magic eye doctor

Chapter 244 Confession

Chapter 244 Confession
She doesn't believe him anymore.

Little Loli smiled brightly, but there was no warmth in her eyes. Yan Xing felt terrified and suppressed her breathing slightly: "Little Loli, I'm sorry to ask you to forgive Little Sixteen, please forgive Xiangyang, Xiangyang is innocent."

"The world is as black as a crow."

The Qingyou sentence was like a sigh, but also an accusation. Liu Xiangyang was suddenly shocked. What the little beauty meant was that he, Xiao Xingxing, and He Xiaoliu were not good people?
"Little beauty, I did nothing wrong, I also helped you protect your brother Chao." Defense, in order to be innocent, must be defended.

"Brother Liu, don't bully me as a rural person. I don't know about national affairs or intrigue, but I understand some simple and common truths."

Le Yun smiled meaningfully: "Protecting my brother Chao is a prerequisite, I will go to the medicine to save the old birthday mother-in-law of the He family, Young Master Yan is in the capital to protect my brother Chao, you and the surnamed Yan are brothers, you act for him. Bodyguard, it's you and your brother's hand and brother, you are helping your brother, not me, don't mix it up.

Moreover, even if my brother Chao didn't have you, he would still be fine. I gave Brother Chao a self-defense medicine, which may not be able to solve the top aphrodisiacs circulating in the black market, and the general aphrodisiac is more than enough.

Besides, without you, my elder brother Chao also knows what to do. My elder brother Chao is not an idiot. He knows whether he needs to be public or private.You took people away not because you wanted to help my brother Chao, but because of your work, don't turn your work responsibilities into private affairs. "

"I..." Liu Xiangyang was stunned and speechless, how could the little beauty be like this... so she doesn't give face, separates public and private so clearly, how can people chat?
"Little Loli, Xiangyang is helping me by protecting Xiao Chao, but he really didn't do anything to hurt you."

"Liu Dashao, what is your relationship with the Geng family's mother and daughter?"

"Hey—" Liu Xiangyang's back skin suddenly stiffened, his nerves straightened, and the little beauty's eyes were too sharp, and she really guessed the clue.

"Little beauty, the one who sacrificed the Geng family was the senior of my army and the captain who took me back then. The former captain died in the line of duty. As a teammate, I should take care of the family members of my teammates, so I am very familiar with the mother and daughter of the Geng family."

"If it's just out of comradeship, Young Master Liu, why are you so nervous? Or should I say, what are you covering up?"

"I'm not nervous."

"Your heart rate is a dozen beats per minute faster than before I asked you, and your blood runs twice as fast. You said you're not nervous? When you mention the Geng family and mother and daughter, your face is red and your heart is beating, hehe, you are deliberately approaching me. Minato, it's actually because of Senior Sister Geng's mother's illness, you're nervous because you're afraid that I know you know each other and don't care about Aunt Tian's illness."

"..." The little beauty's words hit the nail on the head, poking at her own weakness, Liu Xiangyang slowly restrained his smile and lowered his eyes silently.

"I know Aunt Tian's illness. I help Aunt Tian to check the pulse, because Sister Chao Jiafu is friendly with Sister Geng, because Aunt Tian is a military sister-in-law, and it has nothing to do with you. I understand right and wrong."

Le Yun looked at the time on the phone: "Don't come to me in the future, friends are built on the basis of no calculation, you have wanted to use me from the beginning, and you will act like you will be me, and make it look like you have a relationship with me. It is nothing more than wanting to use human relationships to restrain me. It is best to be your free personal doctor, and to see and treat free of charge for you, your family members or those who have an interest in you.

You do everything based on your interests. You can’t say that you are wrong. It’s just that everyone has different positions. You and I are not from the same world.

I have admiration for the soldiers, so as long as you don't hurt me, I don't know about some small calculations and deceptions, but it doesn't mean that I will tolerate your repeated calculations. My Patience is also limited, don't wear out my last admiration and patience for you.

Don't take my brother Chao as an example. I have a life-and-death relationship with my brother Chao. Brother Chao will not use me or interfere with my freedom. What I do will be based on my point of view and consider my feelings.There is still a little bit of time left, and what you still want to say should be made clear once and for all. If you want to say it later, I will not have the patience to listen. "

For Liu Shuai, Le Yun didn't want to see him because he was angry with the He family. Liu Shuai and Yan Shuai themselves made an unforgivable mistake. They thought she didn't know, but she actually knew, because she temporarily She didn't want to reveal her cards, so she wouldn't tell them clearly that she knew what they were calculating.

