magic eye doctor

Chapter 2462 Gathering in a Class

Chapter 2462

The National Day holiday in 2024 will start on the 30th, and there will be a one-week long holiday after the adjustment.

The 29th is the last class before the National Day holiday. Because of the upcoming long holiday, the office workers are in good spirits, and the students who are about to have a holiday are also in good spirits.

Also on the afternoon of the 29th, the disciples invited by Wandao Mazu Pavilion to the Paradise arrived.

The disciples of Mazu Pavilion returned to the motherland in several groups, and some entered the country through a third country. They entered the country through various channels, gathered in the capital, and then visited the paradise.

When they arrived, student Le was doing research in the workshop, Mr. Li was also teaching Le Shan, and Brother Fu received the guests.

The 15 disciples of Mazu Pavilion lived in the "Plum Blossom Xiaozhu" of the Four Seasons Courtyard.

After they settled their luggage, Brother Fu took them to visit the Plum Blossom Building, then went to visit the paradise, took a tour, and then entered the academy.

After entering the academy and walking around, Brother Fu conveyed the little girl's instructions and told the guests that they can cook by themselves, and if they find it troublesome to buy vegetables, they can make a list for them, and they will help them buy vegetables every day.

If you don’t want to cook by yourself, you can order food from a shop outside, you can eat outside, or you can ask the shop to deliver the meal to the garden, and they will help you bring it to the academy or to Meihua Xiaozhu.

The little girl took extra care of Mazu Pavilion, and relaxed the number of people and dates for enlightenment. The disciples of Mazu Pavilion cherished the opportunity very much and chose to order meals from restaurants outside. Brother Fu and others helped to deliver the meals to the academy every day at noon, and delivered the meals in the morning and evening. To Meihua Xiaozhu.

The team leader of Mazu Pavilion discussed with Brother Fu, and the two young people went out of the academy with Brother Fu, and went to rent a paradise shop to open a restaurant and order food in the breakfast shop.

When business comes to your door, breakfast spots and fast food restaurants are naturally willing to take orders, not to mention that guests still live in the park, so it only takes a few minutes to deliver food to the park.

Brother Fu only guides the way, and the guests negotiate business by themselves.

After discussing the cooperation, the young man returned to the paradise, and hurried back to the academy, reported his work to the team leader, and seized the time to practice.

That night, the restaurant made takeaways for the guests who were delivering meals in the park. Brother Fu was free, so he and his brothers helped pick up the meals in the store and delivered them to the guests.

During the National Day holiday, Yu Chang, Luke, and Zhang Huai'en, who lived on campus, were like birds out of the cage. After the last class, they returned to the paradise with their luggage.

The distances between their school paradises are different, Yu Chang is the farthest away, and also the latest to go home.

Brother Fu and the others waited until Yu Chang returned to the Paradise before eating dinner.

Yan Xing pinched his fingers to count the days, and finally waited until the National Day came. After finishing the training and closing the team on the afternoon of the 29th, he cleaned up and took six drivers to drive the large truck that was sent to the station in the second half of September to the park. .

The National Day holiday is coming, many people want to go home or travel, there are many vehicles and traffic congestion.

Yan Shao and the convoy took the momentum of five passes and six generals, and after two minutes of fighting, they broke out of the encirclement. It was already after nine o'clock in the evening when they arrived at the paradise.

After answering the phone, Brother Fu and Brother Jie opened the west gate and rear gate of the park. The cars that can enter the park drive into the park, and the cars that cannot enter the park park outside first. In order not to disturb the little girl's research, they will wait until tomorrow morning to sell the goods. .

After parking the vehicle and closing the gate, knowing that the team leader and the delivery drivers hadn't had dinner yet, Brother Fu and Brother Jie took the drivers to the Five Flavors Cabinet and served them noodles for dinner.

Brother Chai and Brother Fu, Brother Qian and Brother Jie tidied up the other three rooms of "Qinghe Zhai" where Brother Qian lived, and let the driver live.

Yan Xing really wanted to go to the workshop to see what little Lolita was doing, but he had no guts, so he honestly settled down in his guest room.

He heard that little Lolita went back to the east courtyard for dinner every morning and taught Leshan a class, and she also got up early the next day, and ran outside the workshop to wait for the rabbit.

Classmate Le was tinkering with mechanical components in the precision instrument room. When he returned to the east courtyard, he opened the door and saw Yan being a foodie, and he was very angry. When Yan came over, she flew over.

"Whoosh", flying towards the head, Yan Xing, who had been on guard for a long time, escaped faster than a rabbit, and slipped away all at once.

She dodged her foot and stood ten steps away, with a resentful expression on her face: "Little Lolita, I didn't do anything evil, did I? Why are you using force again?"

"Say it yourself, what are you trying to do here sneakily?" Le Yun walked away, seeing that Yan's nose was not his nose, his eyes were not his eyes.

