magic eye doctor

Chapter 241 Excited

Chapter 241 Excited

Tian's mother was a little dazed by the little girl's long list of words. The little girl was really amazing. She only touched her two hands and even got the same score as the cause of her disease.

Her illness began on the day she learned of her husband's death. At that time, she was in a panic and couldn't get up when she fell ill. She lay in the hospital for eight months before she could force herself to move, but she was too weak and lost her labor force.

All these years, she dragged on with a broken body, and it was also because the girl was only her relative, and she was reluctant to leave her child alone in this world, otherwise, she would have been unable to bear to give up treatment and leave.

In a trance, she heard her own girl asking if there was any way to save her. Mother Tian regained her senses, covered the back of her child's hand with her dry hand, and smiled leisurely: "Silly girl, life, old age, sickness and death are normal, everyone. There will be that day sooner or later, don't be nervous, I still have three years to live, and I can still see you find a son-in-law for me, so hurry up and give birth to a child early, and mother can still hold a grandson."

"Mom, what are you talking about? You said back then that after I got married and gave birth to a child, you would still help me pick up the child to and from school." Geng Jing felt bitter and bitter, almost choked up.

The mother and daughter of the Geng family were busy comforting their daughter, and the other was worried and wanted to cry. Chao Yufu touched his nose and said, "Well, Xuemei Geng, don't worry, my little dumpling didn't say it couldn't be cured."

Tian's mother was surprised. In her situation, is there still hope for a cure?
Geng Jing nervously looked at the little girl beside her senior with hope in her eyes.

"Improvement is possible. If I want to make Aunt Tian become like a healthy person, I have no choice. Aunt Tian's body foundation has been destroyed, and there is no way to rebuild the foundation. After the disease is cured, she no longer needs to rely on drugs. You can walk and jump like a 70-year-old retiree, but you can't use gravity to do heavy work."

A situation like Tian Junsao's situation is more difficult than the situation of the ancestors of the He family. The ancestors of the He family are acute, and it is enough to remove the poison with a few doses of powerful medicine, and then slowly consolidate the originality.

Tian Junsao is a stubborn chronic disease. Her body has been eroded by drugs for many years, even if it is a disease, there is also chronic drug poisoning. It needs to be expelled little by little. , if it is too light, it will not be effective. If it is delayed for too long, the body will produce antibody resistance again.

"Can it still be cured?" Geng Jingxin was so shocked that her mother's illness had stopped experimenting with other prescriptions three years ago, and it was useless anyway, so she only prescribed the medicine to keep her mother alive. Years are only a few years, and when it is completely resistant to drugs, that is the end of life.

She lost her father early, and she lives with her mother. The only relative she has left is her mother. There is nothing in her world that is more precious than her mother. If she can change her life, she is willing to give half of her life to her mother. I can accompany my mother to old age, and go to reunite with my father together.

If her mother's illness can be cured, she is willing to do everything in her power to save her.

Geng Jing's heart was beating wildly with excitement, and her shoulders were shaking slightly.

"Little dumpling, really?" Chao Yufu groaned and hugged the cute and soft little guy, his joy was as good as that of Geng.

Le Yun was hugged by the bear, roaring up to the sky in secret, brother Chao, such a gentle and beautiful person, how could there be a second sister who would attack at every turn?I hope elder sister Chao Jiaming doesn't rush at her like this elder sister. Her waist is already thin. What if she squeezes her flesh up so frequently and her breasts get bigger?
"Cancer can be cured, this disease is not a terminal disease, it is naturally curable, but it is more troublesome, freezing three feet is not a day's cold, water can't be thawed in a day or two after it freezes, this disease is the same, officially The medication is different for each period of treatment, and the medication cannot be discontinued in the middle, and it will take about half a year, so you need to gather the medication before you can start." Being strangled, he could hardly breathe, and stretched out his hand to pinch Sister Fu's waist.

Chao Yufu was scratched to the point of tickling, giggling, and quickly let go, secretly happy, she just rubbed Xiao Tuanzi's chest, it was so soft.

Geng Jing jumped forward excitedly and hugged the little girl tightly, as if hugging a big life-saving tree, her eyes sparkling: "Xiao Xiaomei, please treat my mother! I will pay for the medicine. , I will pay no matter how much money I want, my dad is gone, I only have one of my closest relatives, and I can't lose my mother again!"

Mother Tian didn't want to let the only girl worry about herself anymore. When she heard the girl's words, her heart was full of sourness, and her eyes were wet. The child has only her closest person, why is she not the only girl who can comfort her relatives?

