magic eye doctor

Chapter 2402

Chapter 2402

Zhou Qiufeng said it very unfeelingly, Grandma Zhou was terrified when she heard it, and there were three outsiders, two old and one young, staring at her, and her scalp was numb.

Grandma Zhou, who was almost in a cold sweat, bit the bullet and explained: "Qiufeng, I... didn't want to recognize Zhou Chunmei, but thought that Zhou Chunmei... had lost her child, and was almost killed. She fell into this situation. When you need your loved ones the most, if you don't give her a hand, how will she survive."

"Mom, what you heard is what other people said. Do you know how much is true and how much is false? Can you guarantee that Zhou Chunmei will repent? If you give her a hand, will she pull you into the water in turn?
Mom, if you want to pull Zhou Chunmei, you'd better ask my brother, or else you will pull Zhou Chunmei on your own, and Zhou Chunmei will pull you into the water, which will make my brother dragged into the water too. Drag into the mire.

Or, Mom, do you think that Tianming is my brother's child, and Zhou Chunmei is also my brother's child, and you think Lele actually helped Tianming, and now that Zhou Chunmei has something to do, it is right to ask Lele to help? "

Zhou Qiufeng didn't understand why the old mother suddenly became confused. Her old mother was clearly a clear person before, so why did she suddenly want to get involved in Zhou Chunmei and Liu Tong's mess?

"No, it's not like that. I heard people say that something like that happened to Zhou Chunmei. I just feel that being a woman is not easy. Zhou Chunmei has suffered so much. It's very pitiful. Even if the relationship is severed, half of Zhou Chunmei's blood is still flowing. The blood of the family, give her a hand if she can, maybe she will be able to improve after suffering.

I am discussing with you so clearly, and I also want to ask for your opinion. "

Grandma Zhou was cramped and flustered. She really wanted to help Zhou Chunmei, but she didn't want to end up with the Yueqing family, and she didn't want to see Leshan think that she cared more about her granddaughter and grandchildren. He underestimated her.

"Mom, if you feel bad that Zhou Chunmei is your granddaughter, and you want to give her a hand, that's your wish. I can't stop you. After all, Zhou Chunmei is your granddaughter, which cannot change the fact. However, Zhou Chunmei is your granddaughter, isn't it? Lele's granddaughter, if you want to run for Zhou Chunmei, don't pull Lele."

Zhou Qiufeng was afraid that Zhou Chunmei's life would not be good in the future, so the old mother's kindness would overflow and interfere, thus dragging Lele and Leshan into the water, and prescribed strong drugs: "Mom, you and my father and my brother took care of Lele when Lele was young. Lele has recuperated your body, so that you can live another 20 years without disease and pain. Lele also supports Tianming, supports Tianming to study abroad, and paves a bright road for Tianming.

Besides Lele, Zhou Tianming is the first student in Jiudao and Fang County to study abroad on his own ability. Tianming has a promising future, and his children can accept better education just like children in other big cities. Education will naturally benefit the next generation.

Even if a little bit of kindness is to be repaid, to be honest, it can be said that just Lele has cultivated tomorrow for the Zhou family, which is equivalent to repaying the Zhou family's love ten times.

Lele doesn't owe the Zhou family anything. If someone is not feeling well, it's okay to ask Lele. Things like Zhou Chunmei are thankless. Asking Lele for help is harming Lele.

Lele said long ago that she would not interfere with Zhou Chunmei's affairs. Lele said that Zhou Chunmei had deep malice towards her and Le Shan, and she would not help the white-eyed wolf who was hostile towards her. "

The little disciple's mother is very enlightened, and Mr. Yi looks at Ms. Zhou with admiration. No wonder the little girl said that with her Aunt Feng at home, she is not worried about a fire in the backyard. Ms. Zhou is indeed safe.

Elder Hua also nodded secretly. Grandma Zhou tends to be soft-hearted about Zhou Chunmei's affairs, which seems unreliable. Fortunately, Ms. Zhou and her brother are reliable.

There is a reliable person who is the master of the family in a family, and basically there will be no major troubles.

My daughter said mercilessly that Lele didn't owe the Zhou family any kindness. Grandma Zhou was shaken by the blow. She also knew that Lele supported Tianming, and she didn't owe the Zhou family anything.

Probably because Lele stands too high. What is considered a big deal in the eyes of these mud-legged people is nothing to Lele. With that kind of subconsciousness, she is used to looking for Lele for everything.

It's also because Lele is so kind to these old people, so good that she got used to it, got used to accepting Lele's goodness, got used to looking for Lele for everything, and didn't think about why she should ask Lele to help.

Grandma Zhou's mind was shaken, and cold sweat broke out all of a sudden.

She was breathing heavily and her face was very bad.

Mr. Yi felt that Grandma Zhou was not in the right mood, so he called out, "Grandma Zhou, are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's okay," Grandma Zhou was pulled by the voice, her dull brain could think again, she took a few breaths with a pale face, and she was ashamed: "Qiufeng is right, the Zhou family's affection for Lele, Lele Le has repaid ten times, it's because I don't know good and bad, I don't think of Lele for good things, and I always want to find Lele to solve some bad things."

"Mom, it's good if you can figure it out. When Zhou Chunmei and the Li family were divorcing, you also mentioned that you wanted Lele to help find a lawyer to file a lawsuit. This time when Zhou Chunmei was in trouble, you wanted Lele to help Zhou Chunmei again. I suspect it is Who gave you some wind and wanted to instigate you to help Zhou Chunmei, thereby dragging you into the water, and dragging my brother's family and the Le family into the water together."

