magic eye doctor

Chapter 2474 Advancement at the same time

Chapter 2474 Advancement at the same time
The little girl suggested that the three of them should go up the steps at the same time, and the elder Lou was startled. Did the little girl want to help him and Mr. Cai to go up the steps?

Afraid of making a misunderstanding, he said frankly: "To tell you the truth, the old monk has also tried to hit the bottleneck, but he always has the intention but not enough power. It would be great if he could climb the steps at the same time as the old monk."

"It's not a lack of strength, it's a lack of spiritual energy. Now the earth is short of spiritual energy. The only places in our country that have enough spiritual energy for monks to build foundations are the secret places of Kunlun, Lianhua, and Penglai. The time for my paradise to be built is still short, and the gathered The aura is not enough for a monk to build a foundation."

Le Yun explained with a smile that there are several young people with good aptitude in the ancient cultivation world. It is not bad to judge the spiritual roots of young people by the standards of the immortal cultivation world. If the spiritual energy is sufficient, it is no problem to cultivate to the peak of attracting energy into the body before the age of 40 of.

Due to the lack of spiritual energy, those young people only maintained the early stage of Qi refining, and if there were no accidents, they could only follow in the footsteps of the older generation, and they could at most reach the late stage of Qi refining before the deadline.

Lou Lao Guanzhu and Master Xingyun also believed that the earth has been riddled with holes due to the development of energy sources, environmental pollution, and vegetation destruction. Where does the spiritual energy come from?

The two monks didn't say anything to express their gratitude. Instead of just saying nothing, it's better not to say it. They have received the little girl's help. If the little girl retreats or needs it in the future, they will try their best to take care of Lejia and paradise.

The two of them had no opinion on the date of customs clearance, any day is fine, because Mr. Cai will return to Bay Island on the 16th, and based on the principle that choosing a date is worse than hitting a date sooner rather than later, it is set at that night.

If you advance to the rank as soon as possible, you can also meditate in the paradise for a few days to consolidate your strength.

What's more, that day is the Double Ninth Day. Practitioners seek longevity and respect the elderly in the Double Ninth Festival. Naturally, it is best to advance to the rank on that day.

Student Le Xiao also has no objection, so I ask the two masters to help Mr. Cai, she seized the time to go into the kitchen to cook the medicinal soup for her breakthrough.

She originally wanted to take her younger brother to Chao's house for dinner in the evening, but she couldn't go because she wanted to help the monks advance, so she called Grandma Chao and explained the reason.

Lou Lao Guanzhu and Master Xingyun gladly accepted the little girl's entrustment to talk to Mr. Cai about the promotion matters, went to the upper room of the academy, met with Mr. Cai, and told them what the little girl wanted to help them and Mr. Cai. Let Mr. Cai make his own choice if he advances his cultivation level.

Mr. Cai was stunned by the sudden surprise gift package. The reason why the Zongmen asked him to lead the team was also because his time limit was approaching. He hoped that he would return to the mainland for a period of time to meditate, and he would be able to realize something and break through the bottleneck to advance to the next level. .

The flat forehead of Paradise Study is very magical. After a day of comprehension, he really felt a change in his mood and a little indescribable sense of wonder, but he knew that the comprehension was not enough for him to advance.

The little girl is willing to help, which is an opportunity that I dare not even think about.

Mr. Cai expressed his gratitude to the two monks who spoke for the little girl after being confused, and gladly accepted the little girl's kindness, and everything was arranged by the little girl.

The little girl confessed that if she was going to climb the steps, it was not suitable to eat. The old Guanzhu and Mr. Cai, the master of action, did not have dinner in the evening. They packed up a set of clean clothes and went to the east side of the "Mu Huan Fudi" more than an hour after the meal. ".

Le Yun set the lavender room as a secret room for monks to climb the steps, and gave each person a waterproof mat as a cushion.

The three monks didn't make a fuss, took off their shirts, and rushed up the stairs shirtless.