The girl can't bear her, why is she really willing to leave the child?
It’s just that you can’t escape birth, old age, sickness and death before you accept it calmly. It’s better to die than live. If you can live, who doesn’t want to live a few more years?If it can be cured, for the sake of the girl, she is willing to give it a try, because she is afraid that the medical expenses will be too expensive, and she will not save a dowry for the child, but instead will accumulate a huge amount of debt for the girl.

Thinking of the expensive medical bills, Tian's mother was a little hesitant.

"Xiao Xingxing, hug the little beauty carefully, it must be good news!" Liu Xiangyang jumped up excitedly when he saw Geng Jing's heart jumping up and hugged the little beauty, rushing in the direction of the mother and daughter of the Geng family.

"..." Saying that you are not excited, not nervous, not flustered, not chaotic, what is this?
Yan Xing reached out and grabbed it, but only touched a little of Liu's sleeves, but he didn't catch him. He wanted to throw a saber and shoot the guy, so Liu Xiangyang fell to the ground. , exposed so soon, if something goes wrong, he will cry.

He complained fiercely, he hurried to chase, Xiangyang always stabbed a knife on his side, and did not frown when he went up the knife mountain and down the oil pan, but now he rushes out, he can't be a tortoise for self-protection, and he will be beaten and scolded. , he accompanies Xiang Yang next to him.

Le Yun was just released from Sister Fu's bear hug, and before she could catch her breath, she fell into the tiger's hug. Her whole person was not well. Can she use acupuncture points on people?
She wants to have a pussy, really!
Sister Fu hugged her when she was happy, and this senior also hugged her when she was excited. She was about to become a pillow, and Brother Chao was the best. At most, he would touch his head and poke her in the face. hug.

"Sister, please let go, I don't want to be misunderstood that my three views are not right." If this continues, others may think she is a girl.

"Pfft, hahaha!" Chao Yufu burst into laughter without image, and swooped over again, snatching the cute little guy from classmate Geng's hands and hugging him: "Little dumpling, you are so cute, my sister loves you! "

"Sister Fu, if you eat human tofu again, I'll ignore you, and I won't go home with brother Chao." When she was used as a pillow again, Le Yun collapsed, can this sister not recognize her?

"Okay, okay, I won't hold the little dumpling anymore." Chao Yufu was really frightened, and quickly let go, so she didn't dare to carry it with the little dumpling. When the grandfather's birthday, the little dumpling will not go home with Xiaobo, let the parents know Because of her, grandma would beat her too.

Geng Jing watched Senior Sister Chao interact with the little girl, and was amazed. She didn't have any siblings, so she couldn't appreciate the happiness and fun of playing with siblings.

She turned around to help her mother, and when she saw a man running from a distance, her eyes widened in surprise: "Mom, Brother Liu is here!"

"Xiao Liu is here, where is it?" Tian's mother, who was still thinking about whether or not to get treatment, heard that Xiao Liu youth was here, and looked around happily.

"Mom, Brother Liu is in the direction behind you, he is running over, and he will be there soon." Geng Jingxin saw the handsome young man rushing over, with excitement and surprise in his eyes.

Those two colleges knew Sister Geng?
Le Yun had long seen the two handsome guys emerging from the background stand of the award podium, but she never pretended to have seen it. Listening to the mother and daughter of the Geng family, she frowned and wrinkled her face into a steamed bun, distinguishing from the smell in the air. , She knew that the two guys were peeping not far away, but she didn't know what they wanted to do. Judging from the current situation, the two knew the same old family as the Geng family. Could it be that she was afraid that she would attack Sister Geng and their daughter?
"I'm going, those two guys have also appeared, and the ghosts are still there." Chao Yufu heard the screams of classmate Geng, looked into the distance, and saw Liu Shao running away and another person not far behind him. A young man with sunglasses muttered in dissatisfaction.

"Senior Sister Chao and Big Brother Liu know each other?" Geng Jingxin heard Senior Sister Chao's muttering, and couldn't help but look at Senior Sister Chao and Big Brother Liu who was running, feeling a little confused.


"Sister Geng, since it's your acquaintance, let's talk about it. Let's talk about Aunt Tian's situation at another time."

Le Yun didn't want to talk to the two of them, so she took Sister Fu's arm and walked to a certain direction: "Sister Fu, let's go to Brother Chao to see the little fresh meat and the beauties together."

"Well, Xuemei Geng, I'm taking the little dumpling to find my beautiful younger brother, see you later." The little dumpling wanted to slip away, but Chao Yufu couldn't ask for it, so he decisively flashed away.

