Chapter 239
What do you mean?
He Mingzhi and He Mingxin were confused by the inexplicable sentence of the little beautiful doctor - I can't figure out what the little beautiful doctor's words mean, does it mean that their eyes don't match their faces, or that they are too handsome ?

Chao Yubo and Li Yubo also clearly noticed that Xiao Lele was estranged and indifferent to Liu Shao and the He family, and they all regarded them as ignorant, that is, they did not ask what happened to Xiao Lele, and they were not prepared to be peacemakers.

Yan Xing was a few steps behind, and stood quietly in the indifferent smile of the little Lolita. He felt that they must have provoked the little Loli. She did not show any disgust in the He's house, and she would not walk out of the He's house. To hide her anger.

After hearing the sentence "Uncle, we are not familiar with each other", Liu Xiangyang's raised smile froze, the smile gradually faded, and his voice was soft: "Little beauty, did I do something wrong to offend you?"

"You're joking, who are you? You're all descendants of the second- and third-generation officials from the official family, or senior officers. Whatever you do is right, how can you offend a little bastard like me. After a little bit of people don't dare to climb high up with high-ranking officials like you, please don't condescend to look for me in the future, I am a poor and white person, and I can't bear the eyes of your aristocratic young masters."

Le Yun raised her face, pulled up the elder sister of the Chao family and left: "Sister Fu, let's go to see the handsome young man Xiao Xianrou. I saw a handsome young man when he was leaving the opening ceremony. He was so delicate and beautiful. Like a spring breeze."

The only smile on Liu Xiangyang's face disappeared. In the past, even if the little beauties didn't give face, they didn't use such an ironic tone to say that they were descendants of officials. Now it's not disgust, but disgust. What did they do wrong? Make her turn around?
Yan Xing pursed his lips and quietly watched the little Loli clinging to Chao Yufu intimately. He and his cousins ​​were no worse than the Chao family. Why didn't Little Loli see how friendly they were to her?

Chao Yufu was eager to abduct the cute little dumplings to play alone, and when he had the opportunity to fall in love, he hurriedly trotted: "Well, the two bear children of the He family are both rude and bad boys, I am older than them, they take Joe every time they see me, We ignore them."

As she ran, she shouted with ecstasy: "Little dumpling, what kind of clothes does the handsome guy you just mentioned wear, just remember the color of the clothes to identify which school it is from, and my sister will help you arrest him, and you will definitely kidnap the little fresh meat. Come to appreciate Xiao Tuanzi, say, Xiao Tuanzi, is that little fresh meat as beautiful as my beautiful younger brother? Not as beautiful as Xiao Bo, let's change our goals."

"Little handsome guy is very handsome, but Brother Chao is the most beautiful. Brother Chao is the most beautiful young man." Le Yun hugged the elder sister Chao's arm and giggled: "Sister Fu, although Xiao Xianrou is not as good-looking as elder brother Chao, she is really beautiful. He is very handsome and has a temperament, the most important thing is to be clean, his temperament is as clean as Brother Chao, only a person with a clean mind can have such a clean temperament."

"That's right, our little Bo is a clean beauty, walk around, let's catch a handsome guy..." Chao Yufu dragged people to run quickly, lest those guys come and grab people from her.

Li Yubo looked at the He brothers, Yan Shao and Liu Shao, twisted his neck lightly, and did warm-up exercises: "Xiao Chao, talk slowly, I will do warm-up exercises, and there will be a shot put match later."

He twisted his neck and wrist, turned around, and jumped away.

He Mingzhi and He Mingxin saw Li Shao walk away with a puzzled look on their face. It was strange that the little beauty doctor ignored them, and Li Shao didn't seem to want to talk to them. What happened?

"Yan Shao, Liu Shao, Lele never said why he went to the He family for a doctor, and he didn't mention anything about the He family when he came back, but from what he looks like now, Xiao Lele must have been wronged in the He family, I don't think so. I know the inside story, and I have no position to accuse you of it. One thing I can confirm is that Lele will not be petty. If you hate her, it must be because you are too wrong. The past is the past, no matter the past, don't bother you in the future. Lele, I don't want you to make Lele unhappy all the time."

Chao Yubo's voice was calm, still like his own. After speaking, he nodded to He Mingzhi: "He Xiaoshiwu, let's talk again when we have time, I'll go to my sister."

The gentle young man smiled lightly, turned around calmly, and chased in the direction where Li Shao and the second lady Chao went.

