magic eye doctor

Chapter 2488 come to the door

Chapter 2488 come to the door
Xuan Shao watched the process of little loli recognizing her junior, and couldn't help feeling the child's good luck. That child must have accumulated merits for several lifetimes, so he was so lucky in this life.

He also sighed, there is no such thing as jealousy, and he himself is very honored that he was born at the right time to have the opportunity to follow her to the secret realm to gain experience.

Le Xiaoluoli drank the junior brother's tea, sat for a while, and went to sort out the supplies.

The three handsome guys from the Xuan family helped to remove the rope and took out the items. Daoist Yu put them where he said.

Xuanjiaji's family sent a batch of New Year's goods to Daoist Yu in mid-December, and the room where the goods were stored was piled up against the wall. In addition to the newly arrived supplies, it was full everywhere.

The little girl was so kind to him, Yu Hui was so excited, he dragged the little girl and babbled, fried a few catties of the new pine trees he had picked, and gave them to the little girl and the handsome Xuan family as snacks.

Classmate Le Xiao and the handsome Xuanjia stayed on the mountain for one night, and then went down the mountain in a leisurely manner after having breakfast the next day.

Yu Hun took Tao Shenzhi to see off the little girls and the youths of the Xuan family. Anyway, Tao Shenzhi wanted to practice easily, and he went down the mountain and then went up the mountain to practice kung fu.

Because they were not in a hurry, everyone went down the mountain slowly, admiring the scenery while walking, and when they were almost at the foot of the mountain, the helicopter that picked up the little girl also arrived.

Lan San and Liu Shao drove the helicopter to the foot of Zhongnan Mountain to pick up little Lolita. They arrived in Jiudao after half an afternoon yesterday, stayed overnight at Le's house, and rushed to Qin Province to pick up little Lolita in the morning.

They also carried a beautiful boy.

Anyway, there was nothing important, Le classmate simply used the helicopter to transport the three handsome guys from the Xuan family to the vicinity of Xuan's home, and then turned back to E North.

Xuan Shao walked back to the family with two personal guards, said something to the elders, and went to practice. The elders of the Xuan family also patiently waited for the family meeting to be held on behalf of the Hui people from each branch before the year.

When returning to E North, Liu Shao drove the helicopter directly to the construction site of the Huang family's old residence in Shishi, and stopped at the square in front of the Huang family's ancestral hall.

The ancestral hall of Huang’s family and the houses of Huang’s old house were demolished, and the part with well and small garden in the inner courtyard of Huang’s old house remained as it was. In the future, it will be secluded as a green garden area, and the flowers and wells are preserved. A scene in the garden.

Because the compensation for the demolition was immediately available, the neighbors around the old Huang's house also moved out as quickly as possible, and the surrounding houses were also almost discounted.

The little girl circled it as a private house in a certain research base area. At present, there are still three or a few houses that have not moved, and they are also scheduled to move before the end of the year, and will go to their new home for the New Year.

The beautiful boy often goes to the construction site to track the progress. He is familiar with the construction site. He got off the helicopter and went to the temporary management office of the construction site. He took hard hats for his little cutie and two handsome guys, and brought them into the construction site.

He Dong returned to the capital on New Year's Day. There were construction company supervisors and management personnel on the construction site. Knowing that Miss Le was here, the management bosses and supervisors all went to welcome the little girl and accompanied her to tour the construction site.

There is no holiday on the construction site on New Year’s Day, and workers are working overtime. There is a team on the construction site that is demolishing the old house foundations. Some workers are cleaning up materials, and one area is already digging foundations.

The temperature in North E is milder than that in the north, and the workers wear labor protection gloves when working, so their hands won't get cold.

At present, the workers on the construction site are all male workers, and they are working hard.

When the workers saw the leaders of the construction site accompanying Comrade Xiaochao and Miss Lejia to inspect the construction site, they all took the initiative to say hello. Chao".

The beautiful boy took the little paw of his little cute sister and walked all the way to greet the workers friendly, inspected the interior, and walked around the area to be demolished.

After wandering around, it was noon.

At noon, Loli Le and handsome brother Lan and handsome Liu were invited to have dinner at the construction site.

The food on the construction site is not bad, every meal has meat, at least one meat and one vegetable, usually one soup, one meat and two vegetables, and there is enough oil and water.

After lunch, Le classmate also went to the kitchen on the construction site to check the sanitation situation and was quite satisfied. There are cleaners on the construction site, who clean the kitchen in time after each meal, and there is also a special storage area for ingredients.

The kitchen is clean and hygienic, the ingredients are safe, and the health of workers is also guaranteed.

In the afternoon, Le went to the demolition area that was designated as her private workshop or headquarters. Most of the residents in that area also vacated their houses. Only a few of them were still in the process of relocation, and they could vacate their houses by the end of the year at the latest. .

After turning around, little Lolita sent the beauty's brother back to the government employee's residence in Shishi, and she and Lan Sanliu went back to Jiudao.

Lan San and Liu Shao thought that little Lolita might have a meeting with the leaders of Shishi, but they didn't expect that she would leave all the work of communicating with local officials to her brother, and she happily became the shopkeeper.