Yan Xing Liu Xiangyang fixedly looked at the little girl who was sitting on the ground at will, and a guilty conscience appeared in her heart. She had already seen everything clearly, but she never said anything.

It is said that children are the mirrors of adults. They can see people's hearts. When they look into this mirror, they are indeed much more despicable. From the beginning, they wanted to use her medical skills, not out of pity for her.

Probably because of her impure heart at the beginning, she did not trust them, and only held Xiao Chao in the palm of her hand and in her heart.

People say that if you treat people kindly, you will be treated kindly one day. They haven't treated her kindly, and of course Little Loli can't treat them kindly.

Two young and promising young people, facing a girl who is not yet mature, have a deep sense of shame. They always think that the little girl is self-willed and ignores them. Not being deceived by appearances or being led by their noses, she has always adhered to her principles and bottom lines.

Liu Xiangyang restrained all his playful hearts and confessed seriously: "Little beauty, besides wanting to pull you into the army to become a military doctor, and wanting to ask you to help Aunt Tian see a doctor, I have no other calculations. It's just... something I want to eat."

"Little Loli, apart from relying on your medical skills to save myself, take revenge, and pull you into the army, I don't have any other bad intentions." Yan Xing also admitted his selfishness. He wanted to use Little Loli for all reasons. Based on her desire to use her medical skills to protect herself and take revenge, she also hopes that because of her acquaintance with him, Little Loli can love Wu Jiwu when necessary and contribute to the health of the elders he cares about.

"I see, you can leave when you're done. Take your things away, and if you don't take them away, I'll throw them down from the downstairs window for you."

Le Yun answered indifferently, whether others want to explain it is someone else's business, whether she will believe it or not, is her own business.

Yan Xing sighed silently, she would never believe them again after all.

It's hard to build trust. Little Lolita doesn't have much trust in them. One action of Little Sixteen makes Little Lolita wipe out the affection they have accumulated before, which is exactly the same as the ancient saying "A thousand miles away." The embankment was destroyed by an ant."

After this change, it would be even more difficult for them to win back Little Loli's friendship.

Little Sixteen's curiosity kicked off a single-plank bridge that led them to Little Loli, and also indirectly strangled the He family's reputation. .

Little Sixteen was wrong, why were they wrong?

Their purpose is not simple, Little Sixteen's little actions are just the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

"Little Lolita, let's go first." Yan Xing silently looked at the dormitory where Little Lolita lived, turned around gently, twisted the door handle, and walked out by himself. At this point, there was no room for manoeuvre.

"Little beauty, I'm leaving too." Liu Xiangyang was embarrassed to stay behind and followed Xiaoxing out of the dormitory.

Close the door, inside and outside, as if separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

Yan Shao took a deep breath and bent over to hold the gift. They apologized, but after all, it was "planting onions on the slate—it's a waste of time", that's not right, it's not completely fruitless, at least they know what the bottom line of Little Lolita is. .

"Brother, I have never encountered this kind of treatment where people come and return with others. It's really the first time for a big girl to get on a sedan chair." Liu Xiangyang lifted the box and grumbled.

The feeling of being returned a gift is really bad.

However, they still have to move out according to the words. If they leave the things at the door, they don't need to bet to know that the little girl will do what she says and throw the things down from the window to them.

Young Master Yan didn't say a word, picked up the fruit box, and went downstairs without saying a word. Young Master Liu carried the things behind, and the two of them went downstairs.

When I just arrived on the first floor, I met my brother Chao by chance. No, it wasn't a coincidence, but the beautiful young man was waiting for them on purpose. He is plated with a layer of brilliance and has special effects with its own halo.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang were a little uncomfortable when facing the Chao family teenagers. If they didn't hold anything in their hands, it would be fine, but the little loli confiscated the apology they brought, and they were returned and seen by Brother Chao. It felt special. shame.

"In this way, Lele has suffered a lot of grievances." Chao Yubo knew when Yan Shao and Liu Shao came downstairs with things. When Xiao Lele went upstairs, he knew she was still angry when he heard her tone. He guessed Thinking that Xiao Lele might not easily forgive Yan Shao, now that he looks at it, um, the truth may be a little more serious than he predicted.

"Little Chao, the elders of the He family have great respect for little Loli. It's our little sixteen who is too naughty, and the elders did something wrong and caused little Loli to be wronged. I am deeply sorry, I hope Xiao Chao can give the He family a chance to make up for it."

