magic eye doctor

Chapter 2524

Chapter 2524

The old lady Baoyin didn't know what gift her natal niece and grandniece had prepared beforehand, so she was also quite frightened at the moment, but fortunately she was steady and didn't show any flaws.

Even the Lejian Lekangfu people are as stable as Mount Tai because the old mother is an insider.

The meeting gift from Mrs. Baoyin's natal family was very precious, and it also surprised the young and old of the Le family, and felt very honored.

The tradition of the Le family has always been that no matter which branch of their sons and daughters-in-law's natal family or grandparents' guests come to Le's, they will be regarded as honored guests by Le's, which is the way of hospitality.

Before Mrs. Baoyin's natal family went to their house, they gave gifts first, which meant that their branches and Mrs. Baoyin's children and grandchildren were regarded as one family.

The respected members of the Le clan, old and young, were elated.

The steps of the large-scale recognition of relatives are over, and we can chat freely.

Classmate Le sent out a bunch of presents, including snuff bottles, bracelets, and longevity locks, and then carried them to the helicopter and threw them. She brought her younger brother to play with the children.

The little loli who is clearly an adult, because she is not old, mixes with the big and small children, and is more like a child than a child, so that a group of children "dotes on her" especially, and anyone who has something delicious will give it to her first, and even Leshan has to be ranked second one.

When the sky was overwhelmed, Le classmate smiled and asked: "Have you finished your summer homework yet?"

That sentence was like a north wind blowing, and the air suddenly became quiet.

Those who didn't finish their summer homework or finished it soon calmed down from the fear of being dominated by homework, and the children who didn't finish their summer homework screamed sadly.

"Ah, I still haven't written half of my Chinese homework."

"I still lack the summer observation diary."

"I haven't finished my math homework."

"I still haven't done half of my English books."


The wailing sounded one after another, and each one was more miserable than the other.

The children howled non-stop, Le Shan smiled so much that his mouth almost reached the back of his ears, who is this, he didn't cry even if he didn't have summer vacation, why are they howling? !
After giving the children a hard time, Le Yun acted like a good old man again: "Have you brought your homework with you? Bring it and let's do homework together."

"Thinking of homework, I can't play happily anymore."

The baby with homework grumbled unwillingly, got up reluctantly, and ran to find homework.

Several children from the herdsmen's family and the children from the Le family went back to get their homework, grimaced, and struggled hard with the homework.

Le classmate is very happy, wandering here and there to have a look, seeing the little guys who wished to be able to shake the world before, scratching their heads and ears by their homework, the mood is even more beautiful.

Let’s just say, there’s no such thing as a brat that homework can’t cure!No matter how much energy the brat has, give him a bunch of homework and make sure he is obedient.

Those who have homework are buried in their homework, and those who have no homework are eating snacks, not to mention how happy they are.

The adults hadn't heard the noise of the children for a long time, it was very strange, worried that the naughty children would act as monsters, so they went to watch quietly.

Then I saw a very beautiful scene: some children were sitting and nibbling black melon seeds, eating milk lumps and drinking milk tea, smiling happily and contentedly;

That picture, don't be too beautiful.

Those who ran to peek quietly slipped away.

Le Yunduo hugged two watermelons and wanted to feed his little cousin and the children, so he searched around to find a place, and looked at the little cousin who was supervising the children's homework, and didn't know what to say.

The children who were doing their homework saw her, cheered and threw away their homework, and surrounded her.

Le Yunduo walked to the crowd of children, put down the watermelon, took a waist knife and cut it open, giving everyone a small piece.

Then, he asked with a smile, "Why are you so hardworking all of a sudden, writing all your homework?"

Children who are forced to work hard: "..." They don't want to work hard!

The children who didn’t want to work hard, but had to work hard all of a sudden, glanced at the beautiful Aunt Le/Biao Aunt, didn’t speak, and sighed silently, alas, who is Aunt Le Jia/Aunt Le Biao, she looks so beautiful, She told me to do my homework, so I had to listen.

The children who had resigned themselves to their fate, after eating the watermelon, quickly went to do their homework.

Le Yunduo poked the little cousin's little head: "What did the little cousin do, it feels like the little guys are afraid of you?"

"No, the little guys obviously like me, so I said that if there are unfinished homework, they should hurry up and write it, and they went to get the homework. They are all good children who love to study."

Le Yun firmly denied that the children were afraid of her, and explained the reason with a smile.

Le Yunduo understood, ignored the children, went back to the tent, and told the old people about the fact that the little cousin took the children to do homework.

The children who are busy with homework, work hard, write everything they will, and ask the seniors or Aunt Le/cousin if they can't.

When the sun went down, the children stopped work and still went to Lejia, had dinner, and then went to a tent in Lejia to do their homework.

Classmate Le went to help with homework again. After waiting for a few hours for the little ones to scribble and write, almost everyone finished their homework, and even if there were leftovers, there were not many.