When the young man turned around and left, there was only air left in front of the He brothers. They were fortunate that there was no one else nearby. There were no other people around Xiao Chao just now, so even the little beauty doctor and Xiao Chao showed no mercy. say them, and no one else knows.

"Brother Long Bao, are we too eager and misunderstood the little beauty?" He Mingxin ran to his cousin who was as tall as Qingsong, and tugged at his sleeve nervously: "Brother Long Bao, I don't have a relationship with Brother Fifteen. In other words, I just want to say hello to the little beauty and get to know her first."

"Little Sixteen, don't do your business, it should be that I accidentally offended little Loli, she doesn't want to see me, so she doesn't want to know you." Yan Xing touched his little cousin's head: "Little fifteen Sixteen, do you have any extra stuff in the pharmacy at home?"

"I don't." He Mingzhi shook his head firmly.

During the family meeting, there was indeed a discussion about whether to install an invisible camera in the yard and under the eaves outside the pharmacy. It was not because the doctor was afraid of manipulating the medicine, but because if the doctor was someone else, he would take advantage of the opportunity of Hejia Pharmaceutical. , in the middle of the night, put some strange things in their house to steal secrets from the He family.

On that issue, the He family discussed it for a long time, and finally rejected the proposal to install surveillance.

"Neither did I..." He Mingxin lowered his head and muttered in a low voice.

Yan Xing's heart tightened: "Little Sixteen, look up and look into my eyes."

Liu Xiangyang was shocked, couldn't it be...?
He Mingzhi was also shocked, and Mo Ming's heart beat faster.

He Mingxin slowly raised his head, showing a cute smile: "Brother Long Bao, why did you ask me to raise my head, do you have something good for me?"

Xiao Shiliu's eyes flickered, Yan Xing grabbed his cousin's shoulder with one hand and made him look directly at him: "Little Shiliu, when you lie, you will lower your eyes, your eyes are dodging, so you were lying just now. ."

"Brother Long Bao, they didn't lie." He Mingxin tried his best to meet his cousin's eyes, but he was defeated in less than two seconds, and lowered his eyes again.

"Little Sixteen, what did you put in the pharmacy?" Yan Xing's hand squeezed his little cousin's shoulder, then loosened it, his heart tightened again and again.

"Little Sixteen, you don't really put something in the medicine store behind everyone's back, do you?" He Mingzhi only felt that his heartbeat was too fast.

He Mingxin lowered his head and looked at his toes, and whispered, "I just lost a small thing..."

Liu Xiangyang opened his mouth and squeezed it tightly, so it was!He Xiaoliu's gadget must be something like an invisible camera, and it was discovered by the little beauty, so the little beauty turned around when she left the He's house.

He Mingzhi touched his heart, and his heart beat faster, almost out of control.

Yan Xing's hand hung down weakly: "Little Sixteen, you have made a big disaster this time."

He Mingxin kicked the grass under his feet and pouted in disapproval: "Brother Longbao, I'll just put a small thing, why are you so nervous? I haven't picked it up yet, and I haven't looked at it yet. ."

"Little Sixteen, you're so naive, do you think the things you put are still in place?" He Mingzhi took a deep breath, barely suppressing the impulse in his heart. This person is his younger brother. If it were someone else, He must kill him!

"Brother Fifteen, I didn't put a remote-controlled drone. It's not in place, can it still run?"

"Little Sixteen, the little doctor will hate us, it means that what you put has been discovered, not only found, but also in the hands of the little doctor, and even the little doctor has seen what was filmed, so it is so deep to us. I hate it, and it also causes Brother Liu Sange to be hated by the little doctor."

He Mingzhi is angry and powerless, Xiao Shiliu is the youngest child, everyone will inevitably prefer him a little bit, and indulge him a little bit, thus indulging Xiao Shiliu's arrogant temperament, because he is a nonsense, and he does not mess around in major matters, and he does not care. He didn't get into any serious trouble, and the family let him go. I didn't expect it to be a big game this time.

Just imagine, the little doctor worked hard to collect medicines for their ancestors, and inadvertently found that there were monitoring equipment in the pharmacy. You said, can she not feel cold?
If someone else, in a fit of rage, destroys the medicine on the spot, or manipulates the medicine, their ancestors will not be able to save their lives.

If he were a little doctor and found the extra eyes, he would definitely slam the door and leave. Even if he didn't trust him, why should he let him save him?
He Mingzhi was so tired that he couldn't speak, but he indulged in the little sixteen who were a bit lawless, and he had no right to call him ignorant.

Liu Xiangyang lowered his head silently, took two steps back silently, bowed his head and walked to the side, as if he had knocked over a five-flavor bottle, which was not a good taste.