"I heard that you've been staying up all night doing research recently. I'm a little worried. Let's take a look. I'm not peeping, I haven't even entered the eaves, I've been outside the eaves."

Yan Xing felt that he had died unjustly. He didn't even approach the eaves, so why did he become sneaky?

Hehe, Le Yun glanced sideways at someone, who was walking around outside, poking his head out, almost ran to open the window, okay?

She didn't continue to talk to that guy about peeping, and said with short legs, "The things have been delivered, and you should get out of here after they are put in the warehouse. Don't even think about relying on me to eat and drink here."

"Little Lolita, besides delivering things for you, I have other business matters. Let me tell you about the previous materials." Yan Xing chased after Little Lolita, fearing that she would make another surprise attack, so he kept his pace. distance.

"Didn't you guys have a USB flash drive for those materials? Just give the USB flash drive to Brother Fu. It's finally a holiday. Don't try to occupy my vacation."

"There are a lot of things that Brother Fu has never been in touch with, and Xiang Yang and I have to talk about them before we can figure them out."

"Just figure it out and leave it to Brother Fu? Don't lie to me for a vacation under the guise of work."

"Little Loli..."

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will send you away from the gate now."

Little Lolita wanted to risk the rhythm of the unknown fire, Yan Xing kept her mouth shut tightly, feeling so depressed that she wanted to hit the wall, Little Lolita couldn't do it after a firecracker, why was she so fierce? !

He looked for something to talk about, but he was afraid that he would really offend little Lolita, so she kicked him out of the gate when she became cruel, and kept pulling her hair in anxiety.

He almost wanted to go bald, and he didn't understand why the little Lolita attacked him. When he got outside the east courtyard, he watched the little Lolita enter the yard on the platform, and then went to the five-flavor cabinet in desperation.

Seeing that the little brats were not present, he went into the kitchen, grabbed Brother Fu and asked, "Brother Fu, has someone who is not good-looking recently provoked little loli?"

"No, the little beauty is either working in pharmacy or researching things in the workshop recently. Did you disturb the little beauty's work and make her unhappy?"

"No, I didn't mess with her." Yan Xing felt that he was wronged, why did he suspect that he had messed with little Loli when he just arrived?

Brother Fu didn't ask little Lolita why she was unhappy, and made breakfast in a hurry.

Yan Xing didn't discuss any more, and also helped to fight.

After making breakfast, and waiting for a few children to go to school, a group of men went to unload the goods. First, they parked the car outside in the morning and drove away, then drove the truck parked at the west gate to the parking space, and then unloaded the goods.

The big truck sent three small cars and an RV to little Lori. The small cars were domestically produced Hummers and Hongqi cars, and the other was a van specially purchased for hauling goods.

The car was unloaded and driven into the parking garage. The RV was already in the garage last night.

The handsome guys had just packed up the big truck, and Ms. Luo Zhuxiang also came, and she personally drove to the little girl to deliver several computers, mobile phones, and some electronic components.

Young Master Yan took his brothers and first sent the things that Ms. Luo sent to Little Lolita to the workshop.

Classmate Le and his younger brother were still riding a horse for a walk. Brother Li's mother came in person and received Director Luo in the office of the workshop: "Aunt Luo, why do you have to go for a trip in person?"

"I'm free today, so I stopped by to have a look." Luo Zhuxiang rubbed Xiao Leshan's face with a smile, feeling very satisfied.

Le Shan accepted the love silently, and when Aunt Luo finally let go, he ran away in a hurry, stopped riding a horse, and ran back to the east courtyard to wait for his sister.

Luo Zhuxiang sat down with the little girl, drank a cup of scented tea, took out a handful of invitations from her handbag and handed them to the little cutie, with a pitiful look on her face: "Xiao Tuanzi, don't blame your aunt, it's not from my family, it's from my family. Someone entrusted me to your Uncle Zheng to give it to you."

"Understood." Le Yun expressed her understanding, took a stack of invitations and put them aside.

Xiaotuanzi was busy, and Luo Zhuxiang didn't delay her business, and she mentioned who would have happy events in your circle during the National Day, so she resigned.

Classmate Le made a bag of herbal tea for Aunt Luo, and dropped her off to the west gate, and took a look at the invitation card on the way back.

After seeing someone's post, he went back to the east courtyard, put away the post, took the wooden sword and went to the backyard to teach his younger brother how to learn swordsmanship.

The handsome guys moved all the things sent by Ms. Luo into Little Lolita's office in the workshop, and then moved all the things from other vehicles, all kinds of materials that Little Lolita wanted.

The materials vary in size, some are packed in boxes, and all are temporarily placed in the empty house in the workshop.

The handsome guys are still selling goods, Chen Zhaonian and his two little friends, and Chen Fengnian and his three little friends, a team of seven handsome guys came to the paradise.

