magic eye doctor

Chapter 2483

Chapter 2483

The clan elders who need to get through the second channel or establish the foundation took longer to wash the tendons and cut the marrow, and their pain was stronger, and they suffered from the marrow washing for two minutes.

After washing the tendons and cutting the marrow, they first run a big cycle, adapt to the changes brought about by the marrow washing, and then advance to the next level. It took them more than an hour to complete the promotion.

The few people who successfully opened up Ren Du's second channel or established the foundation, wrapped their feet in plastic bags and wrapped themselves in waterproof pads as quilts to clean up the dirt.

After classmate Le helped several family members get promoted, he lit incense and put it in the Hall of Heroes to smoke the room, and went back to catch up on sleep by himself.

The few people who were promoted took care of themselves, cleaned their clothes, took mops and tools, and went to clean the road from the Hall of Heroes to the bathroom.

After making sure that there was no dirt in the main hall and on the road, several monks cleaned the mop, quietly returned to the upper room of the little girl's academy, and went to the side room to meditate behind closed doors.

The elders of the three families in the second group were meditating in the study room. When the elders of the Helian family, Xuanjia, and the Hua family were advanced and had opened up the second line, they could feel the changes in those people, and they were looking forward to the second group. sky.

Patriarch Ji and the others didn't eat anything for dinner the next day, so they went to the Hall of Heroes after 11:30.

Classmate Le did the same thing, washing the tendons and marrows of the elders of the three families, opening up the second channel, and helping them advance.

Xuanjia, Jijia and other advanced clan elders did not eat or drink in retreat for three or four days, and they all ended their retreat on the 28th.

Seeing that New Year's Day is approaching, the elders of several families packed their luggage in order not to cause trouble for the little girl, and set off early on the 29th to go home for the holiday.

The elders of the several families have gone back to their respective homes, and only a few disciples of the Guanyin Temple and the young master Wanqi are left in the paradise.

Le classmate was busy until the morning of the 31st to get some mechanical parts, tidy up the workshop, and went to find four handsome gardeners to see what they had prepared for the Gregorian New Year.

The little girl is going to celebrate New Year's Day in the paradise. Brother Fu, Brother Qian, Brother Chai, and Brother Jie are very happy. They have made preparations early and ordered chickens, ducks, sheep, suckling pigs, seafood and other ingredients from the residents of the mountainous area.

When the little girl was bubbling, the handsome guys had already marinated the chicken, duck, goat and suckling pig with seasoning, and were busy grinding konjac tofu.

The soil in the paradise is fertile, and it is good to grow any crops, and konjac grows fast. In November, when the weather is good, the harvest is quite good. More than 11 konjacs the size of a small washbasin were dug.

Some bowl-sized konjacs were planted in the mud again. The handsome man mailed a few of the big konjacs to Mrs. Wang and the Chao family, and the remaining dozen were placed in the cellar of the paradise.

The Gregorian calendar year is also the year. The handsome guys bought three big konjac from the cellar, mixed it with the medicinal soup and lime water made by the little girl, and happily ground the konjac tofu.

When Little Loli found the Wuwei Cupboard, the four disciples sent by the Guanyin Palace to help the little girl guard the pills in southern Xinjiang were at Konjac. They were in groups of two, one was in charge of grinding, and the other was in charge of adding lime seasoning water.

Brother Qian, Brother Jie, Brother Chai and the four were not idle either. They were making dumplings with noodles, and Grandma Yu was making fried fish balls.

Young Master Wantong went home in the morning, and he and his parents would go to Science and Technology to spend the Gregorian New Year with his grandma in the evening.

The handsome guys were so busy that they didn't need to do it themselves, and Xiao Le didn't go to join in the fun. He went back to the Dianmo studio in the east courtyard to listen to Mr. Li's class for his younger brother.

In winter, it is cold and freezing, and there is no heating in Dianmo Studio, so a charcoal basin is needed. The previous short desks have been replaced with tall ones, and a foot stove is placed under the desks to keep warm.

After the little girl went out, Mr. Li took over the education of the little junior, and arranged for Leshan to practice sword for one hour every morning, and to take cultural classes at other times.

Mr. Li, who was giving a lecture, didn't say hello when he saw the little girl sneaking into the study. After finishing a class, he sat next to the little junior's desk, warmed up with the little girl, and talked.

When Leshan found her sister coming in class, she was overjoyed and didn't do anything else. After class, she immediately threw herself into her arms and acted like a baby.

In the rest of the morning, Le spent the rest of the morning with his younger brother attending classes in Dianmo studio. In the afternoon, he sorted out the empty boxes after eating the medicinal food, and packed the luggage to bring home.

In the middle of the afternoon, she entered the kitchen in the inner courtyard of the east courtyard, warmed up whole lamb, chicken and duck, and sacrificed to the gods of heaven and earth, as well as the gate gods and guardian beast gods of the paradise in the evening.

The ingredients that have been sacrificed are all moved to the five-flavor cabinet for extra meals at night.

Yu Chang, Lu Ke, Xu Xiake and other big and small radish heads also have classes on the same day of the Gregorian calendar, and they don't have a holiday until after school in the evening.