Lele doesn't care about Zhou Chunmei's life or death, but if her brother is dragged into the water, Lele can't just let Uncle Zhou get stuck in the quagmire, and will find a way to help him.

As long as she can pull her brother into the water, it is almost equivalent to pulling Lele into the water.

Zhou Qiufeng is not afraid that others will have bad intentions for her family, but she is afraid that others will start from her natal family. His brother is fine and clear-headed, so he is not easy to use. The sister-in-law is also a sensible person, so she is worried that the old mother will be fooled.

In the eyes of the older generation, blood is more important than anything else. Zhou Chunmei has the blood of the Zhou family on her body. If one day the old mother cares about the family relationship and is used by Zhou Chunmei to pry the old mother's corner, it will be hard to keep the old mother from being soft-hearted.

Grandma Zhou's cold sweat became more urgent, and her voice became unsteady: "No one instigated me to help Zhou Chunmei."

"But your heart softens when you hear some rumors, so maybe this gossip was deliberately spread by someone with a heart, just to let you know. Let you care about your family relationship and jump out to help Zhou Chunmei yourself, and you are indeed soft-hearted. He hurriedly asked Lele for help.

There are two kinds of things like this. Last time you wanted to ask Lele to help Zhou Chunmei find a lawyer to file a lawsuit. This time too, if Lele doesn't help, maybe you think Lele is capable of helping or not, and you will be annoyed by Lele If the same thing happens a few times, sooner or later, the two families will have a rift, which is also in the hands of those who want to.

If Lele helps out, if you encounter similar things in the future, you will find Lele again, and you will develop the habit of looking for Lele for everything. If Lele doesn't agree, if you do things under the banner of Lele for the sake of face, you may lose Lele got into a hole dug by others, which hurt Lele. "

Zhou Qiufeng's words hit the nail on the head. Grandma Zhou's heart was beating wildly with a "puff puff puff puff" and her hands and feet were limp. She wanted to say that it should not be that serious, but who dares to say that day will never happen?
If you ask Lele for help every time, and Lele helps you every time, you will develop a habit. If you encounter a relatively small matter one day, but you don’t find Lele, maybe for the sake of face, you still bite the bullet and use the banner of Lele Help, maybe you will fall into someone else's trap.

Grandma Zhou was sweating profusely from the tip of her nose, and her back felt chilly.

Ms. Zhou took two doses of strong medicine in a row. Ant Laohua always thought that she must save some face for Grandma Zhou, and she should not be a melon-eating crowd anymore, so she calmly took Leshan to the south building for evening class.

Li Zhao also left the stage with the two elders on the grounds that he was supervising the studies of the younger juniors.

The three of them left the scene calmly with Le Shan.

Father Le saw that Ant Laohua had avoided going out, and quietly went outside the house to get the mother-in-law's face towel and gave it to the mother-in-law: "Xiaofeng, mom is scared, help mom wipe the sweat."

Zhou Qiufeng didn't refuse, and took a towel to wipe the old mother's face.

With a cool towel covering her face, Grandma Zhou's waist collapsed, and the cold sweat on her face stopped after being wiped several times. She sat down and panted heavily.

She gasped for a while before she calmed down, the shock was still in her heart, she looked at her son-in-law, and said in a stiff voice, "Yueqing, I... I'm sorry..."

"Mom, don't be too sad when you are old. As long as you stay awake in the future, you can't go wrong if you discuss with brother and Qiufeng in advance." Le's father comforted his mother-in-law naively. Xiao Lele said that he didn't want to waste his brain and asked him to listen Wife, he listens to Lele very much, he is a man who listens to his wife at home.

Grandma Zhou nodded. Fortunately, she said this time by asking Qiufeng to discuss it. If she directly asked Qiufeng and Yueqing to tell Lelele to ask Lele to find a lawyer for Zhou Chunmei to file a lawsuit, Yueqing would definitely be disappointed with her mother-in-law. .

Zhou Qiufeng didn't persuade the old mother any more, and wiped her face and hands, and found that the clothes on the old mother's back were also wet, so she sent Cai's mother back to Zhou's house, and helped find clean clothes for the old mother to take a bath.

Ms. Li was at home, checking Cao Bingyue's homework in the kindergarten. She saw Zhou Qiufeng sending her mother-in-law back and asked if there was any hot water.

The mother-in-law had dinner, took a bath, and went to Lejia early. Although she didn't understand why she had to take a bath again, Ms. Li didn't ask directly. She didn't ask Zhou Qiufeng quietly until the mother-in-law went to the bathroom.

Zhou Qiufeng also whispered to his sister-in-law.

Ms. Li knew that her mother-in-law wanted to win Zhou Chunmei, but she was shocked by Zhou Qiufeng's analysis of the relationship, and she didn't say much.

Zhou Qiufeng waited for the old mother to take a bath and go back to bed before she went home.

After Grandma Zhou lay down, she didn't sleep well all night, and she was a little less energetic the next day.

Ms. Li also never mentioned Zhou Chunmei's matter, pretending that she didn't know, and only cared about her mother-in-law's discomfort, so she wanted to speak out.

Zhou Qiufeng felt that even though he gave the old mother two doses of manganese medicine, it was hard to keep hearing Zhou Chunmei's news too much. Mother, please help to ring the alarm bell if you have the opportunity.

Grandma Zhou Man was very surprised when she picked up her aunt. Grandma Zhou is not a muddleheaded person, why is she suddenly a little muddled?

The sister-in-law didn't say anything about their doubts, and decided to observe and see if some little bastard had brainwashed Grandma Zhou.

(End of this chapter)

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