The helicopter returned to Jiudao, stopped in the rice fields behind the village, and the three of them walked back to the village.

When Mr. Chao and Mrs. Chao arrived at Le's house, they were in a happy mood. When Xiaotuanzi came back, he immediately grabbed him and rubbed him.

"Little Tuanzi, I heard that there was a blizzard in the capital this morning. Did you predict that there would be bad weather, so you ran away early yesterday?"

Mrs. Chao kneaded the small dumplings as flour dumplings. She and the old man received a call from Ah Fu at noon, saying that the weather suddenly changed in the middle of the morning, and it was raining and snowing, making it extremely inconvenient to travel.

Le Yun grinned: "Grandma Chao, you just need to know."

"Ah, that's really the case. You, a little weather forecaster, didn't disclose any information in advance. You really did a good job of keeping secrets." Mrs. Chao smiled brightly.

Mr. Chao also rubbed Xiaotuanzi's hair, and withdrew his hand with a smile.

"Little girl, take a look at the weather here to see if there has been any snowstorm recently." Ant Lao hurriedly answered the call. He and the young people from the Zongmen will also return to Qiongdao. Change, they also had better leave as soon as possible.

"My house is affected by the cold air in the north, and there may be heavy snow in seven or eight days." Le Yun didn't hide her specialty of being able to see the clouds and know the weather.

"Oh, then let's stop procrastinating and leave as soon as possible the day after tomorrow." Mr. Ant made a decisive decision.

Li Zhao and his nephews had no objection.

Mr. Ant was going home, and Le's father Zhou Qiufeng didn't say anything about waiting for a few days. On the 4th, he packed up some gifts, and in the afternoon he boiled water and killed two fat pigs, one of which was brought back by Mr. Ant as a New Year's gift.

Guanyin Temple also raises pigs, chickens and ducks, and there is nothing missing. The annual gift from Lejia is the heart of Lejia, and the meaning is different.

Le had a lot of family members, so his own people killed the pigs without asking the neighbors for help.

The middle-aged Meicun came back from the construction site in southern Xinjiang. When he returned home, he was busy plowing the fields, clearing the weeds and weeds in the mountains and forests, or collecting firewood.

Brother Zhou, Liu Lu and the others knew that Xiao Lele was back, so they went to Le's house on the night of the 3rd.

On the morning of the 5th, Le and his younger brother sent Mr. Yi and the young people from the Guanyin Temple back to Qiongdao, and arrived at the Guanyin Temple after two o'clock.

Head Li led some elders and disciples to welcome the little Patriarch of the Le family. The elders in the hall were so happy to see little Leshan and snatched him away.

Le Shan didn't remember all the elders, but the elders would call themselves, so he just yelled "a few uncles and uncles", and whoever hugged him would lean in and kiss the elders on the face.

The elders of the Guanyin Hall were so excited by the little baby, they all scrambled to hold the little baby, so that the group of senior brothers and sisters in Xiao Leshan didn't even have a chance to get close to the little boy.

Brothers who don't have a chance to hug the cute baby, they only have to bring gifts.

Little Lolita can't often send her younger brother to Qiongdao to receive Zongmen education. She also prepared generous gifts for the Guanyin Temple. She gave sixty boxes of medicinal food, ten altars of pure truffle sauce, one hundred bottles of truffle beef chili sauce, two Ten altars of Chongyang wine brought back from Dongchen.

Watching the rituals is important, the elders of the Guanyin Temple saw that the little girl came to the door every time she prepared generous gifts, which shows the respect for the Guanyin Temple, and the heart is very comforting.

Although it was the end of the year and the sea was too windy to go out to sea, the elders of the Guanyin Temple still kept the little girl to play in the Guanyin Temple for a few days.

Kindness is hard to come by, Le Xiao stayed as a guest, and he did not forget to take his younger brother to the beach to practice swords. Practicing swords against the sea breeze will help improve arm and wrist strength, as well as body balance.

Little Lolita played in Guanyin Temple for five days and left on the 11th.

She brought a bunch of gifts when she went, and brought back a lot of gifts when she returned. The elders of the Guanyin Hall knew that the little girl had a box that could keep fresh, so they bought [-] local three-yellow chickens, slaughtered them, and brought them back to her. Everything else is seafood.

The Avalokitesvara Hall almost emptied out of the fresh food that was prepared for the New Year and was expensive in the market, and stuffed it all into the little girl's helicopter.

Little Lolita came back with a full load, and Liu Shaolansan, who was a porter, helped move things and moved them.

The little girl sent the Guanyin Temple disciples back to Qiongdao, and Mr. Yan took care of them at Lejia. When the little girl came back, he also returned to Province A the next day.

The handsome guy Lan San drove a helicopter to send Yan Lao, and Le Jia also sent a New Year's gift to Yan Lao's family, and also brought back a bunch of gifts when he returned.

The second day Yanlao returned home, that is, the Monday of the first week in mid-January, the weather and temperature in most parts of E Province dropped sharply, and heavy snow fell in the northern mountainous areas one after another.