The big and small radish heads rushed home, one after another, and all rushed back to the paradise before seven o'clock.

The paradise didn't have dinner until all the carrot heads, big and small, had returned home.

The children are very happy to be able to have a New Year’s meal with the young lady because the young lady is celebrating New Year’s Day in the capital,

Brother Chai, Brother Qian, Brother Fu, and Brother Jie went to the Paradise to work as errands, and it was also the first time that they had a festival with only their own people with the little girl, so they were so happy.

The disciples of the Guanyin Hall feel at home in Lejia, and there is no restraint.

The New Year's dinner is almost all medicinal food, and there is bamboo tube wine made by the little girl. Except for the little girl and a group of schoolchildren, Grandma Yu and the handsome guys all drank the wine.

For lunch in the new calendar year, the seats are bustlingly opened, and the seats are bustlingly dispersed.

Classmate Le Xiao gave the New Year's New Year's red envelopes to the big and small radish heads in advance on the evening of the Gregorian calendar, one for each person.

The big and small radish heads got the New Year's red envelopes from the young lady, and they kept holding them without letting go. Even when they slept, they were reluctant to press the bottom of the box, and directly pressed them under the pillows.

The old and new years of the new calendar alternate in the dead of night. When people wake up, they will usher in the first day of 2025 in the new calendar.

On the first day of the new calendar year, Yu Chang, Xu Xiake and other children all got up early. They got up in the morning, started running, finished morning exercises, ate breakfast, and reported to the East Campus with great excitement.

Classmate Le Xiao didn't talk nonsense, and taught the big and small radish heads the "spiritual ape thousand changes" agility.

There is a saying that "the plan of a year lies in spring". Spring is the first season of the four seasons and cannot be wasted, and New Year's Day is the first day of the new year, so something meaningful must be done.

In order to encourage students big and small to be good at teaching, Le classmate started to teach martial arts on the first day of New Year's Day.

A group of boys knew that the young lady was going to teach martial arts during breakfast, and they were so excited that they almost jumped up. When they were learning, they were very serious.

When classmate Le taught the turnip heads big and small to learn "The Thousand Changes of the Spirit Ape", it was the same as when he taught Luke. He played it once, and then dismantled the moves, teaching them one by one.

When Little Lolita was teaching martial arts to the big and small turnip heads, Chen Fengnian, Chen Zhaonian and their little friends also came to the paradise one after another.

Chen Xiaozhu also went to Paradise to celebrate the festival with Chen Fengnian, Zhou Tianqing and Cao Qingyue, they walked with Tang Yu'an on the same road.

Classmate Le taught the big and small radish heads to learn martial arts for two and a half hours, and then asked Luke to supervise the boys' practice, and also told the big and small radish heads that she would go back to her hometown in two days, and Luke would teach them Kung Fu during the winter vacation. , When she comes back in a few years, she will take the school test.

The big and small radishes nodded their heads like garlic, and no one objected to it. The young ladies said that Luke was more than enough to be their teacher, which showed that Luke must be able to trust that job.

When the boys were practicing, Luke supervised and observed, and if he found that any movement was not in place, he would help correct it, or practice it again as a demonstration movement for others.

Student Le stood aside and watched for a while, and handed over the work to Luke with great confidence. She went back to the bedroom, changed into a suit of clothes, tied her hair up, and drove a helicopter to the compound where Grandpa Chao lived.

The old couple of the Chao family, Chao San and his wife, and the beautiful boy of the Chao family were all at home. When Xiao Lele came, the old lady took the little guy and gave him a loving meal.

After getting close for a while, the old lady let him go.

The beautiful boy took his sister Ke Xiaoai's little paw and followed his parents and grandparents to the banquet.

Every New Year's Day, there will be various banquets in your circle, and this year is no exception.

This New Year's Day, there are as many as five marriages in your circle, among them is Deng Yuxuan, a beautiful boy and classmate.

Deng Yuxuan is one and a half years older than the two brothers of the Chao family and the Li family. He and a cousin of Xu Hopeful established a relationship in high school.

The couple went through a long-distance love race for several years, and they confirmed their relationship as a fiancé last year. They talked about marriage in the first half of the year, and decided to get married on New Year's Day.

There are as many as five families with the Deng surname in your circle, and there are several young people who are about the same age as Deng Yuxuan. There are several people with the characters "Yu" and "Xuan" in their names. In order not to confuse, Deng Yuxuan ranks first among the brothers of the same grandfather. Eight, known as Deng Bashao.

Deng Bashao's fiancée, a girl from Xu's family, also graduated from a prestigious school. The two have similar family backgrounds, both have received higher education, and they also have the same outstanding looks. They are truly a match.

Deng's family and Xu's family were also family friends, and the young people fell in love freely, not marrying for other purposes, and their relationship was closer.

The two selected a five-star mountain hotel to hold the wedding ceremony for the younger generation.

In order to attend Deng Yuxuan's wedding, the beautiful boy went to take the train after get off work yesterday, sat overnight on the train, and returned to the capital in the early morning.

