao Tuanzi, Xiao Bo has attacked my confidence, my heart has been hit by [-] crit points, please comfort me..."

There was an optimistic and cheerful girl named Chao Er, and even the elder brother of the Chao family stood aside. Young girl Chao pulled the pink and tender little dumpling, and occupied the people. Look at the bunker for jumping luck.

Yan Xing led Xiao Shiliu to follow Xiao Luoli from a distance, and the Chao family brothers and sisters sandwiched Xiao Luoli like a calf guard, they couldn't get involved.

After two laps, at [-]:[-], the athlete team gathered, and He Mingxin returned to the team.

Sending away Little Sixteen, Yan Xing rubbed his forehead with a headache. Little Sixteen was very curious about Little Loli, but how to make Little Fifteen and Little Sixteen show her face in front of Little Loli was a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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