Jiudao is adjacent to Shennong Mountain. Whenever it snows in the alpine mountainous area, Jiudao must also snow. Naturally, it is also taken care of by the heavy snow.

The weather is bad, so you can no longer go to work in the fields or on the mountains, the villager Mao Dong.

It was also because it was mid-December, and the villagers who were idle also started to kill the New Year pigs.

Ms. Zhou Ge and Ms. Li have an appointment with her natal family. They will go back to her natal family to celebrate the New Year this year. The Zhou family does not kill pigs.

In Plum Village or the surrounding villages, those who went to the construction site in southern Xinjiang united to give New Year pork to Lejia. Just two days after the sudden change in weather, workers from more than a dozen villages gave New Year gifts to Lejia.

Lejia refused to accept it even if they wanted to, they dropped their things and ran away on a motorcycle.

You can't return the kindness that others gave you, and Le Xiao didn't do that, so he accepted it with a smile, and put it in a special fresh-keeping box first, and then made the medicinal food after the new year.

The snow fell intermittently for three days and did not stop until Thursday.

On the second day after the snow stopped, Zhou Chunmei and her mother quietly went back to Mei Village and went to Lejia to find the girl from Lejia.

Liu Tong and Zhou Chunmei probably didn't read the almanac when they went out, or they were really unlucky, so the mother and daughter came to Lejia just as Village Chief Zhou was also in Lejia.

In Liu Town, a neighboring town, there is a remote village that is relatively close to Zhu County and is also the poorest in the town. Several families have also gone to work in the southern Xinjiang desert, including the son of the village head.

Because the villagers in the small village are not from Jiudao Township, they do not work in the same group as the villagers in Jiudao Township. I didn’t know that the workers in each village in Jiudao Township gave New Year’s gifts to Le’s family. Lejia sent a leg of pork as a thank you gift.

The people's congress from the neighboring town came all the way to give the girl Lejia a thank you gift, and they were also interested in it. Village Chief Zhou led the way to Lejia.

Mrs. Chao and his wife invited the guests to sit down, and Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, went to pour tea and get dried fruits.

Village head Zhou sat down with the guests and didn't finish a cup of tea. Aunt Liu also came to Le's family with her natal younger brother who was giving the Le family a New Year's gift.

The village head who came from afar was able to sit still only after seeing other people who came to give New Year's gifts together, otherwise, he really didn't feel at ease.

Sister-in-law Liu has always been straightforward, Zhou Qiufeng left their siblings to sit, and she has nothing to do at home, so she warms up at Le's house and eats sunflower seeds.

Several people chatted around the quilt stove in the main room of Lejia, and heard the barking of the big wolf dog who followed the Lejia siblings to play on the third floor of the south building.

The big wolf dog was barking in the south building, Zhou Qiufeng thought there was something under the south building, went out to look, and when he reached the ground, he saw two people walking towards his house from the village road.

The person who came was wearing a red velvet coat and a scarf, and most of his face was covered. Zhou Qiufeng didn't recognize him for a while, because sometimes people would go to Liu's house from Le's house, and she didn't recognize anyone. call.

Liu Tong and Zhou Chunmei entered the village quietly, but were not recognized by anyone, so they felt relatively stable. When they got near the building of Lejia, they heard the barking of dogs, and they felt a little flustered.

When I found that the wolf dog was on the third floor south of Lejia, I felt at ease again.

Zhou Chunmei saw her mother looking at her and then turned around and walked in, thinking that her aunt recognized her and pretended not to know her, so she called anxiously, "Gu-"

Liu Tong also thought that Zhou Qiufeng was pretending not to know their mother and daughter, and also hurriedly called out: "Qiufeng—"

Turning to Zhou Qiufeng, who was walking towards the main room, he heard the female voice calling "Gu", but he didn't react, and he didn't stop until he heard Liu Tong's voice, and he turned his head to look in surprise.

When calling for someone, Liu Tong and Zhou Chunmei also pulled off their scarves to reveal their faces.

Zhou Chunmei had scars on her face, and she wore makeup. Makeup could cover up the color of her skin, but it couldn't fill the scars. There were several potholes on her exposed face.

Turning around to see her ex-sister-in-law and Zhou Chunmei, Zhou Qiufeng was stunned, not knowing what to say, when the Village Chief Zhou in the hall heard Liu Tong's voice, he was already furious.

Village Chief Zhou, who was full of anger all at once, stood up awkwardly, took out his mobile phone to find the number of his nephew Zhou Xialong, strode out, and shouted as he walked: "Liu Tong, Zhou Chunmei, you two shameless things, what are you doing?" Dare to come to Plum Village to shame people! Qiufeng, don't let the messy things come in and step on the dirty ground."

The head of Zhou village was very angry, and the head of a certain village was bluffed a lot.

Mr. Chao didn't know who was coming, but Village Chief Zhou called the person's name, knew it well, and calmly comforted the guest: "It's okay, it's a small matter, and Village Chief Zhou can take care of it."

A certain village head: "..." It doesn't seem like a trivial matter.

(End of this chapter)

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