People are in good spirits on happy occasions. Geng Jingxin knows that her mother's illness can be cured. She is happy and smiles beautifully: "Okay, Senior Sister, see you later, and thank you."

Senior sister knew that her mother was not in good health, so she even brought her righteous sister over to say hello. She didn't explicitly say that she would ask her sister to help her mother see a doctor. It was just that. Sister is leaving.

Senior Sister Chao's favor, she remembers it in her heart, and she can report it when she can tell the time.

"No thanks, all those who treat others kindly should be treated kindly." Chao Yufu replied happily, waved his hand, and ran away with the small group.

Le Yun blinked and smiled slowly, gentle people should be treated gently, like brother Chao, who treats others so gently, so she is treated gently, she, she still forgets, she still be herself , be gentle when it should be gentle, and give a fist when it should not be gentle.

Miao Zhifu sister looks so happy that she is about to fly, she is sullen and puffed up, sister Fu is a black heart, and she is tricked to help her classmates and family members to see a doctor, what a fool!In this pit, she will lose a lot of space to produce medicinal materials.

"Sister Fu, what did you preach about me to your classmates?"

"Little dumplings, I didn't speak ill of you, I only told those who had the same smell as me that my beautiful younger brother picked up a genius sister who studied medicine. , like the little fairy child in front of the Guanyin Throne."

The second girl Chao confessed happily, Le Xiaoxue looked up at the sky, her snow-white paws moved, but in the end she still didn't shoot anyone, pit girl!
She has not yet obtained a medical certificate and a doctor's certificate. Sister Fu is helping to promote it in the circle. Yes, someone will come to see her in the future. Should she see it or see it?
The second sister of the Chao family is a product of a professional pit girl, who has been a professional pit girl for 1 years.

"Sister Fu, don't help me promote my medical knowledge in the future, or I won't help you develop skin care products and sunscreens."

"Why?" Xiao Tuanzi is a medical student. Wouldn't it be better to advertise in advance?
"Before I graduated, I just wanted to study hard as a student, and I didn't want to practice medicine. First, it was easy to be framed without a doctor's certificate. Second, after all, I didn't collect many medicinal materials, and they were precious medicinal materials. Just use a little bit. A little less, it is too wasteful to use precious medicinal materials to treat common diseases, if I don’t cure it, others may hate me.”

"I understand, the little dumpling doesn't need to frown. Among the people who know that my sister is a genius of traditional Chinese medicine, Geng Xuemei's mother is not in good health. The other family members are not seriously ill and will not trouble you."

"Well, then I'm relieved."

Senior Sister Chao led the younger sister from the primary school first, while Geng Jingxin accompanied her mother to wait for Big Brother Liu. Mother Tian's eyes were not good, and she could not see clearly from a little distance. She didn't see the outline of the young man clearly until the young man was in front of her. A warm smile: "Xiao Liu, are you here to cheer for your relatives and friends?"

Yan Xing chased after him and saw that Little Loli and Miss Chao were separated from the mother and daughter of the Geng family. He slowed down and moved slowly; Liu Xiangyang couldn't hold back the tension and expectation in his heart, and rushed to Geng in one breath. In front of the mother and daughter, her handsome face was soft and her eyebrows were gentle: "Aunt Tian, ​​my heart."

Facing his future daughter-in-law and future mother-in-law who are always on the top of his heart, he involuntarily lowered his tone, and the most common name also contained a trace of tenderness.

"Brother Liu!" Geng Jingxin saw the most familiar young brother who had always cared about her and her mother for many years, the joy hidden in her heart burst out, and she couldn't help wanting to share her happiness with him: "Brother Liu, The genius sister of Sister Chao’s family just helped my mother to check her pulse and said that my mother’s illness still has a cure.”

Miss Geng has a well-proportioned figure, straight facial features, thin and long eyebrows, and bright eyes. She is a bit more heroic than Xiaojiabiyu. She is the kind of sunshine beauty that makes people shine. Glittering like a gemstone, it shines like a pearl, bright and beautiful.

"?" Seeing the smile of the future daughter-in-law, Liu Xiangyang stared blankly, his little daughter-in-law is so beautiful and warm!
Geng Jingxin thought that Brother Liu would be happy for her because of the good news, but she was a little overwhelmed when he found his expression blank. Brother Liu had been helping her mother to find a doctor and asking for medicine all these years. Why is there good news now? Don't seem excited?
After waiting for a while, she asked timidly, "Brother Liu, what's the matter with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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