The Chen family brothers and their little friends are all boys, and there are guests in the academy. In order not to affect the practice of the disciples of Mazu Pavilion, they are arranged to live in Haitang courtyard.

Brother Fu took the seven handsome boys to the Begonia Yard for proper placement, conveyed the little girl's instructions, and let the handsome boys visit the paradise freely.

The little brothers of the Chen family had been to the paradise before, so they had some mental preparations and could barely keep calm.

Their little friends came to the paradise for the first time as guests, and they were all taken aback by the grandeur of the cousin of the Chen family, and couldn't calm down for a long time.

Mr. Li was making up for some of Xu Xiake's children. Yu Chang heard from his grandma that Miss Sister's cousin and friends had come, so he went to help accompany the visitors to the garden.

When waiting for someone to come over from the west courtyard to the moon gate of the paradise, Yu Chang saw Chen Fengnian with a shocked expression on his face: "Chen Fengnian, is Miss Sister's little cousin you?"

At that time, the physics department of Qingda University recruited four top students in the college entrance examination, and Chen Fengnian from Shonan Province was one of them. Yu Chang was also from the physics department, so he naturally recognized Chen Fengnian.

"I'm Chen Fengnian, do you recognize me?" Chen Fengnian looked at the handsome and delicate boy, puzzled, this kind of "you know me, I don't know you" scene is a little embarrassing.

"I am also from the Department of Physics of Qingda University. I know you. You are the number one student with full marks in science in Shonan Province." Yu Chang explained, and then introduced himself: "I am the younger brother accepted by my sister. My surname is Yu, Yu Chang."

"Hey, you are also from Qingda University, or my sister's new younger brother? Hello!" Chen Fengnian suddenly realized, greeted Yu in a friendly manner, and then introduced his brother and their little friends.

Yu Chang, Chen Fengnian, Peng Ping and others know each other.

The two sides got to know each other for a while, because one was the cousin of the owner of the paradise, and the other was the younger brother adopted by the owner of the paradise. Both of them met because of one person, and they got acquainted quickly.

Boys' friendship is very simple. As long as you don't hate them, you can become friends. A group of boys quickly chatted together and went shopping happily in the garden.

A group of boys strolled around, because goods were being unloaded in the northeast corner, in order not to hinder their work, they didn't stay in the northeast area for a long time, and went to play near Huanyu Pond.

While Yu Chang was getting along with the little brothers of the Chen family, another person came.

Those who came were Zhou Tianqing and Cao Qingyue, who were in the National People's Congress. Although they were not in the same grade, because they were in the same school in the same village, they might not meet each other often during the weekdays. They could play together on weekends, and even went home during winter and summer vacations Back to school, take care of each other.

In the past, Sister Le was studying abroad, and it was not easy for them to come to her villa to play during holidays. Now that Sister Le is in the capital, the two of them also come to Sister Le's villa to play.

The two girls entered the garden from the west gate, and were taken to the "Hanyuyuan" for accommodation.

Brother Fu took the two little girls to the guest house and settled them properly, and then sent them to meet the little brothers of the Chen family, and then waited at the west gate. The brothers of the Chen family and the girl from the Zhou family of Meicun arrived, but there were still three cases where the guests did not arrive. .

He waited for nearly an hour, and finally found another little guest—the little girl's half-brother Tang Yu'an, and finally found a land.

Tang Yu'an's Wang Ruixuan has grown into a 1.8-meter-long, well-proportioned young man. He has experienced catastrophe and several years of hard work, and participated in international competitions like the Olympics with his team. His vision and mood have been improved. Elevate, become calm and mature.

He participated in the Olympic Games with the team. Although he did not have an individual event, he performed well in the relay race of the team event. He was regarded by the school track and field team as the most powerful contender for the future track and field sprint champion, and he devoted himself to training him.

He took the subway from the school, transferred to the bus, and transferred a few buses, and found the paradise with his strength, carrying a backpack with double shoulder straps.

When the young man walked to the west gate and rang the doorbell, Brother Fu couldn't help but sigh when he saw the person: good bamboo shoots out of bad bamboo!
A woman surnamed Wang is not a thing, and Tan is not a good bird, but their son was born lucky, did not pick on their disadvantages, and grew into a good bamboo.

Although the little bamboo was almost broken, it was repaired by the little girl and trimmed to be straight. Looking at it now, he is a pretty good guy.

Brother Fu opened the door, and also sent Tang Yu'an to live in Haitang Courtyard, and then sent him to Chen Fengnian's youngsters to play with them.

The young men were all related to the little girl, and Brother Fu did not hide Tang Yu'an's identity.

Everyone knew who Tang Yu'an was, so they didn't make a big fuss. On the contrary, they knew that he was also studying at the National People's Congress. Zhou Tianqing and Cao Qingyue were surprised.

Wang Ruixuan didn't expect to meet a student from the same school in Lejia's sister's villa. After a short period of confusion, he stabilized again.

(End of this chapter)

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