The Chao family's young man is delicate in his mind and protects his shortcomings. Yan Xing did not want the misunderstanding to deepen, nor was he afraid of losing face, so he took the initiative to show weakness.

"I am half a parent to the outside world. I can't deprive Lele of her judgment and decision-making on matters that Lele can decide. She has her own opinions on Lele's affairs. Young Master Yan, it is useless for you to tell me this. Lele If you don't choose to forgive, you two should not come in the future, so as not to disturb Lele's study."

"..., Xiao Chao, today I'm leaving first, see you tomorrow." Yan Xing hesitated for a while, without making any further excuses, he took a step back.

Young Master Yan was defeated, and Young Master Liu had no right to speak. He and his brother passed the Chao family boy, put things back in the back seat of the car, and drove away.

Away from the Zhuangyuan Building, Liu Xiangyang spread back, like a silly dog ​​with heat stroke. After three seconds, he sat upright again and clenched his fists: "Xiaoxingxing, can I beat He Xiaoliu?"

What's the matter, he wants to kill that bear child.

You say, it's not good for you to pretend, pretend to be stupid, pretend to be smart, and pretend to be old-fashioned. Why do you want to install monitoring equipment in the pharmacy?

A little mechanical genius, who pretended to have one eye and was discovered by a little girl who was not a professional, caused them a lot of trouble, and it was difficult to balance his heart without beating him.

Thinking of having a closed door at the little beauty, Liu Shao felt very uncomfortable. He wanted to use He Xiaoliu as a sandbag to practice boxing, so that the bear child knew what pain was.

"If beating Little Sixteen can make Little Loli calm down, it doesn't matter if she beats ten times," Yan Xing sighed, "If you want to beat someone, wait until tomorrow, and Little Sixteen will have another 3000 rounds tomorrow. Mi's race, beat him and injured him, so he couldn't participate in the race, for fear that he would leave a psychological shadow."

"Okay, I'll beat him in a few days, Xiao Xingxing, do you want to go back to the He family?"

"Go back tomorrow night. If you go back today, the parents won't be mad when they find out. They will definitely catch Little Sixteen and beat him. When the Autumn Games are over tomorrow, Little Sixteen will finish the game, and it will be fine to be scolded and beaten. "

Liu Xiangyang hummed a few times to express his jealousy. Xiaoxingxing treated his younger brother and sister like a treasure. Even in such a case, he was still thinking about the growth of the bear child. As Yan's younger brothers and sisters, they are so happy. .

Yan Shao didn't go back to He's house and drove to the cafeteria to eat. No matter what, he couldn't starve himself.

Chao Yubo didn't go up the east stairs, he really went back to his dormitory. A little while ago, in order to scout out what would happen to Yan Shao and Liu Shao, he didn't rush back to the dormitory. After Lele went upstairs, he stayed at the east stair entrance. As a result, he can go back to take a shower with confidence.

The teenager went back to the dormitory to take a shower and change his clothes, tidied himself up nicely, went downstairs slowly, opened the door and carried a bag of [-] catties of rice up the east stairs.

He carried [-] pounds of things and climbed the stairs as if nothing happened. He went up to the fourth floor to open the door and entered the girls' dormitory, put down the bag, and went to the small kitchen to join in the fun.

"Lele, can I have one now?" Xiao Lele was making pancakes, and spread out five or six pancakes, all of which were golden and very attractive.

"Brother Chao, eat it now, don't blame me for not being able to eat much later."

"No complaints, no complaints." The beautiful young man's eyes lit up, he quickly copied chopsticks and bowls, took a cake, and took a bite.

The pancakes have no filling yet, they are fragrant and soft.

"Lele won't shut me out when he's angry. As a big brother, he's so happy." After taking a few bites, Chao Yubo was very emotional. Xiaolele was angry, and he wouldn't even give Yan Yan's face. If he offended Xiaole Happy or not, at most she glared at him with her cheeks puffed up. In comparison, there was a difference in intimacy.

"If Brother Chao bullies me one day, I'll shut the door for you."

"Don't be afraid, I have the key, I will come in by myself."

"How treacherous!"

"It's called being prepared." Chao Yubo raised his eyebrows and smiled triumphantly. After eating a piece of cake, he wiped his mouth contentedly, and waited for dinner. He wanted to ask Xiaolele if he wanted to forgive the He family, but he didn't ask in the end. Willing to say, there must be her reason.

(End of this chapter)

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