magic eye doctor

Chapter 2486

Chapter 2486
There are many bigwigs in the noble circle, and some bigwigs didn't come in person, but were present by younger generations. In order to avoid offending any family, the host sits at a table not based on the status of the guests, but only on the distance of relatives.

In the wedding banquet held by the Deng and Xu families, the guests at the main table are all representatives of the bride's mother's family.

They are all their own people, so there is no such thing as neglecting or not neglecting. Deng Laoxu always brought his grandchildren to toast with his daughter-in-law, and they greeted people to continue eating.

Taking advantage of the fact that we have to eat quickly, after the newcomer finishes toasting, other guests will definitely come to toast to the newcomer. When the time comes to entertain guests, there is no time to eat more.

Le Xiao was fed by Mr. Xu, and he was already [-]% full, and ate a little bit, and stopped when he was [-]% full.

The wedding banquet jointly organized by the Deng and Xu families has more than 80 tables in total, and it takes at least one bell to make a round of toasting.

Classmate Le and others came back after toasting, and then resigned to the host.

She was going back, Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Chao and the beautiful boy would naturally go together. Young Master Liu heard that Little Lolita was going back to E North tomorrow, so he continued to be the bodyguard without hesitation, and also ran to tell Grandpa.

His grandson was going to do his duty by the little girl's side, and Mr. Liu was not surprised at all, so he told him to go to work quickly.

Mr. Xu and Mr. Deng also knew that the little girl's younger brother was in the capital, and her cousin went there to celebrate New Year's Day when he was on vacation. He didn't keep her, so he brought a few juniors and personally sent the young and old Chao family to the entrance of the hotel.

After seeing off the four members of the Chao family, young and old, and Young Master Liu, the members of the Xu family and the Deng family returned to the table and only continued to eat for a few minutes.

Liu Shao followed Xiao Luoli as a bodyguard, and he was very conscientious. He was responsible for being the driver and taking Mr. Chao and Mrs. Chao back to the compound.

There is Liu Shao acting as the driver, and the beautiful boy is also comfortable as an idler.

Le Xiao didn't play at Grandpa Chao's house anymore, and instead took a helicopter back to the park when he arrived at the compound.

Young Master Liu became a pilot again, and when he arrived at the Paradise, he switched to a transport plane and helicopter to return to the station, that is, to go back to pack his luggage, and by the way, he took the box that Little Lolita gave them food to return to Little Lolita.

Little Lolita will leave tomorrow, and Liu Shao returned to the station, first went to the Xiaoxingxing team to talk about little Lolita's going back to her hometown, and discussed that he would send Little Lolita back to E North first, and when the New Year was approaching, he Come back and change another shift.

The captain is on a mission, but Lan San, who is in charge of the little loli's affairs, is at the station, and the willow team crosses the team to fight for work. Lan San and his brothers almost want to smash his dog's head.

In the end, the wolves didn't hit Team Willow's dog's head, because Little Lolita went back to E North to discuss work with Shishi leaders, and Lan San went with Team Willow.

The wolves carried all the cages that had been emptied of ingredients onto the transport helicopter, and they also packed a New Year's gift to take to the little Lolita's house.

After going out for a trip and returning to another courtyard, student Le Xiao immediately went to the Five Flavors Cabinet.

The big and small radish heads learn martial arts in the morning and have a holiday in the afternoon. The boys and the young people who come to the paradise are making food with Brother Fu. The kitchen and the connected restaurant are very lively.

When Li Fengnian saw his cousin came back, like a monkey jumping up to the sky, he stalked to her side all of a sudden, acting coquettish and cute, got a pat on the head, and fled shyly with a red face.

Brother Fu, Brother Chai, and others, with the disciples of Guanyin Hall, and Grandma Yu, some are making barbecue meat on skewers, some are making pasta, and children, big and small, are also helping, and some of them are learning how to make flower cakes with Grandma Yu Dude, well done.

Feeling very relieved, student Le put on an apron, washed his hands, mixed several kinds of vegetables as paints, and personally went to the stage to teach the children how to make flower cakes.

Huabobo is one of the most famous noodle New Year's goods in the eastern province of S, which is famous for its green onions in the saying "You are not as tall as my onion".

2024 is the Year of the Dragon, and 2025 is the Year of the Snake.

At the beginning, Le Xiao made two flower cakes in the shape of dragon and snake. When the cake was steamed and cooked, it was so exquisite and beautiful that people were willing to touch it with a knife.

Not to mention a group of big and small radishes, even Grandma Yu who is good at making dim sum, and Brother Qian from S Dong who is famous for making flower cakes from his hometown, were dumbfounded.

The big and small radish heads surrounded the flower buns, took pictures, posted a circle, and turned around to the cousin/little sister/Sister Le, and she begged to make several more flower buns to make up the twelve zodiac signs.

The bear children are very well-behaved, and the little loli is willing to pamper them a little bit. As they wished, they made all the dough that was supposed to be baked into flowers.