The Chao family is also family friends with the Xu and Deng families, so Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao naturally also have to attend the ceremony.

So, the beautiful boy drove, carrying grandma and Xiaotuanzi, while Chao's father could only drive by himself. Fortunately, his wife couldn't bear him to drive alone and accompany him, otherwise he might be so wronged that he wanted to cry.

The hotel where Xu and Deng held their wedding is not very far from the compound where Mr. Chao lives, about 15 minutes by normal drive.

Afraid of traffic jams during holidays, the young and old members of the Chao family set off early and arrived at the hotel just after eleven o'clock.

Xu and Deng's family members have already greeted guests at the hotel, and almost three-fifths of the guests have come.

The bride and groom were not at the door because they were busy with the wedding ceremony.

Young people from Deng's family and Xu's family greeted the guests at the door, and when they saw Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao coming, they rushed forward to give them a hand.

When greeting Chao San and his wife, they saw Chao Shao and Chao's grandson. They were both surprised and happy, and immediately called Deng Yuxuan and the elders of Deng's Xu family.

When Deng Yuxuan got the phone call, he quickly put down what he was doing and ran to the hall.

He ran fast, ran into the hall, and intercepted Mr. Chao and his party before the elders at home.

Deng Yuxuan sincerely thanked Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao San Ye and Mrs. Chao San, greeted his younger brothers and sisters, and patted Chao's brother on the shoulder: "Xiao Chao, you are so loyal!"

"It's necessary, we're Fa Shao." The beautiful young man took Deng Bashao's shoulders and apologized in a low voice: "You got married too early and not too late, my sister's paradise is temporarily closed to the public, and I can't help you. "

"Look at what you're talking about. We know that Little Lolita's Paradise needs maintenance. I won't rent it out for a year or two. It's because I want to get married early. I agreed to get married this year in the first half of last year. If the Paradise is rented out, Can you and little loli let me rent it?"

Deng Yuxuan hooked Chao Shao's shoulder, and thumped him: "You came back from all the way and invited your sister to my wedding banquet, which makes me happier than anything else.

Chao Shao, you are so loyal, buddy, I must work harder and have a baby sooner, and when you get married, let my baby be your bouquet boy. "

"Old Deng, you wouldn't say that your daughter-in-law already has a baby in her belly, would you?" The beautiful boy had a shocked face, ouch, don't tell him that Mr. Deng married a girl from the Xu family with a son.

"Where are you going? The relationship between my wife and I is pure love. Except for holding hands and kissing little mouths, I didn't do anything else that shouldn't be done before marriage."

Deng Yuxuan was so angry that he almost wanted to beat Chao Shao, this guy has a smearing attitude, what does little loli think of him?

"Yeah, I can testify to this point, Senior Deng is still a virgin." Le Yun timely rescued Senior Deng.

It was fine if she didn't make a rescue, Deng Yuxuan's face turned red when he said that.

"Old Deng, are you shy? It's rare, you're getting shy slowly, I'll take my little cutie to meet your old man." Seeing Shao Deng blushing, the beautiful boy smiled flamboyantly, and led his younger sister to follow Parents' footsteps.

Deng Yuxuan was so angry that he rolled his eyes at Chao Shao, and was told by the little lolita that he was still a virgin, how could he not be ashamed?
He was ashamed, but he ran away in shame and anger, and hurried to catch up, and accompanied the Chao family members to meet their parents. After walking only a dozen steps, they met the grandfather and the elders who had heard the news.

Deng Bashao's daughter-in-law and Xu Hope are cousins ​​of the same grandfather. Xu Hope and his parents and elders are also busy greeting guests. Everyone, let's all go to greet Mr. Chao.

Seeing Mr. Chao, Mr. Deng was overjoyed, shook hands with Mr. Chao, and smiled from ear to ear to the charming little girl standing next to Brother Chao's brother: "Today in the hotel, I feel like I was in the hotel yesterday. The mood was even more surging, and Mo Ming was extremely happy. I couldn't think of the reason, but it turned out that at this moment, the little girl and Bo Geer came. Even more resplendent."

"Mr. Deng, is it good for you to always praise my children like this?" Mr. Deng, who has always been rigid, praised the stinky feet of his two brats, and Father Chao was ashamed when he heard it.

"I'm telling the truth, Chao San, get out of the way, and don't disturb my conversation with Brother Bo and the little girl."

Mr. Deng bluntly disliked Chao San, and instead invited Chao Mrs. Chao to sit down, and specially asked his grandson to accompany the younger brothers and sisters of the Chao family to the chairman's table.

Chao's father, who was disliked, was quite depressed. Where there was no Bo Geer and Xiao Lele present, he was a favorite, but where Xiao Lele and Bo Geer were present in person, he felt that in the eyes of some big bosses, he was far away. Shit is just one step away.

This comparison is a world of difference.

Chao Sanye was depressed for a few seconds, and he was resurrected with full blood. Brother Bo is his son, Xiao Tuanzi also belongs to his family, and the two children with radiant faces belong to his family. winner.

(End of this chapter)

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