Yan Xing's heart was not only bitter but also bitter. He repeatedly told his uncles not to put things that should not exist in the pharmacy. Uncle and cousins ​​also listened to it. The little sixteen was naughty and caused extra eyes. It was hidden in the pharmacy and was found, so that the whole He family was faceless.

Little Lolita probably thought it was what he and the elders meant when she discovered the extra things. She was afraid that she would play tricks in the medicine or want to spy on her prescription. How could she not be angry, but she was not angry on the spot at the He family, He didn't expose people's old background in person, and saved face for the older generation of the He family. Only when he walked out of the He family, he ignored them.

He and Xiangyang thought about it and couldn't figure out the reason. If it wasn't for this one just now, he would have been kept in the dark, thinking that it was the little loli who had a big temper, and they turned against them just because they were eavesdropping at the door.

He stood, looking for Shao Shao and Li Shao with his eyes, when he found Xiang Yang silently turning away, Yan Xing's heart throbbed, and he ran to chase after Xiang Yang, squeezing a dry voice from his throat: "I'm sorry, Xiang Yang. , I'm the one who got you involved, I'll go to Little Loli to explain it clearly."

"Xiao Xingxing, do you think the little beauty will trust us again?" Liu Xiangyang's voice was bitter: "Trust is accumulated little by little, we have not established the foundation of trust and we have cheated the little beauty. Going back, the trust value is already in jeopardy, and if there is such a trick, if it is me, I will not believe any explanation, the explanation is a cover up."

"Anyway, I'm going to ask Xiao Luoli to explain it alone. She doesn't want to see me, so I'll explain it to Xiao Chao again. I'll go back and invite my grandmother, my uncles and uncles to visit Chao's house and Professor Wan Cheng, and Mrs. Chao. With Professor Wan Cheng, I really don't forgive me and my parents, at least it won't drag you down or delay your affairs."

"It's nothing to be a drag, don't take it to your heart, Xiao Xingxing, you can watch the game yourself, I want to walk around."

"Well, I'll find you later." Yan Xing nodded guiltily. He knew that Xiangyang was in a very downhearted mood, and Xiangyang's sweetheart was also going to participate in a certain event. , Second, he also wanted to find an opportunity for his sweetheart to brush his face in front of Little Loli, and in the future, he could ask Little Loli to see a doctor.

Liu Xiangyang strolled slowly, walking farther and farther.

Cousin and third brother Liu were talking, He Mingming stood aside, he was unable to hold back third brother Liu's sadness, and He Mingxin knew that he had done something wrong, so he lowered his head and waited for the punishment.

Yan Xing watched Liu Xie go away, and no one in the vicinity cared about them. He turned around, walked over to his two younger brothers, and patted his cousin Fifteen on the shoulder: "Little Fifteen, come on in the track and field competition, and I will count on you to accompany you next year. Little Loli went back to Z province to collect Cordyceps, if you run too slowly, it is estimated that Little Loli will reject you as a guide."

"Brother Long Bao, don't worry, I won't necessarily win the championship, the runner-up and third runner-up will always be mine." He Mingzhi clenched his fist, he will cheer, and the little doctor can't be flattered.

"Well," Yan Xing smiled gratified, and reached out to his cousin's head: "Little Sixteen, do you know what's wrong?"

"Brother Longbao, I know I was wrong. I was the one who caused trouble for my family. I shouldn't be curious about putting things in the pharmacy." He Mingxin lowered his head. He was just curious about the pharmaceutical process and wanted to take a photo to satisfy his My heart of exploration, I didn't expect to cause trouble, it seems to be quite serious.

"It's good that you understand, Xiaoliu is full, and you are no longer a child. You have to be responsible for your own actions. Curiosity will kill people. Think twice before doing things in the future. Don't try to make things that you regret for the rest of your life. thing."

"Brother Long Bao, I understand." He Mingxin grabbed his cousin's shirt and said, "Brother Long Bao, take me to the little doctor to apologize, I did the work, one person does the work and the other is responsible, the little doctor wants to beat or scold, I accept it."

"Well, you have a 200-meter race today. Come on and run. I'll find a chance at noon or evening to go to Little Lolita to see if I can talk. You and Little Fifteen will play by yourself, and I'll go to Xiangyang."

"Well, we'll do our best." He Mingzhi and He Mingxin clenched their fists. They will try their best to make it to the finals, so that they can win the opportunity to accompany the little doctor to Z province to collect medicine next year.

(End of this chapter)

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