The herdsmen's children didn't go home either, so they slept together in Lejia. The boys slept in a tent, and the girls slept in a tent. Lejia also arranged for several adults to take care of them.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng didn't go to sleep on the helicopter at night, but slept in a tent with his cousins.

Le Yun took her younger brother to sleep in a big tent with her aunts and older women. Before going to bed, she quietly sprinkled some medicinal powder on the tent area, so that men, women and children fell asleep soon after lying down.

Le and the others were all asleep, walked out of the tent, took out the man-made mobile cave, put it on the ground, and got in.

She checked that there were no safety hazards, and did not close the gate of the man-made cave. She took out the lamp holder with the night pearl and erected it in the cave, and then mentioned Luo San to search for the soul.

People can search for souls when they are awake and asleep. Le Yun didn't wake Luo San up, and directly invaded Luo San's brain with his spiritual consciousness, and read his memory.

Luo San looks like a middle-aged man, but he is actually an old man in his 90s. He has lived for so many years, experienced a lot, and his memory is messed up.

Le Yun first read some of his memories of the past year, and then searched through the events he remembered more deeply in the past few years at a speed like a horse watching flowers.

Luo San's surname is true, he is the third disciple accepted by his master, he is called Luo San in the Poison Sect according to order, he is an inner disciple, an elder-level steward, and an active figure outside, he has participated in several ancient repair party.

Of course, he went to the Guxiu party in another capacity.

He has contact with the ancient martial arts sect and monks, and Luo San has collected a lot of information about the ancient cultivators, and there are also some information about the disciples of the Poison Sect.

Ai Ming has a higher status in the Poison Sect, he knows/has seen more core members of the Poison Sect, and Luo San also knows some, but even if he uses the soul search technique to learn the names of some Poison Sect disciples from them, it is useful Not too much, after all, those people have changed their appearances when they go out, maybe there are some of them among the friends of the ancient Xiu sect or the family of practice.

Unless Le Yun himself saw those people and could see their essence through their disguise technique, he could tell that they were Poison Sect disciples.

Of course, a little clue is better than no clue at all. At least Ai Ming and Luo San met with a few core disciples of the Human Poison Sect, and wrote down the outline, figure, and voice of the people in their memory. Maybe they will meet in the future. Similar people, compared and compared, can also find out one or two disciples of the Poison Sect.

Even if people change their appearance or wear a human skin mask, as long as they don't practice bone shrinking skills, their body shape can't be changed. When they have time, they can draw the portraits of those people, so that Xuanjia can secretly pay attention to the people in the world, and compare them It may be rewarding to speculate on suspicious characters based on their height and outline.

Le Yun mainly suspects that a certain soul has other distractions attached to the important figures of the Poison Sect and is active outside, otherwise, there is no need to spend a lot of time screening the Poison Sect disciples.

Originally, she wanted to read three parts of Luo's memory first, find out how he was in contact with Mrs. Zhen, and then throw him aside first, and wait for her to search for Mrs. Zhen's soul again.

Because Luo San also had contact with some core members of the Poison Sect, Le Yun arranged for Mrs. Zhen to search for souls tomorrow night, and check all of Luo San's memories first.

Luo San is an active disciple of the Poison Sect. The affairs in his memory are cumbersome and detailed, and things are so chaotic. It takes a lot of time to find out which ones are useful and which ones are useless from his memory.

It took her nearly seven hours to rummage through Luo San's memories from childhood to being captured by mistake, completed the soul search, threw him aside, and gave some life-saving medicine to a group of captives who were thrown in the man-made mansion .

Feeding medicine can only save people's lives, and it is impossible to heal people's injuries, and it will not wake them up or keep them in a coma.

Putting away the man-made cave, Le Yun sprinkled a lot of medicine in various places, and then went back to the tent. After a while, dawn broke, and she quietly took her younger brother to practice on the grassland.

People from Le Jiayun's generation and tree generation, some are working outside, some have jobs, and because of the [-]th birthday of their ancestors/great-uncles, they deliberately asked for leave to come back to Zhangluo, but they can't delay too much at home. They have to go back to work on the same day, tomorrow To go to work normally.

The young people of Lejia worked together to cook a sumptuous breakfast, then pulled up the tents, packed their belongings and loaded them into the carts, and the women also packed their luggage and stuff, and loaded them into the carts or tied them to the horses.

The men and women spent more than an hour tidying up the tent and the fire pit for the old grandmother to celebrate her birthday, and tidying up the surrounding area.

The children and grandchildren of Mrs. Baoyin who had returned from abroad packed up their belongings and were ready to leave, and the fellow Le family also packed up their things and were about to go back. The in-laws who stayed for one night bid farewell together.

Many in-laws come with their daughter-in-law or son-in-law, and they naturally go with their daughter-in-law/son-in-law when they leave.

This time, let's not send you off and I will send you off, and say goodbye together. The old lady Baoyin brought the children and grandchildren who were grazing in her hometown to send off the guests and send off the children.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng took his children to see off with his aunt.

(End of this chapter)

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