The flower buns she made are not only beautiful in shape, but some are added with barbecued pork, sausage ham, steamed pork, and some are added with red bean paste, red dates, etc., with various flavors.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Huabobo is a bun with a beautiful decorative coat on the surface.

Several pots of flower cakes were steamed, and the big and small bear children each got a zodiac flower cake, and they were reluctant to eat it, so they had to keep it for appreciation.

In the evening, everyone had a barbecue together.

The barbecue ingredients are very rich. The staple food includes rice, flowers, and toast. You can choose whichever you want.

Chen Fengnian, Chen Zhaonian's little friends, Zhou Tianqing, Cao Qingyue, Chen Xiaozhu and others, because Le Jia's sister is approachable, kind and kind, without any psychological burden, they let themselves go and had a good time.

Even Wang Ruixuan, who was relatively restrained, lost his restraint and had a great meal.

A group of young people had a great time spending New Year's Day in the paradise.

The barbecue lasted for more than three minutes, and everyone was full.

The young people helped Brother Fu and the others pack up the place and barbecue tools, and instead of going to the living room, they just sat and chatted in the dining room.

As we talked, when we talked about the students from Fang County who had passed the capital exam, Chen Xiaozhu asked embarrassedly: "Sister Le, Wu Yaoguang, the liberal arts champion of the former No. [-] Middle School, is also at Beijing University. She and I can also play together. We have made an appointment." Let's go home together, Sister Le, when we have a long vacation in the future, Fengnian brother Zhou Tianqing and I can bring her with us when they come to your villa to play?"

"Wu Yaoguang's father is a director of the construction company that contracted the county's No. [-] Middle School project. He is a very nice person. Wu Yaoguang is also a very nice girl. I heard that she is caring but not a virgin. She is willing to come. When you come, bring her with you. on her."

Le Yun had a good impression of Director Wu, and Wu Yaoguang was among them when the college entrance examination went to Plum Village to give a thank-you gift, and her first impression of the girl from the Wu family was also quite good.

"Yeah." Chen Xiaozhu nodded as attentively as a chicken pecking at rice.

Several of the students who did well in the first two exams of Fangxian No. [-] Middle School chose schools in the capital, such as Qingda, Jingda, Renminda, and Hangda.

Zhou Tianqing and Cao Qingyue also know a few, and they don't have a deep friendship, so naturally they won't bring anyone to Sister Le's paradise.

Classmate Le and the bear children played until 10:30, and took his brother back to the east courtyard. He packed up the accompanying luggage for tomorrow before going to bed.

The disciples of Guanyin Temple meditated all night, got up early in the morning to wash themselves, folded the cold sleeping bags, packed them, and put them in the room next to the guard room where Young Master Yan lived.

They will go to Ebei with the little girl, and then return to Qiongdao with Elder Yi to celebrate the new year.

Their luggage is relatively simple, just a few sets of clothes and washing products, after finishing the luggage, they go to the five-flavor cupboard for dinner.

While the people in the paradise were eating, Young Master Liu and Lan San drove Little Lolita's transport helicopter to the compound where Mr. Chao lived, and picked up Mr. Chao's old lady and the beautiful boy.

The public institutions of the state department have a holiday for the New Year, but the government department also arranges people to work in shifts. The duty list of Shishi City's municipal department has been released.

The beautiful boy has to be on duty on the first day of the new year. If he returns to Beijing for the new year, he will definitely catch up with the shift on the first day of the new year. After a meeting of parents, the Chao family unanimously decided to go to Jiudao for the new year!

Lejia was unable to celebrate the Chinese New Year at home because little Lolita Le had studied abroad a few years ago. Mr. Yi Laoyan spent three years in Lejia in a row.

Xiao Lele is going back to his hometown ahead of schedule, Mr. and Mrs. Chao are fine in the capital, so they will take Xiao Lele's helicopter to E North first, and Chao's Sanjun and his wife will go there when they are on vacation.

The beautiful boy returned to Beijing to attend Deng Yuxuan's wedding, and he also hitched a ride back to the city.

Liu Shaolan picked up three members of the Chao family, young and old, and then went back to the paradise to pick up little Lolita.

They picked up the three members of the Chao family and went to the paradise. Everyone in the paradise also had breakfast. The disciples of the Guanyin Temple and the little lolita were moving the boxes of emptied ingredients from the east courtyard to the platform.

Le Shan couldn't help, so he stood guard at the door.

Young Master Liu's helicopter landed, and Lan San carried boxes to the helicopter.

After moving things, everyone carried their luggage and boarded the helicopter.

Student Le Xiao personally drove the helicopter and flew to Xuanyuan's home in Qin Province, where he unloaded empty boxes and brought some ingredients home.

The youth of the Xuan family and the Ji family who were stationed in the capital followed the clan elders to go home for New Year's Day. Xuan Shao and the family members prepared lunch and waited for Xiao Luoli and her party.