When they were ready, Le Yun let them each eat a broken-rank pill, drink two big bowls of medicinal soup, and unlock the sealed acupoints of Master Xingyun.

When they were meditating, she sat opposite to protect the Dharma for them.

The elixir and medicinal soup entered the stomach, and soon there was a strong air rushing through the meridians. Master Xingyun, Mr. Lou Lao Guanzhu, and Mr. Cai, who had been accumulating for a long time, were busy using their kung fu to bring the aura back to the dantian and refine it into reality. gas.

The power of the elixir washes over the whole body, making people's meridians continuously condense into spiritual energy. The process is also washing the meridian and cutting the marrow, and the impurities are forced to seep out from the pores.

Impurities that are forced out of the body are like a layer of oil applied to a person. The layer of oil accumulates thicker and thicker, and the turbid smell becomes stronger and stronger.

After about two hours, the impurities were almost removed, and the three monks had already rolled around in deodorant sludge, with a layer of greasy dirt on their bodies.

Master Xingyun's eyebrows are very long, and body dirt and impurities flow down from his forehead, wrapping his eyebrows in strips like icicles, and impurities and dirt drip down along the clustered eyebrows.

With that appearance, there is no holy image of an eminent monk.

Le Yun, who sat opposite to observe the results, looked at the three mud-smeared monks, and silently warned herself not to laugh. At the beginning, the day she opened the star core space, she went through two washings and marrow cuttings, and the dirt was so thick that it almost condensed. Unbreakable shell.

She felt that the smell of impurities discharged by the three monks was stronger.

The smell is as sour and refreshing as the smell of smelly feet and three-month-old feet and socks mixed with ten-year-old sauerkraut water.

Even if the smell is bad, it also smokes the eyes.

His eyes were uncomfortably smoked by the smell, Xiao Le opened the door silently and went to the kitchen, took a small incense burner, lit charcoal, put spices on it, and took it back to the lavender room.

The spices in the small incense burner burn incense, and the aroma dilutes the stench.

Master Xingyun, Mr. Lou Lao Guanzhu, and Mr. Cai did not know what they had become. They introduced the continuous spiritual energy in the meridians into the dantian for fusion. Induce true energy to run Zhou Tian.

Run for a week first, and then step up.

Master Xingyun was the first to rush up the steps. He used his true energy to hit the barrier again and again, and failed even after several attempts.

Xiao Le, who was watching the three of them all the time, observed that the action master was weak after several times of rushing up the steps. When he was ready to break through again, he shot a golden needle with his fingers.

The gold needle stuck in the master's eyebrow palace.

When the zhenqi accumulated by Master Xingyun hit the barrier, the golden needle pierced into the acupuncture point. With the help of the golden needle, the zhenqi transformed into a dragon. With a heavy impact, it smashed through the invisible barrier.

After Master Xingyun heard a sound of glass breaking, something collapsed in his brain, and his consciousness became clear, and he felt that the sky and the earth were wide in front of him.

Successful promotion!

Feeling a sudden enlightenment in front of his eyes, Master Xingyun knew that he had succeeded, and he didn't have time to distract himself and guide his true energy to run around the sky again.

Le Yun was not in a hurry to pull out the golden needle between Master Xingyun's eyebrows, and focused on the corridor leader and Mr. Cai.

Mr. Cai is the second time to climb the ladder. After he failed three times in a row, Le Xiao made a decisive move and bounced three gold needles in a row, one pierced the center of the eyebrows, and the other two pierced the two big chests on his chest. acupuncture points.

With the help of three gold needles, Mr. Cai also successfully broke through the shackles.

When Mr. Cai ran up the stairs for the second time, the corridor leader also officially ran up the stairs.

Le classmate only made a move when the corridor leader rushed up the stairs for the fifth time, and only gave him a needle in the middle of the brow.

With the help of others, the corridor leader also stepped into the ranks of foundation-building monks.