When the guests came, they entered the hall to drink tea, and the youths of the Xuan family helped to unload the empty boxes.

Classmate Le Xiao went to the Xuanjia warehouse to sort out the boxes of ingredients, and went to Xuanjia's backyard cave with Xuanjia's master Xuan Shao, and transferred some ingredients from the storage to be transported home.

There was a Xuanjia youth to help move things. She sat and chatted with the Xuanjia master for a while, and said that the top three people in the ancient repair party were pre-arranged to go to the Paradise in September, October, and November of the new calendar year.

Let’s talk about the official business first, and then talk about another private matter: "A few years ago, another secret realm was also opened. It is predicted that the secret realm formation may be stable within five or ten years. Xuan Shao has a chance. The elders of the clan can consider whether they are willing to let the genius of the Xuan family take risks."

"Little beauty, are you serious?" Xuan Shao was so excited that he almost jumped up, oh, who wouldn't want to learn something in the secret realm?
He thinks and thinks and thinks!Say important things three times

"The Xuan family has such a chance?" The head of the Xuan family and the two clan elders couldn't help but feel agitated.

"Xuan Shao and I hit it off, and their fates are also somewhat similar. The elders of my teacher said that the safety of taking him through the secret formation is as high as [-]%, but there is also a [-]% possibility of accidents."

Opportunities and dangers coexist, Le Yun said truthfully: "As long as you don't carry things that endanger the secret realm, there is not much danger in the process of going to and from the secret realm. I don't know if there is any danger, whether people will be damaged if they go there.

Outsiders entering the secret realm are equivalent to predators. In theory, they are forbidden by the rules to leave with a large amount of resources.

When I came back from the secret realm, I was also limited by the power of the rules. It is estimated that Xuan Shao can bring back fewer resources, and it is even possible that he can only consume consumable resources in the secret realm and cannot take them away at all. "

"It doesn't matter whether we can bring back the resources or not. Our Xuanjia will seriously consider what the little girl said. No matter what, I would like to thank the little girl for giving us the opportunity to Xuanjia."

Master Xuan suppressed the excitement in his heart, and sincerely thanked him.

The inheritance of the ancient sects and various aristocratic families has declined until now. It is estimated that in a hundred years, some sects or aristocratic family inheritances may be broken or lost because no one is willing to learn or has no conditions to learn.

If there is an opportunity to go to the secret realm to experience it, it will undoubtedly be a big pie from heaven for the Guxiu sect or family.

Those who go to the secret realm can increase their knowledge. If the time comes, they can accept apprentices or leave blood, so that the family or sect inheritance can be carried forward in another place.

The Xuan family is not a stubborn family. When they should stick to the rules, they stick to the rules.

If he has a chance, Patriarch Xuan will definitely choose to fight for it without hesitation. The ancients said that only those who dare to fight will win, and those who practice in pursuit of longevity are against the sky.

Because the person who had the chance was Chen Bei, and Patriarch Xuan also respected Chen Bei's opinion, Xiao Chenbei was willing to go, he supported it, and if he didn't want to go, naturally he would never force it.

The two clan elders who accompanied the head of the family to entertain the little girl were excited and unable to restrain themselves, and thanked them again and again. The little girl gave them such a great opportunity for the Xuanyuan family, which also represented her great trust in the Xuan family. Everyone is impressed by Wu.

Xuan Shao was so excited that he chased after the little loli and asked, "Little beauty, is there anyone else who has the same chance as me? It would be even better if there is a companion."

"Yes." Le Yun smiled and Mimi gave an affirmative answer.

"Who is it? Ji Shao, Hua Shao, Zhou Shao, Jiang Shao, Xin Shao, the brat from the Tantai family, or Ren Shaowu, Duan Shaofeng, which one of them?"

Xuan Shao was so happy that his whole face was glowing, wow, there are still people who have a chance, it couldn't be more wonderful to have a companion to go with the little beauty to explore the secret realm!

The little girl said that there is still someone who has a chance, the head of the Xuan family and the clan elders were also very surprised and listened attentively.

"Neither. Those few also had a chance, not in the secret realm I mentioned. Only you and Handsome Yan have a chance in this secret realm."

Le Yun looked at Xuan Shao with a bright smile: "Although Handsome Yan sometimes deserves a beating, he has a good life, and so do you. The two of you have more opportunities than those young talents like Jiang Shaohua."

"It's Young Master Yan? Young Master Yan seems to have a little opinion of me, but this does not prevent me from going on an adventure with him and entering the secret realm. If there is a chance, I must fight him freely."

The juniors in my family wanted to fight with their companions before they went, so Patriarch Xuan slapped him unhappily: "There are signs of internal strife before you go, you want to be a professional swindler who hinders little girls. "

"?" Xuan Shao was taken aback by the photograph, how could he have internal strife?
(End of this chapter)

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