Because of the little Lolita protector, after the three monks were promoted, because of the lily needles to entrain the Qi, there were no spiritual fluctuations and momentum shocks, and the lavender room was calm and peaceful.

The three monks who were promoted one after another ran a big circle, and after confirming that the people around them were calm, they slowly opened their eyes.

Their eyes were blurred and their vision was blocked, but they couldn't see their current situation clearly and found the dirt on their bodies. The mood at that time was really indescribable.

The three monks basically stabilized the foundation, Le Xiao calmly reached out to pull out the needles for the three, took back the gold needles, wiped off the dirt, and soaked them in a sterile bottle.

"Congratulations to the three who have successfully advanced to the next stage. They still need to retreat for a few days to consolidate the foundation. The shower room is empty, and the three can do whatever they want."

Le Yun stuffed the sterilized bottle into the jade box, hugged it and ran away.

Master Xingyun, Lao Guanzhu, and Mr. Cai also knew that their appearance at this time was really not suitable for talking. When the little girl left the lavender room, they quickly wiped their feet with paper, wrapped a layer of paper as shoes, and flew away. Ben the shower.

The three monks wasted several handfuls of washing powder, and it took more than half an hour to successfully scrape off the dirt all over their bodies. After changing into clean clothes, they put the dirty clothes in garbage bags and sealed them, and then went back to the lavender room to clean themselves. When the waterproof paper of the cushion is also put away, seal it with a garbage bag.

They packed up the dirty clothes and mats, walked out of the Fu Huan Land lightly, walked through the garden to the guest courtyard on the west side, opened the door, and threw the garbage into the non-recyclable garbage bin beside the street.

After disposing of the garbage by himself, he returned to the academy in Paradise. Mr. Cai told the disciples in the pavilion not to disturb him. He went to the upper landlord's side room with Master Xingyun and Master Lou, and closed the door.

The disciples of the Mazu Pavilion saw Master Xingyun, the head of the corridor, and Elder Cai came back with calm faces, but they could obviously feel that they were in a light mood. They guessed that they might be promoted successfully, and they were very happy.

Elder Cai was going to retreat for a day or two, and the younger generation naturally knew the importance, fearing that it would affect the three retreat, they all went to the West Chamber to practice.

Even, in order for Elder Cai to meditate well, the disciples of Mazu Pavilion told Brother Fu the next morning that they don’t need to deliver their meals at noon, and they will pick up their meals by themselves and eat at "Meihua Xiaozhu".

The host and the guest are welcome, Fu Ge naturally has no objection,

Le Xiao gave the bathroom to the three monks. She returned to the bedroom, climbed back to the star core space, washed herself from head to toe, washed her clothes, and disinfected the used golden needles.

She packed it up, and then went to pick the medicinal materials wearing the stars and the moon, and did not leave the star core space until near dawn, and then dried the clothes outside the lavender to make breakfast.

My sister is busy, Le Shan is very obedient, and never disturbs her. Last night when he followed his little brother in Jiude Hall, he smelled a bad smell, so he didn't ask any questions curiously, and went to bed at that o'clock.

I met my sister the next morning, and I didn't ask a hundred thousand reasons. I ate the loving breakfast made by my sister, took the horse for a walk, and enjoyed the wonderful treatment of having my sister personally teach swordsmanship.

After Xuan Shao drank tea with Helian Qinghui, he waited for the next article. It took a long time to wait until the mid-morning of the 12th when Patriarch Helian contacted him and said that he was leaving for Beijing with monk Qiufeng Jianshang.

Patriarch Helian set off from Province H on the 6th. Normally, even if he stopped by Chishi to visit Cultivator Shang, three or four days at most would be enough, but it actually took five or six days.

Xuan Shao was quite curious about Patriarch Helian's Chishixing monk monk's recent situation. Patriarch Helian didn't mention Brother Shang on the phone, and he didn't ask, waiting for Patriarch Helian and Brother Shang to enter Beijing.

(End of this chapter)

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